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No Is Not Enough

Page 29

by Naomi Klein

  Paul Krugman, “The Truth about the Sanders Movement,” New York Times, May 23, 2016,​2016/​05/​23/​the-truth-about-the-sanders-movement/.

  Paul Krugman, “Feel the Math,” New York Times, April 1, 2016,​2016/​04/​01/​feel-the-math/.

  Foul Mood Rising

  Van Jones: “whitelash”

  Josiah Ryan, “ ‘This Was a Whitelash’: Van Jones’ Take on the Election Results,”, November 9, 2016,​2016/​11/​09/​politics/​van-jones-results-disappointment-cnntv/.

  Donald Trump: Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever”

  Holly Yan, “Donald Trump’s ‘Blood’ Comment about Megyn Kelly Draws Outrage,”, August 8, 2015,​2015/​08/​08/​politics/​donald-trump-cnn-megyn-kelly-comment/.

  Mike Pence: no one-on-one meals with female coworkers

  Jia Tolentino, “Mike Pence’s Marriage and the Beliefs That Keep Women from Power,” New Yorker, March 31, 2017,​culture/​jia-tolentino/​mike-pences-marriage-and-the-beliefs-that-keep-women-from-power.

  The Ranking of Human Life

  Steve Bannon and abuse allegations

  Santa Monica Police Department, crime report, January 1, 1996,​f/​?id=00000156-c3f8-dd14-abfe-fbfbbe310001.

  Elizabeth Chuck, Ali Vitali, Andrew Blankstein, and Katie Wall, “Trump Campaign CEO Steve Bannon Accused of Anti-Semitic Remarks by Ex-Wife,”, August 27, 2016,​politics/​2016-election/​trump-campaign-ceo-steve-bannon-accused-anti-semitic-remarks-ex-n638731.

  Hadas Gold and John Bresnahan, “Trump Campaign CEO Once Charged in Domestic Violence Case,” Politico, August 25, 2016,​story/​2016/​08/​steve-bannon-domestic-violence-case-police-report-227432.

  Andrew Puzder and abuse allegations: “striking her violently…”

  Lisa Henning v. Andrew Puzder, Petition for Damages, 1988,​f/​?id=00000159-8aec-d4ee-ab5b-eaee55ea0002.

  Bill O’Reilly and harassment allegations

  Emily Steel and Michael S. Schmidt, “Bill O’Reilly Thrives at Fox News, Even as Harassment Settlements Add Up,” New York Times, April 1, 2017,​2017/​04/​01/​business/​media/​bill-oreilly-sexual-harassment-fox-news.html.

  Roger Ailes and harassment allegations

  Manuel Roig-Franzia, Scott Higham, Paul Farhi, and Krissah Thompson, “The Fall of Roger Ailes: He Made Fox News His ‘Locker Room’—and Now Women Are Telling Their Stories,” Washington Post, July 22, 2016,​lifestyle/​style/​the-fall-of-roger-ailes-he-made-fox-his-locker-room–and-now-women-are-telling-their-stories/​2016/​07/​22/​5eff9024-5014-11e6-aa14-e0c1087f7583_story.html.

  Trump and sexual harassment and assault allegations

  Megan Twohey, “Former ‘Apprentice’ Contestant Files Defamation Suit Against Trump,” New York Times, January 17, 2017,

  Trump and Ivana rape allegation

  Jane Mayer, “Documenting Trump’s Abuse of Women,” New Yorker, October 24, 2016,​magazine/​2016/​10/​24/​documenting-trumps-abuse-of-women.

  The Problem with “Jobs Voters”

  Past 40 years has seen number of people behind bars in US increase by 500 percent

  Carl Vogel, Prison Brake, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration, accessed April 11, 2017,​end-mass-incarceration.

  Trump voters: earn $50,000–$200,000

  Nate Silver, “The Mythology of Trump’s ‘Working Class’ Support,” FiveThirtyEight, May 3, 2016,​features/​the-mythology-of-trumps-working-class-support/.

  CNN analysis of exit polls

  “Exit polls,”, November 23, 2016,​election/​results/​exit-polls.

  Insecure on Every Front

  Anne Case and Angus Deaton: “deaths of despair”

  Anne Case and Angus Deaton, “Mortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2017,​wp-content/​uploads/​2017/​03/​6_casedeaton.pdf.

  Southern Poverty Law Center: tripling of anti-Muslim hate groups in 2016

  Southern Poverty Law Center, “Hate Groups Increase for Second Consecutive Year as Trump Electrifies Radical Right,”, February 15, 2017,​news/​2017/​02/​15/​hate-groups-increase-second-consecutive-year-trump-electrifies-radical-right.

  Four months after Trump’s election: nearly 1,000 reported hate crimes targeting people of colour

  Southern Poverty Law Center, “Update: 1,094 Bias-Related Incidents in the Month Following the Election,”, December 16, 2016,​hatewatch/​2016/​12/​16/​update-1094-bias-related-incidents-month-following-election.

  Srinivas Kuchibhotla shooter: “Get out of my country!”

  Mark Berman and Samantha Schmidt, “He Yelled ‘Get Out of My Country,’ Witnesses Say, and Then Shot 2 Men from India, Killing One,” New York Times, February 24, 2017,​news/​morning-mix/​wp/​2017/​02/​24/​get-out-of-my-country-kansan-reportedly-yelled-before-shooting-2-men-from-india-killing-one/​?utm_term=.82ab1af99de8.

  First two months of 2017, seven transgender people were murdered

  Bill Morlin, “Four Transgender Murders in a Week ‘Alarming Trend,’ ”, March 1, 2017,​hatewatch/​2017/​03/​01/​four-transgender-murders-week-alarming-trend.

  The Identity Blame Game

  Mark Lilla: “calling out explicitly…”

  Mark Lilla, “The End of Identity Liberalism,” New York Times, November 20, 2016,​2016/​11/​20/​opinion/​sunday/​the-end-of-identity-liberalism.html.

  2007–2010: average wealth of white families fell by 11 percent, Black families by 31 percent

  Signe-Mary McKernan, Caroline Ratcliffe, C. Eugene Steuerle, and Sisi Zhang, “Less Than Equal: Racial Disparities in Wealth Accumulation,” Urban Institute website, April 25, 2013,​research/​publication/​less-equal-racial-disparities-wealth-accumulation/​view/​full_report.

  Young Black men shot and killed by police at a rate five times higher than white men of the same age bracket

  Jon Swaine, Oliver Laughland, Jamiles Lartey, and Ciara McCarthy, “Young Black Men Killed by US Police at Highest Rate in Year of 1,134 Deaths,” Guardian, December 31, 2015,​us-news/​2015/​dec/​31/​the-counted-police-killings-2015-young-black-men.

  Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: “The Black political establishment…”

  Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2016), 152.

  Two-thirds of minimum-wage workers in the States are women

  National Women’s Law Center, “Women and the Minimum Wage, State by State,”, January 2017,​resources/​women-and-minimum-wage-state-state/.

  World Economic Forum’s annual global rankings on the economic gender gap

  World Economic Forum, “The Global Gender Gap Report 2016,” World Economic Forum website, 2016,​global-gender-gap-report-2016/​results-and-analysis/.

  World Economic Forum, “The Global Gender Gap Report 2015,” World Economic Forum website, 2015,​global-gender-gap-report-2015/​press-releases/.

  Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin: 15 to 20 percent fewer Democratic voters for Clinton

  Calculations based on:

  Dave Leip’s Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections—2016, 2012, and 2008. Accessed from:​RESULTS/​national.php?year=2016&f=0&off=0&elect=0.


  “Racial Capitalism”

  Cedric Robinson: “racial capitalism”

  Cedric Robinson, Black Marxism (London: Zed Press, 1983), 2.

  Michelle Alexander: “to decimate a multiracial alliance…”

  Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow (New York: New Press, 2012), 35.

  Ronald Reagan: myth that food stamps were collected by “welfare queens”

  “ ‘Welfare Queen’ Becomes Issue in Reagan Campaign,” New York Times, February 15, 1976,​1976/​02/​15/​archives/​welfare-queen-becomes-issue-in-reagan-campaign-hitting-a-nerve-now.html.

  George Bliss, “Welfare Queen Jailed in Tucson,” Chicago Tribune, October 12, 1974,​1974/​10/​12/​page/​175/​article/​welfare-queen-jailed-in-tucson.

  Trump and Central Park Five Ads

  Lisa W. Foderaro, “Angered by Attack, Trump Urges Return of the Death Penalty,” New York Times, May 1, 1989,​1989/​05/​01/​nyregion/​angered-by-attack-trump-urges-return-of-the-death-penalty.html.

  Trump not apologizing to Central Park Five

  Yusef Salaam, “I’m One of the Central Park Five. Donald Trump Won’t Leave Me Alone,” Washington Post, October 12, 2016,​posteverything/​wp/​2016/​10/​12/​im-one-of-the-central-park-five-donald-trump-wont-leave-me-alone/​?utm_term=.ff26990421cf.

  Justice Department arguing social services and infrastructure in cities such as New York and Chicago are “crumbling…”

  Julia Edwards Ainsley and Andy Sullivan, “Washington Threatens Funding Cut to California, Other ‘Sanctuary’ Areas,”, April 21, 2017,​article/​usa-immigration-sanctuary-idUSL1N1HT179.

  Divide and Conquer

  John Maynard Keynes: “vengeance, I dare predict, will not limp”

  John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Howe, 1919), accessed from​library/​YPDBooks/​Keynes/​kynsCP7.html.

  Lovelessness as Policy

  Cornel West: “justice is what love looks like in public”

  “Cornel West Talks to David Shuster,” Al Jazeera America website, February 24, 2017,​watch/​shows/​talk-to-al-jazeera/​interviews-and-more/​2014/​2/​24/​cornel-west-talkstodavidshuster.html.

  Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw: the “intersectionality” framework

  Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color,” Stanford Law Review 43 (1993): 1.


  Politics Hate a Vacuum

  Sean McGarvey: “nothing short of incredible”

  “Trump Taps into Business Background during First Week in White House,” CBS New York website, January 26, 2017,​2017/​01/​26/​trump-makes-business-moves/.

  Doug McCarron: “a great moment for working men and women”

  Eliza Relman, “Trump and Union Leaders Find Shaky Common Ground: ‘He’s Promised That He’s Going to Create Good Jobs,’ ” Business Insider, March 1, 2017,​trump-union-leaders-labor-secretary-2017-2.

  Labor leaders, representing around a quarter of all unionized workers in the US

  Naomi Klein, “Labor Leaders’ Cheap Deal with Trump,” New York Times, February 7, 2017,​2017/​02/​07/​opinion/​labor-leaders-cheap-deal-with-trump.html.

  Trump: “It’s a great thing for the American worker”

  David Smith, “Trump Withdraws from Trans-Pacific Partnership amid Flurry of Orders,” Guardian, January 23, 2017,​us-news/​2017/​jan/​23/​donald-trump-first-orders-trans-pacific-partnership-tpp.

  Trump: “bring back the jobs.”

  Fox News, tweet, posted by @FoxNews, November 7, 2016,​foxnews/​status/​795466452132360192?lang=en.

  The Race to the Bottom

  Charles Krauthammer: “great act of political larceny”

  “Krauthammer: Trump–Union Leaders Meeting Was ‘Great Act of Political Larceny,’ ” Fox News Insider, January 23, 2017,​2017/​01/​23/​charles-krauthammer-trump-union-leaders-meet-white-house-larceny-democrats.

  Trump: plans to cut regulations by 75 percent, cut taxes for corporations to 15 percent

  “Krauthammer: Trump–Union Leaders Meeting Was ‘Great Act of Political Larceny,’ ” Fox News Insider, January 23, 2017,​2017/​01/​23/​charles-krauthammer-trump-union-leaders-meet-white-house-larceny-democrats.

  Puzder and wage lawsuits (Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr.)

  Angelo Young, “A Multitude of Wage and Labor Violations Alleged at Restaurants Linked to Trump’s Labor Pick,” Salon, January 27, 2017,​2017/​01/​27/​wage-and-labor-violations-flourished-at-restaurants-linked-to-trumps-labor-pick/.

  Luis Bautista, Margarita Guerrero, and those similarly situated v. Carl Karcher Enterprises, LLC, Carl’s Jr. Restaurants, LLC, February 8, 2017,​document/​338799473/​CKE-Complaint.

  Jodi Kantor and Jennifer Medina, “Workers Say Andrew Puzder Is ‘Not the One to Protect’ Them, But He’s Been Chosen To,” New York Times, January 15, 2017,​2017/​01/​15/​us/​politics/​andrew-puzder-labor-secretary.html.

  Andrew Puzder: “They never take a vacation…”

  Kate Taylor, “Fast-Food CEO Says He’s Investing in Machines Because the Government Is Making It Difficult to Afford Employees,” Business Insider, March 16, 2016,​carls-jr-wants-open-automated-location-2016-3.

  Charles Schumer: Puzder “probably the most anti-worker” choice ever

  Tim Devaney, “Schumer: Trump Should Drop Labor Nominee,” The Hill, February 9, 2017,​homenews/​senate/​318694-schumer-trump-should-drop-labor-nominee.

  Puzder: worth an estimated $45 million

  Chase Peterson-Withorn, “Here’s What Each Member of Trump’s $4.5 Billion Cabinet Is Worth,” Forbes, December 22, 2016,​sites/​chasewithorn/​2016/​12/​22/​heres-how-much-trumps-cabinet-is-really-worth/​#3105c4371698.

  Yes, It’s Possible to Make Bad Trade Deals Worse

  Draft letter leaked of administration’s notice to Congress stating intent to renegotiate NAFTA

  Max Ehrenfreund and Damian Paletta, “White House Calls for Changing, but Not Scrapping, NAFTA in Draft Letter,” Washington Post, March 30, 2017,​news/​wonk/​wp/​2017/​03/​30/​white-house-calls-for-changing-but-not-scrapping-nafta-in-draft-letter/​?utm_term=.34d5d97a1644.

  Lori Wallach: “for those who trusted Trump’s pledge…”

  Lori Wallach, “Draft NAFTA Renegotiation Plan in Official Fast Track Notice Letter Would Not Fulfill Trump’s Pledge to Make NAFTA ‘Much Better’ for Working People or Enjoy a Congressional Majority,” Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch website, March 30, 2017,​eyesontrade/​2017/​03/​draft-nafta-renegotiation-plan-in-official-fast-track-notice-letter-would-not-fulfill-trumps-pledge-.html.

  Wilbur Ross and being a billionaire with a history of restructuring

  Philip Delves Broughton, “Wilbur Ross Brings Art of Restructuring to Team Trump,” Financial Times, January 20, 2017,​content/​23a9f296-de6f-11e6-86ac-f253db7791c6.

  Wilbur Ross and Cone Mills

  Betsy Woodruff, “Could This Man Be Donald Trump’s Future Secretary of Outsourcing?” Daily Beast, November 16, 2016,​articles/​2016/​11/​17/​could-this-man-be-donald-trump-s-future-secretary-of-outsourcing.html.r />
  “Mills,” Cone Denim LLC, accessed May 15, 2017,​mills/.

  Donald W. Patterson, “Cone Denim Announces Layoffs,” Greensboro News and Record, October 22, 2005,​news/​business/​cone-denim-announces-layoffs/​article_e8730efd-eff6-581a-851a-55026ad83d12.html.

  Andrew Puzder withdrew his nomination for labor secretary

  Ed O’Keefe and Jonnelle Marte, “Andrew Puzder Withdraws Labor Nomination, Throwing White House into More Turmoil,” Washington Post, February 15, 2017,​powerpost/​now-6-republicans-are-on-the-fence-about-andrew-puzder/​2017/​02/​15/​e34cada6-f38b-11e6-8d72-263470bf0401_story.html?utm_term=.c3070ab5ccc3.

  Union members protest Trump

  Dan DiMaggio, “Building Trades Activists Stand Up to Trump,” LaborNotes, April 5, 2017,​blogs/​2017/​04/​building-trades-activists-stand-trump.

  Remembering a Powerful Global Movement

  July 2001: roughly 300,000 people were on the streets of Genoa during a G8 meeting

  Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2007), 236.

  Cochabamba and Bechtel: “water war”

  Emily Achtenberg, “From Water Wars to Water Scarcity: Bolivia’s Cautionary Tale,” Harvard Review of Latin America (Winter 2013),​book/​water-wars-water-scarcity.


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