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All the Hidden Sins

Page 32

by Marian Lanouette

  * * * *

  She found it hard to stay away. Kyra knocked on Tom’s door. “I needed to see him again.”

  “I understand. Today’s incident has affected us more than him. Come in.”

  “Why don’t we take him to The Burger Joint if you’re up to it.”

  “I am. Give me a couple of minutes. Trevor, your mom’s here,” Tom called.

  “Kyra, is everything okay? You sound funny.”

  “Everything’s fine, Tom. Today’s events rattled me.” She’d forgotten how Tom was in tune with her every mood.

  “Are you over today’s excitement,” she asked as she hugged her son. The scare that phone call from the school had put into her was indescribable.

  “I promise to never leave my class again.”

  “It’s not your fault, Trevor. You got to go, you go, but next time let your teacher know.”

  “I will.”

  “Your father and I are going to take you to The Burger Joint?”

  “Can I have a milkshake?”


  Her body vibrated with grief as she realized this was the last time she’d be with him before she disappeared. She fought back the tears as she followed in her car as they drove away from Tom’s house.

  Trevor played in the ball pit at The Burger Joint while she watched and wished for a lifetime of these memories. Tom seemed subdued. Every few minutes Trevor stopped and waved to them. After an hour of playing, she signaled for Trevor to join them. As a family, they walked out of the restaurant to their cars. Kyra gave her son a big hug.

  “Mom, you’re crushing me,” Trevor complained.

  “I’m sorry, honey. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. You understand that, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Kyra kissed the top of his head as he got into Tom’s car. Tom climbed into the driver’s seat. “Mom, why are you acting weird?”

  “I’m not. I want you to always remember how much I love you and how proud I am of you,” she said as she fastened his seat belt for the last time.

  “See? Weird. I can do my own seat belt.” He giggled.

  Kyra gave Trevor another hug and kiss before letting go of him.

  “Kyra, this was great. Can we do it again?” Tom asked.

  “I can never get enough of seeing him. I love him.”

  “I know. Are you going to follow me home?”

  “No. If he needs anything give me a call.”

  She drove a block from the restaurant before she broke down and cried. A sharp pain in her heart stole her breath away. Clutching her breast, she doubled over the steering wheel while trying to force air into her lungs. Realization hit her. Alive, she’d never be able to walk away from Trevor. She’d have to talk to Jake and see what kind of deal he had in mind for her. With her mind made up, Kyra drove home. She’d call Jake in a little while, after she had control of her emotions.

  Once home she sat at her kitchen table and detailed her meetings with Phil and the dates that she’d burned bodies for him, including the names of the legitimate bodies that burned with Phil’s drop-offs. She left out the exact amount Phil had paid her to dispose of them. Standing, she headed to the garage, pulled her suitcase from the trunk, and went to her bedroom. She removed half the money and put it in her purse, the other half she put into a brown envelope addressed to Jake for when they spoke. She hoped he believed that’s all she was paid for her part in this.

  Kyra wrote another letter to her mother. She addressed and stamped it—she’d place both letters in the mailbox at the post office on her way to Jake’s.

  After pouring a generous amount of rum and coke into a glass, she sat and reread the letter she had composed for him.

  It pained Kyra the embarrassment she’d cause her parents and Trevor. She’d never meant to hurt anyone, but she had been desperate. Tom had left her no choice when he cut off her funds. Kyra understood without facing her sins and asking for redemption she’d receive no penance or forgiveness.

  She sat there fingering the bottle she’d stacked away for just such a time. Would she be brave enough to drink it?

  As she debated, her cell phone rang. Shit!

  “Hi, Phil,” she said through her teeth.

  “Kyra, how are things?”

  “Great, what can I do for you, Phil? I’m on my way out.”

  “It’s imperative that I see you tonight.”

  “Phil, I can’t. I promised my son I’d stay with him tonight. There was an incident at school today that scared him.” And you damn well know that. It took all her control not to shout at him.

  “This isn’t a request, Kyra. I’ll see you in an hour.” Phil hung up on her.

  Do I go or not go? Phil’s voice was off. If I leave without showing up will I get far? No, I’ll leave from Phil’s house.

  She took the note she had for Jake and stuck it in an envelope and addressed it to him at his home address, along with the money for Trevor. Would Jake give it to him? If not, the money she left at her mother’s would care for Trevor. She mailed the letters to Jake and her mother before she headed to the highway on her way to Phil’s house.

  Chapter 38

  Phil paced his office, then bent over and checked the security cameras loaded on his computer. “Well, it’s about time she showed up.”

  Phil sent Maria to open the door. Kyra was ushered in moments later. He stared her down but didn’t say a word. Kyra stood at attention. “Sit.”

  “Phil, someone took my son this afternoon. I got a strange call telling me to behave. Was it from you?”

  “No. What’s going on in Wilkesbury?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Jake Carrington is sticking his nose in my business. Did you put him up to it?”

  “No, Phil. I told you we don’t speak about our jobs. Though I do know he’s mad about a cop killing. He’s canceled several dates with me to investigate it. But he did call and tell me he wanted to see me later.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t want to see him. He’s asking too many questions lately. I threw it back at him as a way of getting rid of me.”

  “Did it work?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to hang around to find out.”

  “You think you can take off.”

  “I’m here to ask your permission,” she said.

  “No, you’ll wait through the heat like the rest of us. Have you seen Angelo today?”


  Where the hell was Angelo? He’s the one who should be dealing with her now. It wasn’t like Ang not to show up or call. Phil dialed Angelo’s cell phone again, and again it went right into voicemail. Something was up, but what? Phil didn’t like it. Everything was falling apart. His phone rang.

  “Phil, it’s Angelo. Sorry, my son cut himself bad this morning. We’ve been at the emergency room.”

  He took a deep breath. Everything’s fine. “I was worried when you didn’t call.”

  “I’m fine and my son will be too.”

  “Good. When will I see you?”

  “I should be there in a couple of hours, after I settle him down. Carmela went nuts when she saw all that blood. They gave her a sedative to calm her down.”

  “I got Kyra here, who wants to get away from everything that’s going down. I need your help.”

  Phil looked down at Kyra’s shaking hands as he hung up. Something was off with Angelo. It was unlike Carmela to overreact. Perhaps when it was your own kid it was hard to stay calm. Still he found it odd. He should verify and call the hospital… His phone rang again and Angelo’s wife was forgotten.

  He didn’t recognize the number.

  “Phil, it’s Kevin Carrusso.”

  “Where are you calling from?”

  “A pay phone in Wilkesbury.”

/>   At least he was smarter than Stack. “What do you need, Kevin?”

  “Carrington called in the Feds on Church.”


  “With no trace of Church, he’s handling this as more than a Missing Persons case. From what I gathered, his frustration level is high.”

  “Why did he call the Feds? A homicide?”

  “No, I checked. He doesn’t have one that crosses into their territory.”

  “Thanks for the heads-up.”

  Interesting. Didn’t a crime have to be over state lines or a federal offense for them to join an investigation? Did Carrington always call in the Feds this early in a case? He didn’t think so.

  Phil came around his desk and towered over her. He yanked her from the chair by her neck and squeezed. “Phil, you’re hurting me,” Kyra choked out.

  “What did you tell Carrington?”

  “Nothing.” she gasped.

  She told the truth, but it didn’t appease him. “I’m going to have Maria set you up here for now to keep you safe.”

  Later, when he calmed down, he’d have his play time with her before he disposed of her.

  * * * *

  Jake called Cal McDermott, told him to meet him ten miles from Phil’s house at a diner off the highway. When he got there he detailed the whole operation to Cal and watched him process the information.

  “Don’t trust me, Jake?”

  “It was on a need-to-know basis, Cal.”

  “I need men and permission to execute the warrant. My captain’s not going to be happy about this.”

  “My captain’s speaking to your captain now.”

  “I see. You think we have a leak in the department?”

  “I don’t know, but my department and the FBI do.”

  “Good enough. Your car or mine?”

  “We’ll take both.” Jake led the way.

  Happy McDermott was aboard, Jake hoped he didn’t call anyone on the way.

  Jake contacted the other members of the team to inform them he was on his way with McDermott. The pounding in his ears grew louder as he drove down the road. Jake recognized it—adrenaline. With every raid, every arrest, he experienced it. Two teams would hit simultaneously. One at Lucci’s, one at Rainford’s. If luck was on his side, Rainford would be at Phil’s. If not, he hoped Louie’s team cornered Rainford at his home. And, call him crazy, he was looking forward to interrogating Phil Lucci. He was sure everything he needed and wanted to put the bastard away was at his house. Anything they found at Angelo’s would be gravy.

  Jake pulled beside the Fed’s car and rolled down his window. “Ready, Newton?”

  “Yes, let’s get it done.”

  Jake pulled up to the detective from Electronics, Stew Epstein, and the members of the WPD SWAT team.

  “The system is down, Lieutenant,” said Stew.


  Jake motioned to the SWAT officer. “Cosgrove, you go over the fence and come up behind the man at the gate. I’ll come in through the front gate and distract him. Send your team over the grounds. I understand that he has several men who patrol the area.”

  The SWAT officer nodded to Jake and took off. Three minutes later, Jake pulled up to the front gate.

  “Lieutenant Carrington to see Phil Lucci.” Jake flashed his badge.

  The guard looked at his board. Jake focused over the guard’s shoulder, watched Cosgrove come up behind the man. Cosgrove put the gun to the guard’s head and told him to open the gate. Jake loved a guy who knew how to do his job. And he loved when no shots were fired. Now for the next part of the operation. He hoped their luck held out.

  “Take him to the wagon,” Jake said, after Cosgrove cuffed the guard.

  Once he got the signal from the other members of the SWAT team informing him their targets were secured, Jake got on his phone, giving the go-ahead to the Feds and the other team members to follow him into the house. He sped up the driveway with the element of surprise. Jake parked next to an Audi with temporary plates he didn’t recognize. He palmed his gun as he rang the bell. When Phil’s maid answered, Jake pointed his gun at her heart and put his right index finger to his lips to silence her.

  “What room is Phil in?”

  “His office is the third door on your left.”

  “Is he alone?”

  “No, there’s a woman with him.”

  Jake’s stomach curled. He hoped to God it wasn’t Kyra. Passing the maid off to the waiting officer, Jake watched while she was handcuffed. Jake tilted his head in the direction of Phil’s office. McDermott nodded. Together they proceeded down the hall, stopping on either side of the door, guns raised. McDermott knocked. When Phil called out, they entered the room. Jake went to the right. McDermott left.

  “What the hell is this? Where are my men?” Phil dove for his desk drawer as Jake and Kyra locked eyes.

  Light glinted off the gun Phil pulled from his desk drawer. Kyra jumped in front of Jake as Phil raised his gun and then fired it. Jake hit the floor, pulling Kyra down with him and returned fire. He crawled to the front of the desk. It had a solid front, and for that Jake thanked the heavens. With his back to the desk, Jake checked his gun, four bullets left. He looked across the room and saw blood. McDermott was hit. Jake stayed put, otherwise he’d be in the line of fire. He pushed Kyra from his mind as he concentrated on Phil. Jake ignored the rush of footsteps coming from outside the door. He crawled to the end of the desk and peered around it, hoping to catch Phil off guard. The area was clear. He proceeded to the short end of the desk. His gun leading, Jake looked around to the back of the desk and there was Phil—reloading his gun and cursing.

  Jake leaped, body slamming Phil as he led with his right. He put every ounce of strength he had behind each blow and smashed them into Phil’s face. He cursed when Phil got one in under his guard. For a little guy, he had quite the punch. His head rang out in pain, Jake landed one dead center on Phil’s nose. A satisfying crunch echoed under his fist—he’d broken Phil’s nose, though it didn’t stop Phil. After a few minutes Jake was able to gain control as he rolled on top of Phil. This time he sent his fist into Phil’s stomach. Phil tugged on his hair. It seemed like the fight went on for an eternity, though it lasted no more than a few minutes. When Newton tried to pull him off Phil, Jake continued to throw punches.

  “Jake, stand down. See to the Russell woman, she’s been hit,” Newton ordered.

  Blood dripped into his eyes. Still sitting on Lucci, Jake turned to signal he’d heard him. Though he bloodied up the bastard good, Phil had gotten a couple of punches in. Once his adrenaline ceased pumping the pain would take over. Jake moved his jaw from side-to-side to make sure it wasn’t broken and shook out his bruised hands. Lucci hadn’t fared as well. There was blood in Phil’s eyes. Not red liquid, but the ‘I’ll kill you red.’ If Phil was ever let loose, Jake understood he’d come after him first.

  Then it hit him. “Where is she?”

  “In front of the desk.”

  Jake crawled to her. She’d been hit in the stomach. Dark blood oozed out of her stomach and mouth, paralyzing him. She’d saved him. Helpless to save her he lifted her into his arms.

  “Kyra, do you hear me?”

  “Yes,” she said, coughing up blood. “I had to save Trevor. I’m sorry, I had no choice.”

  “Don’t talk.”

  “I wish…we met before he crushed me…I love…”

  “Kyra…” Her eyes rolled back.

  “Jake, she’s gone,” Newton said.

  Jake gently laid her on the floor. “I need you to leave the room for a minute, Newton. Go see about McDermott. He’s been hit and needs a meat wagon. I’ll take care of the prisoner.” Jake refused to acknowledge Phil by name.

  “Jake, I can’t leave you alone with him,” Newton said as he handcuffed Lucci.

  Jake stared Newton down. He turned back to Lucci and dragged him up to his feet, then pushed him into his desk chair. “Someday, somewhere, I’ll get you for this,” Jake whispered in Phil’s ear.

  Newton called over one of his agents to stand guard over Lucci then pulled Jake across the room.

  “Are you able to continue?”


  “Epstein has gotten through one layer. I’ll show you.”

  A swarm of bees started buzzing in his head. He didn’t have to read the file—they’d found something connecting Kyra to Lucci.

  Jake walked into the small office and looked over Epstein’s shoulder and read the screen. A sadness enveloped him.

  “Is this the first time she’s mentioned?”

  “Yes, but I’ll dig deeper.”

  “Thanks, Stew. Bring everything back to the station,” Jake said.

  “Will do, Lieutenant.”

  “I’m taking the evidence in,” Newton said.

  “No, you’re not. I understand your concern, but I’ll get more information out of him than you will.”

  Jake looked across the room as McGuire entered. “Captain, can I speak to you outside for a moment?”

  He filled him in. McGuire agreed Wilkesbury should handle the case. “I need your word that you’re going to be okay, Jake,” Shamus said. “I understand you cared for her.”

  “I did, but it won’t interfere in my investigation, Captain.”

  Jake walked into Phil’s office where Phil was screaming like a banshee.

  Hate filled every pore of his being as he stared Phil down. It pissed Jake off the way criminals lived. This house, heck, this room cost big bucks, more than everything in his entire house. Why had Phil’s activities gone on without detection? Jake understood, but it still got his goat. It would bother him long after he closed the case. Phil Lucci kept crooked cops in his pocket.

  “You’re going to regret the day you were born, Carrington,” Phil spat.


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