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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 94

by Piquette Fontaine

  Edward and Amelia were reluctant to agree to his terms because they felt in unfair, but nevertheless they wanted to get their old lives back on track as quickly as possible so they gave him his money and turned him away at night. But as he was leaving he felt a strange presence and found himself attacked by the creature. It came out of nowhere, and it was only by sheer luck that he was not killed with the first blow. Amelia heard the commotion and came out to see what was happening. Upon seeing the hulking werewolf she shrieked, and this momentarily distracted the creature, allowing Tom to escape to the city. But before he left he saw the terrible truth as, now that the sight of Amelia had calmed the creature, it changed to show the true form of Edward. Tom clenched his fists as he ran to town to gather a mob.

  “What is this?” Amelia asked.

  “I'm sorry,” Edward said, and he explained to her that the treasure he had found had changed him, and that was how he had survived all this time. “I have killed and murdered so many people, for when I change I feel an insatiable hunger and I must lash out.”

  “But you did not do so when you saw me,” she said, and there was a pinprick of light for them. But then they realized that Tom had gone to town, and now that he knew the truth he would surely be back. They gathered up their belongings and as quickly as they could ran into the woods, just as they saw a train of wagons approaching the mansion.

  Chapter 7

  Amelia and Edward were far into the woods now, away from their home and the wild crowd. With heaving chests they leaned against a tree.

  “I'm sorry for pulling you away from that. I never should have come back,” Edward said.

  “My place is with you. It always has been and it always will be. I have felt so lost ever since you were declared dead. It was as though a part of myself was killed as well, but now that you're back I feel whole again.”

  “I have done terrible things.”

  “I do not care. You love me, and I love you, and that's all that matters,” she said, and kissed him passionately. The rough bark of the tree dug into her skin as he gave into a year of yearning desire and tore off her clothes. Their passion was unrestrained and it felt freeing to be with Edward again. Edward, who knew her sweetest secret spots and how to arouse her more than anything else in the world. His kisses were filled with love and the attraction between them was intoxicating. Every kiss was like poison and the blood that boiled through their veins was like the darkest wine. The lust and love mingled together, creating a heat that was overwhelming and as they fell to the earthy floor they were transported to a new world of heady delight. Everything came back to them so easily, the way their bodies responded to each other, how they shivered and shuddered and moaned and smiled, how their bodies arched as they let the love swim over them.

  Edward had a monster inside of him but Amelia couldn't have gone another day without him, especially not now that she knew he was alive. There was nothing that could have stopped her from being with him and now that she was tasting him again and feeling his body next to hers she felt a monster inside of her as well, one that had been dormant for too long. Only a shadow of it had appeared over the last year in her and Tom's frenzied sessions, but they were lacking a vital ingredient, true love. As their hands linked together their muscles tensed and Amelia was lost to a world of delight. Being with her husband again after so long reminded her how good and vibrant life could be, and as they rolled around in the dirt she felt reborn and revitalized. They kissed fervently and their hands were all over each other. She used her mouth to pleasure every inch of him, looking up at him with her wide eyes as she sucked on him hungrily, before he pulled her up and began to pleasure her as well. They took delight in reacquainting themselves with each other’s bodies. His had a few more scars, but her skin was still soft and his burning hardness pressed against it. Amelia straddled him and leaned forward, allowing her hair to fall from her head and cover him. His hands clamped themselves around her rear as they began to thrust together, finding a harmonious rhythm. Her hips burned and her inner thighs were slick with her juices. Edward strained and his entire body was tense with the effort that he put in to fucking her. Sweat poured along their skin and fell like rain to the ground as they were caught in the inferno, and the air sizzled with their passionate heat as they exploded in an orgasm that had been a year in the waiting.

  They laughed as they fell into each other and kissed each other hungrily, knowing that a lifetime of devouring each other’s bodies awaited them. In the distance there was an orange glow, and as they looked closer they could see that it was their house being set on fire. They could imagine everyone reveling in the destruction.

  “There's no going back now,” Edward mused.

  “I wouldn't want to be anywhere without you. That life was a fraud, I was only happy in that house when I was with you. We have the whole world to ourselves now,” she said, and Edward took her in his arms again where they made love through the night, before moving through the forest in the morning, beginning their new lives.



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