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Knights of the Boardroom

Page 16

by Avery Gale

  Moving further into the club’s ornately decorated interior Lawton saw Tommy and Kim standing to the side waiting patiently. They’d already arranged for two of the club’s more experienced submissives to shadow Cressida in the “sub-only” areas. The front foyer area and Tristan’s office were the only parts of the club Cressida had seen, and even though she’d often helped Tristan handle things on the business side, the only time she’d actually been inside was during her interview with Tristan and even then the club itself had been closed.

  Lawton pulled her close when they entered the club, letting Brodie step forward to hand over her paperwork and make sure everything was in order with her membership. They’d already paid her fees, and Law doubted she’d be fooled into believing she was just a visitor. As if he’d wished her questions into existence, Cressida turned to face him and asked, “Sir, did you and Master Brodie pay for my membership?”

  “Yes, baby we did. The Knight’s Club doesn’t allow visitors except under extremely rare circumstances.” When she started to speak, he pressed his finger to her lips silencing her protest because he already knew what she was thinking. “Master Tristan wouldn’t have ever let you enter on a temporary pass, love. He’d have paid your membership himself if you hadn’t accepted us as your Masters.”

  Brodie turned and stepped close to whisper against her ear, but his words were loud enough for Law to hear, “Would you deny us this, pet? We can and we want to provide this—and so much more for you.” When she swallowed hard, Law saw Brodie’s eyes soften as he pulled back to look into her eyes. “Let me ask you this, would you hesitate to pay a friend’s rent for a month if you wanted them to live near you, and you knew they would love your neighborhood if they just had the chance to experience it?”

  “In a heartbeat?” Cressida had spoken so softly, Law had barely heard her and the sheen in her eyes let him know she knew exactly where Brodie was leading her.

  “And, pet, when you give someone a gift from your heart, are your feelings hurt if they are hesitant to accept it because they feel you have gone overboard—even when you know your gift is perfect for them?”

  The stricken look on her face gave Lawton pause because she obviously hadn’t considered how her argument about the club membership looked from their side. “Cressida, Master Brodie didn’t say that to make you feel bad, I just want you to stop and consider the money is meaningless unless you can spend on those you…care about the most.” He’d nearly confessed to loving her, and though it was true—he wanted the first time he spoke those words to a woman to be in a much more romantic setting than the lobby of their kink club. He might not be the most romantic guy around, but he wasn’t a total clod either.

  “Now that we have this settled, we’re turning you over to Tommy and Kim for a few minutes. They’re going to show you the dressing—or in your case, undressing area for submissives.” Tommy and Kim stepped forward to be introduced and Lawton was grateful Tristan had suggested these two subs because they were perfect mentors for Cressida. Both of them enjoyed the lifestyle but neither of them had any interest in making it a twenty-four seven commitment. Outside of The Knight’s Club, Tommy Jarvin was a man very much in charge of his own destiny. Lawton knew Cressida hadn’t recognized him yet, but she would—quickly. His personality was impossible to suppress for long, something Masters at the club enjoyed punishing him for regularly.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cressi felt an immediate kinship with the two submissives Brodie and Lawton had introduced her to. She had recognized Tommy first, it had taken her a few minutes longer to realize Kim was indeed Kimberly Collins. They’d teased her about her reaction and assured her they weren’t offended by her surprise. Tommy had wrapped his arm around her shoulders and given her a friendly squeeze, “Girlfriend, everybody at The Knight’s Club is somebody in this city. You’re going to meet a lot of people, you will stop being wowed soon enough.”

  “He’s right, and even though I know you’ve probably already been warned, I’ll remind you, that what you see and hear at the club never leaves the premises.” Cressi wasn’t insulted by the woman’s vehemence, if anything she was reassured the two subs intended to make sure she’d been given information they knew she needed. Knowing she had someone other than her Doms to ask about things was oddly reassuring.

  “Well, it is okay to talk if we’re at a private play party, but nowhere else is safe. Listening devices are everywhere, and no one wants their sex life splattered across the front page of some tabloid’s website.” Kim’s voice had taken on a harsh edge letting Cressida know the woman had probably experienced the media’s darker side. She appeared to shake it off and returned her focus to Cressi, “We need to get this done. Master Tristan gave us very specific instructions and we need to get you ready or we’re all going to be in trouble.”

  “Yeah, and I was looking forward to a good flogging tonight, but I don’t want one administered by one of the Knights—totally not what I’m looking for, if you know what I mean?” Cressi didn’t have a clue what Tommy meant, but Kim nodded in obvious understanding, so she kept quiet. “Now, out of that coat, baby girl. Let’s see what those hot men of yours have dressed you in.”

  Cressi’s moment of hesitation had her two new friends howling with laughter, “Oh, honey, you need to leave that modesty at the front door or you’re going to drive yourself nuts. There is no place for shy here.”

  “True that, baby girl. Before long there won’t be a square inch of you that everyone in the club hasn’t seen, but the good thing is—you won’t be alone. We’ve all been there, numerous times—intentionally. Part of the allure of our lifestyle is the fact no one judges.”

  “Well, that’s not always true, Tommy, but those people don’t last long here.” Then turning to Cressi, Kim grinned, “The Knights don’t tolerate any of that crap. The minute they get wind of it they are hauling people into the office and heads roll fast and far.” It made Cressi proud to think the men she worked for were so protective of their members’ feelings. It wasn’t that she had body issues per se, but the idea of flaunting everything was a little intimidating no matter how confident a woman was in her appearance.

  By the time she followed Tommy and Kim out of the dressing rooms backdoor into the club’s main lounge, Cressi’s entire body was practically vibrating in anticipation. Tommy leaned down and whispered against her ear, “There are going to be hearts breaking all over the city tonight, baby girl. The only news that will leave the club tonight will be that two of the Knights are off the market.”

  Cressi felt a shudder move through her and Kim snorted behind them, “Off the market is an understatement. Holy Mother of God, look at the two of them. Damn, girl, you own those two hotties. Score one for our team, because most of the time the great looking guys are gay.”

  “Sweet talking woman.” Tommy’s teasing helped Cressi relax and she felt herself smile for the first time since she’d arrived. Brodie and Lawton were striding toward her looking dark and dangerous, the lust and desire clearly written across both of their faces. “We put our cards in your locker with your things. Call us next week, we’ll meet you for lunch.” She must have looked surprised because he laughed, “We subs have to stick together or the Doms all get uppity. Consider it insurance for the future.”

  Both Tommy and Kim pulled in for quick hugs before turning her to face her Masters who had stopped just a couple of feet in front of her. Brodie spoke first, “Tommy, Kim—thank you for taking such good care of our most treasured possession. If you’ll check in with one of the dungeon monitors, you’ll find we’ve arranged something special for you both. Enjoy.” Cressi didn’t have any idea what the two men might have set up, but her new friends seemed excited about the prospect and scurried off after thanking both men profusely.

  Lawton’s gaze slid over her and Cressi swore she felt it like a heated caress over her skin. When the spa attendant who’d been helping her dress first held up the black corset the men had left for her, Cress
i had been convinced they’d made a mistake because there wasn’t any way that top was going to contain her breasts. The pretty blonde whose nametag read, Paulette, had laughed and assured her it was intended to support her breast not cover them. “It offers your beautiful breasts up to your Masters’ hands and mouths. Don’t be surprised if they don’t decorate your pink nipples right away.” Cressi had raised a brow at the woman in question, but the busty blonde just laughed, “Just guessing because that’s what my Master does, he loves this type of corset, and he’d have something deliciously wicked clamped on me as soon as I stepped through the door.”

  Cressi felt her nipples begin to throb with a delicious ache she recognized without even looking down to confirm they’d drawn into tight peaks reaching out seeking her Masters’ touch. The combination of Paulette’s words playing over in her mind and Lawton’s heated look sent a flood of heat to her sex. How did he make her entire body tingle without even touching her? She’d worried her fantasies might have set all of them up for failure, but the look in both men’s eyes had her reconsidering that concern. The two men who had starred in all of her fantasies for the past two years might have looked and sounded like Brodie and Lawton, but they’d still been created in her imagination and had set an impossibly high standard and she’d even wondered if she was being unfair expecting any man to live up to what her mind had created. Over the past three weeks she’d been delighted to find out how wrong she’d been and she hoped for all she was worth she didn’t let them down tonight.

  Lawton’s fingers threaded through her hair and tightened just enough to bring her attention back to the moment. “Come back to us, baby. We’ll expect you to stay focused on the here and now anytime we are involved in a scene, but it is particularly important when you are at the club. You will have our entire focus, even when it might not appear that way—be assured, everything we do is being done with your best interests at heart.”

  Brodie stepped up behind her and slid his hand over her bare ass cheeks before sliding his long fingers into the space at the top of her thighs. There hadn’t been any panties in the box she’d found in her dressing room at the spa—big surprise there. Any hesitance she’d been feeling about being so scantily dressed vanished into a puff of steam at the heat she’d felt pulse through her blood. How do they do that? A simple touch and they own me—it’s humbling. The tip of Brodie’s tongue traced the shell of her ear before he whispered, “Spread your feet shoulder width apart, pet.” Her soul must have registered the words, before her brain was able to process the command her feet were already moving. “I know you don’t understand everything yet, but you will. Your body belongs to us—it recognizes that truth even though your mind hasn’t fully grasped the fact yet.”

  From the first day, Cressi had been amazed at the way both Lawton and Brodie seemed to be able to tap into her thoughts—there were times when it was almost frightening. “Master Lawton is going to decorate those lovely nipples, love. You’re already the center of attention so we’re going to dress you up even more.” Brodie’s words moved over her ear like a steamy August breeze, but the feeling was quickly overshadowed by a sharp pinch to one nipple as the other was surrounded by a wet wave of heat as Lawton’s tongue circled her areola before sucking hard, further peaking the already tight bud.

  The first sharp pinch stole her breath and Cressi’s head fell back against Brodie’s shoulder, but even as she gasped her shock the dark tingle that edged just a breath this side of pain sent a flood of moisture to her sex. A torrent of conflicting emotions raged in her mind, but the wicked pleasure licking through her washed away any unease she’d felt having her pussy stroked as a crowd of people gathered around them. She’d barely entered the room and she was already in awe at the way Brodie and Lawton had managed to capture the attention of almost everyone in the room—and for some reason the thought didn’t terrify her like she’d feared it would.

  Who am I kidding, my brain was floating in so many happy endorphins I couldn’t make a good decision to save my own life. She felt Brodie’s chuckle rumble through his chest as he pressed against her back, “Pet, you never need to concern yourself with safety when you’re in our care—that’s our job. You only have one responsibility right now—submission is all about letting go and enjoying the ride.” Brodie followed up his words by biting down on the tender spot where her shoulder curved into her neck, the claiming gesture wasn’t lost on her.

  “It’s a freefall into pleasure, baby. Let go, we’ll catch you.” Lawton’s words further distracted her just enough that the sharp pinch of the second clamp was muted for several seconds. Her next breath was followed by a screaming orgasm that slammed into her with such force her knees buckled, if Brodie hadn’t banded his arm around her waist earlier, she’d have crumbled to the floor in a sated heap.

  “You drenched my fingers, pet—I can’t tell you how much that turns me on. And feeling your vaginal muscles lock down on my fingers before pulling me deeper as you came apart for us was one of the hottest scenes the club’s ever seen in the main lounge.” From everything she’d read, Cressi knew most scenes in a club’s main lounge area were arranged well in advance and advertised to members to drum up interest. Having that background information made her appreciate how far the two of them had stretched the club’s usual protocol in order to make her first scene appear so totally spontaneous she hadn’t had time to worry herself into a frenzy.

  By the time her brain was fully back online, she realized people were starting to move away, but many were nodding their approval and offering words of thanks for such an inspiring scene. It struck her as funny to be thanked for having a public orgasm that had her practically screaming the walls down, but at the moment she was still too boneless and replete to muster up enough energy to even snicker about it. She also wasn’t able to offer up any resistance when Lawton scooped her up into his arms and walked confidently toward the bar.


  Tristan had been watching the scene between two of his best friends and Cressida from the window in his office when Dozer paged him for help. More than a little curious as to why a man Dozer’s size would need his help, Tristan made his way down the hall toward the lobby. Damn, he hated being called away just as his friends were starting to steam up the one-way glass he often used to monitor what was happening in the club’s main room. It didn’t matter that he had an entire bank of monitors behind a hidden panel near his desk—sometimes there was no substitute for seeing things with your own eyes. Walking swiftly down the hallway, he heard the agitated voice of a woman coming from the reception area, “I’m telling you I will take this place apart if you don’t let me in to find her. You may be bigger than I am, but I’m dead-ass tired and worried sick—not a pretty combination. And besides, I’ve started taking Krav Maga classes and I’ll bet I could…well, I could give you a hell of a bruise at least.” The woman was clearly running out of steam fast and Tristan had to cough in order to cover his snort of laughter at the look on Dozer’s face. The man standing behind the front desk had retired from the NFL after blowing out his knee—twice, he stood six and a half feet tall with shoulders so broad he often had to turn to the side to walk through doorways. He was also the only staff member allowed to use a nickname—truthfully Tristan knew he’d never be able to call the man Terry with a straight face.

  Tristan stepped just inside the room that doubled as a reception area and lobby, watching in fascination as she read the man looming over her the riot act. Tristan would have recognized the woman even if he hadn’t seen her photograph hundreds of times over the past couple of years simply because—except for the difference in their heights, Carli and Cressida Walker were practically mirror images of one another. There were subtle differences, but the most noticeable was the contrast between Cressida’s calm, in-control persona as opposed to Carli’s almost frantic energy.

  For a split second he wondered how on earth she ever stayed still enough to have her photograph taken, but thinking back on the p
ictures he’d seen, Tristan wasn’t sure he’d ever seen one where she had seemed posed. All the shots that came to mind reminded him of a candid moment where a lucky bloke with a camera got a lucky snap of a woman as she breezed past him. For several seconds he just stood rooted in place watching her nervously biting her bottom lip, he could practically hear her mind spinning as she tried to figure a way to get to her sister. Catching Dozer's eye he nodded to the door silently speaking Parker’s name, the man nodded and looked all too relieved to exit through the double doors as Tristan stepped forward.

  “Carli, I’m—”

  “I know who you are, Mr. Harris. I’d know all of the Knights from my sister’s descriptions alone, but believe me, I’ve done my homework. I don’t leave anything to chance when it comes to my little sister. She is the reason I am here. I want to see her. Now, if you don’t mind. What are we waiting for?” She’d spoken so quickly it had taken his brain a minute to separate the words from one another and process everything she’d rattled off.

  Knowing she was in such a hurry only served to slow down his response—the Dominant part of his personality was straining to gain control of all Carli Walker’s restless energy, and the man buried beneath the Dom was drawn to her like a magnet to steel. From the moment he’d seen her standing in the lobby he’d felt the pull and wondered why Parker hadn’t mentioned it since they were almost without fail always attracted to the same women. He studied her for several seconds, registering the way her breathing hitched as it sped up, her nipples tightened under his scrutiny—pressing out against the navy silk shell she wore over her khaki capris. The sweet pink coloring her toenails peaked out making her flat strappy sandals look dressier than they were intended to be.


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