The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance)

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The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance) Page 11

by Lynn Coppersmith

  She was dressed in a flowing lavender robe of the softest gossamer silk. It was cinched tight at the waist, which only accentuated her curves. The material clung to every contour, lovingly hugging the swells and dipping into the valleys. The material was sheer enough that it held almost nothing from his regard, and the outline of her pouting nipples was clearly visible. The impudent tips were straining against the fabric, and his mouth began to water. His eyes dropped further, and he could see the black triangle of hair at the apex of her thighs. The overall effect was even more alluring than her nudity had been, and he groaned as he pierced her with an angry glare.

  “Is that the best you can do?” he growled. “There must me something more modest that you could wear, woman. You look like some strumpet!”

  Eleta braved his anger as she closed the distance between them and leaned into him, placing her hands on his chest. She could feel his heart pounding beneath the muscled expanse, and she knew the effect she was having on him. She noticed that his hands shook and they seemed to land on her hips of their own volition. Perhaps all was not lost, she thought. Perhaps if she told him some of the details of her plan, it might be enough to satisfy him. She caressed his chest with heated palms and looked up at him from beneath her sooty lashes.

  “I’ve told you already, Rafe. I intended for us to become lovers. When I brought you here I was planning to seduce you. Every garment I have with me has been designed with that in mind, to bring you pleasure.”

  Hearing those words further undermined his good intentions. The thought of her plotting in advance to seduce him was the ultimate flattery. When she began spreading hot little kisses along his throat, Rafe knew that he was dangerously close to losing control entirely. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore her soft lips nibbling along his jaw, but that was impossible. His instincts were urging him to rip off her robe, toss her onto the bed and pick up where they had left off. But he needed answers.

  Rafe pushed her slightly away and turned his back to her. He gulped huge breaths of air as he fought for some semblance of sanity. What the hell was the matter with him? No one was more familiar with feminine seduction than he was. Many a lover had enticed him with teasing glances and inviting kisses. He was no stranger to naked breasts or silken thighs. Making love had no longer held any mysteries for him until this moment. He was shocked to realize that he had never experienced this degree of hunger for any woman. He wanted Eleta with an intensity that scared him.

  Rafe realized with some degree of awe that when his mouth had been on her and he had tasted her sweetness on his tongue, he had forgotten about seducing her. His focus had been solely on giving her pleasure. Her sighs and moans had been like sweet music to his ears, and the more she had flowered for him, the more she had enslaved him. That thought frightened the hell out of him. He had never been so focused on a woman’s pleasure over and above his own.

  He crossed to the table to put some distance between them. The clinking of the chain helped to refocus his thoughts. He tossed back a gulp of wine before turning to face her.

  “None of this makes sense, your Majesty. I believe that your intention is to seduce me.” He tried to keep his gaze dispassionate as his eyes trailed down her body, but he failed miserably. His green eyes flashed with anger as they locked with hers once again. “But what does that have to do with some prophecy?”

  Eleta sighed and looked away briefly. She could see he was not going to drop the subject until she gave him the explanation he was looking for. It was always best to stick to the truth as much as possible. She decided to tell him as much as she could and hope that he would be satisfied.

  She beckoned him to join her in the chairs beside the fire. She curled up in one, but before he sat in the other, he added a few logs to the fire. He finally took a seat and looked at her expectantly.

  “Long ago, before either of us was born,” she said softly, “there was an oracle who advised the queen. She had a vision, and she prophesied that we would become lovers.” Seeing that she had his full attention, she continued. “The prophecy stated that a princess would be born, and she would be known as the chosen one. It foretold that she would someday mate with the Wolf of the East.”

  “For what purpose,” Rafe asked, clearly skeptical.

  “There is no purpose,” Eleta said with an impatient frown. “It is just a prophecy, nothing more.”

  A long moment passed as he stared at her, trying to read the truth in her eyes. Finally, he sat back and shook his head in disbelief. “No, ma’am. There is much more that you are not telling me. It does not make sense that you would simply allow someone’s vision to dictate your actions in this way.”

  “What other reason could I possibly have?” she asked. “The things I told you before are true. I have heard about your prowess in the bedroom, and I wanted my first experiences to be pleasant. Since the prophecy had foretold that we would be lovers, I decided not to resist my destiny.”

  “How can you be sure that you are the princess mentioned in the prophecy?”

  “Because I am marked with my lover’s sign, a wolf’s paw. See?”

  She stood and pulled her robe open to reveal a dark pink birthmark on the back of her hip that he had not noticed before. She turned so that the mark was directly in front of him, just inches from his face. He had a clear view of the mark, as well as her entire leg and the dark patch of hair between her thighs. He frowned and flicked her robe closed with a growl. It was obvious she was trying to entice him yet again.

  “Sit down,” he ordered imperiously.

  Eleta flounced into her chair with an impatient sigh. “Why are you resisting this so much? Don’t you find me attractive?”

  Rafe snorted. “What a ridiculous question! A blind man would be besotted by you.”

  Eleta was secretly delighted with his answer, but she didn’t let it show. “Well then, what is the problem? You have had hundreds of lovers before. Why are you hesitating now?” She flashed him a petulant frown.

  Rafe’s brows drew together ominously, and his voice dropped to a growl. “I have not had hundreds of lovers, your Majesty.”

  “Dozens then, certainly. What is one more?”

  “Under no circumstance could you ever be just ‘one more’,” he growled. He threw up a frustrated hand. “You are the Queen of Aglaia! You are meant to be lovers only with your prince consort! You are not meant to be consorting with a man you don’t even know!”

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you are hopeless romantic instead of a rogue and a roué,” she said teasingly.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he scoffed. “I just do not approve of you seducing me in this way.”

  “What is wrong with me seducing you?” she challenged. “Would you have me believe you have never been seduced by a woman before?”

  Rafe gave an impatient growl and flung himself from the chair. He began pacing in front of the fireplace. With every step, the chain rattled, and he pinned her with a fierce glare. When he answered, his voice was an angry roar. “I have certainly never been chained like some wild beast, your Majesty!” He took a breath to calm his anger before continuing in a more reasonable tone. “I have also never been seduced by a queen before.”

  She realized he did not expect her to answer, so she held her silence and watched him as he resumed pacing. She hated to admit, even to herself, but he was devastatingly handsome. The firelight gilded him, and the masculine lines of his body caused her heart to beat faster in her chest. His clothing was well tailored, and his breeches stretched taut over his hips and thighs. The bulge of his manhood was obvious, and a pang of desire shot to her loins. She was doing her very best to remain emotionally detached from him. It was crucial that she not allow any softer feelings to interfere with her mission. However, maintaining her distance was growing harder by the minute. She was so lost in her own thoughts, that when he spoke again, she jumped.

  “If the prophecy predicted we would become lovers, then why did you not seek
a betrothal with me?” Rafe asked. He gave her a pointed look. “You could have chosen me as your prince consort, and all of this,” he waved his hands to indicate their surroundings, “would not have been necessary.”

  Eleta blinked as she tried to formulate an answer. “Because the prophecy said that I would meet you for the first time on the night of your betrothal.”

  Rafe had noticed her slight hesitation, but he let it pass for the moment. “How do you know it didn’t mean our own betrothal night?” he pressed.

  Eleta groaned in frustration. “Because it didn’t!” She gave an exasperated huff and crossed her arms.

  Rafe continued pacing as he thought. “Forgive me for asking, your Majesty, but are you truly a virgin?”

  The question clearly caught her off guard, and a heated blush bloomed in her cheeks. “Yes, of course I am,” she cried. “Why on earth would you think otherwise?”

  Rafe stopped in front of her and leaned down, bracing one hand on each arm of her chair. His nose was mere inches from hers when he answered her. His eyes dipped mockingly to her bosom before returning to lock with hers. “Because your behavior and your wardrobe appear anything but virginal.”

  Eleta gasped at the insinuation. While her cheeks were pink before, they positively flamed under his unwavering stare.

  “How dare you!” She pushed against his chest and would have risen from the chair, but he refused to budge. “I cannot believe you have the audacity to impugn my honor.”

  Rafe placed one hand over his heart as if professing his innocence. “Ma’am, you have to admit that your actions have not been maidenly. I cannot help but wonder how your rather extensive knowledge of seduction was obtained.” He did not mention that it wounded his ego to know that an untried virgin could so easily undermine his legendary self control.

  Eleta glared at him and answered through gritted teeth. “As I told you before, I planned to seduce you. I sought the advice of more knowledgeable matrons for tips on how to please a man.” She could not hold his gaze while telling the lie, and she turned toward the fireplace as if to dismiss him.

  “I see,” Rafe murmured. She wasn’t a very good liar, he mused. What he still did not know was why she was lying and what she wasn’t telling him. However, his instincts were telling him that he was in some form of danger. He just didn’t know what kind. He turned away again, raking a frustrated hand through his hair.

  “Well, at any rate, I do not seduce virgins.”

  “You aren’t seducing me, I’m seducing you.”

  “I don’t make love with virgins. I don’t share a bed with virgins. And I definitely don’t dally with virgins who happen to be queens!” Rafe yelled impatiently. He looked up toward the ceiling with hands spread in a gesture of frustration, as if he were pleading for help from the heavens. He took a calming breath and faced her once more. “I absolutely do not consort with virgins. Period. End of discussion.”

  Eleta was unflustered by his anger, and she merely raised an inquisitive brow. “Why not?”

  Rafe growled low in his throat and leaned over her chair once again. He leaned down until their noses were mere inches apart.

  “Because virgins are a hell of a lot of trouble, and they are much too innocent…,” his eyes raked her bosom lewdly before returning to meet her gaze, “…to satisfy my taste for more…unorthodox pleasures. You see, your Majesty, there are realms of sensual pleasure that you have never even thought of. They do not involve romance or love or emotion. They are focused singularly on pleasures of the flesh. They are raw and physical and uncontrolled. Sometimes, they border on violence. They are not for the faint hearted, and they most definitely aren’t for innocent virgins.”

  He had hoped to scare her off. He hadn’t meant for it to sound like a challenge. However, as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he could see her eyes spark with excitement, and he inwardly groaned.

  Eleta thought he would have probably lost his mind if he knew just how schooled she was in the ‘realms of sensual pleasure’ he mentioned! She had been studying him and his sexual preferences for years. Some of his lovers had even been her spies. It was no surprise to her that he had an adventurous side in the bedroom. Of course, she couldn’t admit that.

  “You’ll find I’m anything but faint hearted, Rafe.” She ran a finger along his jaw as she held his gaze. “And I’m most eager to fulfill any of your desires, however unorthodox they might be.”

  Straightening abruptly, Rafe turned his back to her and rested an arm on the mantel while he gazed into the leaping flames. It was simply too much temptation when he faced her. The sight of her in that robe, and hearing her offer him carte blanche to take his pleasure from her…it was the ultimate temptation. It took every ounce of his restraint to keep from throwing her down on the rug right then.

  The room grew silent as they each brooded. The only sounds in the room came from the crackling fire. After a long time, Rafe sighed and turned back toward her. He gave her a shallow bow.

  “Your Majesty, I am sorry to disappoint you. While I am deeply honored that you have chosen me as your first lover, I refuse to participate in this…prophecy…any longer. I will not be responsible for spilling your virgin blood, nor will I tolerate being kept here against my will any longer.”

  For an instant, sheer panic showed in Eleta’s eyes before she masked her reaction. However, Rafe had seen it. He knew there was much more to this mysterious prophecy, and he would not rest until he discovered her secrets.

  He stretched his hand out toward her palm up. “Now please be so kind as to give me the key for this manacle so that I can be on my way.”

  Eleta sighed. “I am afraid I do not have the key, Rafe. Sir Eric has the only key, and he took it with him.”

  Rafe cocked one brow in obvious disbelief. “Come now, your Majesty. Do you take me for a fool? Give me the key.”

  Eleta began to lose her patience, and she stood up. She stretched onto her toes to meet him nose to nose once again. “I do not have the key!”

  Rafe glowered at her for a moment and then turned away with a snarl. He was not sure how much longer he could resist her allure. His desires were gnawing at him, and her slightest touch was enough to make him tremble. He had to get away before his lust overpowered his good intentions. He stalked to the wardrobe and began rifling through the contents. He tossed garments onto the floor one by one after he had patted each pocket and seam.

  Eleta bit her lip as she realized that eventually, he would reach her black gown with the scroll tucked into the pocket. She ran across the room and grabbed his arm. “Stop it,” she cried.

  Rafe ignored her and continued searching methodically through her garments. Her fear began to build as she noticed there were only three more garments before he reached the black dress.

  “Stop it this instance!” She stomped her slender foot to lend emphasis to her command.

  Rafe continued his efforts, not paying her the slightest heed. Another garment landed at his feet and he reached for the next. Eleta’s eyes grew wider, and she began to panic in earnest.

  She tried to infuse every ounce of authority into her voice. “I insist that you stop at once!”

  Still, it had no effect on Rafe. He reached for another garment, and she realized the black gown was next.

  Eleta curled her hands into small fists and released an ear splitting screech. She pounded on his shoulder, having about as much effect as a gnat would have on an elephant. Still, she kept it up until he turned to her with a frown. “Stop it, you big oaf. You cannot just throw my things on the floor. You are ruining my clothes! I insist you pick these up.”

  “I’m going to search every inch of this place until I find the key,” Rafe growled.

  However, in deference to her, he scooped up the massive pile of garments he had already searched and turned to toss them onto the bed. He stumbled as he tried to see where he was going while he juggled the layers of frothy lace and slippery satin. With some effort, he made it to the be
d and dumped the clothes into a tall heap.

  While he was momentarily distracted, Eleta had just enough time to snatch the scroll from the pocket of her black gown. Her robe did not have any pockets, so she stuffed it into her bodice below her breasts and pulled the belt tight around her waist to hold it in place. She gave a sigh, but her relief was only momentary. She knew she had to get the scroll out of the room, or he would soon find it. The robe was virtually transparent. Rafe had been pointedly refusing to look at her, but if he ever chose to turn his full attention to her again, he would surely see the scroll. While he continued searching, she crossed to the dining table and began gathering the dirty dishes and silverware. When she would have carried them from the room, Rafe ran to stop her. He stood in front of the door and crossed his arms over his chest, giving her a suspicious glare.

  “Not so fast, your Majesty!” He glanced at the pile of dirty dishes and cutlery in her hands. “I am not letting you leave this room with the key. Give it to me.”

  She could feel the scroll beginning to slip downward inside her robe, and she was terrified that it would roll onto the floor. She had to get out of the room fast.

  “I do not have the key,” she insisted.

  Rafe merely raised a dubious brow and began lifting the dishes one by one. His frown darkened when he did not find what he was seeking. As Eleta waited for him to complete his search, her panic began to mount once more. The scroll slipped a bit lower, and she expected it to fall at any moment. Summoning every bit of her courage, she fixed him with a haughty frown.

  She rolled her eyes and sighed as if speaking to a dim witted child. “I do not have the key.” She raised a challenging brow and dared him with her eyes. “Would you like to search me? Perhaps I have hidden it on my person.”

  She thrust her breasts toward him, letting the fabric pull taut across her erect nipples. She prayed his eyes would remain focused on her breasts and that he wouldn’t see the scroll just beneath them through the flimsy silk. She needn’t have worried. His eyes were riveted on the outline of her nipples and the lush curves of her breasts. Eleta grew slightly breathless from the sparks of desire smoldering in his glowing green eyes. He bent a stern frown on her and abruptly went back to searching through the wardrobe.


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