“What are you suggesting?”
“Nothing new. I’m not blind Lucian. Your army has gathered here, it’s obvious that you plan on going after William.”
“That was before I did this to you. I can’t leave you so weakened.”
“You have to Lucian. You’ve drunk my blood Lucian; you’re at your strongest right now. Don’t let my sacrifice go to waste.”
“And what if something happens while I’m away? What if William attacks?”
“I know that you’re worried but you don’t have to be. The best way to protect me is to make William focus his attention on something else. If your army is right in front of him he’s not going to have the time or manpower to worry about me.”
She was right and he knew it. Lucian cursed softly, pulling her closer to him.
“If that’s not a strong enough reason for you to leave then I want you to think about how tempted you’ll be to take my blood again.”
“I won’t Sara,” he promised. “You can’t afford to lose any more.”
“I’ve been told but what if something happens? If you’re here then you’ll be tempted. I love it when you bite me Lucian, who knows I might even seduce you into taking from me.”
He growled low in warning. “Don’t Sara.”
“Then don’t be silly Lucian. You know that I’m right, you know you have to go.”
“Dammit,” he cursed. “Why can’t I ever just have what I want? Our time together always seems to get cut short by this damn war. I should just give up and take you away somewhere where no one knows us and we can live together in peace.”
“You know you won’t do that because you’re more than just a good man Lucian, you’re a great leader as well. You want what’s best for your people and you’re prepared to make the sacrifices so that they don’t have to. You’re almost there, don’t give up now.” His head fell back on a sigh as the weight of his responsibilities once again came to rest on his shoulders. “I’m here for you Lucian, I’ll always be here for you. Let me share the burden with you, don’t take it all on to yourself.”
“And what if it’s too much for you? What if you crumble under the strain?”
“I’m not that weak Lucian and with you as my pillar how can I fall?”
His eyes slid shut as the decision was finally made within him. “You’re not going to change your mind about this are you?”
“Then I’ll go but on one condition.”
“And what’s that?”
“I meant what I said earlier. I want you and I to have tonight for ourselves. The world outside doesn’t exist until you fall asleep and then I’ll go prepare the army. By tomorrow night we’ll be gone. I’ll be back as quickly as I can but it will take a few days at the very least. Will you be okay without me? What about Seraphina? What if she decides to make an appearance again?”
The laugh that spilled from her lips stunned Lucian, confusion evident in his expression. “You aren’t going to have to worry about her for a while.”
“What do you mean?”
“The scholars found something. To keep Seraphina under control you have to bite me Lucian. Taking my blood also takes away the worst of her uncontrollable power.”
“Are you joking?” he asked incredulously. “After all this time, the one thing I was trying so desperately to avoid was the one thing that could have saved us?”
She nodded. “Soon we won’t even have to worry about her killing me either.”
“What do you mean?”
“The scholars said that Seraphina and I will reach an equilibrium soon and after that balance has been reached her powers will stop draining my life. Yes, she’ll still have moments where her power will get out of hand if you haven’t bitten me but I won’t die. They said that the answer was right in front of us this entire time.” She closed her eyes reciting the words that had changed her life so drastically what felt like a lifetime ago. “The wild flame of the spirit of fire will burn within them briefly but brightly. Soon she’ll be under control. The scholars think that we’re nearly at that equilibrium, they think that she might make one final attempt to be free and that’s the last time my life will be in danger.”
“Then I can’t go Sara, what if she rises while I’m away?”
“You weren’t listening,” she scolded indulgently. “You’ve bitten me Lucian, she’s under control now. I’ll be fine and once William is out of the way we’ll have no problems. You need to bite me for strength and I need you to bite me so that I can stay in control.”
“A perfect system if I do say so myself.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” She laughed, throwing her head back in happiness and her eyes landed on the armour she had spent so many hours trying to temper. Relief washed over her. Though her strength was now depleted she’d managed to complete her work, he would be safe. “Lucian, I have something I want to give you.”
“What?” she grumbled shocked by the speed with which he’d turned down her offer.
“You give far too much to me and I’ve yet to give you anything in exchange.”
“I have you Lucian, I don’t want anything else.”
“The same applies to me.”
“Lucian,” she growled angrily. “You will take this gift. I’ve spent too much time, effort and strength making it for you to turn it down. If it will make you feel better then get me a present on your way back after you’ve defeated William.”
“What is it now?”
Beaming, she turned and kissed him gently in reward. “It’s over there on the chair.”
Standing up, he watched her carefully, making sure she could sit up unaided before he went to the chair and retrieved the armour she was so desperate for him to have. His eyes flickered between her and the glowing metal, a question in his dark eyes. Excited, Sara tried to shift forward only to be thwarted by her need to remain close to the fire. Rolling her eyes, she resigned herself to remaining exactly where she was and explaining the beauty of her work from a distance.
“You crafted armour for me? I thought you could only make swords.”
“I didn’t make the armour, though I was initially planning to. I just tempered the metal. And you shouldn’t speak about it as though it’s ordinary armour, it’s demeaning to my work.”
“What’s so special about this armour then?”
“I’ve tempered the metal for you with my flame and when you wear it you’ll be invincible. Whatever comes into contact with the metal will melt away into nothing, so no swords will be able to cut you and no arrows will be able to penetrate it. The heat of the flame is so powerful that not even demons can stand against it.” She looked away from him, a blush rising to her cheeks in shame. “I know that I can’t be with you on the battlefield but I want you to know that I’m with you in spirit. I want you to come home to me safe and sound always.”
His eyes landed on the sword, immediately noting that it too glowed a strange red. “You took my sword to temper it as well didn’t you?”
She nodded. “The sword will cut through anything. Nothing will be able to stand in your way when you wield it.”
Lucian's eyes widened as the implications of Sara’s work settled in his mind. Invincibility. With armour that could never be breeched had a sword with the ability to cut through anything whomever wore the armour would be undefeatable. “I’ve never heard of armour like this before. Is there any more?”
“No, It’s one of a kind,” she answered solemnly. “I made this for you alone and I’ll never make another. Invincibility and immortality? It’s a dangerous combination and in the wrong hands it could lead to horrible destruction. You’re the only man that I’ll ever trust enough to use it properly.”
“And what if someone steals it from our chambers and decides to use it for whatever purposes their minds can invent?”
“I’ve already thought of that Lucian, this armour and sword are useless to anyone but you. When I tempered the met
al using my flame I had only thoughts of you in mind. To anyone else the armour is just armour, there’s nothing special about it.”
Lucian lifted the sword, examining the intricate hilt before carefully placing the blade to one side and moving closer to Sara. Cupping her face, he watched contentedly as she leaned into his touch. “Thank you Sara. Thank you for caring enough about me to make this but I want you to know that I intend to come home to you with or without the armour.”
“But –”
“Of course I’ll wear it into battle, I just want you to know that I’m determined that this is the last time William will interfere in our lives. After this I’ll be King and you will be my Queen and we’ll finally have peace. But I don’t want to talk of this anymore. You promised me this night and I intend to hold you to your word.” He leaned forward, lightly pressing his lips against hers as he wrapped his arms carefully around her fragile body.
The night passed too quickly, the time spent with their arms wrapped around each other, softly spoken words filling the air and all too brief, tender kisses. The day finally took its toll on Sara, her eyes closing in weariness. Hugging her tightly a final time, Lucian threw firewood into the flames to ensure she stayed warm, placing a thick blanket over her sleeping form and a pillow beneath her head.
“I love you Sara,” he whispered against her ear before kissing her temple lightly. “I’ll be home soon.” He threw a final glance back over his shoulder, peace stealing through him at the sight of her lying so serenely against the thick rug. They’d put it off for long enough and even though his heart physically ached at the very thought of leaving her again, he knew he had no choice. Closing the door softly he walked into the corridor, prepared to ready his army and defeat William for the future he so desperately wanted with Sara.
Chapter Twenty One – Homecoming
Sat at the edge of a large hole in the ground, Sara let her feet dangle freely in the flames that filled the earthen fissure. Her fingers toyed with the pebbles that ringed the fire carelessly while her eyes watched Matthew’s attempts to strengthen his arms. She smiled as a helpful maid approached her, throwing wood into the flames to maintain the high temperature she needed to recover. The smile wasn’t a genuine one because she wished for nothing else than to be left alone in her room surrounded by things that reminded her of Lucian. Her simple wish had been thwarted by the overzealous caring of the estate’s residents who had refused to let her wallow in grief, going so far as to construct the outdoor fire place so that she had no reason to be alone.
The fire meant Sara could easily watch the flurry of activity involved in the daily lives of those around her despite the fact that her world felt as though it had stopped since Lucian had left. She watched the few warriors left behind train eagerly in the vampires’ absence, she watched as early summer crops were brought in, clothes washed and animals tended to. From her seat at the back of the crowded courtyard she watched life go on. Her eyes drifted away from Matthew to watch her feet swing in the flames for a moment before his curses brought her attention back to him.
“Damn it,” he swore.
She rolled her eyes in dismay. “Language Matthew. What would your mother say if she heard you?”
“I’m sure she’d understand. I don’t see why you can do this and I can’t.” His small arms struggled once again to lift the heavy broadsword from the ground, his muscles straining desperately before he sighed giving up again.
A faint smile curved Sara’s lips as she watched Matthew’s antics once again. In the last few days she’d spent a great deal of time with the boy namely because he refused to leave her side. It was rather endearing being someone’s role model and it gave her moments where Lucian wasn’t the only thing she thought about.
“I’m special. My flames give me strength that’s why I can do what I do.” Seraphina is why I’ve been able to craft swords despite my size. You wouldn’t want this burden even if it did reward you with an incredible skill. “There’s no need to worry Matthew, when you’re older you’ll be very strong.”
“As strong as Lord Lucian?” he asked hopefully.
Sara laughed, the sound flowing unhindered from her lips. “Not that strong.”
He walked towards her taking a seat at her back to avoid the heat of the fire. “I have to be strong Lady Sara otherwise how am I meant to be a better swordsmith than you?”
She stroked the strands of his hair lightly in a motherly sign of affection, turning to face him. “You don’t have to be better than me Matthew, you just have to be yourself and enjoy life. There’s no need to push yourself when you’re so young. Why don’t you play with the other children rather than spending all your time doing this?”
“But…” he protested.
“I promise when you’re older and stronger I’ll teach you everything I know. I just want you to be happy.” I want you to have a better childhood than the one I had.
“Can’t I do both?” he pouted.
Sara laughed again at his antics, the expression on his young face priceless but then she heard a sound she had hoped never to hear again.
“Sara!!” Abigail’s loud war cry rang through the air and her gaze was drawn inexorably towards the estate’s gates.
Her heart fell at the sight of so many fire elementals, their fierce expressions making their intentions clear. They were here for her and would take her no matter how dirty their hands became. While Abigail was her friend, Sara was under no delusions that she would spare her from the fate her people wished upon her. Abigail was first and foremost a true fire elemental and she would sacrifice her own mother if it meant achieving the objectives of the mission she’d been set. It was with a heavy heart that she watched Abigail approach the warriors who only moments ago had been steadfastly training.
“What are you doing here?” One of their number demanded.
“I’m here for Sara,” Abigail replied easily, her eyes scanning the crowd before she scowled in frustration. Sara was a fire elemental the extreme heat of her body should have been easily identifiable amidst the many humans before her but she couldn’t feel anything that would lead her to her friend. “Where is she? And I know she’s here so there’s no point in denying it. Lying only makes me angry.”
“Do you mean Lady Sara?”
Abigail frowned, confused by the title affixed to Sara’s name. Her friend wasn’t a Lady. “I want Sara, I don’t care what you’re calling her now. Bring her to me.”
Hands fell to sword hilts as they finally became aware of the danger the fire elementals posed. “Why?”
“That’s none of your business. Now, you either bring her to me this instant or we burn this place to the ground. The choice is yours.”
“You think we would surrender Lady Sara to you? Lord Lucian would have our heads.”
The air grew warmer and fear filled Sara. Abigail would make good on her words, she would kill every man, woman and child here to find her. They’ll never let her take me if they know what she plans to do and Abigail and the others will kill everyone if they try and help me. She sighed before throwing her hands skywards in resignation. What the hell, it isn’t as though I’ll be of any use to them as I am. I escaped once, I can do it again. I’ll do whatever I have to to get back to Lucian's side. “Matthew,” she whispered.
Her hushed tone instantly made the boy respond in kind. “Yes Lady Sara?”
“Will you help me up?”
He looked horrified by the very idea. “But Lady Sara, you need to stay in the fire. If you leave it you’ll get sick again. I don’t want you to get sick and Lord Lucian won’t be happy.”
Lucian will never know. I have to do whatever I can to protect everyone here. I can’t repay your kindness with death and destruction. “I’ll be fine,” she chuckled, waving off his concerns. “Do you see that woman over there, the one with the short brown hair?” He nodded. “That’s my best friend, she’s come to help me get better. I…I –” The words got stuck in her throat, the lie unwilling
to flow from her lips. She forced herself to take a deep breath and plough through the mire of unease that filled her. “I asked her to come.”
“She doesn’t look very happy to be here,” he commented accurately.
“That’s what most fire elementals look like Matthew, I’m an exception. Now help me up please.”
“Yes Lady Sara.”
With Matthew’s help, Sara made it to her feet, her body swaying the instant she wasn’t in contact with the healing flames. “Thank you Matthew.” She hugged him tightly, silently saying goodbye. “Be good.”
His expression was confused as she pulled away but she forced herself to ignore it and began walking towards the estate’s gates where Abigail was in an increasingly heated argument with the guards who were still denying her entrance. Her gait was slow as she weaved seemingly drunkenly through the crowds but the people quickly moved aside when they saw her moving. As she saw the worried looks on the faces of those around her, the decision she’d made when she saw Abigail was cemented in her mind. She’d come to care for everyone here, she couldn’t let them be hurt simply because she was there.
“Lady Sara.”
Both Abigail and the guards called her name as soon as she reached them, their expressions as different as night and day. The guards looked anxious, their eyes constantly flickering between her and the fire she should have been sitting beside while Abigail looked excited, triumphant now that she had found the primary objective of her mission. Sara forced her lips into a smile, trying to make herself look excited to see Abigail when nothing could have been further from the truth.
“Hello Abi.”
Familiar arms were soon wrapped around her tightly, the hug bittersweet. Despite all that Abigail had done and planned to do she was still her best friend, the one that had helped her through most of the difficult times in her life. It wasn’t her fault that she had been raised to be a true fire elemental, vicious and ruthless to the core. “I’ve missed you.” Sadly the same couldn’t be said of Sara; Abigail had rarely crossed her mind while she’d been with Lucian.
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