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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 63

by Piquette Fontaine

  And finally, when I thought I could no longer stand it, I collapsed on the bed, still trembling with aftershock as he pulled himself out of me, then pulled my body into his, kissing me and loving me, ravishing me like this for hours on end.

  Talk about one hell of an education...

  Chapter 5

  My days, from here on out, felt more like dreams than they did reality. That first night, I'd come home around two in the morning, and Rob hadn't suspected a thing in the world. In fact, he'd already been asleep for a good four hours when I crept into our bedroom, and though I felt certain he would find traces of Dan on me, or at the very least ask me where the hell I'd been, nothing of the sort took place in the least.

  I was completely in the clear...

  If there had been a moment, a single point in time where I suddenly realized the error of my ways and repented, vowing never to do what I'd just done again, to remain forever faithful to the man I'd married, it would have been immediately after I stepped back out of the bedroom, and peeked in at my sleeping daughter, my little angel...

  And yes, there was a stab of guilt at this point- I'm not a damn sociopath, after all...

  How could I do this to her, I suddenly found myself asking? How could I risk screwing up her life by cheating on her father? And with her damn elementary school teacher, no less, someone she trusts? This is the type of thing that can royally screw over a kid's perception of the world for the rest of their lives if they find out... And God, oh God... How the hell could I?

  It was only a moment however, and it passed quickly enough. It moved from intense guilt to rationalization in the blink of an eye, and it didn't seem at all difficult to justify my actions to myself.

  And who, exactly, says she has to find out? This has nothing to do with her. This is about me and her father, and really more with me than everything. I have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about.

  I can't say I really believed this with one hundred percent conviction, but it was enough to keep me going, and as easily as that I found myself closing her bedroom door, and slipping into bed beside my unsuspecting husband.

  Most nights, from then on out, it was Dan's bed that I found myself looking forward to slipping into... We saw one another often, sometimes as frequently as five nights a damn week. It was easy enough to fake an excuse to my husband, saying I had to keep working late, and him buying my lie, hook, line, and sinker, even despite the fact that my “late work nights” tended to keep me for unrealistic hours, frequently until two or three in the morning.

  And then there were the weekends- God, how I loved these. I would drop Emily off at a friend's house for a play date, and Rob would be out doing his own thing, and I would be free to spend the entire day fucking with Emily's teacher, the two of us sweating the sheets and loving one another in ways that were as beautiful as they were profane, each one like some religious experience, as he explored my body and I his, and we invariably came up gasping and trembling, blown away by the things we ended up discovering.

  God, what a wonderful man...

  Even beyond a sexual level, I found myself becoming hugely enamored with his personality. As mentioned, Rob and I had been drifting apart for some time when all this had started, and it felt as wonderful to be making such a personal, romantic connection with a man as it did a sexual one.

  He told me stories of how he used to travel a lot before he started teaching, about being in the Peace Corps and seeing the world. He was hardly old, but it seemed like he'd lived such a full life already, and it brought up a number of uncomfortable questions about my own life as a result, or at least in my own mind it did. What the hell had I been doing with myself all these years?

  I'd been so preoccupied right out of the gates with getting married and having a kid that I'd forgotten to live otherwise, and now I was stuck at a mindless dead-end job that I couldn't seem to derive an ounce of pleasure from.

  In some ways, it seemed too late to get too adventurous at this point in my life.

  At least I could live vicariously through this favorite teacher of mine, Mr. Fellows. He could sure as hell show me a thing or two about life...

  And honestly, I think something about Dan's age was a major factor in why I felt so deeply connected with him. He was just so mature, and made me feel safe when I was in his arms, which is something I can't say I ever fully had with Rob. But the thing is, Dan actually took chances in his life, and was adventurous, and so it seemed so strange that that could somehow make me feel more secure, despite it being tenuous and, in some ways, even dangerous.

  But, I wasn't about to start questioning any of this, really. I wanted it to last, and I didn't want to ruin it by thinking harder than I should have about the whole situation.

  As far as I was concerned, those few weeks were the happiest of my life, or at the very least the happiest I'd experienced in a long, long time. Happier than my honeymoon, even. Despite the wholly unlikely odds, I somehow felt as though I was precisely where I wanted to be.

  But then, without warning, something started to change.

  Or maybe there was a warning, and I just didn't manage to pick up on it. I'm not really sure, even in hind sight...

  But, after a while, maybe a month or so of all this happening, a certain sort of distance began to take shape between Dan and I, or at least on Dan's part. I couldn't really figure out what it was- guilt, I ventured a guess- but it wasn't anything like the distance between Rob and I. It was completely understandable, I thought, if guilt had something to do with it, but I didn't dare ask him aloud if that was, in fact, the case. I didn't want to tear open some unpleasant wounds by discussing what was on both of our minds, wounds that might not ever stop bleeding if they were messed with. But you can believe it really bothered the hell out of me all the same.

  Then, finally, without a trace, it seemed that Dan and I were no longer a thing. I'd texted him, and he hadn't replied, and then he never did reply, even though I sent a series of follow-up texts with increasing desperation.

  After a while, though, I stopped sending him messages. I was no crazy psycho of a woman, and as excruciatingly it hurt me, as deeply enraged as I may have been at him, I knew when to quit.

  This couldn't have gone on forever.

  My days returned to normal, and it was everything I could do to keep from bursting out crying at the drop of a hat, feeling as hopeless as I ever did, and wishing, as much as I'd enjoyed it all, that I'd never started the damn affair with him to begin with.

  For three weeks it went on like this, without a word from his end.

  And then, completely unexpected, I heard from him out of the blue.

  I'd since deleted his number in my phone, thinking that seeing it there would only tempt me into trying to contact him again, so the message came up without a name. “Please come over. We need to talk, if that's alright.”

  Oh God...

  I was pissed off at hell at him for a fraction of a second when I read this, but it instantly vaporized into a naïve sense of hope, a happy anxiety, and I knew, for the life of me, that I could not allow myself to fuck up whatever the hell this was this time around.

  I made a point of preparing myself as adequately as I could manage, even stopping by the mall the day the two of us were set to meet to by a sexy new set of lingerie- a black bra and panties, full of sheer patches that left little to nothing to one's imagination. I looked damn fine in the things, which was good because I was going to need all the confidence for this meeting that I could possibly get...

  Now, it was technically true that I had no clue for certain whether this meeting with Dan was going to turn out to be the sexy, steamy rendezvous that I had in mind for it- that was just pure assumption on my part. I acknowledged to myself that it might not be, but whatever the case was, I felt I needed to be as ready for it as I could.

  At any rate, I felt vastly in over my head as I sat in my parked car outside his home that evening after work, waiting with anticipation, holding my breath a
nd considering making a U-turn and heading back in the direction of home.

  But at the same time, I knew full well that if I didn't go through with this I would only regret it, and whatever the results of this rendezvous were, I needed to make myself go through with it.

  I knocked on his front door.

  He opened it wide, and I practically felt the breath drain out of me entirely, as I stared for the first time in forever into his eyes, nervous and trembling, but attempting not to become too overwhelmed.

  “Dan... It's been a while,” I said after what seemed an interminable silence, and he smiled at me.

  “I'm so, so sorry for things coming to such an abrupt stop before... Please, come in, and I'll explain... There are some things we really need to talk through...”

  I stepped inside, smiling, ready for the chat that would, hopefully, get the two of us back on track as far as our extramarital relationship was concerned.

  But then, almost immediately after the front door was closed, I caught sight of Rob sitting on the sofa, right in the middle of Dan's living room, and my brain went spinning wildly, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

  “Oh my God... Rob... I... What the hell-?”

  Dan, thankfully, calmed me down, although at this point I was so scared shitless about what was happening that I felt as though I was hyperventilating.

  He explained calmly, “I was enjoying what you and I had together... More, really, than I've enjoyed being with anyone, in a long, long time... But, after a while, well... I started to feel guilty about what we were doing. It just seemed so wrong... Your daughter was in my class, and I was threatening to wreck her parents' marriage... I didn't want to get into a big scene about it or anything, and the only thing I could think to do that seemed even semi-decent was to sort of phase things out... I know it wasn't really fair of me, but...

  “Well, anyway... That went on for a while, and even though I still couldn't really get over you that easily, I thought it was over. I could go on, at least as much as I could. But then, I would keep seeing your daughter in class, and it would make me feel so terrible... I knew I shouldn't have, that I should have just let sleeping dogs lie, but... Well, I just felt like I had to be honest, to tell Rob here what we'd been doing, and straighten this out once and for all. Only, when I told him... His reaction wasn't at all what I might have expected it to be...”

  At this point, I turned instinctively to my husband, who was smiling at me more devilishly than ever. He stood up from the couch, walking up toward me in a fashion that I had to admit felt just the least bit menacing, but I tried the best I could not to be intimidated.

  “At first, I was pretty hurt that you would betray me like that... But, at the same time, the more I thought about it, the less angry I got... You and I got married young, before we'd really matured and knew what we wanted with certain things in our lives. And as far as I'm concerned, I still wouldn't trade our marriage for the world, but I can definitely understand the urge to want to... Experiment... Try new things now and then... Hell, I can't say I haven't had the same feelings myself... My only real disappointment is that you never thought to include me you at all in your little fun...”

  And then, he did something that astounded me, and which set the scene for the remainder of the long, steamy evening ahead of us...

  My husband walked right past me, much to my surprise, and put his lips onto Dan's. My jaw nearly hit the damn floor, as Dan leaned down into him and the two men in my life shared an open mouthed kiss, pushing their tongues into one another, and Dan reaching down to Rob's crotch, squeezing hard on what was clearly a boner, until at last Dan was left groaning, shivering, and the two men pushed themselves apart again.

  And suddenly, I was wet as hell...

  The men stared into one another's eyes, gasping and panting, and then turned to me smiling more severely than ever, taking my own breath away.

  “I can really see why you chose Dan here, of all people... He's been one hell of a teacher... He's shown me a lot about myself that I might never have known otherwise. He's just so worldly and experienced... He actually wondered if you and I might be interested in taking a little bit of a coed class with him together... Open enrollment starts today, if you think you might be up for it...”

  And now, I was far, far wetter than hell...

  My new bra and panties, which I'd purchased with the notion of doing a cute little striptease for Dan in his bed, did me very little good in my present circumstances. They frankly didn't stand a chance between the ravenous appetites of these two swollen studs, as they sank their claws beneath the fabric and peeled me down to my burning, naked bodies, ravishing me with love and so many kisses I thought I might die, whisking me through the house with their two swinging dicks slapping against me with every step they took, and shutting us inside the steam filled bathroom.

  Once again, I was in Dan's shower, but this time it was two men who pressed themselves up against me, the three of us rubbing around one another's wet bodies as we twisted and writhed into a number of positions in the cramped little shower stall. They had their lips all over me, sucking on my nipples, kissing my neck and my lips, smacking wet pecks onto my ass and taking turns sucking on my pussy. I thought I might come close to passing out between these two dirty sexpots' imaginative efforts, and my disbelief that this was even happening made me feel dizzy with delight.

  And it wasn't just me they played with, either. Frequently, I caught them pushing their hands between my legs with the express goal of seizing and playing with one another's long, hard cocks, jerking one another off, and just to mess with them as they did so I would close my legs like a vice around their dicks, squeezing tightly, giggling as they retaliated by sticking their fingers up inside me.

  At one point, Dan pushed his entire weight up against my body, forcing me up against Rob and pinning both of us up against the wall of the shower, as behind me Dan grabbed his mature cock up and down between the wet, shampoo slathered cheeks of my ass, getting me worked up like hell.

  Finally, Rob and Dan started kissing again, much to my delight. And it was at this sublime point that I squatted down onto my knees and began to deep throat both men, slathering their cocks with spit and alternating between downing either one of them as far as I could, choking myself on their immensities, struggling to breathe in the steamy, stifling air, but loving the whole ordeal more and more as the moments rolled along.

  The water began to get cold, and the two men pulled themselves apart, staring down at me as I continued to suck them off, and grinning as they surely considered all the things they would be doing to me in just a matter of moments.

  The two men dried me off with a tenderness was almost romantic, if the circumstances had been different and I didn't already have an inkling of the sweet, sweet brutality that was about to be in store for me...

  Soon, I was being carried by both of them into Dan's room, almost in the style of being carried to a marital bed on one's honeymoon, and they sat me down on the mattress, body still damp with perspiration as I awaited what wonderful things they might be about to have in store for me. It was strange, I felt almost like a patient in a hospital or something, my body being manhandled and instructed to wait by passively as they decided what they would do to me next. And to be honest, that strange notion turned me on like hell... I reached between my legs accordingly, rubbing my pussy and limbering myself up as I watched the two naked men with their long erections whispering into one another's ears, discussing what their strategy for boning me should be, whether they should take turns and in what order, I assumed.

  And then I saw Dan pulling out a condom, much to my consternation and confusion. Maybe I was underestimating the extent to which this thing would go, but up to this point Dan and I had never used protection in the past- I was on birth control, and Dan was completely clean, with me being his only other sex partner at the point in time of our affair. So the fact of him putting a rubber on now of all times seemed confusing t
o me.

  At any rate, as I watched him put it on, it was my husband, not Dan, who came climbing up onto me, backwards from the direction that I might have imagined him doing so. He dipped his head between my thighs, and I opened my mouth to receive him in turn, as we arranged our bodies into a sixty-nining configuration.

  I opened wide, and he slid his cock into the tight, wet crook of my throat, and I suddenly felt the shock of sensation from my pussy as he began to munch on my cunt in turn. I moaned past the obstacle of his erection as he ate me, loving the hell out of this, and not bothering to wonder where exactly this might all be heading.

  After a few minutes, however, Dan added his weight to the bed, and the mystery of the condom was suddenly and erotically revealed. I hadn't been expecting it at all, but Dan was climbing up onto Rob right over my face, pushing his condom-clad cock into my husband's butthole, sliding himself inside, and making my eyes grow wide as the churning of dick into anus took place directly in my field of vision.

  And good God, was it beautiful...

  It turned me on like hell to suddenly discover that my husband was full on bisexual, not just experimental as he'd claimed, and I savored the collision of their bodies as they fucked right on top of me. Their scrotums rattled around crazily, pelvis smashing into ass and Dan's fingers sinking into Rob's flesh, as all the while Rob moaned crazily with pleasure, the sensation of him licking me down below intensifying to an extent that I could hardly stand with the extra visual stimulation of these two going at it anally.


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