The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance)

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The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance) Page 12

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Eleta nearly fainted with relief as she exited the room. She fairly flew down the stairs to the kitchen, where she deposited the dirty dishes. She hid the scroll in a cupboard and took a moment to gather her wits. Her plan was in shambles.

  How on earth was she going to seduce Rafe in his current mood? She chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip while she considered the possibilities. Sooner or later, he would realize that there really was no key, and therefore, no escape. Once he accepted that he could not leave, perhaps he would be more amenable to falling in with her plans. After all, she knew Rafe was a man with a healthy sexual appetite. What flesh and blood man could resist such temptations of the flesh over an extended period of time?

  That thought caused her to frown harshly. Eleta didn’t have an extended period of time. She had only limited time in which to conceive a child. Her cycles had corresponded precisely with the events foretold in the prophecy. She should be fertile for only the next few days. The prophecy had ordained that Rafe was to share her bed for a full week. If she could only coax him into her bed and keep him there during that time, she was confident that she would get with child.

  With a thoughtful frown, she reached for the scroll once more and held it in the light from a large candle. As she read the familiar passages, her face lit up. It foretold that he would succumb to her charms only after she had ravished him against his will. As quickly as she had brightened, a new thought occurred and her features drooped again. How could she possibly ravish an angry and very stubborn wolf against his will?

  Never one to give up easily, Eleta added a few logs to the kitchen fire and put a kettle on to boil. As she began to wash the dishes, she turned over various possibilities in her mind. Gradually, she began to formulate an idea, and her eyes once again sparkled with excitement.

  She arranged two cups on a tray, along with a teapot, some sugared biscuits and small frosted cakes. She added tea leaves into the pot and then retrieved a small glass vial from the basket her guards had brought in. She held it up and considered the sleeping tonic as she wondered how much to use. Shrugging slightly, Eleta dribbled a small amount over the tea leaves in the pot and then filled it with boiling water. Finally, she added a bottle of fine brandy to the tray.

  Eleta carefully carried the tray up the stairs, but when she entered the bedroom, her jaw dropped. The entire room was in chaos. The wardrobes stood empty, and the bed was completely covered with her rumpled clothes as well as his. Every drawer was pulled out and every door stood ajar. As she watched, Rafe was inspecting one of the drawers from her dressing table to see if there was a false bottom.

  Eleta rolled her eyes and crossed to put the tea tray on a small table near the fireplace. She shook her head as she spoke over her shoulder. “I told you, there is no key here. Sir Eric took the only key with him.”

  Rafe sank onto the floor and heaved a frustrated sigh. He was beginning to believe her about the key, if not about anything else. He watched her broodingly as she crossed to the bed. She was so damn beautiful in that robe that his self control nearly disintegrated. She had said she wanted him to deflower her, but if she only knew how close she was to being completely ravished, she would likely run screaming from the house.

  Eleta began to restore order to the room. She replaced their garments in the wardrobes, one by one. She retrieved her brushes and combs and returned them to their respective drawers. She began to hum absent mindedly. Rafe would never have admitted to anyone else, but he found the sight of her and her lilting voice to be incredibly soothing. He leaned back against the wall, propping an arm across his bent knee, as he watched her.

  Eleta was aware of his close regard. However, she did not realize how enticing she looked. Her silk robe slipped over her curves in the most sensuous fashion. As it molded and shifted, it inspired all manner of fantasies in Rafe’s mind. Her breasts swayed temptingly each time she reached for another garment. As she stretched up to hang each one, the robe lifted just enough to give him a peek of slender ankles and well shaped calves. By the time she finished cleaning up the mess he had made, Rafe was thoroughly aroused.

  Eleta gave a satisfied sigh and turned to face him, placing her hands on her slender hips. “I grow weary of arguing, Rafe. It is very late, and I would like to go to bed now.” She gave him a sweet smile. “Would you like to join me for a cup of tea before you retire?”

  Rafe eyed her suspiciously and rose with fluid grace. “Your Majesty, I have no intention of sharing a bed with you.”

  Eleta sighed but nodded. “I expected nothing less, which is why I will sleep in one of the guest rooms. However, I always enjoy a cup of tea before bed, and I thought you might as well. Shall we?” She gestured to the two chairs in front of the fireplace.

  Rafe frowned in surprise. He had not expected her to give in gracefully. Some tiny part of him was disappointed. He shrugged his shoulders and once again joined her in front of the fireplace. He sank down in one of the comfortable chairs and watched as she poured him a cup of tea. She brought it to him, along with the bottle of brandy.

  “Would you care for some brandy in your tea?” she sweetly enquired.

  Rafe nodded and she poured a modest amount into his cup. She returned the brandy to the table and brought a tray of sweets. Rafe selected a biscuit and chewed it thoughtfully as he continued to watch the queen. She settled into the opposite chair with her own cup and stared pensively into the fire. Rafe frowned thoughtfully and drained his cup before setting it aside.

  “Your Majesty, you have to…”

  “Please,” she interjected with a sweet smile, “I grow weary of the title. After everything we have been through, won’t you at least call me Eleta?”

  Her expression was one of such gentle persuasion that Rafe sighed and gave a small nod of acquiescence. “Eleta, you have to accept that I will not agree to your plan. You must release me. ”

  She sighed and rose from her chair. She rubbed her forehead gently as if it had begun to ache. “I will think about it, and we will talk again tomorrow. In the meantime, sleep well.”

  Eleta gave him a small nod and quietly left the room with her tea, closing the door softly behind her. Rafe sat staring at the closed portal for a long time. He should have felt relieved, but he felt only hollow emptiness and a gnawing hunger in the pit of his belly. He was secretly disappointed that she hadn’t argued with him! He poured one more cup of tea, adding a bit of brandy. He gulped that down and sat for a few moments gazing out the window at the star studded sky.

  A deep weariness began to steal over him, and he yawned and stretched. He took a few moments to relieve himself and splash water over his face before throwing himself down on the massive bed. He didn’t bother to remove his clothes. He crossed his arms beneath his head and stared up at the ceiling. All he could think about was Eleta. She had certainly gone to a lot of trouble just to let him walk away, he thought with a pensive frown.

  In his mind, he replayed visions of her in all the various states of undress until he could picture her lying naked on the bed. She looked up at him with longing in her eyes, and she reached for him. His loins began to ache once more, and he gave a loud groan of frustration.

  No other woman had ever come close to making him lose control. Rafe had never experienced this clenching in his gut at just the briefest glance or the lightest touch of a woman’s hand. He knew that was the main reason he had rejected Eleta’s offer. Her secretiveness bothered him. However, that alone would not have kept him from bedding her. It was the fear that if he gave in to his desires, he would never again control his own destiny that made him want to run in the other direction. He knew that fear was the only thing that had kept him from ravishing her.

  Rafe turned on his side and clutched a pillow. Her tantalizing odor clung to the fabric, and he pressed it to his face, breathing deeply of her provocative scent. His erection throbbed painfully, and he gripped the pillow and gritted his teeth. With a pained groan, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  It seemed like only moments later when Rafe heard the sound of birds chirping outside the window. He drowsily cracked open his lids, grumbling at the bright sunlight filling the room. When he attempted to stretch, he came fully awake with a jerk.

  Rafe frowned as he realized that his arms were pulled up, with one on either side of his head and tied securely to the headboard. His wrists had been bound with strips of sturdy red velvet that looked suspiciously as if they had been ripped from the riding habit Eleta had worn the previous day. Rafe gave a frustrated snarl and tried to sit up, only to discover that his feet had also been tied to the posts at the foot of the bed. He let out an enraged roar that shook the glass in the windows. He struggled like a crazed beast, pulling and twisting until he grew weary and was panting from his efforts. The massive bed frame never wobbled, and the cloth would not give the slightest inch.

  He threw back his head and bellowed at the top of his lungs. “Eleta!”

  The sound of his roar echoed from the high ceiling. The door opened, and Eleta appeared immediately as if she had been waiting just outside for his summons. She breezed into the room and gave him a smile that was as dazzling as the sun streaming through the windows.

  “Good morning, Rafe,” she said cheerily. She was carrying a tray, and she carefully set it on the dining table before turning back to him as if nothing was amiss. “Would you care for some breakfast?”

  Eleta was once again dressed in the lavender silk robe, and with the sunlight behind her, no detail was withheld from his regard. “Untie me,” Rafe growled ominously, keeping his gaze trained steadfastly on her face.

  Eleta lifted a dish from the tray and brought it to the bed. “I am afraid I cannot do that.” She climbed onto the bed beside him and sat looking down at him. Her breasts hung suspended just above him, reminiscent of the ripest and sweetest fruit. Once again, her erect nipples reminded him of juicy raspberries, and he longed to suckle them as he had the night before. Noticing the direction of his stare, she smiled knowingly.

  “Here, have a bite to eat.” Eleta lifted a piece of sausage in her fingers and bent down as she offered it to him. He could see all the way down to her navel through her gaping robe. His cock leaped, and he gave another frustrated groan.

  Rafe jerked his face away, once again straining against his bonds. “Untie me, woman!”

  He kicked and pulled, twisted and bucked, snarling furiously as he tried to work himself free. All manner of curses were hurled at her while he fought against the restraints. The tendons in his arms and neck stood out as he strained, but the velvet straps held firm against his struggles. Eleta watched him while she chewed on the meat he had refused. She appeared unconcerned by his anger, and she nibbled bites of fruit, bread and cheese as she waited patiently for him to tire. At long last, he lay panting, coated with a layer of sweat from his exertions.

  Rafe fixed her with his most ominous frown. Most others, be they male or female, would have quaked beneath such a scowl. “Untie me!”

  Eleta merely sighed as if greatly saddened by his frustration. “As I said, I cannot do that. Now, come Rafe, you must eat.” She offered him another bite, along with yet another enticing glimpse down her robe. Her nipples peeked out at him as if they were begging for his attention.

  Rafe gave a roar of anger and jerked his face away from her offering. “I am not some animal to be chained and fed at your whim. Untie me, woman, or so help me, I’ll…I’ll…” His mind raced as he tried to think of something to threaten her with. His gaze returned to her breasts against his will, and he groaned with lust.

  “You’ll what?” she goaded. “You’ll ravish me?” Eleta gave a throaty chuckle and turned aside to set the plate on the table beside the bed, withdrawing her offering of both the food and the view.

  She retrieved a pair of scissors. When she turned back to him, Rafe thought for a moment that she would cut the ties that bound him, and he was shocked to feel a tiny stab of disappointment. Perhaps it had all been a game to prove some point. Instead, she straddled his hips and ran the tip of her finger down his chest as she held his gaze. When she spoke, her voice had dropped to a husky purr.

  “You don’t understand, Rafe. I mean to have you, whatever it takes. I won’t be denied.”

  Hot blood pounded through his loins, and he struggled to draw a breath as he stared at her. The fear he had felt of losing control before was nothing compared to the terror he felt now. If he didn’t escape before she carried out her threat, he knew that their course would be permanently altered. She was betrothed to another man and seemed to think this would be just a temporary affair. Rafe knew better. Once they crossed this bridge, it would be burnt to cinders behind them. He already knew she was different than every other woman he had known. God help him if she ever discovered the true power she wielded over him.

  He tried one last time to get free, twisting and pulling against the velvet straps. He bucked and reared, trying to force her to get off him, but she hung on, grinning at his vain efforts.

  “Damn it woman, untie me,” he demanded again. Even he could hear the desperation in his voice.

  Eleta waited until he had subsided once more, then she held the tail of his shirt and began to cut the fabric. The scissors were cool as they slid along his belly, and he flinched but otherwise lay frozen in horror. When she had cut all the way up through the neckline of his shirt, she spread the two halves wide and hummed with satisfaction. He held his breath as her eyes greedily roamed over his chest and abdomen. She spread her palms and kneaded the broad expanse, sighing as she traced each ridged muscle and tiny scar. She could feel his heart pounding beneath his breast. Her fingers found his nipples, and she toyed with them. He was absolutely magnificent!

  Rafe released a strangled moan, and she chuckled. The husky sound went straight to his loins. Her eyes met his, and she continued to tease the sensitive nubs as she watched his eyes darken with passion. Her finger once again traced a path on his skin, but this time, it followed the line of dark hair trailing over his lower belly toward his groin. Her eyes met his once again, and there was a mischievous glint in the sherry colored depths. When she picked up the scissors, his breath was coming in ragged gasps.

  Eleta cut through both sleeves and pulled the tattered remains of his shirt from beneath him, then tossed it on the floor. She paused to survey her handiwork with a satisfied grin. She traced each sinew of his muscled arms and wide shoulders. Her hands were delightfully warm, and they kneaded and caressed as they explored his body with obvious delight. She bent and pressed her nose against his heated flesh. His body gave off a pleasant odor of sweat and clean male muskiness, and she inhaled it deeply. Using her tongue, she followed the path her hands had taken earlier, finding and suckling his sensitive nipples.

  “Dear God, woman. I can’t take any more of your torture,” he gasped as he tried to flinch away from her mouth. “Untie me!”

  She chuckled darkly and continued her naughty play. “I’m only getting started, my pet.” Her eyes met his, and she gave him a mischievous grin. “It’s not every day that a woman has a wolf caught in her trap. I intend to take full advantage of your captivity.”

  Rafe moaned and tensed beneath her. He lifted his head and strained his neck to watch her as she licked and nipped his sensitive flesh. Every sweep of her fiery little tongue sent another jolt of hot blood pounding through his loins. His erection was so swollen he could hardly bear it, and he gritted his teeth to keep from crying out in pain. It was the sweetest torment imaginable. Not to mention being tied up and completely at her mercy. That was the most erotic experience he had ever had. Rafe knew the battle was lost. Even if she freed him now, there was no way he would have the strength to walk away.

  Eleta was having a hard time maintaining her own composure. She could feel the hard ridge of his arousal beneath her. With her straddling his hips, the lower half of her robe had parted and only the cloth of his breeches stood between them. She could feel the pulse
of his shaft, and even through the soft wool of his trousers, the heat of it branded her. Her own breath quickened at the thought that he would soon be inside her, and her womb tightened in anticipation. She felt empty and hungry, and she knew the only thing that would satisfy her hunger was to take him deep inside where she felt her emptiness most keenly. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves and slid backward until she knelt between his knees.

  Eleta managed to snare Rafe’s gaze, and she held it as she traced one finger along the swollen ridge of his erection. She flashed him a seductive smile and raised one elegant brow. She dropped her eyelids, giving him a coy glance as she ran that same finger inside the waistband of his breeches.

  “You don’t need these anymore, my wolf. Shall I remove them for you?”

  She wasn’t really asking. Rafe knew it would be useless to object, so he maintained his silence. In truth, he had stopped wanting her to cease. He held his breath as she cut his breeches down the outside of first one leg and then the other. When she had finished, she laid the scissors on the table and met his eye once more.

  Their gazes locked as several passion fraught moments passed. Even though Eleta planned to proceed regardless, she really wanted Rafe’s consent. Both pairs of eyes smoldered with desire. Both chests were trembling from the strength of their pounding hearts. Both of them were breathing in shallow pants. Both of them knew there would be no turning back once this final barrier was removed. Once again, she raised one brow, this time in question. She held her breath to see if he would protest, but he simply waited as the moments dragged on. He couldn’t bring himself to admit aloud that she had defeated him. Eleta took his silence as mute consent. When she reached for the fabric at last, Rafe released his breath on a heady sigh of relief.


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