Clockwork Romance

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Clockwork Romance Page 6

by Andy Mandela

  “I say… what are we waiting for? Let’s not waste time growing older.” We leave and head back to my apartment. Once there, I open up the door and allow Karina to go inside first. As I close the door behind me, she says, “I really want to thank you for being such a gentleman tonight. It was really nice.” That was the first time in a long time I’ve been called a gentleman. Karina stood in the middle of the room and looked around. “You have a really nice place,” she said, setting her purse down on the coffee table. “May I have a seat?” she asked politely, her arms stretched outward toward the couch.

  “Of course, and thank you,” I said. She took a seat and awaited for me to accompany her. “Would you like anything to drink?” I inquired, hoping she would join me in a beer.

  “Well if you’re going to have something, I wouldn’t mind joining you, thanks.”

  “How about a beer?” I suggested.

  “Great,” she said. But first I have to use the bathroom” The way she told me that last part made it sound like she was telling me a secret.

  “Sure, it’s right in there, straight ahead.” I pointed towards my somewhat of a hallway. It was more like a square area with a door straight ahead and a door on the right. The door on the right led into another bedroom, but I only used it for storage. It was full of all the random things I‘ve accumulated over the years.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back,” she said. She got up and went into the bathroom. Meanwhile, I went into the kitchen to grab two beers from the fridge and two glasses from the freezer, then took them over to the couch and set them down on the coffee table. They were Chat Noirs to be exact. I always drink my beer from a glass. Beer always tastes better that way.

  As I’m sitting on the couch, I stare at the glasses. There are two of them. That’s one more than usual. Right now, I’m not alone. I have someone with me. Someone who wants to be with me. Someone who wants to be around me. I feel alright. Karina comes out and joins me on the couch.

  “Don’t you just love returning to a room and having a drink waiting for you?” she asked rhetorically. We take our beers and pour them into our respective glasses. I didn’t want to pour them while she was in the bathroom. She might think I was trying to drug her or something.

  As we finish pouring, Karina asks, “What shall we drink to?” I think for a moment. Perhaps to a lovely evening, or the days ahead? I’ve got it. “Here’s to a newly blossomed friendship.” We touch glass and take a drink. I’m not certain that I know how this night will end, but I hope that it will lead to more nights like this. I was uncertain of what to do next, though. Instead, Karina offered a solution.

  “You wanna watch television, or do you feel more comfortable drinking a beer in silence?

  I had a better idea. “How about we see a movie instead?”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little late to go to a movie?” she said

  “I wasn’t suggesting that we go out to a movie, I meant let’s watch one here.”

  “Okay, then. What do you have in mind?”

  I get up and walk to a cabinet on the left side of the television. “I’m somewhat of a film collector, so listing every single one might take a little long. However, I do have one in mind.” I reached into the cabinet and pulled out my copy of “It Happened One Night.” “How about this one?” I suggest, not fully expecting her to know what it was.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen that one,” she answers.

  “Oh, it’s a magnificent film,” I tell her, hoping to educate her on classic American cinema. “It came out in nineteen thirty-four and was the first film to win all five of the major academy awards. And it’s also one of my personal favorites.”

  “I can’t wait to watch it then,” she said, sounding almost as eager as I did, unsure if she was being sarcastic. Anyway, I put the movie in and rejoin her on the couch. We spend the next hour and forty-five minutes being reminded of the good ol’ days. Days I unfortunately didn’t have the opportunity to live in. I believe those were simpler times. During the movie, Karina looks very engulfed in it. I suppose she would, since it is a romance film.

  Karina and I don’t act like a couple while sharing the couch together. We don’t hold hands, she doesn’t rest her head on my shoulder, nor do I try to put my arm around her. We stay on our own sides of the couch, her on the left side, and me on the right. She even takes her shoes off, so she can put her feet up on the couch. By the time the movie was over, we had already gone through most of a twelve pack of Chat Noir. I think it’s safe to say that we’re both more than just a little buzzed. But it’s okay, because I can handle my alcohol. I always can.

  The credits roll, and I ask, “So, what did you think?” with a smile.

  Karina answers, “It was really good. I liked it.”

  “Yeah?” I get up to take the disc out of the DVD player.

  “I loved Ellie,” she added. “She was so sweet and lovely, despite being privileged. It was like once she met Peter, then it was clear that the two were meant to be, even if they didn’t know it right away.”

  “Right,” I replied. Suddenly, I heard a tapping sound on my window.

  “Do you hear that,” she asked. “Is it raining?”

  I opened the curtain just beside the television to not only find out that it was indeed raining, but I was also greeted by a loud rolling thunder. I answered with an obvious, “I believe so.”

  Karina let out a laugh and said, “I guess it appears as though I’m not going anywhere tonight. Even if it wasn’t raining, I don’t think I’m in any condition to drive.”

  “Sure thing,” I told her, “but I’m not going to allow a guest of mine to just sleep on the couch. You can have my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  As she stands up and attempts to walk to my bed, she mentions, “I know I’ve said this already, but you really are a gentleman.” That makes the second time in forever that I’ve been called a gentleman. She turns on the lamp once she reaches the nightstand next to my bed, then she sits down. I make my place on the couch, lying down to where I can see into my room so I can keep an eye on Karina. Not that there is anything to be suspicious about, but who wouldn’t want to keep an eye on her?

  “I hope you don’t mind if I make myself comfortable,” Karina calls out.

  “Not at all,” I say. “Goodnight.”


  I notice her sliding off her pants and tossing them on the floor. I pretend to have my eyes closed, but I can’t help but to notice her perfect legs and how they look in the dim light. She had on pink panties, which I could tell were lace. However, she kept her shirt on, then turned on the lamp and got into bed. I suppose this is the next step in achieving the relationship I’ve been looking for. I mean, we’re not in the same bed, but at least I’m not alone. And I like it. I’m beginning to feel happier. Now I try to go to sleep. Karina. Her name is Karina.

  Chapter 6

  I’m being awakened by the sound of my phone vibrating. Why would a vibrating sound wake me up? I must have been close to waking up on my own anyway. It’s daylight, but since I am not in my room, I don’t know what the time is. So I look at my phone, which is still vibrating, meaning someone must really need to talk to me. The time said 11:54 am. Today was Saturday.

  “Hello?” I say, answering my phone. I’m trying not to wake Karina. Honestly, I’m not sure if she’s still asleep. Maybe she’s just waiting for me to get up first.

  “Is this a good time for an arrangement?” said a male voice I didn’t recognize. I was pretty sure what this was going to entail anyway.

  “Can you hold on a moment?” I asked. I wanted to take the call in the hallway so that Karina wouldn’t be able to hear, nor did I want to wake her up. I get up and notice Karina still peacefully asleep in bed. I guess we both like to sleep in on the weekends.

  I stepped out into the hallway, shutting the door quietly behind me. “Who is this?” I ask.

  The voice continued, “We hear you’re a guy to call for some qu
ality cocaine.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You still haven’t said who you were.” I try to speak softly, so my neighbors won’t hear.

  “Quit playing stupid, we know you’re the guy.”

  “Oh yeah? Who’s we?” I question.

  “Do you know who Roman Leone is?” I know who Roman Leone is. He owns several hotels, casinos, and various other estates. But that was only the legitimate side of him. He was notorious for running an organized crime syndicate in the city. Cops could never trace anything back to him or the people who worked for him. He’s the kind of guy people like me aspire to be. Not me personally, however. It wouldn’t be hard for a man like Roman Leone to get my number. I’ve never met him face-to-face, mainly because I’ve never really been worth knowing. Recently, though, I have been becoming more noticeable, much to my chagrin. But it comes with the job, nonetheless.

  “Yes, I know him. Or who he is, at least.”

  “We need five kilos by tonight. Can you do it?”

  “Five kilos?” I repeat, trying to say it as quietly as possible while not getting to loud. Especially if I’m mentioning the word “kilo.” “What do you need with that much?” I try to ask as politely as possible. I need to remember who I’m dealing with here.

  “That’s not part of the discussion. Can you do it?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I can do it.” I answer, not wanting to make this man have to repeat himself again.

  “Good. We’ll give you fifty for it.” He meant fifty thousand, but you probably knew that.

  “Fifty?” I said. “At fifty I’m losing money. The lowest I can go is seventy-five.”

  “Hold on, will ya?” said the man who hasn’t even identified himself yet. I’m assuming he was talking to his boss about the deal. I waited on the phone patiently while I waited for the man on the other end to return. I look down the hall in the meantime to make sure nobody is watching or listening with their doors open. Who cares? I’m just some guy talking on the phone, nothing to be surprised about.

  A few seconds later, the man returned to the phone. “We’re willing to go sixty-five, but that’s the highest we’ll do.”

  I think about it. “Sixty-five, huh?”

  “Mr. Leone is a man who knows how to return a favor,” the man says.

  I want to do the deal. Having friends in high places might save my ass one day. Plus, I’m just eager to clear out my inventory as soon as possible. “It’s a deal.”

  “Good. Meet us at the lake at ten o’ clock tonight. When you pull up, there will be a black sedan with the trunk unlocked. Throw the coke in the trunk and shut it. The car will take off as soon as you do so. There are some benches next to a trash can underneath a pavilion beside the parking lot. The money will be in the trash can. Agreed?”

  “Yes, except for one thing,” I respond. “I don’t feel safe bringing my car. How about this? I’ll put it all inside a backpack and walk from a nearby parking lot, like next to the supermarket. Then I’ll put my backpack into the trunk. So if you put the money in a backpack too, I can take it from the trash can and leave looking the same as how I went in. How does that sound?”

  “That’s fine. Just make sure you are alone, inconspicuous, and not being followed. “

  “Got it,” I ended. Then I hung up. Taking one last look around, I go back inside. I shut the door again and walk to the archway. Karina is still sleeping Wait a minute. She had been lying on her side, then she turned to lie on her back. Her eyes open just a little, enough to notice me standing there. She lets out one small laugh and says, “Are you watching me sleep?”

  “I’ve only been standing here for five seconds. I think it would be more fitting to say that I’m watching you wake up.”

  She clears her eyes, “What time is it?” I look over at my clock to discover that it’s already noon.

  “Twelve o’ one,” I say. “I just woke up myself.”

  Karina sits up in bed. “I hope I’m not keeping you from going out or something,” she says. I walk over to the window and look outside while Karina puts her pants back on.

  “No not at all,” I say. “It’s actually a beautiful day outside. I was going to ask you if you wanted to take a walk.”

  “Take a walk?” she repeated. “How old-fashioned are you?”

  I gave a brief breath of laughter, which almost made me sound offended.

  “Oh. I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just that I don’t know many guys who like to take walks anymore. But I forgot, you’re not just another guy, are you?”

  “No,” I tell her, looking away from the window and at her.

  “But… as much as I’d love to, I really have to take care of some things today. But I’ll tell you what, you can walk me to my car. It’s about a block away.”

  “Sure.” We both go toward the front door. I grab her purse of the coffee table and hand it to her.

  “Thank you,” Karina says happily. We get outside, Karina leading the way as we walk to her car. On the way, we have another conversation. Karina begins, “So I was thinking about what we were discussing last night. What do you think… about us?”

  “Well didn’t you say we were just—.” That was all I could get out before Karina interrupted.

  “I know what I said,” she says. “But that was before. What I wanna know is, how do you feel?”

  “Well who says we have to become a couple? Society? Can two people enjoy each other’s company without being subjected to a label?”

  “Now you sound like a hippie,” she laughs.

  I continue, “Look, I’m just the kind of guy who doesn’t take interest in some of society’s norms. And besides, I haven’t really had much luck when it comes to dating, anyway.”

  “So what are you saying?” she questions. “You just want to be friends?”

  “I’m not saying that at all,” I respond.

  “So you want us to act like we’re dating, just not admit to it?” she says.

  “Maybe,” I said, unsure of myself. “I don’t know. How about we quit thinking of what to call it, and just live it?”

  “Is this some kind of experiment or something?” she jokes.

  “Ha-ha,” I let out. “An experiment. That’s good.”

  She asks, “So do you want to do anything tonight?”

  “Umm…” I thought about my previous engagement that I’ve got already planned. “… I actually have to do something tonight.” Then I thought that I could possibly make time afterwards. “But how long are you going to be up tonight?”

  “All night.”

  “In that case, if I have time, we can get together after. It might be pretty late, though, like around eleven. That okay?”

  We get to her car. It was a black jeep, nothing flashy. “I’ll be waiting,” she said. Karina was about to get in her car, and I thought the conversation was done, when I remembered, “Wait a second. It just occurred to me that I don’t even have your number.”

  Karina just smiled and said, “Check your phone.” She got into her car and started it up. I took out my phone and went to my contacts. There I found her name, Karina, along with her number. It was the only contact in my phone. I look back up and see her driving off. I gave a smirk, not sure if she even noticed it. She must have put her number in my phone when I wasn’t looking or something. Anyway, I put my phone back in my pocket and begin to walk back to my apartment. I need to get ready for my plans tonight. Both of them.



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