Lokai's Curse

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Lokai's Curse Page 4

by Coulter, J. Lee

  Her stomach spasmed suddenly as bile rose in her throat. She leapt from the bed rushing to the chamber pot just in time as she emptied her stomach. Diedre sat back shakily when she had finished, wiping her hand across her mouth. Oh bother! Something else to clean. It is not bad enough that I am a prisoner. Now I am a sick prisoner. Lokai will not want to be near me at all at this rate. A wayward tear splashed down her porcelain cheek…then another…and another until she could not stop the onslaught. She wept till there were no more tears in her reservoir of self-pity. She crept back to bed feeling drained and fell into a dreamless sleep.


  “How does my daughter fare, Lokai? Do you see improvement?” Alred stared pointedly at his heir. He missed Diedre and was anxious to visit her.

  Lokai finished his apple as he mulled over the King’s inquiry. He had seen definite improvement in her tendency to be rash but he was not certain that she understood that she had to quit meddling in mortals’ lives. There was only one way to find out…test her. He glanced at Alred’s concerned face.

  “She is progressing very well but I cannot guarantee that she will behave. I do not know if I can trust her on that aspect.” He eyed Alred before continuing. “I have other matters that concern me more.”

  “Such as…?”

  “For several months now I have had this foreboding that something is not right.”

  “With Diedre?” He jumped up in alarm.

  “No, not Diedre. This is something else. I sense the presence of… Athor.”

  Alred’s stormy eyes met his in astonishment. If anyone could feel his existence it would be Athor’s son. He had no reason to doubt him.

  “Did you not kill him with the Spear of Destiny? How could he survive that?”

  Lokai shook his head. “I know not. I killed the body he was occupying…but, perhaps, he leapt from it as I struck him down. All I can be certain of is that I have sensed his essence on occasion. I plan on visiting the Ancient, Hagar, soon to find what she can tell me.”

  The king nodded. “I would not wait too long. She is old and eager to join the others of her kind.” They were silent for a few moments as they contemplated the ramifications of Athor still being alive.

  Lokai made a decision about Diedre then, as he realized the danger she may be in. “Sire, to answer your question about the princess…all is not well with her.”

  His head snapped up. “What is wrong?”

  “I am not certain. Perhaps her isolation is the cause but I see sadness in her eyes when she thinks I am not looking. She is melancholy although she attempts to shield it from me.”

  “What can be done? Should I visit her?”

  “I think a visit may be helpful but, with the threat of Athor out there, a restoration of her magic would be even more so. I would not have her defenseless.”

  Seeing the wisdom of his request, the king had to agree. With a slight gesture of his hand Diedre’s magic was restored. “It is done.”

  “Thank you, Sire. My mind will rest easier now.” The thought of Diedre being vulnerable had been on his mind since she started her archery lessons. She was skilled at it but it was useless against magic.

  Alred puffed up his chest as his thoughts strayed to his other daughter. “I have news of Seonaid that you may wish to pass on to Diedre. She gave birth a sennight ago.”

  Lokai arched his dark brow in askance. “Garrick’s heir has arrived safely?”

  “Not only his heir but his spare… plus a daughter! She had a litter!” The king chuckled. “Apparently, she does not complete her tasks in half-measures.”

  Lokai barked out a laugh. “Apparently not. Garrick must be strutting around like a peacock! Is Seonaid well? It could not have been an easy birth.”

  “She is fine. The MacGregor and I will be visiting her soon when the snows begin to melt.” He turned his crafty gaze on Lokai. “And what of you, Lokai? Have you fulfilled your duties toward an heir? I would not be adverse to more grandchildren.”

  Lokai’s eyes rounded in alarm as his thoughts scrambled to remember when he had last been denied the pleasure of Diedre’s charms. Had it been more than two moons past? He mentally kicked himself at his callousness as dawning awareness reached him. No wonder she has been morose lately! She must be breeding. Why has she not said anything to me? He mentally cringed. I have no one to blame but myself. I have treated her like a broodmare…bedding her then disappearing with the dawn. She deserves better. It is time to test what she has learned. He glanced at his king sheepishly.

  “It would seem that you have solved the question of her sadness, my lord. A bairn would explain much that I have observed lately except for one thing.”

  “Which is what?”

  “Why has she not said anything to me?”

  King Alred shook his head. “Perhaps she does not know. She has not spent much time in the company of women…and even less with bairns. How could she know? She may believe she is simply ill.”

  “You are probably correct, Sire. I will go check on her if you have no need of me right now.”

  “I believe Diedre has more need of you than I do. Go…spend some time with my daughter.” He waved his hand in dismissal as Lokai dissipated into the air.


  He stood over the bed as she slept. She had been crying again. He saw traces of the path down her cheeks, eyes swollen and red…a soft hiccup a last remnant of her misery.

  He was such a fool to treat this treasure thusly when she has always been his heart’s desire. His heart wrenched as he realized that he did not deserve her. But he would rectify the wrong he had done in his treatment of his wife. Lokai’s jaw clenched as he resolved to make amends to her.

  He stretched out his hand, passing it slowly over Diedre’s stomach, listening intently. Nothing. He took a deep breath and closing his eyes, focused all his senses on his task as he performed a second sweep. Tha-thump…tha-thump. He jerked back his hand as he began to tremble. Pride and joy overwhelmed him. The heartbeat was faint…but it was there. A wide grin spread across his face as he realized he was a father.

  “What pleases you, Lokai?” Diedre asked in a sleepy voice.

  His gaze met hers slowly as he tried to think of an answer. He wanted her to have the pleasure of telling him of the child once she discovered it for herself. He reached out grasping her chin gently and kissed her soft lips.

  “You please me, Sprite.” Lokai frowned. “Why have you been weeping, Diedre? Are you unhappy as my bride?”

  Her azure eyes widened in alarm. “No, Lokai, it has naught to do with you…us. It is just that sometimes I miss the palace and father. It will pass in time.”

  He nodded. She was homesick. That he could understand. He considered his words carefully before he spoke again. He stroked her velvet cheek with a feathery touch. “I have a surprise for you this day.”

  “A surprise? What is it?” Her eyes lit up as she clapped her hands in joy. Her infectious smile causing him to return it in kind.

  “We go on a journey this day…if you wish it.”

  “Away from the isle? Truly?” She bounced from the bed in anticipation.

  Lokai nodded his assent. “I thought you might wish to see Seonaid’s children. We can observe them from the shadow realm.”

  Diedre’s eyes rounded as she took note of his words. “Bairns…as in more than one?”

  He grinned as he nodded in answer. “She birthed two sons and a daughter a sennight ago.”

  “Oh how wonderful! She must be thrilled. She has always desired bairns…even in her previous life.” She turned to her husband. “When may we go? Now?”

  “If you wish, Sprite.” He was pleased to see the sparkle return to her exotic eyes. It had been missing lately. He feared that her confinement was the cause. Seeing it return at the prospect of a journey confirmed it in his mind. Her banishment must end soon. He had no wish to break her spirit.

  Lokai opened his arms and she stepped into his embrace eagerly. Moments later, they
stood in the Brodie nursery.

  They moved silently over to the cradles and gazed down at the three tiny cherubic faces sleeping soundly. Tears filled Diedre’s eyes as she reached out to stroke one downy cheek. She wanted to hold one of them but knew she could not unless she left the realm she was in.

  “Are they not perfect, Lokai? And they are so tiny! Seonaid and Garrick must be very happy.” She sighed as she thought about why she had not yet conceived. It was harder for the Fae to have children. Not impossible…but they were always slow to reproduce unless they consorted with mortals. “Such precious wee babes. Do you think we will have our own someday?”

  Lokai’s azure eyes softened as he watched the emotions dance across her face. He could sense the yearning in her soul. He hugged her to him. “Would you wish to have our babe, Sprite?” She bobbed her head as emotion closed up her throat. “Then I am certain that you will…and sooner, rather than later.” He kissed the top of her head lovingly. They observed the bairns for a few moments more before Lokai took her away.

  Diedre thought they were returning home but a small village is where they appeared next. Lokai took her hand as they strolled amongst the villagers in full form. There were many festivities going on around them. A local girl had just wed and there were numerous activities occurring in the newlyweds honor.

  He bought her a sweet pastry and was entertained by a puppet show as she devoured it greedily. They nodded greetings to people and bought some of their wares. Diedre was thoroughly enjoying herself as she conversed with these strangers.

  Lokai was bartering with a vendor as she strolled to the edge of the crowd. She noticed a toddler a short distance away playing in the rutted road. He was apparently improving on the rut…making it deeper. She smiled.

  There came a sound of thunderous hooves as the local laird’s soldiers galloped into the village. They took no heed of the people as they sped down the road at an alarming speed. Diedre panicked as she realized that the child was in their path. Without a second thought, she leapt in front of the horses and snatched up the bairn, rolling with him to avoid the deadly hooves. A woman screamed as the soldiers halted just a few feet away.

  Lokai jerked around in time to see Diedre’s brave feat and his heart leapt to his throat. He fought to get through the crowd as his wife confronted the warriors.

  The leader of the men eyed the scene before him. He saw no man with this beautiful lass struggling to rise from the grass. The child she held was quickly retrieved by his mother as he wailed in fear and confusion. She wore peasant clothing which meant she was fair game to him, although she held herself regally before him. A slow leer crossed his face as he dismounted and grasped her arm.

  “It seems that good fortune has found me this day.” He snickered, pulling her roughly against him. He gave her a bruising kiss as she struggled to free herself, squeezing her breast painfully. “Ye men go on ahead. I will catch up ta ye.” His eyes never left her face as he commanded his troops. They rode on as he dragged her struggling body towards the woods.

  Fear gripped her as she resisted him. Where was Lokai? She stumbled and his arm wrapped about her waist as he picked her up, carrying her the rest of the distance. She looked up into his black eyes and shuddered. He tossed her to the ground…knocking the wind out of her.

  “Spread your legs wench! I will have ye now!” he snarled.

  Diedre stared at his scarred face in disbelief. Was he insane? “You have no right to make these demands of me! I will not!”

  “Aye…ye will.” He grabbed a handful of her platinum locks as he ripped her bodice wide open. He fell on top of her as he crushed her lips with his foul mouth.

  Diedre was frantic. Why was this stranger attacking her…hurting her? She had done nothing to deserve such treatment. Her mind could not comprehend such a violent assault on her person. All she had done was save the child. Was that wrong? As she resisted the man’s attentions her knee caught him in the bollocks. He roared with rage as he struck her repeatedly in the face. Diedre’s mind could not cope with the brutality of the onslaught and escaped to her favorite glen. She felt no pain there…only safety. Yes…this was a much better place than reality.


  Lokai was beside himself with frustration. He did not wish to reveal that he was Fae which slowed him down as he tried to reach Diedre. Why does she not use her magic to escape him? That is when he realized that she was not aware that her powers were back. He had not told her yet.

  As he came upon them in the woods, he roared with rage. His wife lay beneath the soldier staring vacantly at nothing…her skirts bunched up to her waist. The soldier was eagerly releasing his cock from his braes anticipating the pleasure ahead. He stilled at Lokai’s approach then jumped up…sword in hand.

  “You are a dead man.” His icy stare bore into the warrior’s black eyes. “You dare to touch what is mine?” With a flick of his wrist, the man’s sword went flying. The blackguard’s eyes bulged in fear as he realized that it was no man who stood before him.

  “Wh…who are ye?” he stuttered in fear as sweat beaded his brow.

  Icy blue eyes narrowed their gaze at the guard, shooting sparks as he answered in a guttural voice. “Who am I?” Lokai sneered at him. “Why, I am your executioner…or, perhaps, your everlasting torment. Which would you prefer, guttersnipe? You, who dares to attack my mate…my future queen, should I allow you to live after such an affront? How many other maids have you treated thusly?”

  The man’s face was ashen…his throat went dry as he tried to swallow the bile threatening to rise. This was no man before him, he thought, facing the golden warrior. His throat constricted as he stared at the glow pulsating around the being before him. He was Fae!

  Lokai glanced at Diedre. He did not have time to play games with this despicable mortal. She needed him. He turned angry eyes on the man. As much as he wished to kill him…it would not be wise. But there are worse things than death. A wicked smile touched his lips as the man trembled before him.

  “No…I will not kill you. I will curse you instead. Every time, from this day forward, that you touch a lass with violence or rape in mind, your manhood shall shrink to half its size and will remain a limp rag. You will receive no pleasure from the assault!” Lokai gestured over the guard. “Now go! Before I change my mind!”

  He ran as fast as he could to retrieve his horse. He knew that he had been given a reprieve and he was not about to waste it.

  Lokai rushed to Diedre’s side and promptly healed her hurts. He placed trembling hands over her womb and listened. Tha-thump…tha-thump. The babe was well. He exhaled deeply. He had not realized he was holding his breath.

  “Sprite? Are you sound?”

  She did not answer. It took only a few moments for him to see that her mind had retreated elsewhere. It was a defense mechanism that she had used before. She basically left her body rather than face the reality of the moment. Lokai decided to take her home as he picked her up. A few moments later she lay in her own bed.

  He would have to call her back. He ran his hand through his golden hair as he thought of where she might have gone. Of course! She would go to the glen. It was her favorite place to go.

  Lokai stretched out beside Diedre staring into her glazed eyes as he brought their foreheads together to touch. Within moments, he found himself in the Fairy Glen observing Diedre staring into the Pool of Vision.

  “I thought I would find you here.”

  His melodious voice rippled through her. She smiled up at him. “Where else would I be?” She frowned. “Is that horrid man gone?”

  Lokai nodded as a dark cloud swept his countenance. “He will be harming no other maids, rest assured.”

  She gasped. “You did not kill him did you?”

  “I wanted to…but…no…I did not. I cursed him instead.”

  She nodded absently. “Did he…?” She could not put her question into words as shame washed over her.

  “No Sprite…he did not. Are you ready t
o return now? All is well.”

  She raised her cerulean gaze to meet his. Her child-like innocence evident on her face. “Lokai, why did he hurt me? I did nothing wrong…caused no insult to him. What I did to Garrick and Seonaid was far worse but they never struck me. I do not understand.” Her eyes misted.

  He sighed deeply as he pulled her into his embrace. This was why he loved her so…her naiveté. Everything was simply a prank to her, not worthy of anger from another. As he rested his grizzled cheek on top of her head, he tried to explain.

  “There are mortals in this world who derive power from harming others. That filth hurt you simply because it pleased him to do so. It had nothing to do with you saving the bairn. Either he was born with this evil or he learned it as he matured…I know not which.”

  Diedre glanced around the glen as she absorbed his explanation. “It still does not excuse what he did to me.”

  Lokai frowned. “You are right, Sprite. There is no good reason for what he did.”

  She loved it here. Everything was peaceful and serene. Beautiful flowers of every description surrounded her dripping with fairy dew. There was nothing ugly or hateful in this place. Only serenity…and peace. She sighed and nodded, as she took Lokai’s proffered hand. “I am ready, husband.”

  Chapter V

  “Here are me grandbabies!” Seamus bellowed as Mary and two other women entered the hall with their wriggling bundles. They ascended the dais to permit a better view to Seamus and Alred as Garrick presented the babes.

  “This is me heir…Garrick Seamus,” he proudly declared as green eyes gazed up to meet his boldly. “And here be me second son…Alred Lokai Brodie. And our daughter…Corinne Diedre Brodie.”

  King Alred’s gaze jerked up glancing at Seonaid in surprise. His eyes misted as he spoke. “You honor us, Garrick…Seonaid. Your mother would be delighted.”


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