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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 90

by Piquette Fontaine

  Justin smiled at her reaction, and crept back up onto the bed with her. He moved slowly, like an animal stalking its prey. She thought he was just about ready to lower himself down onto her, when at the last minute she felt his hands gripping her tightly, flipping her over onto her stomach. She shrieked as her body bounced atop the surface of the mattress, yet loved being manhandled this way- in addition to, apparently, being taken so roughly from behind...

  He lifted her up onto all fours like an animal, and mounted her, lining up their warm, wet, heaving bodies. Her mind reeled as she struggled to think of how she could possibly fit that much man into her. But before she could figure it out, she felt the heat of his engorged, chocolate tip being pushed into her, and knew that she was simply going to have to do her damnedest to contain his immensity.

  She cried aloud as he stretched her out, sliding his long, black cock up inside her, filling her to capacity, and filling her full of yet another round of intense, mind-blowing sensations.

  At last, when she thought she could handle no more of him, he touched down deep, deep inside her. Her fingers clenched up a handfuls of the sheets as he pressed down inside her, her toes curled in agony, and her shoulder shook violently as she waited for him to tear into her.

  Slowly, very slowly, he pulled back out of her, savoring the heat of her pussy as he moved in and out. Then, once he'd nearly extricated himself, he pushed his way back down deep inside, filling her up once more.

  He proceeded to tear into her, quickly escalating from gentility to a demonstration of his unrestrained lust for her. He hurled his body in and out, in and out of her own, smashing his weight repeatedly into her. Thrusting, humping, fucking, smashing her to bits. She began to scream as his ebony flesh pounded mercilessly into her own white skin, their bodies grinding together, colliding violently, sensations blossoming larger and larger with every passing clash of anatomies.

  Harder, harder, deeper, deeper he fucked her, pounding her like there was no tomorrow. He grabbed vicious handfuls of her ass, holding onto her for dear life, spanking her occasionally, and making her savor the waves of pain as they washed up over her.

  “Oh God, fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed, as their wet throbbing genitals smashed repeatedly together, KLAP! KLAP! KLAP! KLAP! KLAP!

  And at last, with one more brutal, intense blow, he hurled every ounce of his weight into her, and held himself down deep within her. She cried out as he began to fill him to the brim with sperm, ejaculating into her folds, pouring himself into her with such thickness and abundance that he spilled out of her onto the bed.

  An orgasm even more intense than the first began to course through her in waves, lighting her nerves on fire, making her head spin as the world seemed to vanish around her. Her toes curled, her buttocks clenched, and she let out a terrible cry as he filled her to the brim with pleasure.

  And at last, at long, long last, the sensations ebbed away, and she collapsed, trembling, onto the surface of the bed. He slowly pulled out of her, grunting as he removed himself from her folds. He pulled her up into his arms, their wet, sweat-soaked bodies melting together, the thrill of the afterglow brining a smile to both their lips.

  Chapter 3

  As she'd somehow intuited, Amy's connection to Justin went far beyond just the sexual. She had to admit, even she hadn't counted out the possibility that her attraction to the man had been brought on by shock at first. But now she felt confident that there was so much more to it all than that, and that what she felt for Justin was genuine, and in fact stronger than anything she'd ever before felt for a man in the past. He'd entered into her life at precisely the right moment, saved her in more ways than one, and there was simply no denying the love she now felt for him.

  She'd called things off with Steve after that first night spent with Justin, and it had gone just about as unwell as she might have expected. As calm as she'd forced herself to be after Steve's infidelity, Steve had proven himself unwilling to display any similar collectedness of demeanor in response to her leaving him. Rather, he'd yelled and cursed, before breaking down into tears and begging her, once more, not to leave him. It honestly was difficult for Amy. Up until the point she'd met Justin, she really had been willing to make an effort to try and make things work in spite of the circumstances. Steve had played a major role in her life up to that point- had asked her to marry him, for crying out loud. She knew how very much she was walking away from, and what a mistake it might be if she changed her mind about it at some point down the road.

  However, in the end, it felt to her like the only option. Things with Steve simply didn't feel like they could be repaired at this point, and her need to be with Justin was too great for her to bother wasting time on what she knew to be a lost cause.

  “I'm sorry,” she'd said earnestly, as she handed Steve back his engagement ring, then turned to walk out the door one last time.

  She'd moved in with Justin, having nowhere else to go, and the two of them into what basically amounted to the honeymoon period of their relationship. Amy craved the discovery of this man, getting to know him intimately, uncovering everything about him that he was willing to share. There was something dark and mysterious about his nature- something that kept him from being completely forthcoming about who he was. Yet it was this mystery, this enigma that further fueled the fires of Amy's attraction to the man, and in turn made what little information he was willing to share with her all the more precious for its scarcity.

  Despite the things he may have been withholding from her, Amy felt somehow completely safe and at ease in his presence, resting in his arms, like nothing in the world could possibly hurt her. In the back of her mind, all the while, she still clung to the farfetched theory that he was some manner of guardian angel toward her, sent into her life as a blessing that she may not wholly have deserved, but which she'd needed badly given her present state of uncertainty about things.

  Everything up to that point in her life now seemed like a dream, easily swept aside. Her love with Steve, his betrayal, all of it... None of that mattered now that she'd entered into this new chapter with Justin, like starting fresh with a clean slate.

  She laid in his arms late at night, listening to the sound of his breathing, her naked body pressed up against him while he slept. He gave her a sense of peace that she'd never really thought possible, and she felt as though this feeling, whether it was real or imagined, of being protected and secure, might never depart from her.

  Meanwhile, however, back in her old apartment, Steve was having a far more difficult time letting go of the past...

  He'd been heartbroken when Amy told him she was leaving. He'd known full well he'd been an ass, and didn't even remotely deserve a girl like her. Yet he'd fought to hold onto her with every fiber of his being, realizing after his brief, idiotic period of infidelity how very badly he needed her.

  Now, despite knowing that she'd had every right to leave him, Steve felt nothing but bitterness toward the whole situation in his heart. He'd been missing work ever since Amy's departure, drinking too much, and looking for whatever escape he could find from this new and lonely reality he'd found himself flung painfully into.

  He spent entirely too much time on social networking sites, looking up the man he'd heard Amy had left her for, and thinking all manner of cruel, vindictive thoughts toward him for having stolen her away.

  Intoxicated and insanely jealous, Steve clicked his way through photo after photo on his profile, hating the man's effortless good looks, his powerful demeanor... He was just too damn perfect, in ways that he could never compete with, and his frustration grew more and more thorough as he made his way through one gallery of photos after another.

  He knew he was just torturing himself at this point. That no amount of scowling at photos of Amy's new lover would be able to bring her back.

  He needed to move on, he knew, just as Amy had. As difficult as it may be, he'd made his bed, and would have to lie in it from this point onward. It was the only
way he could save himself from losing control...

  He was just about to close up his laptop and pour the remaining contents of his bottle of alcohol down the drain, however, when something caught his attention. Something in one of Justin's photos, so striking that his eyes locked on the sight, and drew him in like a magnet.

  The scene in the photo was that of a party. Justin was tagged amidst a sea of people all standing around, with a mirror in the background. But of all the people standing there, Justin stood out as being the only one present not casting a reflection into the glass...

  Steve blinked at this, confused, and not knowing just what to make of such a discovery. Maybe the photo had been taken at a weird angle or something, he considered... That was certainly possible. He knew all sorts of weird things could happen with mirrors and photography, and so it certainly wasn't that farfetched to consider.

  Still, though, things didn't seem completely right, so he sat back down at his desk and continued to scroll through the photo album. It only took a few more clicks to find another picture of Justin standing next to a mirror, and once again, there was no reflection to be seen.

  Again, and again, and again this happened. He even found one photo of Justin standing by a lake, and though the trees, the clouds, and all the scenery shone back from the surface of the water, Justin, himself did not.

  Steve's eyes widened with suspicion, and he began to type furiously away at his keyboard, desperate to learn more about Amy's beloved new boyfriend, and get to the bottom of this...

  Chapter 4

  Once again, betrayal hit Amy like a bolt from out of the blue. She'd not been expecting the blow to come in the slightest, feeling blissful and content in her new life with Justin, and feeling like nothing in the world could possibly drag her back down to earth.

  They'd been at a restaurant one Saturday evening on the occasion of her disillusionment, making conversation, laughing, and having a generally wonderful time as they waited for their meal to arrive. They sipped slowly from the expensive wine Justin had had brought to their table, and it stained his sharp teeth as he drank, making his fangs seem coated with blood.

  Amy found herself briefly mesmerized by this telling sight, before shaking it off, and trying to reinsert herself back into the conversation.

  It was just then, however, that none other than Steve himself staggered up to their table, looking drunk off his ass, and his expression one that let Amy know, on no uncertain terms, that she was in for one hell of a confrontation with her jealous ex.

  “Oh God,” she said, bringing a hand to her head, and Justin turned just in time to see him coming.

  “I'll handle this,” he said, standing up.

  And, WHAM!

  In an instant, Steve had seized an entire loaf of garlic bread off of a nearby table, chucked it in Justin's direction, and hit him squarely in the chest with the thing.

  “You stay the hell away from her!” he moaned, and Amy could see restaurant workers beginning to emerge in an effort to calm him down.

  “Jesus!” exclaimed Justin, taken so aback by the gesture that he seemed unable to come up with anything else to say.

  “Amy! Amy, get away from him, while you still can! You don't know what the fuck he is!”

  “Jesus!” parroted Amy, giving him a mean look at this profane outburst, and she could feel her cheeks going scarlet with embarrassment.

  “Tell her!” yelled Steve, now at Justin, looking him straight in the eyes. “Tell her what you really are!”

  Justin stared, slack-jawed, and Amy was surprised at his expression. He seemed to know exactly what Steve was referring to, meaning that he did in fact have a secret he'd been hiding from her, and she felt something inside her chest swelling to the point of bursting with anxiety.

  “I-I-” Justin muttered, but Steve could tell he was short on time now, and that the restaurant staff would be on him in a matter of moments.

  “He's a fucking vampire!” he blurted out. “A blood thirsty, predatory monster you're sleeping with! I did a little research, and found out he comes from a long line of freaks just the same as himself. He tries to hide it, I bet, but I know the truth!” The restaurant staff had their hands on him now, and he was crying out his last protestations as they hauled his ass away from the scene. “Get away from him Amy! Get the hell away before it's too late!”

  Steve's cries faded from view as he was escorted from the restaurant, and now Amy turned to Justin, dumbfounded, and utterly lost for words. She wanted to ask, “Is this true?” but couldn't even bring herself to acknowledge such an absurd notion. And yet, judging by the look on his face, she knew she couldn't dismiss the possibility, as badly as she wanted to.

  At last, Justin lowered his eyes in shame, and confirmed this absurd new truth himself. “I'm sorry Amy... I... I should have told you... I would have eventually...”

  Her jaw fell open, and after staring at him in wonder for a moment she stormed out of the restaurant, not wanting to hear a single word more from either of the men as she disappeared into the night.

  Chapter 5

  Amy stayed over at Julie's apartment for the next several days, as she processed this most recent revelation and struggled to figure out where the hell she could go from here.

  She felt so betrayed... So heartbroken...

  Once again, a man she'd truly deeply loved had lied to her, and she felt as though this time there was simply no getting over it.

  A vampire... The man she'd seen as her guardian angel had wound up being a goddamn vampire...

  As absurd as it was, it did explain a lot of things. The mysterious way he'd swooped down from the sky to save her, for instance, when the two of them first met. His sharp teeth, and his tendency to penetrate her with them whenever the two of them had sex.

  It may have been crazy, but she hadn't doubted for a second that what both men had told her had been the honest to God truth. She knew she'd been too lucky in finding a man so perfect, and that there must surely be something more to the story than what she'd been made aware of.

  How the hell could he have done this to her? How could he have avoided telling her, when she could have been put in danger or something because of his own selfishness?

  And Steve... Even though he'd potentially saved her by revealing the truth about Justin, she couldn't help but blame him for all of this. He'd intentionally sabotaged her relationship, ruined her newfound happiness after having taken the lion's share of it away himself.

  And now, what was left for her?

  She felt like it had all been taken away, and she would have to start from scratch all over again thanks to the dishonesty of the men she'd thought she'd loved.

  Now, all that was left was to return to Justin's place and retrieve the remainder of her possessions, before turning and leaving them both behind forever in the dust.

  She hadn't been at all prepared, however, for what was waiting in store for her when she showed up at the apartment, after having texted Justin that she was planning to stop by.

  When she stepped through the front door for what she believed to be the final time, she saw not only Justin, but Steve as well, standing there waiting for her, leaving her confused and dumbfounded.

  “What- what the hell is going on?” she asked, her eyes darting from one man to the other and back again, and both of them smiled at her.

  “Look,” said Steve. “We know we both betrayed you, and... We're deeply, deeply sorry about it.”

  “I was talking with Steve here,” said Justin, “After that... Um... Unfortunate night in the restaurant last week...” Amy couldn't help but notice that the two of them were closing in slowly around her now, making her pulse rise with every additional inch they crept along.

  “He wanted to make sure that I kept his little secret to myself,” said Steve. “You know... Make sure it stayed private, and that no one else found out about it besides the two of us. And I agreed... As mad as I'd been at him for winning you over, once I actually sat down and
talked to him, I realized that he was a decent enough guy. Not bad at all to talk to, or unreasonable.”

  “Yes... And once we'd settled on that, we talked some more,” said Justin.

  “Yeah...” nodded Steve, and the two men were so close to her now that she could feel their body heat, causing her to break out in a sweat. “We talked about you... How we'd both screwed up so terribly, and all the things we missed about you...”

  “We thought it was sad, in a way... That both of us cared about you so much, and yet each of us had been the reason that you broke up with the other. We realized how selfish we'd both been, and how much more you deserved than what either of us could give you...”

  Amy's knees were trembling now, her throat constricting. This couldn't possibly be happening, she thought... She surely must be imagining it... It must certainly all be in her head...

  “But we decided that, as flawed as both of us are... Maybe together, we can make up for our own foolishness...”


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