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Chapter 14
I waited for Niya in front of my building as I wrote in my notebook. Since getting close to her, I had been so inspired. I had begun writing a book, and I planned to finish it by her birthday. I was going to self-publish it and have a copy in hand as a gift to her. In the meantime, I wrote a few thoughts.
Just when I thought that there was nothing left in this world for me, you appeared. Unexpected, you filled shoes that I didn’t even know were there. The feeling I get as your hand meets mine is unexplainable. Our souls connect on levels beyond this world. My heart now beats to the drum of true friendship. I love you, and soon I will find the strength to tell you so, although I think that you already know.
As I wrote the last words, my stepsister, Marie, came out of the building and just stood there.
“Do you need something?” I asked her as I rolled my eyes.
The funny thing with us was that I had always hated her. As soon as she came to live with us, I had detested her. She reminded me of her father, so therefore, I could never have any love for her.
“This ain’t your stoop. I can stand here if I want,” she answered with her own attitude.
I ignored her as I wished she would go back into the house. I knew that she was waiting to see what I was doing. In the past few weeks, I had been gone a lot, and they weren’t used to it. A few times, she had asked me about Niya, and I had just ignored her. I didn’t trust her, but I was really starting not to give a fuck about anyone in that house and their opinions.
Right after Niya pulled up, she jumped out of the car and came right over to me. “Hey, Milla boo. I wasn’t late this time,” Niya said as she took my hand. She tried to stand me up to give me a hug, but I pulled away from her and gave a quick glance at Marie.
“Hey. I’m Jamilla’s sister,” Marie said with a big grin on her face. She jumped down the steps and came over to us. She was all up in Niya’s face. I guessed she really did want to meet her, as she had been telling me.
Niya’s eyes met hers, and she offered her a stale hello before continuing her conversation with me. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s take a ride. I got something to ask you.”
Without even looking back, we left Marie standing on the stoop. We climbed in Niya’s car and rode in silence for a few minutes. She was bumping Siya, and one of my favorite songs, “Off the Gas” was on. I waited for it to go off before I turned down the music and asked her what was up.
“Okay. Hear me out—”
“Oh, hell no. As soon as you start a sentence with ‘Hear me out,’ I know it’s about to be some bullshit.”
We laughed because we both knew that I was speaking the truth.
“Okay, you know how you been telling me that I really should start going out to clubs and performing? Well, someone invited me out tonight, and I want you to go with me.”
I looked at her and smiled. She looked so fucking cute, sitting there, sounding all excited.
“Who invited you?” I asked.
“I’m kind of nervous and really want you to go with me.” She had taken my hand and was holding it in hers. I looked down at it and remembered the words I had just written. I loved the affection she showed me.
“You didn’t answer me. Who invited you out?”
She smiled and looked at me as she answered. “It’s Roxie. I told her that I was going to ask you to come.”
I didn’t say anything. I just turned the volume on the radio back up and stared out the window. I was going to go and support Niya, no matter what, but I just really didn’t like that girl Roxie.
We hit up Flatbush and Manhattan. I really didn’t want to have her buy me anything, but she forced me, and as hard as she pushed me to give her a fashion show, I didn’t give her one. I told her that I knew my size and that everything would fit. When my shoes alone rang up at two hundred dollars, I almost passed out. Who the fuck spent that much on shoes? When we went into the Manhattan shops, my mouth went dry, but Niya didn’t care. She got me a few outfits. When I told her that I needed something just for that night, she ignored me. I guessed this was her way of telling me that she didn’t like the way I dressed.
We stopped and had lunch before she dropped me off to get my hair done. I didn’t know what the hell to do to it, so she spoke to the Dominican lady and told her what to do. Niya gave me the keys to her apartment, and since I had told my mother I was sleeping over at my cousin’s house, I was going to spend the night at Niya’s house. I was going to have to be careful that no one at my house saw me, but that was going to be easy. They never deviated from their norm. Niya had told her grandmother about my past with my stepdad, and from then on, her grandmother told me to come over whenever. Niya said that she had things to do and that I should take a cab to her place after my hair was done. She gave me money for the fare and told me I should just chill at her place until she got back.
Chapter 15
I drove out to the Bronx and saw Smiley. I told her that I was going to go out to a club. I felt that I owed her that much, since she had always tried to get me to go. Plus, I knew that I might run into her, and I didn’t want any problems. She knew about Roxie, but she didn’t like her much. She once told me about a run-in she had had with her. Although Smiley was a nice girl, she was known for putting grown men to sleep. I hung out, gave her the jeans and shoes I had picked up for her, and just chilled. She braided my hair, and before I knew it, it was going on ten o’clock and I had to head to Roxie’s to get ready. Roxie had made me promise that I would get ready over there, so to keep her happy, I kept my word.
* * *
Roxie looked good, as always. Her crazy ass always looked fine as hell in all her name brands. That was one of the things I had tried to change about her, but you couldn’t tell her anything. If it didn’t have a brand name on it, she wasn’t rocking it, the label whore. As for me, after showering, I kept shit simple. Plaid pants, black wife beater, fresh Converse, diamond studs, necklace, and ring. I sprayed on some Burberry and was ready to go. We got in the car, and the question I was waiting for came up.
“You sure this Jamilla girl ain’t gay?”
I rolled my eyes before answering. “Yeah, I’m sure.” I turned up Kendrick Lamar and tuned her out.
Once we got to my building, I told Roxie to wait for me as I ran up to my apartment. She knew a few girls around there, so she stood outside talking to them. I opened the door, and Granny was the first person I saw. I gave her a kiss and asked her where Jamilla was. She smiled and told me that she had just finished helping her get ready and that she was in my room. I headed back and knocked on the bedroom door. I heard her tell me to come in, so I did. When I stepped in that room, my damn heart stopped. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t do anything but just stand there.
“Do I look okay?” I heard her ask. It took me a while, but I managed to answer.
“You look great. Damn.”
She had on the little white dress I had got for her. There were areas in the middle of her chest that were cut out, so she was showing much cleavage. The dress was short, and her legs looked like heaven. Her hair, with the presence of the weave I had had them add, hung down her back and was layered, with a part on the side. Her makeup brought out her natural beauty. It wasn’t too much; it was just right. Her gold jewelry bounced off her skin and left me mesmerized.
“Not sure how long I can handle these heels, but we shall see,” she said. “You ready to go?”
I would have forgotten about Roxie and the club if Jamilla hadn’t asked me that. When we stepped out of the building, every eye was on Jamilla. Roxie came over to us with the stink face, and I knew she was jealous. Jamilla tried to introduce herself and shake Roxie’s hand, but she was met with chills. It kind of turned me on when this seemed not to affect Jamilla like I thought it would.
* * *
When we first got to the club, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. So many people,
so many eyes. I felt like a piece of meat as the women eye fucked me. I picked a corner and just wanted to stay there. After a while, Roxie said she was going to dance. She had tried for a good twenty minutes to get me to go with her, but I just didn’t feel like it. The wall felt safer. When she left, they swooped in. One after the other, they asked me to dance, asked for my name, even my number, and these were the femmes. When I looked over at Jamilla, who was on her way back with our sodas, she was laughing hard.
“What’s so funny?” I asked once she got back over to me.
“You look so scared. It’s good to know that the aggressor can become the prey too.”
I had to laugh too. I was so used to being the shark that it felt weird being the guppy. When Smiley came through, she helped me loosen up a bit. She knew a lot of the people and was able to get us some drinks since she knew the bartender. Before I knew it, the alcohol had me relaxed, and I started to be myself. I danced with Roxie, and soon we all were on the dance floor. I was having a ball, until Roxie got in her feelings about me dancing with Smiley. She pushed Smiley. Smiley punched her, and all of a sudden, I was in the middle of a catfight.
“You have got to fucking relax!” I yelled at Roxie, but she was gone by then.
She was yelling, pushing, and trying her best to get to Smiley.
“You are just like the rest of them no-good niggas. You showing that fat bitch love as I stand right in front of you?” Roxie shouted back.
“Who you calling a fat bitch?” Smiley asked as she came charging toward Roxie.
“Man, I am so tired of your bullshit. We’re just having fun,” I told Roxie over the music.
No matter what I said, Roxie just wouldn’t quit. So when the guard threw her out of the club, I didn’t leave with her. I was done. That bitch was too fucking crazy for me. Instead, Jamilla, Smiley, and I stayed in the club. They got drunk as fuck, while I got tipsy, and we danced and had the time of our lives.
Chapter 16
I watched Niya on the dance floor and smiled. I was so happy that she was able to come to the club and be free. She was open about who she was. I watched her touch Smiley and kiss her without shame. She was open and honest with everyone else that night and, most importantly, with herself. By the time the last call was called, Smiley and I were a little past fucked up. Niya, although a little tipsy, didn’t drink as much as we did. I liked Smiley. She was fun and didn’t come off like a pure bitch the way Roxie did. When she’d punched Roxie in the face, inwardly, I’d cheered her on.
“She’s gonna come home with us,” Niya announced.
We got in the car, and I couldn’t help but feel weird. I guessed I was sleeping in the living room. The car ride wasn’t any better. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other. I just kept telling Niya to keep her eyes on the road.
When we made it back to her place, I said a silent prayer and thanked God that we’d got home. We walked to Niya’s door and waited for her to open it. Once inside the apartment, I headed to the living room. Niya took my hand and pulled me toward them.
“We’re just going to chill. Come with us,” she said.
I didn’t put up a fight. Some part of me wanted to be included. I would have been lonely out there. In the bedroom, we smoked and listened to music. I enjoyed listening to Smiley tell her club tales. She knew damn near everyone, and she knew their stories. We laughed so hard that I thought Niya’s grandmother would come out, but she never did. Niya said that the weed knocked her out every night. Soon Smiley started to touch Niya, and Niya started to touch Smiley. I didn’t know what to do, so I just sat there, smoking, watching.
As things heated up, everything in me told me to get up and get out, but I couldn’t. It was as if I were watching something forbidden, something rare, and I just couldn’t pull myself away. Smiley had gotten on top of Niya, straddling her, and was kissing her. Niya was pulling off her lover’s clothes, and piece by piece, I got more turned on. The sounds of their smacking lips lingered in the air. I crossed my legs, hoping to relieve the feeling brewing between them. I watched as Smiley’s nipple slipped into Niya’s mouth, and I wanted to scream. I had to leave. I looked at Niya and made eye contact. It was weird, and I had to leave. I got up and headed for the door.
“Don’t leave,” I heard her say.
“Yeah, don’t go,” Smiley added.
“I have to,” I said in a faint voice.
Smiley got off the bed and came over to me. She got close to me, too close for comfort. I looked into her soft eyes as her lips touched mine. Inside, I was screaming, What the hell! But I didn’t pull away from her. Her tongue roamed my mouth as I kissed her back. She pulled away just as I was getting into it, took my hand, and led me to the bed. I sat against the wall at the foot of the bed. Niya’s bed was in a perfect little nook. Since it was surrounded by walls on three sides, there was only one way onto the bed and one way off. Niya, at the head of the bed, didn’t take her eyes from mine. Her back was against her headboard, and with me at the opposite end, we were face-to-face, eye to eye, with just three to four feet between us.
“You are so fucking pretty,” Smiley said to me as she sat beside me.
“Isn’t she fucking gorgeous? She’s so damn innocent looking,” Niya interjected. “It makes me wonder, are you really innocent, or are you hiding the freak in you?”
I looked from Smiley to Niya, who was smiling from ear to ear, then back to Smiley. I didn’t answer. When I felt Smiley’s lips on mine again, I didn’t resist. Her hands were everywhere. She managed to pull off my dress with little effort. My breasts graced the air, and I was a little uncomfortable. I put my hands up and covered them. Things were moving too fast, and my head was spinning. I just kept asking myself what in the hell I thought I was doing. You are not gay. You are not gay. You are not gay. I just kept saying it over and over to myself.
When I felt Smiley tugging at the new thong panties Niya had bought for me, I pushed her off of me. I hadn’t looked at Niya in a while, and when I did, she was just sitting there, puffing on her blunt. She was staring at me through her slanted eyes. When Smiley tried to pull off my panties again, Niya spoke up.
“Leave her alone. She’s straight . . . maybe.”
Sarcasm dripped from her words, and the look on her face said it all. She wasn’t buying my “straight, maybe” story.
Chapter 17
I tried my best to keep it cool, but my whole body was shaking. I tried to hold my breath, hoping that it would slow my heart rate, but that didn’t work. As I watched Smiley and Jamilla go at it, a million thoughts ran through my mind. I wondered if she was really that damn drunk. I wondered how far this would go. I wanted to know if I would finally get to make love to her. I could see my chest heaving up and down, as my breathing had become fast. Once Jamilla’s dress was off, I was a second away from going over to them, pulling Smiley off of her, and taking over. All I could think about was how sweet her nipples tasted, and I wanted more.
But as Smiley tried to pull off her panties, she held them up. She wasn’t ready. Damn. I was going to have to wait. I called Smiley back over to me and tasted the lingering flavor of Jamilla left behind on her lips. I let Smiley pull off my clothes. Normally, I would have left my shirt on, but on this night, I wanted to remind Jamilla that I was a girl. Under all the masculinity, I was still a woman. A woman who was turning her on, a woman whom, I knew deep down inside, she loved.
My wife beater and bra were the first to go. I watched her the whole time, wanting to catch every reaction she was unable to hide. Last to go were my pants and boxers. I watched as her eyes widened and lowered. Her chest bounced up and down as she lusted over my body. I counted her breaths, which were fast and short. Smiley took off the rest of her clothes and let her tongue meet my neck. I moaned as I let her take over. She licked me all over. I couldn’t help but moan. With my eyes on Jamilla, and with Smiley’s hands and mouth traveling up and down my body, I was in heaven. I wa
tched as Jamilla’s legs crossed and uncrossed. Smiley looked at me, then over at Jamilla. Once again, Smiley left me and went to her.
“Your nipples are hard. You’re turned on, yes?” Smiley asked her.
Jamilla didn’t answer, just looked away from her, as if she was ashamed.
“You can trust us. We won’t hurt you,” Smiley said before she kissed Jamilla again. “We don’t have to touch you, but we want you to enjoy what is happening. Do you trust us?”
I waited, almost salivating.
“Yes, I trust the both of you.”
“Good. Now, relax, and just join in on the fun.”
This time, as Smiley tugged at the sides of her panties, Jamilla let her pull them off. I reached over and put out my blunt. I picked up my cup of liquor and gulped it down. I watched as Smiley pulled at her legs and laid her down. Smiley kissed her lips, tongue kissed each of her nipples, and took Jamilla’s hand. She slid it down Jamilla’s stomach and, with her help, placed it against her dripping slit. I watched as Smiley moved Jamilla’s hand up and down her pretty, bare pussy.
Soon Jamilla took over, and Smiley crawled back over to me. She licked down my chest, down my belly button, and soon her lips graced my waiting wet spot. I whimpered as Smiley skillfully used her tongue and lips. She pulled on my clit as my hand found Jamilla’s thigh. I wasn’t going to go any higher; I just needed to feel a part of her body. Her groans met mine as she opened her eyes and looked at me. Her legs were open, and her hand ran up and down her pussy, helping me form all kinds of nasty thoughts about her. The faster her hand moved, the closer she got to cumming.
Knowing this pulled me closer to the edge. As I rubbed her thigh, I watched her slit become even wetter. Her fingers dripped with her juices as she massaged her clit, with her eyes on mine. With me moaning and her hips swirling with each stroke of her hand, we came. I grabbed the back of Smiley’s head and pulled it to me. I fucked her face as I envisioned Jamilla taking her place. As my body jerked around on the bed, both of Jamilla’s legs were in the air. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her pussy was so plump, and with her hips twerking, she came long and hard. Damn. It seemed like that was the best nut either of us had ever had.