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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 52

by Piquette Fontaine

  “Yes... Yes... Yes...” he stammered, shivering, as the pleasure grew to its apex. Then, the ecstasy surged through him, and he hurried to grip the back of her skull, and hold her pressed down firmly against his pelvis. His entire body clenched and held firmly up against her, his flesh quivering as he tried to resist giving in to eruption. He held, and held, and his body ran with orgasm, yet he somehow managed to avoid filling her mouth with sperm.

  At last, after several drawn out moments, he withdrew from between her lips, sighing contentedly, yet already readying himself for more. He brought Lyn's face up to his own, and the two of them kissed softly on the mouth, tongues entwining, saliva continuing to pour down along her face, onto her bare breasts.

  He guided her down onto the surface of the mattress with his hands, and slid her gently out of her panties, ready to at last consummate their months long relationship.

  Lyn stiffened, bracing herself as she felt Ulysses' weight coming down on top of her, crushing her yet again. Then he began to slide up inside her, his tip pushing her open and then driving along deep into her body. Her eyes went wide as he penetrated her, and her hands closed around his naked shoulders like a vice, her legs, in turn, folding around his bare buttocks. Lubricated with her saliva, his shaft came all the way up into her, touching down deep between her legs, and leaving her reeling with desire. She'd never before been stretched out in this way, and had only ever imagined such pleasure up to now.

  Now that it was finally happening, the sweetness, the sheer pleasure of it, was nearly too much for her to endure...

  He held himself in this manner for several seconds, stuffed all the way inside, her limbs tied around him in knots as she struggled to contain him. Then, once he was sure she could handle him, he reared back, and drove himself deep up inside her once more. She screamed, and quivered with pleasure at the friction of their rubbing genitals. He began to thrust, to pull himself back nearly to the point of extrication, then to ram himself up hard inside her yet again, over and over, the pleasure dizzying as it rose to its apex, making her scream.

  “Oh God! Oh yes! Please! Please! Please!”

  Harder, deeper, faster he penetrated her, the bed slamming against the wall with each passing collision of flesh with flesh, her body ringing, the sensations quickly becoming almost too much for her to withstand.

  At last, after several excruciating moments of their bodies surging toward the edge, he drilled himself all the way up into her one final time, and held himself forced impossibly deep up inside her.

  More tightly than ever her limbs seized up around him, her nails sinking into the flesh of his shoulders, her thighs pressing hard into his buttocks, the pleasure raging through her overwrought body. He let out a vicious, agonized roar as he came up inside her, the restraint of having waited to ejaculate now paying off in a very big way. Pulse after pulse of his hot, abundant semen poured into her flesh, dousing the floral folds with his essence, and overwhelming her entirely.

  An intense, all-consuming orgasm coursed through her body like a raging wildfire, radiating through her pelvis and outward, through her twitching, quivering limbs. She clenched up tightly up against Ulysses' body, and took in a massive breath as the ecstasy flowed through her form, robbing her of all thought, all instinct, save for that of maximizing the same pleasure now coursing through her like a drug. At last, just when she thought she could no longer take it, the sensations suddenly dissipated, vanishing from her body with a tremendous shiver, and leaving her sprawled out and exhausted across the surface of the bed.

  Gently Ulysses extricated himself from her, his sudden absence from her body making her feel suddenly very empty. He gazed down at her for a moment, in order to ensure she was okay. When she appeared to be alright, he slowly leaned down and began to kiss her sweaty, naked body, continuing to ravish her exhausted form as she looked up at the ceiling.

  The sensation of his lips on her flesh felt so pure, so wonderful, and succeeded perfectly in guiding her gently back down from the utmost heights of pleasure.

  She knew, as she lay there in the afterglow of their consummation, precisely what she needed to do, and that she was crazy not to have known it all along...


  Something was wrong.

  That much, Ulysses knew, was beyond any kind of doubt.

  Lyn had seemed so distant, so out of touch with him, in a way that he'd never known of her previously. The experience of making love together for the first time should reasonably have given way to an intimacy unlike any they'd shared, yet he couldn't get past the feeling that her mind was elsewhere, miles away from the physical pleasure they'd shared.

  And so it was that, one night as he came yet again to Lyn's hut to speak with her about what was going on, and caught sight of her sneaking out into the forest beneath the cover of darkness, he couldn't resist the temptation to follow her, and find out what was going on.

  He crept behind her at a safe distance, careful not to alert her to his presence. He followed her along for what felt like ages, tracking her by scent, his anxiety growing about what may be going on as they progressed deeper into the heart of the forest.

  Finally, she came to a rest at a gently flowing stream, and what he saw waiting for her there positively astonished him.

  A man stepped out from the clearing, darkened by shadow, but his appearance and scent unmistakable to Ulysses at a single glance.

  “You're here,” he was saying to Lyn, reaching out a hand to the side of her face. Ulysses had to fight against the urge to lunge out and attack him for this, but Lyn, thankfully, recoiled from him, rejecting his advances. “What's the matter?” the man said. “I'm so happy to see you... I've been coming here every night this week, waiting for your return.”

  “I'm sorry,” she said feebly. “I should have come here sooner. I need to come clean with you...”

  There was a brief pause.

  “Oh?” the man said, prodding her, when it became clear that she wasn't about to continue without his insistence.

  She sighed. “What we shared here, on that day... It was a mistake.”

  The man shook his head. “Not to me,” he said, without skipping a beat.

  “I don't mean it like that. Maybe, in another lifetime, under different circumstances...”

  He looked at her. “What are you saying?”

  “Gylvan, I... I don't know how to say this... But I'm engaged to someone. I have been for several months now. It was wrong for me to go as far with you as I did, and I'm sorry for playing with your emotions.”

  He peered intently into her, his eyes glistening in the darkness. He seemed upset at receiving this news, but it was obvious, behind his eyes, that he was still looking for a way to turn things around, to convince her she was making a mistake.

  “You obviously felt something,” he said. “Or maybe you're unhappy in your current relationship, or... Something... For you to share as much of yourself with me as you did.”

  “I won't deny that,” she said, her eyes now seeming to well up with tears. “Not that I'm unhappy, but just that I'm... Unsure, about certain things. Seeing you, and knowing what you were, it was so amazing to me. You were... Literally, the man of my dreams... And it was like I'd suddenly found the answer I was looking for in life. But then, just in time, I realized I was really just making a mistake. That what I had with my fiance was too precious just to throw away like I was about to, on some fantastical whim.”

  “It wasn't a whim,” Gylvan insisted. “Lyn, please, listen to me. You and I... I really believe, with all my heart, that we were mean to be together. A wise healer from my village, she predicted this. That a woman unlike any I'd ever met before would come into my life, and would help save my people from its demise. Please, Lyn... You need to understand just how much I need you...”

  It was obvious that he was beginning to get to her. He was reaching out a hand to touch her, placing it on her shoulder, and she was staring up at him with her wide, fawn-like eyes, clearly tryi
ng to allow herself to put faith in his words.

  And it was at this point that Ulysses could no longer bear to let this scene unfold...

  “Get your hand off of her!” he roared, stomping out from the cover of the bushes, his nostrils flaring with sheer, unbridled rage. Gylvan and Lyn both turned to him, alarmed. Lyn cried out, clearly afraid at having been caught in the middle of this rendezvous, but Gylvan's expression instantly shifted to one of fury.


  Even in the darkness, and at this distance, the identity of this intruder was unmistakable. He looked precisely as he did that night before, standing over him, ready to slay him prior to the call of retreat from his fellow Kirin...

  “Ulysses, please... This isn't... I don't know what you heard, but...”

  But Ulysses was trundling forward now, shooting toward the two of them like a bullet, causing Lyn's heart to skip a beat. Instinctively she clutched at Gylvan for protection, but before she could wrap her arms around him, he, too, was bolting forward, preparing to strike.

  And then Lyn's mouth fell wide open.

  Without warning, both men were vanishing, tearing through their clothing, and turning into monsters. Gylvan, of course, she'd known about from that previous evening, but she'd had no idea about Ulysses. She nearly fainted at the sight of his massive, furry body, his hooves as they beat along through the air, propelling him forward, the long, deadly horns erupting from the top of his elongated skull...

  Their loud roars echoed across the forest, and their bodies collided with a chilling smash of flesh against flesh. Immediately they began to claw, to bite, to attack one another, their serpentine bodies writhing around through the air in a wild jumble of limbs.

  “Gylvan! Ulysses! Please, no!” she was screaming toward the sky, but she could already tell it would be of little avail.

  Already they were disappearing out of range, moving further and further upward into the night sky. Fire poured from their vicious jaws, orange and blue streams flashing across the air and colliding between the two of them. The intense white flash that resulted lit up the forest below, casting long black shadows across the undergrowth, and causing Lyn's eyes to grow wide with terror.

  This time, both men knew, it was personal. This time it would be a fight to the death, a grudge match to determine the hand of the beautiful young woman watching them from the ground below.

  They held their streams of flame as powerfully as they could, the light pressing back and forth along a spectrum as Gylvan overpowered his foe in one moment, followed by Ulysses, and so on and so on. Ulysses, at this moment, was the most full of rage, having experienced such a cruel betrayal on the part of the woman he loved. It became obvious to Gylvan as he pushed back against him that the severity of his rage would prove difficult to overcome, and sooner or later the point would come where his own efforts became exhausted, while Ulysses was given the opportunity to prevail.

  And then, that moment came.

  Gylvan lost the energy to sustain the stream of fire, and had to withdraw from the attack, in order to catch his breath and recuperate. Immediately upon closing his jaws he dashed off to one side, hoping he might be fast enough to avoid being burned by Ulysses' flame. This much, at least, he managed, but no sooner had he leapt to one side than the kirin warrior came lunging forward, horns first, ramming the wyvern viciously in its side.

  Gylvan let out a roar of tremendous pain as Ulysses hurled him across the sky, blood pouring instantly from the wound, and Gylvan's skull remaining pressed resolutely against his side. Gylvan reflexively began to thrash his tail mightily through the air, trying to dislodge him from the wound, but Ulysses remained resolute and unwavering, unwilling to let up no matter how hard his prey struggled.

  So focused he was, however, on slaughtering the wyvern, that he remained distracted as Gylvan opened his mouth wide, and in a last ditch effort, sent a ball of fire pouring through the air, directly toward Ulysses body.

  The sound of a terrible roar filled the air, accompanied by the scent of burning hair as Ulysses' main went up in torrents of red heat. He pulled his horns from Gylvan's bloody side, and began to twist wildly around through the air, trying to figure out a way of extinguishing himself as the pain coursed through him.


  Down came Gylvan's tail, knocking him from the sky in his state of distraction. He plummeted toward the earth, his flaming body twisting through the air like a ragdoll.

  Lyn's wide eyes followed him as he tumbled downward, following a trajectory toward a point several hundred feet along up the stream by which she stood. She ran toward the spot, her lungs on fire as she moved, her mind racing in terror.

  His body hit the water with a loud splash, extinguishing the flames, and he shrank down once again, nearly unconscious, into his human form.

  “Ulysses!” she cried, still some distance away. Gylvan swooped down before she could get there, shifting back from his human form as he plunged into the water next to the spot where Ulysses was stumbling to his feet. He delivered a mighty blow to the side of the kirin's face, knocking him backward, but not over all the way onto his back. Ulysses roared with anger and lunged toward him in retaliation, locking his arms around him.

  Lyn watched, horrified, astonished, and ashamedly, a little bit aroused, as the two men's naked, muscular bodies twisted around in a struggle to the death, each of them doing everything in their power to defeat the other, but Gylvan, at the moment, clearly possessing the upper hand.

  He caught Ulysses off guard with a devastating left hook, knocking him back down once again beneath the surface of the water. Ulysses struggled to upright himself, but instantly Gylvan was bearing down on him once again, submerging him and holding him captive beneath the water line. Ulysses limbs flailed, and he fought violently for life, but there seemed to be no fighting back against Gylvan's mighty wrath.

  It was only by Lyn's presence that he was spared an instant, merciless death.

  “Stop it! Gylvan, please!”

  “This man tried to kill me, Lyn! Our people have been at odds with one another for centuries, and if I let him go now you can bet your life he'll slaughter me the moment my back is turned!”

  “If you kill him, you and I will never be together! Let him go, right now!” She stepped into the stream, drenching herself in the cold water beneath the light of the full moon.

  Gylvan paused, watching her, his muscles tense as he continued to hold Ulysses down beneath the water. He considered her, seeming to think about the implications of what she was saying. It took him a moment, but slowly he let up, rightly fearing that if he moved too quickly Ulysses would retaliate.

  Sure enough, once Gylvan's hands were free from around his neck, the kirin was lashing out from the water, swinging a fist through the air and trying to deck him in the eye. Gylvan grabbed the hurled fist and held him in place in midair, at with point Ulysses swung his other arm forward as well, determined, one way or another, to knock his lights out.

  “Both of you! Stop it, right now! I need to say something!”

  Ulysses looked over at her from the corner of his eye, as though only just now recognizing her presence. He turned back toward Gylvan shortly after, not yet heeding her words, and held steadily pressed against him until at last both men's strength became exhausted. Mutually drained, they separated at last with a loud gasp, then turned slowly toward Lyn, casting suspicious glances at one another as they turned, until at last their attention seemed to be fully on the woman addressing them.

  Lyn stood staring at them, panting nervously, a little bit surprised to have actually gotten their attention. She looked back and forth between the two of them, trying to figure out how she was meant to turn her thoughts into words. Finally, she turned to Ulysses, deciding that she would likely have the best luck with him first.

  “Why didn't you ever tell me the truth about yourself? About what you were?”

  He stood there looking at her, his naked body dripping with water, his chest stil
l heaving from the intensity of the struggle. There was sadness in his eyes, regret at having exposed himself to her in this way.

  “I... I didn't think you would understand... Or accept me... Lyn, you need to believe me, I... I love you so much. I would never want to hurt you, but... I was afraid, once you knew the truth that... That you wouldn't want to be with me. And I just couldn't accept that... I really believe that you and I were meant to be together, and compromising that future was just too much for me to bear.”

  “So you thought you would lie to me, conceal the truth for the rest of our lives together, and just hope the issue never came up?”

  “I'm sorry...” he said, and quickly Gylvan was chiming in from the side.


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