“I was waiting for you.”
“Sara,” he groaned, “we don’t have time for you to be waiting for me. We have to meet William. If we keep a good pace we can make New Malden before sunrise. I’m eager to put this whole thing behind me and the faster we get there, the quicker this will be over.”
“But that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I have a present for you, for all of you and before you try to argue with me, you’re getting it regardless of what you say and I’m already packed.”
He held out his hand expectantly, rolling his eyes at her words while internally rejoicing. He hadn’t received a gift in over several hundred years; he’d forgotten the excited nervousness that filled a person when they were about to receive one. “Fine,” he responded, his normally stoic voice containing a hint of mirth. “Give it to me.”
“It’s not the sort of gift that you can hold in your hand, you have to see it with your eyes. Gather your people and meet me back at our lake.”
He was about to protest but she was already moving, slipping past his outstretched fingers to easily mount the horse and ride off into the distance. “Our lake,” he mused as he walked over to his own horse a faint smile on his face. He liked the sound of it, neither hers nor his but theirs. He swung into the saddle with practised ease, gathering the reins and urging the horse into a gentle trot. “Follow me,” he ordered, glancing briefly behind himself to make sure that his people were doing as he asked.
Lucian was thankful that the trip back to the lake was short; he was beginning to worry about his bride. She’d been without him for an entire day, that had to mean Seraphina’s arrival was imminent. When he saw her next it seemed that his fears were justified. Sara stood beside the lake her skin aglow from the extreme heat coursing through her veins. The fire seemed content to remain within her skin for the moment rather that spread fiery tendrils outward in an attempt to burn more. The seemingly controlled nature of the fire worried Lucian even more. Usually her flame flickered between red-orange and blue now it was white, the hottest colour a fire could be. Was this it? Was this the fire meant to end Sara’s life?
Never! he roared. Leaping from his horse he quickly closed the distance between them.
“It’s alright Lucian,” Sara pacified, avoiding his arms as he tried to touch her and extinguish the fire. “I’m doing this for you and for them.” She inclined her head towards the vampiric army at his back.
“What are you doing?”
“I was thinking about something Seraphina once told me and what you said this morning.”
His jaw was clenched so tightly he feared he might crack a tooth. His heart was racing as fear coursed through his veins and he feared the monster within him would soon break free to stop his bride from hurting herself. “And just what did she say to you to inspire this madness?” he spat.
“I asked her why she only came out at night and in her own childish way she told me that there could only be one sun in the sky at a time. Then you told me that you’d never seen the sun and I got to thinking…why couldn’t I be your sun?” The arms that had been wrapped so tightly around her body loosened, lifting skywards. “Why couldn’t I show you what daylight is like? And do you know what I found out Lucian?”
“No,” he answered through gritted teeth.
“There isn’t a reason. This is for you Lucian, for you and your people to say thank you for taking care of me.”
The glow that covered her body began to concentrate in her outstretched palms, the light getting bigger and brighter as it continued to rush to a single location. Sweat beaded on Sara’s brow as the effort of her task began to wear on her. Her arms trembled from the strain though what she was holding was technically weightless. She gritted her teeth, determined to see the task through to the end now that she’d started. Lucian looked worried so she flashed him a quick smile while mentally counting down the seconds until she could release her burden. All of the fire had to be gathered, the flame strengthened until it was at it’s most powerful and only when her body was completely devoid of the white light could she show him. Four. Three. Two. One. Now! She bent her arms slightly before thrusting the glowing ball of light away from her and into the sky. Her flame began to take shape, becoming circular and larger as it rose into the sky. Light continued to stream from her fingertips, her own sun becoming brighter and brighter, beating back the darkness of the night.
Lucian blinked rapidly as his eyes became used to the bright light. When his vision cleared he was stunned to find that the area beneath Sara’s sun looked just like it had that morning under the sun’s actual rays. He turned to look at the vampires gathered behind him all of whom were laughing, stunned at the change in their perspectives. Horses were quickly dismounted as they rushed to examine things they had only ever seen beneath the milky light of the moon, simple things like leaves were suddenly fascinating. His attention quickly returned to Sara, his gaze riveted to the shimmering colour of her red hair. It was just as beautiful as it was in the morning but she seemed all the more beautiful for giving him such a gift.
Mine. No word had ever sounded more fitting. He steeped forward wanting to embrace her but she shook her head sadly.
“No Lucian, I’m having a hard enough time keeping this going. If you touch me it’ll all be over.”
“So what? You’ve done more than enough.”
She shook her head, no. “Look at them Lucian. They’ve never seen the sun before; it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Look at how happy they are. I can keep going for a little longer. Tell them to enjoy themselves while they can, the same applies to you.”
She was right, his people looked overjoyed and those that knew exactly what she meant to him were finally looking at her as though she were worthy of him, of leading at his side. His dark eyes returned to her. “I’m enjoying myself exactly where I am. I don’t want to go anywhere but Sara…”
“Yes Lucian.”
“Don’t exhaust yourself like you did yesterday.” I want you at my side when we meet William. I want to show my bride off.
“Don’t worry Lucian, I’m getting better at understanding my limits. It won’t happen again.”
“Be sure it doesn’t.” You’re putting undue strain on my heart.
It was exhausting work being the sole power source for a sun and within minutes Sara felt her energy levels drop dangerously low. If she kept going she was going to pass out just like she had the night before. Her hands fell to her sides, her shoulders slumping in resigned defeat and the light faded, the world around them gradually turning dark again.
Her eyes locked with Lucian's, a silent apology flowing from the cerulean depths even before she started talking. “I’m sorry Lucian, so sorry.”
He pulled her towards him wishing that he could hold her properly but all too aware of the enemy in their midst, an enemy that had just seen how powerful Sara was and would relate that information back to his leader if given the chance, not that Lucian intended to let him out of his sight until the talks were over. Even though the contact between them was limited to a seemingly platonic touch, he was relieved that he could finally touch her again. He hadn’t quite realised just how much he loved touching his little bride until he couldn’t do it anymore. “What do you have to be sorry for? You’ve given me and my people an irreplaceable gift, I don’t know how to thank you.”
“A kiss would be nice,” she chuckled, leaning into his body hopefully.
Her red lips called to him, encouraging him to sample the wonderful taste of her mouth. A low, frustrated groan slipped past his lips, he could feel a pair of watchful eyes at his back watching his every move. To kiss her would be to bring trouble to their door. William was ruthless and he would do his utmost to use Sara against him. For all his words of peace William was still the enemy, still the man he’d been warring against for over a century and that fact wasn’t going to change just because he said he was different now. He pulled Sara as close as he could without it seeming too improper
and whispered heatedly against her ear, “Later.”
Her body trembled slightly in response, swaying when he released her arms from his grip. She stumbled as she made her way back to Lance though she never fell with Lucian's steady and reassuring presence beside her. With a horse as well trained and loyal as Lance it was easy enough for her to climb into the saddle and she rode back towards the vampires with Lucian easily keeping pace beside her. Loud cheering and applause greeted her when she was once again in their midst. The sight of so many faces pleased to see her slightly disconcerting to Sara, so used was she to scowls and curses. Some were even looking at her as though she were the sun, adoration clear and apparent in their expressions, it dawned on her that to these people she was. At least temporarily, she sighed. Well Seraphina, it seems that you’re actually good for something. You’ve given these people, given Lucian, something they’d never have had otherwise…thank you.
The spirit grunted but made no other comment, content and lazy now that it’s flame had burned so brightly.
Lucian's voice pulled her from her internal musings and she realised that in the short time she’d been wandering about in her head, he’d mounted his horse, calmed his people and was preparing to move on to New Malden. He never ceased to amaze her and she smiled understanding that he never would.
“Come,” Lucian ordered, hoping he wasn’t revealing just how difficult it was to re-orientate himself to the dark after the brightness of Sara’s sun. If the light was having such an effect on him he dreaded to think of the effect it was having on his people who had no natural defences against Sara’s powers. Closing his eyes, he took a deep steadying breath before spurring his horse into action. Groggily, his people followed, their movements becoming increasingly steady as time passed. He noted with pleasure that Sara was being surrounded on all sides by trusted warriors all of whom looked concerned by the fatigue she was clearly showing. She was riding the horse half blind, her level of awareness clearly fluctuating. She night not realise it but she had earned the life long loyalty of all the vampires who’d witnessed her extraordinary display of power, even those who were unaware that she was his bride were protecting her as though she were their princess. He’d never been so proud of another person in his life.
He forced himself not to smile at the endearing picture she made, her head gently lolling as the horse carefully moved along with the group. His mind wandered to William and then he wasn’t aware of anything outside of what he would say to the Malachite leader in their upcoming meeting. He hadn’t seen William in decades and the last time they’d spoken he’d vowed to see Lucian dead no matter the cost. In the interim years William had kept his word, striking out at Lucian whenever an opportunity had presented itself. He hadn’t managed to kill him but Lucian didn’t think that was for a lack of trying. Peace had always seemed like such a foreign concept to William, centuries of killing mortals had made him a violent man. No matter what way he looked at it, William’s desire to meet him and talk peace was odd.
Lucian was so embroiled in his mental debate that he failed to see time ticking away, wasn’t aware that with every second that passed his party was getting closer and closer to New Malden. When he managed to pull himself from his thoughts, they were already in front of the city gates. His eyes wandered over the towering gates before them hoping that the messenger hadn’t noticed his momentarily daze expression. Though it was dark, he could easily make out the guards patrolling along the stone wall that ringed the city, the first line of defence against attack. He could faintly make out the noisy sounds of city life that awaited them behind the gates.
“Who goes there?” A loud, booming voice called from overhead.
Lucian's horse pranced nervously on the spot at the unexpected sound. “Lord Lucian of the Vampires,” he answered easily.
The gates immediately began to open and this time Lucian couldn’t help but smile. When he’d started this war he would have been shot at if he’d openly declared himself a vampire, things were different now and all of that was thanks to him. His efforts had paid off, there was only William and the Malachites left and then vampires would be free to roam the world freely without fear of anything but the sunlight. The thought spurred him into action and he turned back to the messenger, his expression one of grim determination. He’d initially been planning on resting for the day and then going to see William the next night but he wanted this over with. One way or another he was going to find out what he wanted to know tonight. He wanted peace; he wanted the war to be over and most importantly he wanted his lush little bride.
“Where is William?” he demanded, the tone of his voice warning the younger man to answer honestly or face the horrifying consequences. “Where is your leader?” Lucian asked again, moving his horse a little closer to the messenger’s.
“He’s staying at the King’s Head tavern,” he gulped.
How appropriate, Lucian mused.
Just as Lucian was the Lord of his people, William was the Lord of the Malachites. The vampires had no King and only when they were united under one leader would they ever have one. The battle was almost entirely in Lucian's favour, most vampires had already submitted to his superior strength, only the Malachites were left and once William was either defeated or agreed to peace Lucian would be King of the vampires. It was a sobering thought.
“Take me to him.”
The messenger’s already pale face whitened even further at the promised violence in Lucian's voice and he moved towards the front of the group, leading Lucian's large party into the opening gates of New Malden. Like any other city, New Malden was busy even at this time of night, drunkards lay hunched over on street corners, the acrid smell of vomit and drying ale filling the air while the sound of scantily dressed women calling to them rushed to meet their ears. The houses were crammed together, thatched roofs clearly worn away in some places, dim light flickering from inside. As they moved further into the city the squalor began to fade, the buildings becoming sturdier, the streets cleaner and the air quieter. Their party progressed quickly through the emptying streets, Lucian's dark gaze never once leaving the messenger’s back. He was confident that the warriors around him were scanning their surroundings searching for the faintest hint of treachery.
His spine stiffened when he saw the sign for the King’s Head, his body thrumming with nervous energy, nevertheless he rode seemingly undaunted towards it. The tavern was clean, inviting, the sound of joyous laughter pouring from the open door. Lucian dismounted from his horse wanting nothing more than to get this meeting over with. Others were quick to follow his lead, his reins were taken from him and he moved to the messenger, pulling him from his horse. “Take me to William,” he growled.
Fear wafted from the man’s skin in waves and he quickly rushed to the tavern’s doors, holding them open wide for Lucian to enter. His dark eyes momentarily landed on Sara and he sighed in relief when she dismounted Lance with no outside assistance. She was slowly but surely regaining her bearings, becoming increasingly aware of the world around her as her energy levels rose. She was walking towards him, men surrounding her protectively on all sides, but she was walking unassisted, she was getting better. The thought lifted his sour mood as he walked into the tavern, his steps slow as he tried to keep Sara within his line of sight.
The tavern was filled with Malachites and Lucian felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise in warning. Being surrounded by the enemy was never a good idea particularly when you were accompanied by your currently vulnerable bride. He wanted this meeting over with.
William was tall and wide in both the shoulders and chest, a true warrior’s physique. He looked more than capable of wielding a cumbersome broadsword with both hands to cleave a man’s head from his shoulders. He wore his long blonde hair down around his neck and that along with his thick beard made him seem almost leonine in appearance. He might even have once been called handsome but his face was now heavily scarred, his grey eyes alive with madness. He stood as soon as
he saw Lucian enter the tavern, the change in position making those around him aware of Lucian's arrival. He smiled, spreading his arms wide in invitation. “Lucian,” he boomed. “I wasn’t sure that you would come.”
Lucian approached William his stride confident though he was mentally cataloguing every possible means of escape, his mind running through all possible treacherous scenarios. “You knew I would come or send someone in my place. No one wants this war to be over more than me.”
William nodded thoughtfully, a quick glance sending those sat around the table scurrying. Now that there were seats available, he waved to one of the chairs around the circular table. “Please come, sit down so that we can talk properly.”
“This is not the place to discuss matters of peace William.”
“What better way is there to discuss peace than over a pint of ale?”
“Treaties should not be made on a drunken leader’s whim.”
William sighed realising Lucian's implacable resolve on the matter. “Fine,” he sighed. “We shall just talk tonight, reacquaint ourselves with one another. It has been a long time since we last spoke.”
It would be in his best interests to see if William’s character had changed. Already he could tell the man was half drunk, apparently his fondness for ale hadn’t faded in the decades they’d been apart. He sat down, pleased to note that Gareth and Russell had been quick to flank him, sitting down on either side of him to protect him from any potential attack. A gently swaying Sara was quickly forced to sit down at the table. The distance that separated them was an annoyance but Lucian forced himself to squash any and all personal feelings and turn his attention back to the task at hand.
“So William, you wanted to talk…talk.”
William laughed loudly at Lucian's curt words. “You haven’t changed a bit Lucian. You’re just as blunt and to the point as you ever were.”
“I don’t see any reason for me to have changed. My principals are still the same, it’s yours that are in need of modification.”
Seared by Desire Page 16