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Stripped Bare

Page 10

by Heidi McLaughlin

  “Was she a virgin?”

  Leaning on the railing to look out, I wonder what she’s doing today. If it were me I’d be by the pool or getting a massage. I’d try to enjoy the freedom of being away from me because I’m sure my high-strung, sex-crazed and moody personality is driving her nuts.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t ask and there wasn’t any foreplay, ya know. Straight up high school party hookup.”

  “And she hasn’t brought it up?”

  “No,” I say, throwing my hands in the air. “That’s weird, right? Don’t chicks want to talk about the past and the shit you did to them? Fuck, I don’t even think I took her clothes all the way off. I know my pants never left my hips.”


  “Whatever. Do you know where she’s at?” I ask, knowing full well he’s keeping tabs on her. It’s a shitty thing to do, but I have to protect my investment. I need to know if she’s planning on bailing on me before the week is up. That’s another reason why I haven’t given her the money yet. I don’t want her to leave in the middle of the night.

  “By the pool. I was actually heading your way when you called. I thought you’d want to surprise her and the men that keep sitting next to her.” He shows me the camera on his phone, zooming in on where she’s sitting. There’s a guy on each side of her, but she seems to be ignoring them. “Do you trust her?”

  “Not to fuck another guy this week? Yeah, I do. She needs the money and genuinely seems into me.”

  Lamar pockets his phone and matches my previous stance of looking out the window at the action on the floor.

  “Do I seem like a stalker?”

  “Nah, you’re protecting your investment. There’s a difference.”

  That’s good to know because right now I feel like a fucking creep having him keep an eye on her.

  “I think I’m going to head down there and take her to lunch.”

  Lamar chuckles and follows me out of my office. I tell Hannah to hold all my calls and don’t miss the disapproving look she gives me. Once I’m out of the elevator, I pull my aviators out of my breast pocket and head out toward the pool. The employees who I encounter all say hi as I pass by.

  Macey is easy to spot once the walkway opens up to the pool. Loud music, waitstaff and drunken partygoers all filter around, enjoying themselves. The pool is half beach with sand, while the other half is deeper and set up like a normal pool. I’m the only one out here in a three-piece suit. To say I stand out would be an understatement.

  The two guys surrounding Macey are on their sides, bantering back and forth while she lies on her back. I approach them, but she doesn’t move so I reach down and wiggle her toe.

  “Can we help you?” the one on the left says.

  “Not really.”

  By now Macey is sitting up. Her sunglasses are on, making it impossible for me to see her eyes and her expression.

  “Right, so move along,” the one on the right says, using his hand to brush me out of the way. I chuckle and shake my head.

  “Wanna get lunch or go upstairs and fuck? Maybe I’ll let you suck my dick.” I say this to get a rise out of the two guys. I have no doubt they’ve been trying to hook up with her. Even with the wardrobe and designer clothes, she’s still rocking a fucking bikini that barely covers her assets. I don’t blame the guys for trying. Fuck, I’d be doing the same thing if I weren’t already paying her to fuck me whenever I want. It doesn’t even cross my mind that this may be embarrassing to her, and if it is she’s not saying anything.

  “Lunch sounds better,” she says, her tone snarky, and she finishes with a yawn. The morons laugh until they realize she’s packing up her things. Their mouths drop open as they look at me.

  “Dude, what the fuck? We were hitting on her,” the one on the right says while his buddy nods in agreement.

  “And yet she’s leaving with me.”

  “Must be his fucking wife.”

  I hold up Macey’s left hand so they can see. “Nope, no ring, not that a ring blocks the hole.”

  “You’re so crude,” she says, but can’t truly mean it because instead of taking her hand from mine she threads our fingers together and starts walking back toward the hotel. “You didn’t have to be like that.”

  “They were pawing at you.”

  “Maybe I liked it.”

  “You can like it next week.” I hold the elevator door open for her and she steps in. Unfortunately, there are guests in there as well, cutting our conversation off. The older man, who is about a foot taller than his wife, is checking Macey out in her red string bikini. I don’t blame him. Macey has curves that go on for miles and her tits are natural. I found myself motor boating them last night because I could.

  The man catches my eye and nods his head. I give him the look that says, “Yeah, fucker, I’m hitting that.” He raises his fist like he’s going to bump mine, but drops his hand suddenly when his wife looks at him. Thankfully, we arrive at their floor, but not before he takes one last look at Macey.

  “That man wanted to fuck you.”

  She rolls her eyes and scoffs at me.

  “It’s true. I don’t understand why you sell yourself short. I’ve told you, I think you’re beautiful.”

  Macey shakes her head. “They see sex. That’s what everyone sees. No one is looking at me and thinking about a future or that I’m wife material. All they see is a good time.”

  We arrive at our floor and step out of the elevator. She’s one step ahead of me and uses the key card I left her to open the door. I hate to admit it, but she’s right. I look at her and see sex and it’s fucking amazing. When the caveat of sex came up while we were talking about her spending the week with me, I thought it’d be a couple times. Never, at any time, did I think I’d be fucking her every chance we got.

  As soon as she opens the door, I pull the strings on her bikini. While she’s trying to save the bottoms, I pull the one on top as well.


  I can’t help but laugh as she attempts to cover herself.

  “You have a potty mouth.”

  “Years of dealing with assholes like you.”

  Removing my jacket and vest, I undo my tie and take off my shirt.

  “I think you’re missing the music you need to strip by, Magic Mike,” she says, flipping me off.

  Shaking my head, I unlatch my belt and unbutton my pants, pulling the zipper down and freeing my cock from my boxers.

  “Do you want to get on your knees here? Or do you prefer the couch?” I don’t wait for her response and walk over to my leather sofa and sit down, reclining a little.

  “I thought you were joking,” she says softly.

  “I’m not, Macey. You have two options. I’m letting you choose. You can either blow me or I’m going to fuck you.”

  I don’t know what it is about her, but even with her saucy attitude she turns me on. Of course, it could be the power trip from knowing that there are at least three men in this hotel that would give their left nut to be with her right now and the only one who gets his wish granted is me.

  If I think anything is going to be easy with her, I’m mistaken. Instead of getting on her knees to suck my dick, she sits on a cushion away from me and spreads her legs, showing me the pussy that has owned me since Friday night.

  “Is this what you want?” she asks, pulling her lips apart. In an instant, my cock is in my hand and I’m stroking. My eyes are focused on her fingers as they play with her clit and when she inserts a finger into her pussy, I about lose my shit.

  “Are you this dirty for everyone?” It’s something I have to know. She’s made it very clear that she’s not a whore and I believe her, but the nagging voice in my head wants to know if this is what she’s like outside of my house.

  “No, only you,” she tells me, adding another finger. Her free hand cups her breast, tweaking her nipple, and her hips rock to meet the tempo she’s created. Macey moans and her eyes roll back in her head. The sight of her getting h
erself off has my dick screaming. He wants to be buried deep inside that pussy of hers.

  “Fuck this hand shit,” I say, pulling the drawer on the coffee table open to grab a condom. I rip the package open and grab the rubber, never taking my eyes off her. “Don’t you fucking come,” I tell her as I slide the condom over my aching dick.

  “Turn around and look out the window.”

  She does as I say, never removing her hand. I line my cock up with her entrance, and wait, pushing against her fingers while she tries to get herself off.

  I press against her body, biting down on her earlobe. “Do you need a toy, Macey? Is my dick not big enough for you? How about a threesome, huh? Do you want two dicks in that tiny twat of yours?” By my last question I’m slamming into her, her fingers be damned.

  “Yes,” she yells out, gripping the back of the couch. The only sounds in the room are from us, between the heavy grunts and our skin slapping against each other. My hands clutch her hips as our bodies crash together. It’s only seconds before she’s coming, screaming out as she convulses.

  “So fucking wet and all mine,” I remind her as I fill her hole with my cock.

  Macey looks at me over her shoulder, watching me as I fuck her. Our eyes never part as I find my release and as much as I want to look away, I can’t. Knowing she can see the satisfaction I get from fucking her makes my orgasm all the more powerful.

  Chapter 13


  I’m not supposed to like Finn. I’m supposed to be here only for the money, to give Morgan and me a better life. Yet, as I watch him standing across the room where an older woman has her hand on his arm and is throwing her head back in laughter because of something he’s said, I feel rage boil within me. I shouldn’t be jealous. I know he’s not mine and never will be, but after spending the past few days with him, I am.

  When I said yes to his proposition, I was determined to make his life hell. I wanted him to regret ever asking me to do this, but even when I’m being sarcastic or defiant, I want to be with him. My body craves the attention he’s giving and more. Yesterday was proof that I’m in too deep. I have no doubt he questions the things I say to him about only being a stripper after I bared all, after I started pleasuring myself in front of him because I had this uncontrollable urge to do so. The exhilaration I felt at seeing him morph from a man who wanted his dick sucked into a man desperate to bring us both pleasure was indescribable. My body tingled with anticipation knowing that I was making his resolve break, that I was in the one in control.

  I’m stupid to think anything has changed between us. Sex doesn’t change people, emotions do, and Finn has his locked down tight. Not that I blame him. I knew from the get-go that once the week was over, we’d go our separate ways and that would be that.

  So if I know that, then why am I jealous of the woman he’s talking to? I shouldn’t care. My throat shouldn’t be constricting nor should my eyes be watering. Yet, as I stand here, across the room from him, he looks happy. Finn looks content even though he’s surrounded by the people who push and pull him in every direction.

  Tonight has been fun. Hell, dressing up in the gowns I chose has been a fantasy come true, but as my stomach rolls and the anxiety builds I can’t help but think my replacement is standing next to Finn. Soon I’ll be going home and this week of luxury will be a distant memory. Even the money I’m being paid won’t erase the thought of how my life could’ve been so much different.

  With steely resolve I make my way over to Finn and the other woman. Her eyes land on me first and I smile, softly, but she doesn’t return the sentiment. When Finn turns, I can’t tell if the expression on his face is meant for me or was for her. Either way, I’m not about to find out.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt.”

  “It’s fine, what do you need?” he says, answering my earlier question. He doesn’t want me near him right now and hasn’t since we walked in.

  “I’m going to take a cab back to the hotel. I’m not feeling well.” I don’t give him a chance to respond as I hike my dress up and walk briskly out of the room. If people are staring, I’m not paying attention. My watery eyes are focused on the door, as I push the heavy metal bar forward and walk out.

  Once again I find myself running through a casino in a dress, but at least this time the men who happen to glance my way don’t assume I’m a hooker or someone looking for a good time. They might make the assumption that my heart is broken and it is, but that’s my own fault. Finn has never promised me anything except money, clothes and sex, all three of which he has delivered on.

  Luckily for me, the line for a taxi is empty and I’m able to slide right in. I tell the driver to take me to Allure, wishing I was going somewhere alone for the night. I need a break from Finn and the intensity of our situation.

  When the valet sees me, he smiles and tells the cab driver to submit a bill to the hotel and that I’m Mr. McCormick’s special guest. “Special,” what a crock-of-shit word for a high-priced escort. As much as I want to disagree with him, I don’t. I thank him and walk as fast as I can to the elevators.

  As luck would have it, I’m not the only one needing to get to their room. A loud, drunk and slightly obnoxious group of people are playing the game of which door will open first. This is where I wish Finn had a private elevator, but he insists on being an equal when he’s clearly not.

  When one of the lights turns on and the ding happens, they cheer. I could wait for the next one, or follow them in. Given the fact that I want to get out of this dress, I step in and swipe my card for the penthouse.

  “Whoa, fancy lady,” a female sneers from behind me. I smile and remain focused on the climbing lights.

  “We should party in her room,” another says. I don’t want to think they’ll wait for me to get off because if they do, I don’t know what I’m going to do. There isn’t a phone to call from in Finn’s hall and I now realize my mistake. I’ve seen Finn do it many times. He waits for the other person in the elevator to push their floor and chooses the one above it. Once they’re off, he swipes his card.

  The elevator stops, opening up into the nightclub. When the group doesn’t budge, I do. I show the bouncer my pass—the one Finn gave to me so I can access everything in the hotel—and pray that this man doesn’t think I’m a fraud.

  “Ms. Webster, thank you for joining us tonight.”

  “I’m not,” I say, leaning in to him so he can hear me. “There’s a group of people on the elevator who think they can party in Mr. McCormick’s room and he’s still at the fundraiser.”

  The bouncer picks up the phone and makes a call. Within minutes, Lamar, the man who escorted Finn to the club I was working at, appears. He looks none too happy about being out in the middle of the night.

  “Ms. Webster.”


  “Follow me and I’ll get you back to the penthouse.”

  He holds his arm out for me and I take it, feeling like a dwarf next to him. Inside the elevator we ride the few extra floors, standing side by side. He must hate his job right now, having to wake up and come and save me. It’d be one thing if I were a damsel in distress instead of a complete moron. When the door opens, I step out and am instantly met by the group of people I left behind. Apparently my ditching attempt wasn’t clear enough for them.

  “Let me hold the door for you,” Lamar says, keeping his arm spread out so the elevator doesn’t close. The group looks at me and back at him. He smiles, nods and motions for them to get into the car. They do. “Have a nice night,” he says, letting the door close.

  “Thank you,” I say, but I am too late. He’s already gone and I’m left standing in the empty hallway. I’m not even going to comment on the fact that he’s seen me naked and not once looked me up and down. Finn is lucky to have him.

  Inside, I step out of my dress and hang it carefully in the closet. The scent of Finn surrounds me, making me miss him. I contemplate packing my things, but none of what I have now will fit in my carr
y-on and I’d be foolish to get rid of the clothes I brought with me. As much as I want to say I won’t return to stripping, it’s the only thing I know and it’s how I pay the bills.

  Stripping down to nothing, I wrap myself in a silk bathrobe. Finn brought it home…no, not home. This is anything but my home and I shouldn’t let myself get into the habit of thinking of it as such. He brought it here and thought I would like it. He’s right, I do. Goosebumps tickle my skin and my nipples harden from the cool fabric and cold air in the room.

  In the kitchen, I pull a glass from the wine rack and take a chilled bottle from the fridge outside onto his patio. I have yet to spend any time out here and quickly realize this is my favorite spot. I lean against the railing and let the soft breeze of the Vegas night swirl around me. The lights from the Strip are calling me and I have the urge to go down there and party. I don’t have to wonder what Finn would say, or do. That would be a one-way ticket back home and I’d have to hope for a prorated deal on my fee.

  Lying back in the chaise with a glass of wine in my hand, I listen to the bustling of activity below me. The club is alive and the music is pumping. In the distance, you can hear people yelling, horns beeping, but mostly it’s quiet up here.

  “I thought you were sick?”

  Finn’s voice startles me, causing my wine to spill on the bathrobe.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” I say, ignoring him and dabbing the stain with my bare hand. Finn is beside me, sitting on the chaise.

  “Stop.” He grabs my hand, holding it still.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin it.” I know there are tears waiting to fall and I refuse to look at Finn. I refuse to let him know that he’s getting to me.

  “Look at me, Macey.”

  I shake my head and opt to finish the wine before setting the empty glass on the floor.

  “You left me.”

  I scoff. “You were busy. I honestly didn’t think you’d notice. I almost didn’t tell you.”


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