Seared by Desire

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Seared by Desire Page 15

by Jennifer T. Alli

  Smiling hesitantly, Sara unwrapped the parcel her smile becoming larger and more genuine as her unfinished sword came into view. “My sword!” she cried excitedly, caressing the rough, as of yet untempered metal. “How did you know to bring this?”

  “I saw you working on it in the old forge,” Matthew answered proudly.

  Laura ruffled Matthew’s head proudly, pulling him closer to her body in a motherly embrace. “Lord Lucian said that the fire you started would protect the manor in our absence, for that we’re all eternally grateful. After you did that for us how could we do nothing in return? Matthew and my husband both thought that as a swordsmith you’d appreciate us bringing your work.”

  “I do!” she cried excitedly, holding the unfinished sword tightly to her chest. Now that I have Seraphina I don’t need to have an actual forge to do my work. I might even be able to finish Lucian's sword before we meet up with the Malachites. “Thank you so much Laura, this means a lot to me. I really want to get this sword finished for Lucian and then I can start working on the swords for the rest of the army.” A strange look came over Laura’s face when she mentioned Lucian's name and Sara found herself frowning in confusion. “What is it Laura?”

  “It’s nothing my Lady.”

  “Go on,” Sara coaxed. “You can tell me.”

  Laura sighed in resignation realising when a battle was lost. “It’s Lord Lucian.”

  Sara perked up, her interest piqued. “What about Lucian?”

  “It’s that right there,” Laura crowed triumphantly. Sara was confused and it showed clearly on her face. “He treats you differently to everyone else. He acts differently around you. I’ve served him my entire life and in all that time I’ve never heard him laugh. If I didn’t know better,” she scoffed, “I’d think you were his bride.”

  “Bride? As in wife?”

  “No, bride as in soul mate. Every vampire supposedly has one though they are hard to find.”

  Sara smiled at the idea of being so intimately and permanently linked to Lucian before remembering exactly what it was that Laura had said. “Why is it so unrealistic that I could be his bride?”

  Indignation and anger flowed through her veins heating her skin as the fire within her began to seek an outlet. Because it’s becoming increasingly obvious that he’s mine. The thought shocked her making her stagger backwards. Was it possible? Could she be falling in love with the distant vampire with a one-track mind? Was it even possible to fall in love with someone she had known so briefly? Yes!! her mind screamed.

  Lucian was all that she had ever hoped to have for her own, his mere presence making her feel safe, wanted…desired. He was an honourable man; so very different to the men she had grown up with. She had forced her way into his life, made him take care of her but he’d never once complained, never once cursed her for her obvious weaknesses. He tried to act cold and indifferent around her but she knew he was anything but and teasing him had fast become her favourite pastime. His smiles, rare as they were, made her heart ache with the need to give him more. He drew her towards him, made her want to know everything about him, all that he’d experienced in his long centuries of life, understand what had moulded him into the man he now was. She didn’t know much about him but she was going to find out and as for love…she could feel the beginnings of the emotion growing with every second that passed. She was falling fast for her vampire but was he falling for her? The question of his unknown bride floated to the front of her mind.

  “Why can’t I be his bride?” she demanded angrily.

  Laura reached for her hand before snatching them back as the heat radiating off Sara’s skin almost burned her. “It’s simple my dear,” she began gently wary of angering her further. “You’re mortal.” She said the words as though they explained everything, which only served to anger Sara further.

  “What has that got to do with anything?”

  “Sara, Lord Lucian will only ever have one bride, one soul mate. She’ll mean everything to him, how would he survive if something were to happen to her? What would he do if she died? You can’t be Lord Lucian's mate because you will die just like the rest of us humans. His bride will be immortal like him, she will be with him forever.”

  And there it was, the simple truth and it was devastating to Sara. Lucian seemed so normal, so human but he wasn’t. He was immortal. She was going to die. She couldn’t be his bride. Somewhere in the world there was a woman that was perfect for Lucian, it just wasn’t her. She could practically feel her heart breaking. Dazed, she stumbled away from Laura, ignoring her pleas for her to come back. She walked to the exact location Lucian was sleeping and collapsed. Her hands ran over the soil lovingly, her mind pondering her future.

  Will I just be in the way when Lucian finds her? I might be falling for him but it doesn’t mean the same is true for him. He lusts after me that’s all. I’m just a temporary stopgap until he finds his bride. The thought brought her to the verge of tears.

  Chaotic thoughts were flooding Lucian's mind, drawing him from the peaceful respite true sleep offered. His mind was stretching, rousing to full wakefulness as he sought out the source of the problem. She wasn’t hard to find. His tempting little bride was running amok in his head. Apparently he was just as susceptible to her mind as she was to his. While young vampires could only project their thoughts into the minds of others to make it easier to feed, older vampires could hear their thoughts as well. It often drove them to madness, their minds unable to cope with the onslaught of other people’s thoughts. He had long since learned how to block out the thoughts of others and maintain his sanity but it appeared that Sara could break down his shields as though they had never existed.

  Sara, what’s wrong with you? he demanded, suddenly convinced that she had somehow been hurt while he wasn’t able to protect her. Had the fire elementals found them already?

  Lucian? she whispered confused.

  Yes it’s me. Now tell me what’s wrong with you.


  You’re lying.

  So what? she snapped. What do I matter? You have your precious bride to look forward to.

  Now it was his turn for his mind to panic. What did she know? Who had told her? Why was she so upset about the idea of being his? Had that morning meant nothing to her? Thoughts flooded his mind thick and fast but he sounded as calm as he always did when he next spoke. Who told you about my bride?

  What does it matter? She’s your soul mate. I mean nothing to you.

  She doesn’t know, she doesn’t know it’s her. He wasn’t sure whether to be pleased or upset by the news. That isn’t true Sara. You’re important to me.

  Not as important as her.

  She may not even be alive. But you…you’re here, I want you to stay with me Sara. Do you know what the odds are of a vampire actually finding their mate is? I might never find her but I found you. Heavens above Sara you drive me crazy haven’t I shown you what you do to me?

  Her mind was flooded with vivid images of them tangled in each other’s naked limbs, thrusting wildly against each other, hands desperate for contact, their lips meshed together so hard it was difficult to tell where she started and he ended. Lucian, she groaned, wishing she could touch him.

  I have you. I’m not going to pine over what may never be.

  I…I’m sorry for doubting you Lucian.

  As you should be.

  His words about his bride had calmed her, bolstering her flagging spirits. He wanted her. Her, the one her family had disowned because of her weakness, Sara the unwanted one. Hope swelled within her. They had a chance. Perhaps her burgeoning love wasn’t one sided, maybe Lucian could love her. She might not be his bride but she could still be his. She wanted to know more about him. She wanted to know everything. Lucian, how old are you?

  The question struck him as being peculiar after what had preceded it but he answered her regardless. I’m over a millennia old.

  So very, very, verrry old then.

br />   Do you have any family? You can’t have lived all that time and been alone. “Please,” she muttered aloud. “Don’t let him have spent all that time alone. Please let him have some family. No one could be alive all that time and not have someone.” Her heart ached at the thought that it could have been true.

  I had family. A mother, a father and an older brother.


  Yes, they died. If they were still alive then I wouldn’t be the oldest vampire now would I?

  What happened?

  My mother and father were overcome by the monster that grows within every vampire and killed by their own kind and my brother was the very thing I despise. He drank humans to death and they slaughtered him while he was vulnerable after he’d gorged himself on human flesh. The true answer to her question floated through his mind but he couldn’t bring himself to project it into her mind. Does it really matter how they died? They’re dead now and after learning from their mistakes I am not.

  Have you been alone long?

  Since I was three hundred years old.

  “Not anymore,” she grumbled, angry for the young man he’d once been. “I’m with you now.” And just like that any indecision she might have had faded. Lucian would never be alone again as long as she lived. “I may be mortal and one day I’m going to die but when I do I’m going to leave you with enough good memories to last a lifetime. Love is like that, it lasts forever even after one person has died.” Flattening her palm against the earth, she imagined Lucian reaching out to do the same, only a thin layer of soil separating them.

  Sara’s silence was beginning to unnerve him. What about you? You must have family.

  Sort of.

  How can you ‘sort of’ have family?

  I have them in the sense that they’re alive but I don’t have them in that they want nothing to do with me, they’ve disowned me actually.

  Her response was cavalier but he could sense the hurt in her words and his mind became clouded with red, anger making his fangs lengthen, the sharp points wanting desperately to hurt something even though his body was supposed to be dormant beneath the soil. Disowned you, he hissed. Why?

  They didn’t want to be associated with a weakling like myself anymore. It’s actually the reason that I don’t have any brothers or sisters either. After me my parents were afraid that all their children would be weak, pathetic disgraces to the fire elementals so they never had any more children. As soon as I was old enough they made me leave, Lance was the only thing I could take with me. He’s always been loyal to me, that’s why I love him so fiercely. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to him.

  A ‘weak, pathetic disgrace to the fire elementals’? The words were too specific for her to have made them up on the spot, someone had repeated that phrase far too often to his bride and they were going to be made to pay for it. Once the war is over, he forced himself to qualify even though he wanted nothing better than to burst from the earth and hunt them down right then. Why would anyone say that about you? You’re the strongest fire elemental I’ve ever heard of.

  It’s all Seraphina Lucian. It was hard to get the words out, hard to reveal her weakness to him when she wanted so desperately to stay with him. Would he reject her when he knew what she truly was? I wasn’t always this powerful Lucian and as soon as we figure out how to permanently cool the flame, I’m going to go back to what I was before, weak, pathetic, useless, I won’t be of any help to your war.

  Don’t speak about yourself that way, he snapped venomously. The anger in his tone surprised Sara; she was unused to having people protect her from something as simple as words. Even Abigail had let others throw the words at her; they were true, how could she try to defend against them. But Lucian –

  He cut her off. They’re not true Sara. Yes your flame is powerful but it isn’t the only thing that defines who you are. Even if you could never use your powers again, I’d never think you worthless.

  She was beginning to tear up for an all together different reason. He cared. If all he felt towards her was lust, he wouldn’t be trying so hard to make her realise her worth as a person. Lucian cared for her and the knowledge that he did was empowering. Thank you Lucian.

  There’s no need to thank me for stating the obvious. Besides, it isn’t as though there’s nothing you’re good at. You’re a swordsmith of the highest calibre; you’re the legendary Quicksilver. That’s something to be proud of and that has nothing to do with Seraphina.

  You know that’s actually why I started to make swords. I was useless at everything else but one day I found this old beaten up sword, there aren’t many weapons in my village because everyone can use fire, and I decided to fix it. No one taught me how to do what I do, it was instinctive. I just knew what tools to find and how to treat the metal once I had them. Once I’d fixed up the old sword I began to experiment, gathering whatever scraps of metal I could find and that’s when I found I could make swords just as well as I could fix them.

  The joy in her voice as she spoke seeped into him and for the first time in a long time he felt calm, at peace. One day she’s going to talk about me like that. One day soon.

  But then the Elders found out what I was doing and the sword making wasn’t just for fun anymore. They wanted me to do it for profit. They forced me to do it for money. My swords are good, I work damn hard to make sure they are and I know that I barely saw a fraction of the profit. I couldn’t even leave the village to see for myself what the swords were being sold for but seeing as I’m known to the outside world as the legendary Quicksilver I’m going to guess it’s a lot.

  They will all pay for what they did to you.

  Lucian's words floated through her mind, his voice so faint it was almost as though he hadn’t spoken. Lucian, she cried, panic beginning to fill her. Lucian, what’s going on? Are you okay?

  Her concern touched him bringing a smile to his mind. I’m fine Sara, trust me.

  But you’re fading away.

  I’m tired that’s all. I should be resting, using the time to heal myself. I’ve never been burned before, I’m usually a lot better at getting to safety before the sun rises, today was the first time I’d ever seen it and the burns are taking a lot of energy to heal. Don’t worry and don’t blame yourself. I knew what would happen to me when I started talking to you like this but…

  His voice was fading in and out of her hearing, she knew he was speaking but the words were too faint to hear. But what? she pressed, her tone urgent.

  You were worth the risk.

  His strength was drained but Lucian was still smiling as his mind aligned itself with his body to return to rest. Sara had proved him wrong and he couldn’t be happier about that fact. While the facts of their existence hadn’t changed, he was still a vampire and she was not, whole new avenues had opened up for them to be together. They weren’t restricted to being together only at night; with Sara the possibilities were endless.

  Chapter Twelve – Light

  The coming of dusk saw Sara sat beside Lucian's resting place waiting eagerly for him to wake. She’d spent the day working tirelessly on his sword, determined to have it ready for him as soon as possible but then an idea had come to her, one that would not only benefit Lucian but all the vampires that travelled with him, at least she hoped it would. Her work with the sword had had to end because she needed as much of her strength as possible and she’d forced herself to sleep in an attempt to urge her body sleeping patterns to be more in line with Lucian's. Now all that was left for her to do was to wait for Lucian to rise.

  The sun had faded from the sky and most of the vampires had already risen leaving only Lucian resting in the ground. With each second that passed where he failed to pull himself free of the earth her worry multiplied. If he didn’t wake it would be her fault. He should have been resting, gathering his strength to heal from burns that were her fault in the first place; instead he was talking to her and soothing her fears. Vampires were beginning to gather around her, look
ing expectantly at her for news on their leader’s location. She was beginning to feel trapped. How was she to tell them that Lucian was hurt because he was too busy trying to seduce her to realise that the sun was rising?

  Lucian, she called hesitantly within her mind unsure of whether or not he could hear her. She still didn’t understand how their conversation in the morning had begun.

  It was as if all he’d needed was for Sara to call out to him. The earth beside her shifted, parting so that Lucian could rise uninjured from his slumber. He was bare chested from their earlier encounter and anger began to prickle at her when she noticed some of the female vampires eying him appreciatively.

  Back off, he’s mine! her mind hissed. She could feel her skin heating and forced herself to rein in her emotions. She couldn’t afford to waste any energy if she were to give Lucian his gift.

  The words he’d spoken to her earlier had affected her deeply. Lucian had been alone in the world for a very long time and even now when he wasn’t, when he was surrounded by people, she doubted that he felt any less isolated. To them he was their leader and leaders couldn’t be seen to be weak, leaders by their nature were lonely souls. But he wasn’t just a leader to her, with her he could simply be Lucian, he could have weaknesses, he could just be a man, he could love.

  The second he was free of the soil’s clutches, orders began pouring from his lips and those around him rushed to obey. The camp was being dismantled around her, Lucian moving gracefully from place to place overseeing the whole thing and dressing as he went. She sat unmoving, patiently waiting for him to return to her, absolutely certain that he would. The few things she had were already packed, Lance carrying most of them including her all-important sword. She smiled as the hustle and bustle wound down, unconcerned even about Seraphina. She and the spirit had a deal for this one night only and Sara fully intended to savour the momentary respite.

  “Sara?” Lucian called from above her position on the ground. Smiling she pulled herself to her feet. “What are you doing?”


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