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Stripped Bare

Page 18

by Heidi McLaughlin

  Finn opens my door and Morgan’s simultaneously, with a smile that beams brighter than the sun. He’s happy to be here. I wish I could say the same. I step out of the car and cross my arms, preventing him from holding my hand, but that doesn’t stop him from placing a hand on my shoulder and one on Morgan’s and walking us to the door.

  The inside of the house is as I remember it with the massive chandelier and sweeping staircase. This is the type of house that makes fairy tales come true.

  “Whoa,” Morgan mutters as she enters the foyer. She steps away from Finn and I reach for her, trying to keep her close.

  “Hey,” he says, grabbing my arm. “It’s okay. She can look around.”


  “There are no buts, Macey. Believe me when I tell you, I honestly don’t think he knew about her. If he did, he would’ve told me.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  He shrugs and that doesn’t put me at ease, not one bit. “It’s a hunch.”

  I want to bang on his chest and tell him hunches rarely work out and demand that he take us out of here before he opens his mouth. Instead, I follow him into another room, one where the television is on and an older version of Finn is reading the paper.

  “Morning, Dad,” Finn says with us trailing behind him. His father puts his paper down and eyes us over the rim of his glasses before he removes them.

  “Finn and”—he looks over Finn’s shoulder and finishes with—“guests, good morning.”

  Finn smiles as he looks over his shoulder at the both of us. “Dad, this is Macey Webster.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Webster.” Much to my shock, he stands and shakes my hand.

  “You too, Mr. McCormick.”

  “And who is this?” he asks, pointing at Morgan. My heart thunders loudly in my chest, echoing in my ears. I want to grab her, hide her and protect her from every evil in the world.

  Finn looks at Morgan and smiles. “Dad, this is Morgan.” Finn pauses before he turns to face his father. “Morgan is my daughter.”

  Mr. McCormick takes a step back and moves his gaze from Finn to Morgan to me and back to Finn. The process is repeated over and over again as his mouth drops open, only to close immediately.

  “You…” He shakes his head. “She’s your…” His eyes roam over me and back to Morgan. “I think I need to sit down,” he says, returning to his seat.

  We stand there like statues, wondering if he’s going to start screaming or continue to read his paper. Mr. McCormick rests his head in his hands and starts to mumble something before Finn speaks up.

  “I’m going take Morgan into the kitchen for a snack, then Macey and I will be back to talk.”

  Once we’re in the hallway I grab Finn. “We should go.”

  “We’re not leaving until I know for sure.”

  “But why does it matter?” I beg. “Let’s just go and have a family day.”

  Finn smiles and pulls me into his arms, crushing me. “You called us a family.”

  His words hit me square in the chest. I hadn’t meant to, but it slipped out and he’s picked up on it and it makes him, dare I say, happy. He’s happy that I referred to us as a family?

  Finn sets me down and continues taking us to the kitchen where he sets Morgan up at the island with a glass of milk and some cookies.

  “Stay here, we’ll be right back,” he tells her as he takes my hand and drags me back to the room where his father is.

  “Dad, I have to know something.” This time we stand in front of Mr. McCormick, who hasn’t changed his position in the past few minutes. “Did you know Macey was pregnant with my baby? She came here and spoke to Mom. That’s what was in the letter you found, the one I read last night, the one that you should’ve sent me a year ago instead of setting on my desk. So tell me, did you know? Did you know that I had a daughter out there whose mother was struggling to make ends meet?”

  Mr. McCormick sits back in his chair and I prepare for the words that he’s about to tell Finn, that he knew and didn’t care because of where I’m from. I close my eyes and squeeze his hand, praying that I’m wrong.

  “I didn’t know, Finn. When your mother was dying, she kept saying you needed help, but I thought it was about school or dealing with her death. I had no idea you had a child. If I did…well, you would’ve been responsible for her.”

  Finn lets go of my hand and hugs his father. Their embrace makes me jealous because I don’t have that connection with my mother and I have no idea who my father is. Morgan was leading that same type of life until a chance encounter with Finn and an offer I couldn’t refuse were thrown at me.

  “As much as it pains me to hear you say the things you said about your daughter, Finn, I’m happy she has you. That she has us.” His dad pats him on the back, forcing me to look away so they don’t see me cry. When they separate, the clearing of a throat causes me to look up. “Is there anything I can do for you and…”

  “Morgan,” Finn injects.

  “Yes, Morgan.” Mr. McCormick smiles. “Is there anything I can do for you both?”

  I shake my head, knowing that she has Finn now.

  “We’re going to take the yacht out. Do you want to come?” he asks his father, much to my surprise.

  “Yeah, I’d like that. Let me go tell…nah, you know what, I need a day with my son and I’d really like to get to know my granddaughter.”

  With a flurry of motion, I’m back in the kitchen packing sandwiches and anything I can find, and let’s face it, I can find everything in this fully stocked kitchen, while Finn, his father and Morgan are outside hooking the Jet Skis up to the truck.

  Finn comes back to the kitchen, his smile so bright. I’ve never seen him this happy. In Vegas he was brooding, always moody, and kept a businesslike demeanor, but now, he’s different.

  “Are you ready?” he asks as he picks up the basket that I’ve been packing.

  “Where’s Morgan?”

  “With Dad.”


  He drops the basket and puts his arm around me. “Macey, it’s fine. He’s excited and Morgan loves it out there. He’s been telling her stories and she’s asking him all sorts of questions.”

  “It’s just…” I want to finish with “she’s mine,” but I don’t. He has to understand that I can’t compete with the McCormick pocketbook and fear that he’ll demand that I do.

  “It’s just what, Macey? Are you scared that my dad is going to hurt her?”

  I nod. “In a way, yes. Or she’ll hate me because I can’t give her this type of life.”

  “You will, don’t worry.” He kisses me on my forehead as if that is supposed to make everything okay. It doesn’t. It only increases my anxiety that my life is about to implode thanks to him.

  He takes me by the hand and leads me out of the kitchen and into the garage, where I find Morgan standing in the back of a truck.

  “Hi, Mommy.”

  “Hi, little miss. Are you having fun?”

  “I am. I get to go on a boat today, look.” She moves her dark hair and shows me a sticker behind her ear. I look at her with question and she shrugs.

  “Seasickness patch. I have one for you too,” Finn says, coming up behind me and placing something behind my ear. “It’ll help, just in case you need it.” I absentmindedly touch the sticker behind my ear and thank him. I can’t believe he thought of everything. This Finn, the one who is making sure everything is perfect, is not the Finn from Vegas, and honestly I think I like this one much better.

  Morgan and Mr. McCormick pile into the truck. I open the door to follow, but Finn stops me, slamming the door shut.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want to talk to you in private. We’ll meet my dad and Morgan at the pier.”


  “No more buts, Macey. Trust me.” He leads me over to his rental car and helps me get in as I watch a man I don’t know drive away with my most treasured possession in the backseat.
  “I should be with her,” I tell him when he gets in the car.

  “She’s perfectly fine with my dad, besides, you could use some adult time.”

  “I had adult time. For two weeks I was away from her and I hated every minute of it.” I realize all too late the meaning behind my words. “That’s not what I meant, Finn.”

  “It’s fine. I want to talk to you about that anyway. The work. Are you done stripping?”

  “Yes,” I say, looking out the window. Even though we’re following behind the truck, I can’t help but keep my eyes focused on the trailer.

  “And what about money? How much do you want a month? And when can she come to Vegas? Or do you want me to fly here to see her?”

  I push my hands into my hair and scream, causing Finn to swerve. “Shut up, okay. Just shut up. I can’t do this right now, Finn. I can’t. Everything is happening too fast. Two or three days ago you didn’t know she existed and now she’s with your dad as if we’ve been this happy family for the past ten years and I can’t…I can’t process it all this fast. I need time, Finn.”

  He doesn’t say anything as we come to a stoplight. Tears fall as the truck carrying my daughter moves ahead, leaving us behind.

  “I’m sorry, Macey. I have to go back to Vegas tomorrow and wanted to make sure everything was set up before I left. We can talk about it later.”

  Of course he’s going back tomorrow. He’s going to show Morgan what a great guy he is, only to disappear on us…her.

  My mood is complete shit by the time we reach the pier. Finn parks and tries to hold my hand, but I cross my arms and follow him down the dock. And as if my life can’t get any worse, Finn’s father has the biggest boat on the lake and Morgan is more than excited to be on it. I’m angry with Finn and want to take Morgan and go home, but I know I can’t. I can’t ruin this for Morgan, she’d never understand.

  As we board and get settled, Finn makes sure Morgan has a life jacket on. She’s sitting with Finn’s dad and the captain of the boat while Finn has me down below unpacking the food. I continue to slam things on the counter, trying to get my frustrations out and biting the inside of my cheek to ward off the tears.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Don’t lie to me, Macey.”

  I turn and face him, pointing my finger toward his face. “You don’t get to swoop in and play fucking hero, Finn. You don’t. You can’t show up and be all ‘I’m your dad and we’re going to spend the day on my boat’ and then disappear tomorrow, but promise to send me a check. Life doesn’t work like that when you’re ten. She’s going to want to get to know you. All you’re doing is teasing her.”

  “That’s not my intention. I’ll be back, but I’m in the middle of constructing a hotel and can’t up and leave. I’ll take long weekends and fly her out to see me.”

  “She’s not flying by herself.”

  “So fine,” he says, tossing a loaf of bread onto the counter. “You’ll fly with her.”

  “I can’t afford to fly whenever you want to see her. Don’t you get that?”

  Finn steps closer, invading my personal space. “And don’t you get that I’m going to pay for it? That you no longer have to work because I’m going to take care of you?”

  “Until when? Until you decide to get married?”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  I scoff and roll my eyes, turning away from him. Before I know what’s happening, he’s dragging me down the tiny hall and into a small bedroom.

  “What are you doing?”



  “Fucking strip,” he says, taking off his clothes. The minute he drops his shorts, his erection bounces against his belly. When he starts to stroke it, my eyes bug out.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Giving my angry unicorn some attention while he waits for the pussy he’s fucking addicted to to bare herself for him.”

  “Is that how you solve everything, with sex?”

  Finn steps closer and yanks the buttons open on my shorts. His fingers dip into my waistband as he pushes them along with the bottoms of my bikini down my legs. Before I can protest, before I can run, my leg is swung over his shoulder and my hand is splayed out against the wall while his other hand digs into my ass and his tongue swipes at my core.

  “Fuck,” I gasp.

  “I plan to fuck you until you realize I’m not going anywhere.”

  My eyes roll back and I try to think of something coherent to say. Words tumble out of my mouth when he bites down on my clit and slides his finger into my pussy.

  “You’ll find someone else.”

  “Mhm, you taste fucking divine.” He ignores my comment and continues pleasuring me with his tongue and fingers. Between standing on one leg and the motion of the boat, I’m about to topple over.

  “Finn,” I say, gripping his hair for leverage.

  “I fucking love it when you say my name.” He picks me up and we tumble onto the bed in a heap of arms and legs. “Sit on my face,” he commands, pulling me on top of him.

  “I’d rather sit on your angry unicorn.” I move to straddle him, watching as he holds his dick steady.

  “I don’t have a condom.”

  “Finn McCormick, are you telling me that you’re unprepared?”

  “I am. I didn’t expect to have sex on the boat. I should know better, though, because every time I’m around you, I’m horny as fuck. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “I’m on the pill,” I remind him, inching forward, waiting for him to push me away. I remember all too clearly the day after we had sex without a condom and how he felt. If he’s like that again, he’ll be back in Vegas before I have to deal with his mood swing.

  He makes the decision for us and pulls me down on top of him. Firm hands never leave my hips as I lean forward and place my hands on the wall. Finn never breaks eye contact as he starts moving me up and down, keeping his thumb on my clit.

  “You have to be quiet, Macey,” he says, reminding me that we’re not alone. “Although I’d give anything to hear you scream my name again when you come. I want to hear you moan from the feel of my dick inside you.”

  I whimper, trying to keep it in, but it’s almost too much to bear. The motion of everything, from his hand pulling and pushing my hip back and forth to his thumb on my clit, has me seeing stars and biting my lip to keep from screaming out. Once my climax has hit, Finn has me on my back and is pounding into me, pushing until his release finally hits.

  Chapter 24


  It’s been two weeks since I left Macey and Morgan, and today they’ll be here visiting for the weekend. The day after our trip around the lake, I bought Macey a car. I had to know that she and Morgan were safe at all times and not dependent upon the bus to take them places. Also, since I left, my relationship with my father has been rejuvenated and that is all because of Morgan. I still hate his wife, more so now since he had asked me not to stay in the house because of her. If he left her today, I’d throw him a party with all the best pussy in Vegas. Make him another Hugh Hefner.

  I speak to Morgan every day. Her mother not so much, unless it’s to check on how Morgan is doing or make flight arrangements. Things have chilled out between Macey and me and that’s because of me. She wants things that I can’t give her, namely a relationship, not that she’s come out and said that, but when she tells me that she misses me red flags go up and I try to avoid them at all cost. Where I see her as a sweet piece of pie fuck-buddy, with the most delicious cunt I have ever tasted, I have a strong feeling that Macey sees me as boyfriend material and that’s something I’ll never be. Even though I miss the fuck out of her. I can’t decipher if I miss her pussy and tits, or if I actually miss Macey. I suppose at some point they go hand in hand, but the bottom line is I can’t be the man she deserves.

  That doesn’t mean I want her out looking for another man, though. If she found someone I’d probably have a fuckin
g coronary and move her into hiding. I’m a selfish prick and not willing to give her up. She also doesn’t know that I’m not sleeping with anyone else and have curbed the nights I spend out. If I’m not at a fundraiser or gala, I’m home living a solitary life. She’s asked about my dates, though, and I’ve ignored her questions. I’m unable to admit to her—or myself—that it’s only her pussy that I crave, when I used to desire every piece of hot ass that walked into my casino.

  Every day, like clockwork, Morgan calls me when she gets home from school. I’ve planned my days around three forty-five in the afternoon so I can talk to her. I don’t care what type of meeting I’m in, or what I’m doing, my daughter gets my undivided attention until she’s ready to get off the phone. I never knew ten-year-old girls had so much drama until now, but damn, every day it’s something new.

  Aside from Lamar, no one knows Morgan is my daughter. Not even Hannah. I trust Hannah, but am afraid she may slip someday and I’m not ready for the shitstorm of media attention that the announcement would bring. Plus, I’m still dealing with Brandy and until I can get her under control, Morgan’s my secret.

  With my father giving me my inheritance early, Brandy is pretty much out of the picture, except for the social aspect. Even though I have refused to attend with her, I do stand next to her for pictures at the functions we’re at. It’s a save-face type of situation. Her father is powerful and the last thing I want to do for my business is piss him off. Until I can have a sit-down with him, I’ll plaster a fake-ass smile on my face each time the camera is near.

  Lamar comes in and shuts my door quietly behind him. I sit up straight, wondering what could be going on. If I go by the look on his face, it would seem that someone has died.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He puts his finger to his lips, telling me to keep quiet, and uses his other hand to point toward my wall that abuts Hannah’s desk. I quickly pull up the security camera and see that Brandy is out there with Hannah.


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