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Knights of the Boardroom

Page 6

by Avery Gale

  Cressi must have looked confused because the doctor had simply shaken her head and laughed, “Cressida, I assure you I am not a mind reader. Just watching your expressions change is informative enough, it’s almost like hearing what’s echoing through your mind. You’re very genuine and I have no doubt you’ll find that both a blessing and a curse as a submissive.” Cressi hadn’t been exactly sure what the woman had meant, and she’d been too surprised by the woman’s suddenly relaxed demeanor to ask.

  The spa Tristan had sent her to would be more accurately described as paradise. From the moment she’d given the receptionist her name, Cressi had been treated like a princess. She’d enjoyed the manicure and pedicure, as well as the facial, but the full Brazilian wax had been tantamount to torture—not to mention she was marking it down as the single most embarrassing event of her entire life. The only other people who had seen her so intimately had medical degrees, and what kind of ninny was she that she had allowed the esthetician to smear hot wax so close to her girly bits and then rip the hair out to its roots? And when she’d felt hot wax being painted around her anus, Cressi had been sure she’d die of humiliation—that is until the young woman had pulled those final pieces of wax off nearly sending her into orbit. She’d actually cursed—something she tried very hard to avoid at all costs. Now she was going to have to put money in the Chivalry jar at work and that just added insult to injury in her opinion.

  Rubbing her hand absently up her arms, Cressi had to admit the salt scrub she’d gotten had made her skin feel silky smooth and the massage had gone a long way in redeeming the entire experience even though that she’d actually fallen asleep before the masseuse had finished. She’d chalked it up to the stress of having her body assaulted by a variety of means all in one day and even now she was seriously considering calling it a night even though it wasn’t even nine thirty yet. How pathetic is that? Just as she pushed off from her comfortable spot in the center of their soft leather sofa, there was a loud knock at the door. Looking out the peephole she was shocked to see her bosses standing on the other side.

  Cressi’s first thought was pure panic—had something happened to her sister? But she’d quickly discounted that since she’d gotten a text from Carli less than an hour ago. Her next thought had made her hand freeze before she’d managed to turn the knob. Tristan had called her earlier to assure her everything was in order—she’d found that expression oddly amusing since in this instance “order” was probably some sort of code for “you’re good to go for wild monkey sex.” God in heaven, what is wrong with me? My brain is short-circuiting…probably because it’s positively tropical in here.

  Shaking off the kernel of hope that had planted itself in her heart that Lawton and Brodie were here to announce Tristan had sent them, she wondered if her bosses intended to fire her for using the club’s private number from their phones. Maybe they wouldn’t fire her—maybe they’d just punish her. Just thinking about all the creative ways they might punish her sent waves of desire coursing through her veins followed closely by a crashing tide of fear—not that they would hurt her, but she didn’t believe they would ever harm her intentionally. But suddenly having them discovering how little experience she had terrified her because she wasn’t sure she would survive the humiliation of their scorn or rejection.

  “Cressida—open the door. We know you are there, we heard you step up to the door.” She hoped he hadn’t heard her soft gasp of surprise at the knowledge he was listening that carefully from the other side. “I’d prefer we didn’t alarm your neighbors by standing in the hall shouting, but I’m not above it. Now open the door.”

  Without even thinking, Cressi responded to the command in Brodie’s voice opening the door without even considering what she was wearing or the fact her reaction had taken a shortcut around her usual decision-making process. Both men’s eyes widened in surprise before quickly morphing into something entirely different. She’d been too lost in her efforts to determine what their expressions meant to invite them in, but they had each stepped forward forcing her to retreat further inside before Lawton turned to close the door. The soft snick of the lock jolted her back to the moment.

  “Ummm, hi. Why are you here? Is something wrong? Did you forget something for your meeting tomorrow? You could have just called me—I would have come down to the office. Oh, did you try to call? Maybe I didn’t hear the phone. I was—what was I doing? Oh, yes—watching television.”

  Brodie took a step forward blocking her view of the TV, “What were you watching, pet?” Cressi’s mind went completely blank—every single functional brain cell shutting down at the exact same moment leaving her standing stock still with what she knew had to be a deer-in-the-headlights expression and her mouth gaping open. There was a small part of her that knew she was just staring blankly at him, but at this moment it just didn’t matter.

  “I don’t know. I was watching it but I wasn’t really paying attention. I guess I’m really tired because I was just getting ready to go to bed.” She took a deep breath and stepped back—maybe if she wasn’t standing so close to him, her brain would kick back into a gear and she’d be able to think on an intelligent level…or at least a level or two above dull. “Why did you say you are here? I’m sorry it’s so hot in here—I don’t know why that is. What did you call me?” Damn it to daffodils she needed to pay attention, she was starting to babble like a loon.


  Lawton watched Brodie and Cressi while surreptitiously scanning the room. There was a small plate with what looked like an orange wedge and cheese crumbs setting next to a half full bottle of water on the glass end table. The table’s dark wood legs were a sharp contrast to the soft floral fabric of the overstuffed chair and leather sofa facing a small flat screen television showing the ending credits for some nameless show Law had never seen. She had obviously already dressed for bed and had likely been dozing before they had arrived. He’d been so surprised by her appearance when she’d opened the door he had almost swallowed his tongue—hell, he’d been impressed as hell Brodie had still be able to speak.

  How could he have worked with this woman for two full years without him realizing the full extent of what she’d been so cleverly disguising with her professional looking business attire? Cressida Walker gave new meaning to the word fine. And even though it made him sound like the frat boy he’d once been, there just wasn’t any better term to describe what he’d seen when she’d jerked the door open moments earlier. Backlight from the room had shone in a soft circle around her so she practically glowed, but when she’d shifted her weight from one foot to the other her breasts had bounced perfectly as the room’s soft light shined through her well-worn clothing rendering it practically translucent.

  Lawton doubted Cressi realized how her pretty nipples had responded so perfectly, immediately tightening under their gazes. He’d been mesmerized by their transformation from pink to deep rose as blood flowed quickly into her breasts, swelling them so they resembled the ripe fruit the ancients had likened them to—God in heaven he loved see-through fabric. His gaze had been drawn to the pulse pounding at the base of her slender throat, it had increased steadily as Brodie questioned her. Law smiled when she asked Brodie what he’d called her—there’d been just the slightest bit of hope in her tone and Law was sure Brodie had heard it as well.

  Smiling as Cressida stepped back from Brodie, Law stepped to the side moving in behind her so the second step she took back brought her shoulders up against his chest. She squeaked in surprise, but before she could move away he snaked his arm around her. Leaning forward enough that tightening his hold lifted her breasts until they were beautifully mounded above the low cut neckline of her top. She was right, she did feel awfully warm and he wondered if that was why she appeared to be so drowsy.

  Law pressed his lips against the silky skin just below her ear and felt her shudder, “Where did you think you were going, baby?” Pausing to let his words sink in, he wanted to smile when Cressida tilted h
er head to the side ever so slightly, baring even more of her throat to him. “Why do you think we are here? And I’ll remind you we’re actually quite experienced at reading a submissive’s responses, so lying—even by omission, will not work out well for you.” Cressida’s respiration picked up and was becoming increasingly shallow, as her heart was beating in a staccato rhythm. He and Brodie would need to watch her carefully, she was so responsive Law suspected she’d probably forget to breathe at times. He’d seen subs drop like stones during scenes because their Doms had been so focused on bringing them pleasure they’d overlooked the simplest signs of distress and he wouldn’t make the same mistake with Cressida.

  One of the things the four founders of The Knight’s Club had consistently emphasized during training sessions was the importance of watching for the little things people often take for granted, emphasizing to Doms that those small details often morphed to enormous issues when overlooked. In Law’s opinion there wasn’t anything more important than breathing and he’d seen subs hold their breath without even realizing they were doing it until the black dots dancing in front of their eyes alerted them something was wrong. Tightening his arm giving her a small taste of being restrained, he spoke against her ear, “Direct questions must always be answered, sweetness. Now—slow down your breathing and we’ll try again.” He waited several seconds but she didn’t seem to be calming, and her skin was actually heating even further under his touch.

  “Do you feel all right, Cressida?” For just a moment Law entertained the thought she might actually be ill, but when she restated the fact she was simply tired from a “taxing day”, he had to fight his grin. He’d almost forgotten she’d been to the spa today, and even though they hadn’t planned to fuck her tonight, that didn’t mean they couldn’t admire what she’d agreed was theirs for the next month.

  “We know about your day, pet. We also know that you’re ours for the next month.” The faint wrinkling between his friend’s brows let Lawton know Brodie had seen the tensing he’d felt in Cressida. “Now, just in case there is any question—we are the Doms you’ll be working with over the next month. As you know, we will be out of the office all day tomorrow, but we’ll be here early Saturday morning to take you shopping.”

  “Shopping?” Law found it interesting the only thing she’d focused on out of everything Brodie had said, was shopping. She’d readily accepted them as her Doms and there was something very satisfying about that.

  “Yes, shopping. We’ll discuss that issue in more detail later, first we need to get back to your other Master’s question. Why did you step back from me? Are you afraid of me?” Brodie already knew the answer to that question as well as Lawton did, but knowing and hearing a sub say the words were not the same. They would encourage her to ask questions and would expect her to be completely honest and open with them. Knowing how disinterested her father had been in her life, he doubted complete candor with a male authority figure was going to be easy for her.

  He didn’t loosen his hold on her, and Law gave Brodie a sly grin when he felt her body relax into his—a beautiful tell, and one he certainly hadn’t missed. Cressida’s response to being restrained in his arms let him know bondage was going to be something they were going to enjoy exploring with her. Just thinking about tying her to his bed with silk scarves made his cock stiffen to the point it was becoming painful. They would be able to spend hours exploring her while she was unable to squirm away.

  “I thought if I stepped back a bit I might be able to think more clearly. You are a force of nature—well, you both are actually, but you know that already.” Law was thrilled she’d been so open, but at the same time he wondered how much of it was deliberate since she really did seem to be dead on her feet. “And you know I’m not afraid of you, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised by this—” she waved her small hand around indicating the three of them before continuing, “well, that you are here. Are you sure you want to do this? Work with me I mean? Because I really don’t know much at all, this is sort of an experiment, but I guess you know that already, right? Shoot, I bet Tristan told you about our chat, didn’t he? Boy it’s really hot in here, isn’t it. Would you like something to drink? I’m going to get a drink and take something for my headache.”

  Lawton knew he’d swept her up into his arms before she’d even realized he’d moved because he felt her stiffen when she realized he was walking down the hall with her. “When we are away from the office, you’ll address us as Master or Sir. We won’t see you tomorrow since we’ll be gone all day, but I don’t want you going to the office until after ten o’clock, and yes, baby, we will check. Sleep in and catch up on your rest, you’re going to need it.” By the time he set her on her feet, Brodie was beside him with a glass of water, which she drank in several enormous gulps.

  “What do you usually sleep in, pet?” Brodie’s tone had softened and Law recognized his shift as deceptively casual, the legal shark and the sexual Dominant were never very far apart. It took a valiant effort on his part, but Lawton managed to keep from laughing out loud at the bewildered look on Cressida’s face.

  “You know—I don’t think I’ve ever seen her quite this discombobulated. I’m curious if she is always like this when she’s tired.” Law watched her eyelids flutter and estimated she was about ten seconds away from collapsing in a heap at their feet unless they distracted her. He’d settled his hands just above her hips so he knew he could catch her if she fell, but really not the way he wanted this evening to end. Sliding his hands slowly up under her shirt, he smiled when her eyes widened in surprise. “You need to answer your other Master’s question, sweetness.” Cressida blinked several times and Law would have bet everything he had she was trying desperately to remember what she’d been asked.

  Brodie let out a long-suffering sigh and shook his head but Law knew he was trying desperately to hold back his laughter. Lawton suddenly realized they’d never had to hold back from laughing with a sub—all of their scenes had been carefully negotiated and then played out according to that script. He could honestly say most of the scenes they had been involved in over the years were all about sexual release—emotions simply hadn’t ever been a factor. But in this moment, all he could think about was taking care of her, getting their exhausted woman into bed was his only priority. Oh, he’d love to fuck her into oblivion and his cock twitched uncomfortably to let him know it was fully on board with the idea—but that wasn’t what she needed. It seemed Cressida wasn’t going to be the only one experiencing a lot of “firsts” during the coming month.

  Brodie’s grin finally broke free as he shrugged, “We’ll fight this battle another day, pet. Since you’re already too warm and we will require you to sleep nude anyway, you just as well begin now.” Those words were the cue Law had been waiting for, moving his hands up slowly up her ribcage, he let his thumbs follow the delicious bottom curve of her breasts before rasping the pads over her nipples. He noted how hot her skin felt beneath his touch and wondered again if that was the cause for her confusion. Once he’d tossed her camisole aside, he knelt in front of her sliding her boxers down to her ankles before lifting one foot and then the other, helping her step out of them. Tossing them up onto the end of the bed, he then returned his attention to the very naked woman in front of him.

  “Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Cressida’s pussy was still pink and slightly swollen from the waxing she’d had earlier, he leaned forward pressing a soft kiss to the tender area just above her slit. “This won’t be tender for long, baby.” Her whole body shuddered in response to the simple touch of his lips against her abused skin. When the musky scent of her arousal hit his nose Law felt as though he’d been struck by a thunderbolt.

  Standing, he looked down at her trying to assimilate this sensuous creature with the professionally put together woman he’d worked with for the past two years. Fully dressed Cressida Walker was beautiful, but naked she was breathtaking. Her dark hair cascaded in so
ft waves to the middle of her back, some of the strands had fallen forward when he’d removed her shirt and the ends lay curled atop her breasts, drawing attention to her tightly peaked nipples. Brodie had folded back the bed covers and they settled her in quickly before they each kissed her chastely on the forehead and then turned to leave the room.

  As they made their way back to the front door they detoured long enough to clean up the dishes she’d left on the coffee table. Law stopped to re-set her alarm before they slipped out, closing the door behind them. After double-checking her locks, they walked in silence back down the hall. Once inside the elevator, Lawton couldn’t stand it any longer, “I’m not sure I have words to describe how hard it was to leave her alone in that bed.” Taking a deep breath, he tried to get a grasp on all of the emotions warring for the upper hand as they swirled in a vicious vortex in his mind. “There was a vulnerability in her eyes tonight that I have never seen before. Maybe it was the intimacy of having us in her home or what she was wearing, although I’m not sure she ever realized what her appearance was doing to both of us.”

  Brodie didn’t respond until they were in the car they’d summoned and almost home, “I don’t know what it is about her that draws me like a moth to a flame. I don’t think she’ll ever be the woman we thought we were looking for—I doubt she’ll ever enjoy anything but the least intensive BDSM elements. I can’t imagine inflicting the level of erotic pain on her that we’re accustomed to giving subs to get them into sub-space—I’ve never considered myself a sadist, but I do love the feel of my hand heating soft ass cheeks. Watching the color blossom as the blood rushes to the surface, seeing the soft jiggle of those large muscles as they absorb each swat, and the musky smell of a woman’s arousal—those all go straight to my cock.”

  As they exited the coded elevator that delivered them to the top floor of the Templar building, Law heard Brodie’s soft sigh and knew his friend was fighting the same battle he was, damn his cock still felt like it might burst. When he looked up, Brodie was leaning back against one of the marble-topped console tables in their front vestibule. The entry was overly large with several hidden storage spaces, they’d designed the spacious entrance to accommodate large numbers of people entering simultaneously to attend social functions and there was plenty of room for coats and hats. The irony was they’d yet to host a single party, it was as if the two of them had silently agreed to wait until they were able to find a woman to share. The entire top level of the Templar building had been carefully planned so it could easily be converted into one enormous living space once the woman they’d been dreaming of since college walked into their lives. The construction had been completed long before they’d hired Cressida, but the space had been a stark blank canvas awaiting the personal style of the future lady of the house.


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