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The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance)

Page 26

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Did you enjoy playing the whore while Argyle fucked you?” Livius asked quietly.

  Eleta met his gaze calmly. He was still toying with her nipple, but she appeared not to mind his touch. “Yes,” she admitted. “I loved every single thing he did to me.”

  Livius gave a startled laugh. “My, you are an eager little slut! I never knew you had such fire beneath your calm exterior. You’re going to enjoy what we do to you even more, my dear.”

  Eleta gave Livius a seductive smile. “I’m sure I will. Now do you believe that I am willing to do whatever you want?” she asked in a husky whisper. “The sooner you release him, the sooner we can get down to the business at hand.” As she said the last, she boldly stroked his erection.

  Livius shook his head. “I’m afraid I will need further proof before I release your lover.”

  Eleta gave him a coquettish shrug and writhed sensuously in his arms. “How can I prove it to you?” she whispered, knowing that he had some dreadful task in mind for her. “I await your command, sir.”

  His grin widened. “I command you to allow me to tie you up to this bed, as your lover has obviously already done. Then I and my men will take turns fucking you while your lover watches. If you serve each and every one of us well and make every effort to please us, I will be convinced of your sincerity, and I will allow your lover to go free.”

  Rafe howled his displeasure and struggled like a madman. For once, Livius allowed the struggling to continue, obviously enjoying the other man’s distress.

  Eleta brought a halt to Rafe’s struggle with her quiet answer. “It will be my pleasure to serve you all,” she whispered with another seductive smile.

  Rafe watched in horror as Livius released her, and she calmly climbed across the mattress and sat in the middle of the massive bed. Without waiting for any further orders, Eleta lay back on the pillows and stared serenely up at the ceiling. Her arms were relaxed beside her head, and she made no effort to shield herself from the lustful gazes of the men.

  Livius pulled her legs wide apart and tied each of her ankles securely to the bedposts. She presented quite an enticing sight, and all four of the assailants grinned as they crowded closer to admire Eleta’s exposed flesh. Their eagerness was obvious.

  Livius laughed and stroked her boldly. He thrust two fingers inside her and began fingering her as his men cheered him on. She lay docilely beneath his touch and even arched her hips toward his probing fingers as she moaned in apparent delight.

  “See boys. The little slut is just begging for it. By the time we’re through with her, she won’t be able to walk for a week!”

  Livius and his henchmen laughed uproariously. They were clearly looking forward to raping the queen. Rafe thought his chest would implode from the heaviness in his heart. He would rather die than see Eleta shamed in such a way. He renewed his struggles, but the other men held him securely.

  Livius climbed onto the bed and straddled Eleta’s waist as he stretched up to tie her left wrist to the headboard. When it was secure, he turned and would have reached for her other hand. That is when Eleta struck.

  Earlier, she had noticed her discarded dagger lying beneath the edge of the pillow. While the men were busy ogling her nudity, and Livius had been busy tying her restraints, she had managed to grasp the dagger.

  When Livius leaned over to reach for her right hand, Eleta sliced him neatly across the throat from one side to the other. His eyes bulged with shock, and his blood poured over her in hot spurts, covering her face and chest. Not even blinking, Eleta plunged the dagger deep into his heart, withdrew it just as neatly and pushed his lifeless body off her in one smooth motion.

  Justin and the two henchmen were momentarily frozen with shock. They had all been so distracted by Eleta’s sudden attack on their employer that they had momentarily loosened their hold on Rafe. That was all the opportunity Rafe needed. He snatched the gun from Justin’s grip and shot him in the face. Justin fell like a stone, and Rafe used the pistol to bash another of the men across the head, sending him reeling. The remaining henchman snatched out his own pistol, and Rafe and he struggled for control of the weapon.

  While Rafe fought against the remaining two attackers, Eleta used the dagger to cut herself free from the restraints. She jumped when the last pistol discharged, but she was relieved to see Rafe was not harmed. Instead, the shot had been fired into the ceiling as the men wrestled. Rafe grappled and fought with the two men. Although he was the more skilled, the odds were against him, and they began to wear him down.

  Suddenly, one of the henchmen froze and went wide eyed. He dropped to the floor, gazing sightlessly at the ceiling, and Rafe noted grimly that Eleta had snuck up behind him to make good use of the dagger once again. Rafe made short work of the last attacker, and he snapped the man’s neck with a satisfied roar.

  Several long moments passed in silence, as Rafe and Eleta stood breathing heavily from their exertions and from shock. Then, suddenly, they were in each other’s arms. Rafe squeezed her tightly against his chest as she sobbed quietly. He removed the dagger from her clenched fist and let it drop to the ground, and then he hugged her fiercely. He gave silent prayers of thanks as she wept in his arms.

  Eleta finally calmed and took several deep breaths to regain her composure. She lifted her head and looked up at Rafe. They were both covered in blood.

  “We need to wash,” she whispered. “My skin is crawling. I have to wash that man’s filth off my body.”

  Rafe nodded and turned her gently toward the tub. “Run a bath for us, my love. I will take care of the rest.”

  Rafe built a roaring fire while Eleta began to pump hot water into the tub. He hefted each of the bodies over his shoulder and dumped them over the balcony railing into the snow, Then, he stripped the bloodied sheet from the mattress and used it to clean the blood from the stone floor. When he was done, he threw it into the fire and watched with satisfaction while it burned.

  Eleta filled the small basin with hot water, and she washed the worst of the blood from her body. When Rafe joined her, she did the same for him. By the time they both sank into the tub, almost all of the blood and gore had already been removed.

  They bathed in silence, cleaning each other with tender strokes. Eleta carefully washed all the cuts and scrapes Rafe had sustained during the fight, and Rafe gently washed the areas where Livius had touched her. Finally, all physical traces of their ordeal had been removed.

  Rafe rose from the tub and lifted Eleta onto the waiting rug. He wrapped her in a thick towel and quickly dried himself with another one. Then, he carried her to the rug in front of the fireplace. He sank down with her on his lap, and he stared into the flames.

  Eleta could sense his disquiet, and she gently turned his face toward her so she could search his eyes. “What is the matter, Rafe?”

  He looked down guiltily. “I failed you,” he murmured miserably. “Those men almost raped you, and there was nothing I could do to save you.”

  Eleta sought his gaze once more and then smiled gently. She turned to straddle his hips and cupped his cheek in her hand.

  “No, Rafe. You did indeed save me. It was my love for you that gave me the courage and determination to slay my enemy. All my life, I have worried that I would not be able to kill a man. However, in that moment, all I could think about was saving you. I couldn’t let them kill you, and I knew they would. Finally, the prophecy has been fulfilled.”

  “I am sorry you had to endure Livius putting his filthy hands on you.” Rafe stroked her hair and looked at her with wonder. “I was terrified, but you were completely calm. I was so proud of you for being brave.”

  Eleta flashed him an impish grin. “I was terrified too, at first. But then, it occurred to me that the prophecy had already been proven true in all other respects. There was no reason to fear that I wouldn’t, in fact, slay my enemy just as the prophecy had foretold. The problem was that with both you and I being restrained with pistols pointed at us, there was no way w
e would both survive if we began to struggle. It was imperative for one of us to be released. Then, the other one at least had a fighting chance.” She flashed him a smug grin, and her eyes twinkled with humor. “That was when I also realized that I had a very powerful weapon at my disposal, and I decided to use it to gain my freedom.”

  “What do you mean?” Rafe asked with a puzzled frown.

  Eleta giggled and waggled her brows. “For years, I had to study and practice how to seduce a man, so that I would have the skills necessary to trap you.” She emphasized her point by tweaking his nose playfully. “I learned every trick in the book about how to use my body to entice and tempt men. I could plainly see that Livius and his men were going to rape me if we didn’t escape them soon. I decided that if I pretended to cooperate, he might let his guard down and release his hold on me. I hoped that if you didn’t have to worry about me getting shot, you could fight your own way to freedom. It was an added blessing that his men were so busy staring at me, they weren’t paying much heed to you. That, of course, was what led to their downfall.”

  Rafe scowled at her. “You were so convincing in your little charade that you had me believing it! I almost died thinking you were going to meekly let them rape you for my sake.”

  Eleta laughed at the suggestion. “Don’t you know me at all by now, Rafe? There isn’t a meek bone in my body.” She cupped his cheek again, giving him a seductive grin. “You should know that after our adventures last night.”

  Rafe grinned and placed a gentle kiss in her palm. “You are right, love. A meek woman could never have fulfilled all my lusty fantasies the way you have. ” His expression sobered and he held her gaze. “Thank God you are safe,” he stated simply. “They may has well have killed me if anything had happened to you. My life would no longer have been worth living.”

  She pulled him down for a long kiss, and their thoughts quickly drifted onto more pleasurable paths. She could feel his erection pressing hard against her belly.

  Eleta pulled back with a sigh and flashed him another teasing grin. “I hope we haven’t exhausted all your fantasies, my wolf. I was looking forward to more such adventures.”

  Rafe chuckled and whispered a reply as he began to nibble along her jaw and behind her ear. “You inspire an endless supply of fantasies, love. I can’t look at you without thinking of different ways I want to make love with you.”

  To illustrate his point, he lifted her and impaled her on his shaft. He grinned down at her as she began to ride him.

  “This is yet another fantasy that you seem intent on satisfying…having you make love to me like this with firelight shining on your lovely hair. You have captured me most thoroughly in your trap, my love.”

  Eleta laughed, and she clutched his broad shoulders as she took him even deeper. “We have captured each other, Rafe. My thoughts run along a similar path to yours, and I too am plagued by lust. I fear it may take a lifetime to satisfy our mutual desires.”

  They took their time, reassuring each other with the strength of their love and devotion. When their passions were finally spent, they lay entwined on the rug before the fire. Eleta toyed with the hair on his chest, while Rafe occasionally brushed kisses along her brow. The late afternoon sun was giving way to the twilight of evening.

  “Tomorrow morning, I will signal for the guards to return to escort us home,” Eleta said softly.

  “How do you signal them,” Rafe asked with idle curiosity.

  “They are camped on a nearby mountain. When I want them to return, there is a special flag that I can raise above the lodge. It is visible from their camp, and they will return within just a few hours.”

  Rafe nodded. “They can deal with the bodies, or leave them for the wolves, I don’t really care which.”

  Eleta agreed, so she remained silent. After a few minutes, Rafe raised onto one elbow and caught her eye. His expression was earnest, and she smiled up at him.

  “You do know that we are getting married at the earliest possible moment,” he said sternly.

  Eleta laughed and stroked his cheek. ” You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet with your romantic sentiments,” she teased.

  Rafe flushed slightly, but his expression remained serious. “I just want to make sure you understand. We are getting married sooner rather than later. I don’t have patience to wait while you plan some elaborate royal wedding.”

  She kissed him briefly and then smiled up at him. “Of course, Rafe. I am as eager to marry as you are.”

  “And in future, you won’t be using this magnificent body of yours to entice any man other than me,” he warned.

  Eleta laughed, brushing a stray lock of hair back from his forehead. “You’ll get no argument from me. And the same goes for you, love. I’ll not share you with any other women. Your days as a rake are over.”

  Rafe grinned. “Why would I ever want anyone else when I have you?”

  She nibbled her bottom lip as she held his gaze. “What about Lady Gwendolyn? I’m sure she will not take kindly to you ending your engagement.”

  Rafe gave a shrug. “I will make amends by paying her family a substantial settlement to end the betrothal. She never had any real feelings for me. She was only interested in the wealth and position I could offer her. With the right incentive, I’m sure she will be quite happy to choose a different husband.”

  Eleta propped her chin on her hands in the middle of his chest and grinned up at him. “Whereas I would never be happy with any husband except you!”

  Rafe returned her grin, and he squeezed her bottom affectionately in his palm. “We are in perfect agreement, love. I want no one but you. And together, we will work to rebuild our nation to its former glory. Now that Livius has been defeated, we will bring both his and my territories back under your control. We shall reunite our country with you as the one rightful queen.” His grin widened as he pulled her higher onto his chest for a lengthy kiss.

  Eleta released his lips with a sigh of pleasure. “And you are the one rightful prince consort.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “And you are all mine, my darling wolf.”


  Late summer 1733

  The meadow on a hilltop near the palace was quiet, with the exception of an occasional buzzing bumblebee or a chirping finch. The sun was shining brightly in the summer sky, but Rafe and Eleta were comfortable on a blanket in the shade beneath a large oak tree.

  They were hidden from the world, in their own private retreat. Eleta had given strict orders that they were never to be disturbed when they went to the meadow. It was their special place. They came here often, and they loved the peaceful atmosphere of just being together for a brief span of time without any other responsibilities.

  They had worked hard to reunite the nation for the first several years after their marriage. It had taken courage and determination, but together, they had succeeded. Aglaia was once again united, peaceful and prosperous. In fact, life was better than it had ever been for Eleta’s subjects. She and Rafe had struggled side by side to ensure that no one was hungry, homeless or hopeless any longer.

  They had worked to build their family as well. They had forged a strong, trusting and loving relationship. They discussed everything, from the insignificant to the crucial, and they always came to an agreement about the best course of action. Where each of them was weak, the other was strong. Together, they were at their best, and they both understood how much they needed each other.

  Perhaps best of all, they had built strong bonds with their children. Eleta gave birth to their daughter Aurelia barely nine months after their wedding. She was an incredibly clever and courageous child, and she brought joy to them every day. It was obvious that one day, she would make a wonderful queen.

  In subsequent years, little Bruce and Christopher had followed in their own good time. As most boys are wont to be, they were wild and virtually untameable. Eleta teased Rafe that he was paying for his own childhood antics by dealing with theirs. Rafe didn’t
seem to mind in the least.

  Although he had never known love from his own parents, Rafe was a wonderful father. He showered his children with love and affection, but he was also firm when necessary. Of course, they all adored their father, and Eleta could easily understand why. She adored their father too!

  With the affairs of the nation running smoothly, Eleta and Rafe were able to relax and enjoy life more. Recently, they had begun to come to this private place more often. Here in the meadow, they were not queen and prince consort, they were not parents of young children, they were simply man and woman, husband and wife, Rafe and Eleta.

  At the moment, Eleta was naked on her hands and knees, while Rafe took her from behind. He squeezed her recently spanked bottom, giving it an occasional smack as he rode her to a steady rhythm.

  She loved being spanked, and he indulged her fetish often since it brought him great pleasure too. On this particular day, he had used his wide leather belt to lay twelve raised welts across her perfect bottom. He grinned as he spanked her again with his hand, and she moaned her pleasure. She became more excited with every smack.

  “Yes! Oh yes, Rafe! Harder! Fuck me harder!”

  Rafe obliged her plea, plowing into her welcoming body with increasingly deep thrusts. Her climax rolled through her, and she buried her face in the blanket, screaming and milking his cock with her inner muscles. He gripped her hips, howling with his own release.

  He continued to squeeze the welts on her bottom. Every squeeze resulted in another contraction of her hot velvety sheath, and he groaned delightedly. She was perfect for him.

  After several moments, he withdrew from her and collapsed onto the blanket. He reached for her hand, and their fingers intertwined. They lay on their backs, watching the clouds drift lazily across the sky as their breathing slowed to normal.

  After a long time, Eleta gave a small start, and Rafe began to sit up with a frown. “What’s wrong, love?”


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