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The Last Bucelarii Book 3: Gateway to the Past

Page 20

by Andy Peloquin

  Queen Asalah held up one slim, perfectly manicured finger. "I do, however, have one modification to your plans."

  Of course, the Hunter thought. It can never be easy with these demons.

  As if seeing the change in his expression, she smiled and waved in a gesture of dismissal. "Never fear, Hunter. It is simply a matter of delaying a day or two."

  The Hunter wanted to shout in frustration. Hailen didn't have that kind of time. But he couldn't let his impatience show. She'd sense something was off. Instead, he clenched his jaw and waited for her to speak.

  "I've been planning something…special over the last few years, but lacked the perfect opportunity. With you, let's say that things coincide perfectly."

  "Why the delay?"

  "A few last-minute preparations. I hadn't expected the Sage to make his move quite so soon. But Thanal Eth'Athaur will be fed!"

  The Hunter nodded, pretending satisfaction. "Have you thought of how to handle the people of Aghzaret? They seem to love their king."

  "They do, and that is precisely the problem." She sneered. "He is too peaceful and good. Al Hani has prospered under his rule, which has made the people happy. But in that peace, there is a lack of the one thing we both crave."


  The queen nodded. "Once the king is dead and I have taken his place, we will return war to the nation, and with it, we will reap the glorious death that our Great Master demands." In a sickening wave of flesh and bone, her face morphed into that of the al-Malek. "When you return from killing Il Seytani, Thanal Eth'Athaur will feed on the hundreds—nay, thousands—of deaths, and we will return the Mighty Kharna to our world."

  She even sounds like him! He forced his face to calm, though his stomach churned. In the end, the demons' objectives always led to the spilling of human blood.

  "So once you rule Al Hani, you wage war on the other kingdoms. Death and destruction returns to the Twelve Kingdoms." He plastered an eager smile to hide his disgust.

  Al Hani will belong to the demon. Her plans were as cruel and bloodthirsty as he'd feared. Her words strengthened his resolve: the al-Malek had to live. He couldn't allow the demon to kill the king and take control of an entire kingdom. He had to find a way to trick her into believing he'd killed the king. He'd take the ring, flee the city, and rescue Hailen. Once the boy was safe, he'd return to deal with her.

  Damn it! It complicated his plans no end, but it was the only way. His mind raced; how would he fool her?

  Queen Asalah pointed to him. "And don't forget your place, once more by my side! With the army of Al Hani at your back, you can destroy Il Seytani and his accursed bandits! Oh, the glorious slaughter! The Great Destroyer will be pleased at the souls we claim in his name."

  It will never work, he thought. Il Seytani will hear an army coming, and Hailen will be dead before I lay eyes on him.

  Forcing a neutral expression, he scrunched his face up in a pretense of contemplation.

  "Think about it," the queen crowed in delight. "Nasnaz the Great rides again! Does it not sound glorious?" A smile touched her perfect lips. "Partners, once again. Reunited after the passage of centuries."

  She almost sounds as if she cares about me. He knew better. Demons cared only about themselves.

  The queen stood, never taking her eyes off the Hunter. "Now, before I call for food and drink, I would see it." Her perfect pink tongue darted out to moisten her parted lips. "I would see Thanal Eth'Athaur."

  Swallowing his reluctance, the Hunter reached beneath his cloak and gripped Soulhunger. The dagger's voice pervaded his thoughts, setting his head pounding with its eagerness. He drew it slowly and held it up to the queen.

  Her eyes widened, her face flushed. "May I…touch it?"

  The Hunter nodded, and the queen ran her fingers lovingly over the blade. "I almost fancy I can hear his voice," she murmured. "How I wish he could speak to me, as he did long ago." Expression rapt, eyes closed, Queen Asalah stood silent, caressing the blade with long, almost erotic strokes. Her lips moved without a sound, almost as if she conversed with Soulhunger. The voice in his mind purred in reply, whispering in the guttural language of the demons. He hid a shudder at the horrible utterings reverberating in his thoughts. Though he wanted nothing more than to drive Soulhunger into her chest, to silence the demonic mutterings, he forced himself to remain still. Hailen's life depended on his inaction.

  His keen ears picked up a faint click of the door being opened. He whirled just as a young woman stepped into the room. She stopped at sight of the Hunter, eyes going wide. Her eyes flashed from the dagger in his hands to the queen, and she opened her mouth to scream.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The Hunter moved before any sound passed the woman's lips. He darted across the room, clamped a rough hand on her mouth, and pressed Soulhunger to her throat. He had no qualms staining her rich robes, the royal house of Aghzaret embroidered on one shoulder, with her blood. The fewer who knew he was here, the better.

  "No!" Queen Asalah's voice rang out behind him. "Do not harm her!"

  He stared down at the woman struggling vainly in his grip. Well-rounded and well-formed, she barely reached his shoulder. She quivered in fear, her eyes wide, mouth open beneath his smothering hand.

  The queen barked a command in the language of the Al Hani, and the tension in the woman's body drained away.

  "Release her," the queen said, speaking Einari.

  The Hunter shook his head. "No witnesses. She has seen me."

  "She can be trusted, Bucelarii." The queen's voice cracked like a whip. "My plan hinges upon her."

  The Hunter cast a questioning glance over his shoulder. The queen showed no sign of fear, only impatience. With a growl, he released the woman and returned Soulhunger to its sheath.

  The queen held out her arms to the woman. "Ta-aal, Az'nii."

  The word hit the Hunter like a physical blow. Az'nii. It was Her name. The dream—no, the memory—returned.

  She lay beside him. The smile on Her face matched what he saw in Her eyes. She smelled of jasmine and honey mixed with the tart, rich scent of berries and cinnamon.

  She kissed him. Her lips—soft as silk—tasted sweet on his.

  "My love." Her velvety voice made his heart skip a beat. "This must be goodbye."

  "Why?" He tugged at a strand of Her golden hair.

  "It will mean death for both of us if ever we meet. It cannot be."

  "We have faced death before." He smiled up at Her. "Not even the fires of Khar'nath could pull us apart, Az'nii."

  A wave of sorrow and longing washed over him. He ached to find out more about Her, the woman from his memories. He'd left Voramis in search of Her, had journeyed across the face of Einan in search of…what? A scent? A face?

  Something had happened back in Azmaria. The Illusionist Cleric had somehow unlocked his mind, returned to him his lost memories. He'd seen her in his dreams in ever increasing frequency. He had no name for Her, no idea where to find Her. He only knew that Her presence beckoned him northward. In his dreams, he'd called her "Az'nii". Now, to hear the name coming from the lips of this…this creature, it sickened him.

  It wasn't Her. The woman running into the queen's arms had dark skin and even darker eyes. Her unique scent—a mixture of berries, roses, and verbena—was all wrong.

  Nothing more than a cruel coincidence. The Hunter tightened his grip on Soulhunger.

  "Explain yourself. How can we trust this…this Az'nii?" Just saying the name tugged at his heart.

  Queen Asalah glared at him. "None but me may call her by that name!" The queen stroked the weeping woman's hair, kissing her and muttering soothing words into her ear. The woman snuggled under the queen's arm, as if seeking comfort.

  The Hunter raised an eyebrow. "So what do the rest of us call her?"

  "She is Samia, First Concubine to the al-Malek."

  At mention of her name, Samia smiled up at the queen and said something in the language of Al Hani. The queen replied
with a kiss on her lips.

  The Hunter raised an eyebrow. Clearly, things are done very differently here in Al Hani.

  "So the name Az'nii is…?"

  Queen Asalah spoke without looking at him. "A pet name. It means 'my heart' in the language of the Serenii."

  The words froze the Hunter. He'd called Her that name.

  The queen stared at him with a curious expression. He tried to hide the emotions roiling through him. "How do you know she can be trusted? After all, if she is the First Concubine…"

  Queen Asalah reclined on her divan, and Samia slipped into the crook of her arm.

  "You speak of me as if I not sitting here." Samia’s accent was thick, but there was no mistaking the indignation in her voice.

  The Hunter inclined his head. "Forgive me. I did not know you spoke Einari."

  "Not good," Samia replied, looking mollified, "but enough. My queen teaching me many things." The concubine turned her face up to the queen, adoration in her eyes.

  The queen smiled down at the concubine. "Samia is the final element of the plan. The al-Malek is watchful, as are his guards, but with her help, you will be able to enter the harem unnoticed. Only a handful of Royal Guards are ever permitted to enter. It is the closest you will come to finding the king unprotected."

  "And he will be less watchful in his own chambers." The Hunter nodded. "It is a good plan. So let us carry it out now!"

  Queen Asalah shook her head. "There are a few things that must be arranged, such as a way to sneak you in."

  The Hunter ground his teeth, growling. "The delay is…"


  His fingernails dug into his palms. How much time did Hailen have? Younis had given him four days. He still had to track down the bandit, discover how he communicated with his men, and find a way to deal with him before riding for the Thalj Pass.

  He held up a finger. "One day. One day, then I will do it my way. It is all the time I can spare."

  A vicious smile touched Queen Asalah's lips, and she nodded. "It will suffice. By this time tomorrow, the king will be dead and I will rule Al Hani. When you return from your mission to kill Il Seytani, we will usher this earth into a new age of glory!" Her eyes took on a faraway look.

  The Hunter's lip curled at the zeal in her voice. He knew all too well the visions dancing in her head. He'd seen them for himself, the death and destruction brought upon the world by the Great Destroyer and his demon hordes.

  "My time has come!" Queen Asalah placed a passionate kiss on Samia's lips. "Our time has come!"

  Samia smiled and returned the kiss, her arms slipping around the queen and pulling her tight.

  The Hunter averted his eyes, uncomfortable. If only you knew the truth of that creature you embrace, Samia. Her pathetic human senses couldn't detect the subtle odor of rot and decay that marked the queen as a demon. He knew, all too well, the truth of the creature that wore the face of the queen.

  The silence stretched out, until the queen pulled back from her lover's embrace. "Have the servants bring food and drink."

  Samia pouted. "My queen, I no leave you."

  The queen laughed. "Go, Az'nii." The word cut into the Hunter like a dagger. "I will be here when you return."

  With a nod and a final kiss, Samia climbed to her feet and hurried from the room.

  Queen Asalah watched her leave, an appreciative smile on her face. "She has looks, that one, but don't let that fool you. That angelic face hides a devious mind and a vicious soul."

  Perfect for you, the Hunter thought, but held his peace.

  "Does she know what you are?"

  "She believes the Abiarazi are sorceresses, nothing more." She turned to him, her eyes cold as ice.

  "It is all she needs to know."

  The Hunter shrugged and inclined his head. "Fair enough."

  The queen sighed and the tension in her shoulders drained away. "No, Hunter, I tell you this: She serves a purpose, even though she does not know why. Her love for her queen makes her useful."

  "To that, I must admit my surprise to find Abiarazi in the guise of a woman. From what I know of my forebears, they chose to wear the form of men. Men are stronger, able to father children."

  Queen Asalah ran her hands down her body. "This feminine figure has its uses. But in the end, it matters not. Man, woman, it is all the same. It is just another skin to hide my true form."

  Her features danced, and the Hunter swallowed his bile as the demon's face—the face belonging to the creature of nightmare—showed through for a heartbeat. He forced a smile. Can't let her see the way I truly feel. Have to sell the lie.

  "I grow weary of human flesh, Bucelarii. I wish to cast it off and be restored to my former glory. Now that you are here, it will be possible!"

  "Once you are the al-Malek, no one will be able to stop you." He smiled and corrected himself. "Stop us."

  Excitement flashed across her writhing features. "Is it not glorious, Hunter? I will rule this kingdom, and you will be by my side, as it was intended when the first Bucelarii were created. None shall stand before us, and the Twelve Kingdoms shall fall beneath our combined might. But we will not stop there, Sage's commands be damned! With my cunning and your skill, we shall conquer the whole of Einan within this generation. We will show the Sage who is truly fit to rule!"

  "Glorious indeed." The Hunter hoped the enthusiasm in his voice sounded genuine. Perhaps she is not simply content to take orders. Interesting.

  The door opened and Samia entered, followed by a trio of servants bearing silver trays piled high with steaming flatbread, crumbling white goat cheese, strips of cured and salted meat, assorted fruits, and other delicacies. The delightful scent of fresh food wafted to the Hunter, and his stomach voiced its desire.

  "Hungry, are we?" The queen smiled. "Help yourself, please." She spoke a few words in the language of Al Hani, and one of the servants hurried toward him with a pitcher and goblet. The Hunter nodded his thanks and lifted the cup to his lips, but paused before drinking, his eyes on the queen.

  Queen Asalah laughed. "Still do you not trust me, I see."

  The Hunter shrugged. "Trust is earned, not given freely."

  The queen laughed louder. "The Sage chose well when he sent you, Hunter. You are not an easy one to fool." She gestured to the concubine sitting beside her. "Would you rest easier if Samia drank from your cup first?"

  The Hunter pondered for a moment and shrugged. "I will give you a chance to prove yourself worthy of trust." He tipped the goblet up and emptied it in a single draught. The wine was fruity, light, and to his pleasant surprise, chilled. He seized a piece of flatbread, still steaming and smelling of rosemary and garlic. Ripping it open, he stuffed it with soft goat cheese and cured meat and shoved it into his mouth.

  Queen Asalah picked at a platter of fruit. "Once you finish, I'll have Captain Al-Zahar escort you out." She held up a hand. "Don't worry, Hunter, he will not harm you. He is the one man I can trust in this affair."

  Samia beamed up at the queen and sipped from her own goblet. Fingers entwined, the queen's arm draped over Samia's shoulder, the women shared a whispered conversation punctuated with giggles and kisses.

  Finally, the Hunter swallowed the last piece of bread, dashed back the contents of his goblet, and climbed to his feet. "I am ready."

  The queen raised an eyebrow. "I am ready, my queen. You will address me properly, at least when in the company of others."

  The Hunter snorted and swept a mocking bow. "Yes, my queen."

  Ignoring him, Queen Asalah spoke to one of the servants. The man scurried from the room and returned a moment later, the commander following close on his heels.

  "Captain Al-Zahar," the queen said, speaking Einari, "please accompany this man to the private entrance and show him the way out."

  "My queen?" Captain Al-Zahar's eyebrows rose. "Is it wise to…?"

  "He is to be escorted safely, Captain." The queen's voice cracked like a whip, her tone brooking no argument. "An
d see that my husband is not disturbed. The al-Malek will be tired at this late hour."

  The captain's eyebrows rose further, but he held his peace. "As you wish, my queen." He inclined his head and turned to the Hunter. "Follow me, qattala."

  The Hunter couldn't contain his smile. Proud and intelligent, this Captain Al-Zahar. He is stubborn, yet knows his place.

  "Lead on, Captain." He strode toward the door, but the queen's voice stopped him on the way out.

  "Where can I find you, Hunter? I may have need of you in the coming days."

  "I am at The Shouting Sword, my queen."

  "Expect to hear from me soon." With an imperious wave, the queen dismissed him and returned her attention to the young woman beside her.

  Chapter Thirty

  Captain Al-Zahar and his company led the Hunter through the palace. The palace was emptier than it had been an hour ago, and they passed not a soul on their trek through the enormous complex.

  "So," the captain said, his voice nonchalant, "the queen has need of your services, does she? How fortunate that you show up at precisely this moment, is it not?"

  The Hunter refused to rise to the bait. "I follow my orders."

  "Of course you do." Captain Al-Zahar smiled without a hint of humor. "As do I." His hand hovered near his sword, as if he expected to draw it at any moment.

  The Hunter hid a smile. If only the captain knew how ineffective his pitiful steel sword would be. Somehow, he doubted Captain Al-Zahar knew the truth of his queen—or the demon who wore her face.

  The captain stopped beside an enormous tapestry which portrayed a vivid battle scene. With a glance in both directions, he reached behind the drapery. At the faint click, a blank section of wall slid aside, revealing a dark corridor, heavy with the scent of dust and stale air.

  One of the guards stepped forward and extended a lamp. The lamp burned with no candle or flame, but some alchemical liquid brewed by the Secret Keepers. The priests of the Mistress guarded the formula with fanatical zeal, never hesitating to kill those who sought to discover its contents.


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