Seared by Desire

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Seared by Desire Page 29

by Jennifer T. Alli

  “Lucian,” she purred, leaning against a wall seductively. “I need you.” The words flowed from her lips, deliberately enticing him. “But,” she drawled. “If you won’t help me, if you’re unwilling to help satisfy my needs then I’m sure someone else will be more than happy to do it.” A soft growl filled the air and her heart raced in response. It was working. “Maybe,” she continued. “I’ll ask Gareth. Maybe, I’ll ask Russell. I’m sure they’d be willing to help me. I’d be wearing my sword crafting suit after all, that’s sure to entice them.” The growl became louder. “Then again,” she mused softly. “It seems like a lot of effort to put on clothes seeing as I’m already naked.” She turned from him and shrugged. “I think I just won’t bother. I’m already almost at the door, there’s no point in me getting dressed, they’re both just outside.”

  She heard the faint rustle of sheets before her back was pressed hard into the wall, Lucian's body preventing her from moving. “You’re not going anywhere. You’re mine Sara.”

  She felt no fear as she stared into eyes the colour of blood, only an overwhelming sense of relief that was almost tangible in its strength. Her hands rose to wrap around his neck and she embraced him tightly. “Lucian.”

  The arms around her were fierce, holding her far too tightly but she didn’t complain, simply relieved that he was alive. He lifted her from the floor, wrapping her legs around his waist as he ground against her forcefully. A moan slipped past her lips, the pleasured sound quickly turning to one of distress as he pushed her further into the hard wall.

  “Lucian,” she pleaded, cupping his cheeks and forcing his eyes to meet her. The red hadn’t faded from his eyes and though they were aglow with lust, there was no recognition in his eyes. “Lucian?”

  “Who is Lucian?” he growled.

  “If you’re not Lucian, then who are you?”

  “It doesn’t matter who I am bride. All that matters is that you’re mine.”

  His fangs lengthened, dripping with thirst. For a moment Sara contemplated struggling against the vicious grip the man before her had on her body but instead she let her body relax, her head loll back to expose the skin of her neck. Lucian was still in there and he needed to drink from her if he was going to live. His fangs sank into her skin, carelessly ripping through her flesh to reach the rich blood beneath the surface. He groaned in pleasure as the rich nectar touched his tongue and then began to draw deep. Sara gasped in shock at the tearing pain, as he continued to ravage her neck but forced herself to endure, even wrapping her arms around his neck to keep him drinking. Uncaring of the consequences, Lucian continued to drink drawing long and hard until Sara’s limbs grew weak. She could barely see straight and it was only the strength in Lucian's arms that kept her from sliding to the floor. Her arms had long since fallen away from his neck and her legs were barely able to maintain the hold around his waist. Her head lolled in weakness but Lucian ruthlessly held her to him, greedily taking more.

  “Lord Lucian!” Russell bellowed as he slammed through the door. “That’s enough! Heavens above, Lady Sara, what have you done to her?”

  Lucian eyed the man, contemplating tearing his head from his shoulders but too entranced by the taste of Sara’s blood to do so. He continued to suck her neck, hoping the man would go away.

  “Lord Lucian, do you understand what you’re doing?” Russell pleaded. “Look at her. Look at what you’ve done to your bride. Do you really want to kill her? You have to remember who she is. Sara. Remember Sara, Sara and her swords. The only woman to get under your skin, to make you laugh, to make you smile. You love her dammit and if you take any more blood from her you’re going to kill her.”

  The words sunk in slowly but as they did, Lucian began to claw his way back from the depths of himself, wrestling control away from the monster that had to be hidden. His fangs released her skin and he gasped in shock to see the damage he’d caused. Her skin was red, torn raw by the number of bites he’d inflicted upon her. The many wounds were bleeding, her precious blood dripping down her skin and onto the floor.

  “Sara?” he croaked, lifting her weak body and cradling her against his chest.

  Her eyes fluttered open, the simple movement taking far too long. “Lucian.” She sighed happily, smiling despite the frown he was directing at her, immeasurably glad to see that he’d recovered even if it was at her expense. She could feel the coolness of the air around her, her ability to feel the change in temperature a sure sign that she was perilously ill.

  “What have I done?”

  She tried to reassure him, tried feebly to lift her hands so that she could touch him but her limbs were so weak she couldn’t muster the strength to raise them. “You’re alive and that’s all that matters,” she croaked, her voice fading away as her tired body began to feel the effects of Lucian's treatment of her.

  He could hear her heart stuttering, struggling desperately to beat. “I’ve killed you.” The words were torn from his throat in anguish. He wanted to scream, wanted to shout, to tear the world down so that he wouldn’t have to endure the grief of his beloved bride’s passing but he could do none of those things. Sara looked so fragile in his arms as though the simple raising of one’s voice would be enough to send her into the after life. He cursed himself for his actions and cursed Sara for her stubborn determination to save him. It seemed that their desire to ensure the other lived would be the end of them both.

  “Better me than you.” She smiled again weakly, her body starting to shiver violently. Her vision was beginning to fade, the tears in her eyes making Lucian's face even more of a blur. I don’t want to die, she sobbed. I don’t want to leave him all alone.

  Get warm, Seraphina hissed angrily. Get warm and live.

  The spirit’s annoyed words reminded Sara of the strength that had returned to her limbs once she had let the fire wash over her that morning. The strength she received was in proportion to the heat of the flame but surely any heat would suffice to tide her over until her strength returned by itself. “Lucian I don’t want to leave you, I want to live. Help me, please.”

  “Anything! Just tell me what to do.”

  “Fire. I need fire…” Her words teetered off as her grip on consciousness faded.

  There was no time to process what exactly she might have meant by her final words and Lucian was in no mood to try and divine any secret meanings there might have been. Time was short. He sprung into action, racing past his commanders and up the stairs to the kitchens, the only place he knew would be guaranteed to have a roaring fire whatever time of the day it was.

  His arrival in the kitchens was a shock to everyone but he ignored the staff, pushing past them to reach the hearth. The flames were hot, the heat from the fire trying to force him to step back but he pushed the discomfort to the back of his mind. Kneeling in front of the flames, he guided Sara’s legs into the fire, watching as it raced along her calves before seeping into her skin. He waited expectantly for something to happen and when she sighed in relief, her legs trying to sink further into the flames, his heart calmed. Ignoring his burning flesh, he eased more of her legs into the fire. With her blood overflowing in his veins his skin was healing almost as fast as it burned, the raw blisters fading into nothing even as his clothes burned.

  In all Lucian's centuries of living he’d never once felt nervous, the emotion seemed like far too much a waste of time for someone who was likely to outlive his peers but nervous anxiety filled him now…nervousness and embarrassment. He was far too aware of the many eyes upon him and his bride and all together too conscious that people could see the result of his lack of control. Sara was his bride, he was meant to protect her from any and all threats and not only had he failed to protect her, it was he that had endangered her life. The kitchen suddenly seemed too crowded. He wanted to care for her privately, wished to savour the comfort her presence brought alone.

  “Have a fire started in my bedroom,” he ordered quietly, his normal imperious tone vanishing in the face of hi
s latest mistake. “And someone bring a torch here so that Sara doesn’t become cold when I move her.”

  “Yes Lord Lucian,” the unseen voices replied.

  He could hear them moving, rushing to obey his command but his eyes were focused solely on Sara, all his senses trained on her. He watched the orange flames continue to lick at her skin, the heat transferring into her body rather than burning her like it was doing him. He listened intently to the stuttering sound of her heartbeat, each pause making his own still before it returned to its regular beat.

  I should have told her, he sighed. I should have told her why I disappeared, that I was a threat to her life. Maybe then she wouldn’t have been so eager to wake me before she was at full strength. What would have happened if Russell hadn’t brought me back to my senses? Would I have killed her? He groaned, crushing her body against his. He knew the unfortunate answer to that question was probably yes. The monster within was possessive and while it may have understood that Sara belonged with them, it didn’t know or understand how to care for her.

  “Lord Lucian?”

  The softly asked question brought his mind away from his melancholy thoughts and he turned to look at George, his dark eyes assessing. “Yes?”

  “The fire in your room has been prepared and there’s additional firewood next to the hearth to keep it going and here is the torch you requested.” His eyes darted about the room determined not to witness Sara’s state of undress.

  Pleased by the cook’s actions, Lucian pried the torch from his fingers. “Thank you George.”

  “It’s an honour to serve Lord Lucian and if you’ll excuse me for being so forward, I wish Lady Sara makes as quick a recovery as you my Lord.”

  I doubt it, he mentally scoffed though outwardly he remained silent. He placed the torch on Sara’s stomach, his heart clenching at the pained moan let out when her feet were removed from the flames.

  Despite the heat from the torch, her skin paled when he lifted her into his arms and away from the fire’s intense heat. He moved quickly, ignoring the curious glances that were directed at him as he walked along the halls. It was only when they were in the sanctuary of their room and the sweltering heat of the fire greeted him that Lucian felt himself relax slightly.

  He strode to the fireplace and eased Sara’s legs back into the flames. Caressing her face, he was pleased to note that colour was returning to her skin, the ashen pallor disappearing the longer she was exposed to the fire’s heat. Though it went against everything he knew about healing, he forced more of her body into the flames, bending her legs to get her closer to the heat. Minutes passed and her breathing began to steady, her heart beating more regularly.

  Now that they were alone he was distinctly aware of her state of undress and he could feel desire building within him. Cursing, he turned away from her, laying her gently against the thick carpet. His desire for her was intimately linked to his lust for her blood and she couldn’t afford to lose any more.

  A dress is too complicated, he decided quickly. Breeches will mean I have to take her out of the fire and I don’t want to risk moving her again. That leaves me with only one option. Quickly, he gathered one of his discarded shirts and guided her arms through the sleeves. The heavy material swallowed her small frame and Lucian nodded his approval, with her body swamped by his clothes he wouldn’t be tempted by tantalising glimpses of her naked body and deliciously perfect curves. His normally nimble fingers fumbled to place the small buttons through the equally small holes with his eyes closed. As the fourth button missed the hole for what felt like the thousandth time he cursed.

  “How do you dress yourself in the morning?” Sara chuckled softly, Lucian's attempt to dress her waking her from her sleep as the fire strengthened her weak body.

  His eyes clashed with hers, day meeting night before he exhaled in relief. “Sara.”

  “I’m right here Lucian.” She struggled to lift her arm desperate to touch him but her body refused to cooperate with her wish.

  Her feeble attempt to touch him made anger course through his veins and he clasped her hand tightly, his eyes flashing red. “What were you thinking?” he hissed angrily. “And who helped you? I’m going to have them executed.”

  She rolled her eyes at his words. “Lucian, if that’s the stance you’re going to take on the matter then it’s obvious that I’m not going to tell you anything.”

  His grip relented but his stare intensified, the emotions he’d felt when he thought he’d killed her clear in his eyes. “Please Sara, tell me how you found out.”

  “Fine,” she relented. “I’ll tell you some of it but I won’t do it like this. Will you help me sit up?”

  He moved swiftly, easing her off the soft carpet into a sitting position careful to ensure her body was linked at all times to the fire. She swayed gently when he began to release her prompting him to sit behind her and let her use his chest for support. “Is this better?”

  “Almost,” she remarked evasively. Shifting slightly Sara guided Lucian's arms to wrap around her, sighing in contentment when she was held securely in the safety of his arms. “Now it’s perfect.”

  “Tell me what happened Sara.”

  “Demons attacked the estate.” His grip instinctively tightened. “Don’t worry, I took care of them. But once they were gone I heard people talking about the demons and whether they’d come for me or for you. I made them tell me the truth.” She winced. “I threatened to char them to a crisp if they didn’t take me to you. When I found out that you needed to drink to get better what I had to do was obvious.”

  “No Sara,” he growled, “it wasn’t. You could have been killed or did no one tell you that?”

  “I was told several times actually, it didn’t change my mind in the slightest. If you need something I’ll go to hell and back again to get it for you. And what would I do if you died? I decided that if only one of us could survive then it had to be you. You would be far more missed than me and I can’t bear the thought of having to continue living alone for however short a period that would be.”

  “And what about me? I’m just meant to live with the fact that I killed you? Why would you think that I could live knowing that?” He nuzzled her cheek gently, kissing the bruised skin on her neck lightly in a silent apology. “I’d never known love before you Sara and I’ll never know it again if something were to happen to you. You have to take better care of yourself.”

  “I will Lucian, I will.” Turning, she kissed his lips lightly. “I love you Lucian, that’s why I did what I did and I would do it again without hesitation because I will always love you.” She sighed, “Why can’t things be simpler?”

  “Do you regret ending up with a vampire? Would you be happier if I were something different?”

  “Lucian, I’d never change anything about you. Ever. All I meant was that we never seem to have a moment’s peace. If it’s not one thing it’s something else.”

  His superior hearing could hear people gathering outside the door and he groaned softly. She was right. “Things will be different in the future I promise but for now let’s just have tonight, let’s pretend the world outside of this room, away from this fire doesn’t exist and it’s just you and me.” He could tell by the silence that filled the room she wasn’t impressed by his idea but undeterred he pushed on. “One day soon this war will be over. Tell me Sara, what are your dreams for the future? Tell me,” he prodded, tickling her sides lightly.

  Laughing loudly she conceded defeat. “Fine, fine, you want to know my dreams?”


  “Promise you won’t laugh?”

  “Of course not.”

  “It might sound silly but I’ve always dreamed of having a family of my own, people that would accept me for exactly who I am. Silly I know and with you and I being so different it’s probably impossible.”

  “And here I thought you were the optimistic one in our relationship. Sara, you’re my bride, of course it’s possible for us to have a f
amily of our own. It’s more than a possibility, it’s going to happen. If a vampire finds his bride, they can definitely have children and those children are without a doubt ten times stronger than they would be if their mother weren’t a vampire’s bride. If you want a family then I’ll give you one Sara. I’ll give you whatever it is you want. Even now as we speak your dream could be coming true.” He stroked her stomach lightly. “Your dream is beautiful, just like you.”


  “Of course.”

  “And what about you Lucian, what are your dreams?”

  “I’ve never really thought about what I want from life. The war and my people have consumed all my thoughts and energy. But…”

  “But what?” she prodded gently.

  “But things are different now. You’ve changed me Sara, made me start thinking about what I want from the future. My dream is simple. I want us to be happy and I want you to be safe. It’s not the most inventive dream but it’s what I want.”

  “A dream doesn’t have to be complicated and it’s usually the ones that seem simplest that are the hardest to achieve.” Her eyes drifted to the door, the clambering voices outside intruding on the peace and quiet she and Lucian so desperately wanted to achieve. Her eyes closed on a pained sigh, she didn’t want to do what she was about to but knew without a shadow of a doubt it had to be done. “But neither of our dreams can come true while William is still out there especially not if he’s allied himself with the demons. He’s an even bigger threat to us now. The demons are dangerous. They can attack during the day when we’re practically defenceless. If they were to attack tomorrow I wouldn’t be able to defend us again, I don’t have the strength to Lucian.”


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