Lokai's Curse

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Lokai's Curse Page 5

by Coulter, J. Lee

  She returned his smile…her heart swelling with love…and pride. The men fussed over the bairns until they grew drowsy and dozed off. Mary and the maids returned them to the nursery as they continued their visit.

  Natasha had kept her head down and her hair covered as she retrieved the babe, Alred, from Seonaid’s arms. It would not do for her to be recognized, she thought as she hurried back to the nursery with her charge. She was not ready.

  She had been fortunate to acquire this position in the household. It gave her easy access to the laird and his lady. Before she disposed of them, though, she had to learn where the Spear of Destiny was kept. It was essential to her plans. She had searched every place she could think of for the last two moons but had had no luck. He must keep it elsewhere. But where? Of course! His old nurse, Hagar! She must have it!

  “Tasha…Tasha, be ye well?” Mary asked as she gained her attention. “Ye look a bit peaked. Mayhap, ye should take a break from the bairns for the rest of this day.”

  Natasha schooled her expression as she glanced at Angus’ wife. She must not appear over-eager. With a weak smile, she replied, “I am sure it is naught…just a bit weary.”

  “Aye. The bairns be a handful. Go along with ye. Lily and I can handle them for now. Take some time to rest.” Mary smiled sweetly up at her.

  She hesitated for a moment then acquiesced. “I thank ye for your thoughtfulness, Mary.” She made a quick bob and hurried out.


  It had taken Natasha a lot longer to walk to Hagar’s crofter hut than she had anticipated. It had grown dark several hours before she had arrived. Narrowing her gaze, she surveyed the area. There was no sign of anyone else and she knew there were no dogs to give her presence away. She rubbed her palms together in anticipation. She could feel the pull of the magical spear…even from this distance. She dropped to her knees in the underbrush when a sliver of light escaped from the hut while the old woman hobbled to the well.

  Hagar paused, staring in her direction for a moment, as if she could see her. Shaking the foreboding from her fragile limbs she retrieved her bucket of water and shuffled back toward the door. She never made it.

  The bucket fell, spilling its contents on the dark earth as Hagar crumpled to her knees gasping in pain. She looked down to see her life-blood darkening the black gown as the sword was withdrawn from her ribs. She fell to the ground and rolled to her back to see Natasha standing over her holding a sword dripping with her blood…a maniacal smile on her face.

  “Why?” She gasped.

  “The dead tell no tales.”

  Hagar’s eyes glazed over…then she was gone.

  Natasha stretched out her hands letting the mystical pull lead her to her heart’s desire. Within the hut she saw a gnarly old cane braced against the wall. As she drew nearer the sensations increased. She snatched up the cane and felt it vibrate in her hand.

  “At last I finally have you!” She hugged her treasure to her breast. She trembled as she pictured thrusting the spear into the king’s chest. “You will suffer greatly, Alred…just as I have.” Her eyes rolled white in ecstasy.

  I must not tarry. ‘Tis late! I will hide my prize and return to the castle. It is time for Athor to do his part and kill Garrick. This will bring Alred into my trap as he comes for his sniveling daughter and her brats. Natasha rubbed her palms together, noticing the blood that covered them. She must clean the blood off first though, before she returned. She laughed wildly as she hustled away into the forest.


  He was dreaming again…or was it a hallucination brought on by the ale? Athor was never certain. He had grown bored waiting for that witch to send for him and searched out a local whore to appease the ache in his groin. At some point in his assault she had seemed to turn into Natasha and demanded that he come to the woods near Castle Brodie to speak to her.

  He cracked open one amber eye to find the lifeless stare of the woman he had bedded and strangled. He snorted. He must quit sleeping with the corpses after he was done with them. Snickering, he rose to search out his horse in the brush to prepare for the journey ahead. At least he was leaving the dank cave. He hated that place.


  Lokai sat in the shade leaning back against the rough bark of an old oak as he observed his wife puttering in her herb garden. She perplexed him. After her assault almost three moons past, her demeanor had changed. She did not seem to be as carefree as she once was and it disturbed him. Even when he had told her that her magic had been returned to her all she did was smile and thank him. The old Diedre would have been bouncing circles around him, chattering his ear off with requests and testing out her skills. He shook his head. She was too subdued for his liking…he had to snap her out of it.

  “Come rest in the shade, Sprite. You must not over-tax yourself…tis not good for the bairn or you.”

  Diedre sighed as she rose on wobbly legs. A bead of sweat rolled to her expanding bosom. Lokai reached for her as she neared him, steadying her when she lowered her swelling body to the cool grass. Brushing a stray lock of hair from her face he leaned in to kiss her.

  She turned her head quickly away. Hurt splayed across his concerned face for an instant before he masked it, kissing her flushed cheek. He brushed his thumb over her velvety lower lip. Why was she drifting away from him? Had he done something that he was not aware of that hurt her? He could sense her melancholy but not the cause. Perhaps she was not pleased about the babe…No! I cannot believe that to be true!

  “Diedre, can you not tell me what plagues you so? I will fix it if I am able. Is it…the bairn?”

  Her aqua eyes misted as they drifted toward the sea, mesmerized by the undulating waves rolling in. Her heart ached as she tried to find the words to explain her moroseness to her husband. She shook her head as a tear escaped down her cheek. She brushed it away angrily. How was she to explain to the man she loved that she feared he would leave once the babe was born? He would have his heir. There would be no more need for her. She sighed. He already detested the changes to her body. He has not touched her since she was attacked. Her eyes widened in horror. Did he lie to me? Did the man, in fact, rape me?” She turned her pain-filled eyes to Lokai.

  “Did you lie to me about the man that attacked me?” Her voice shook with emotion.

  Lokai was shocked. Is that what was bothering her? “No, Diedre. I spoke only the truth.”

  She studied him intently for a moment then nodded.

  “Is that what has plagued you these past moons? Why you are so withdrawn from me?”

  “No. It was a passing thought, tis all.”

  Lokai raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. Why is she isolating herself? It was driving him mad! All he wished to do was ravage her body but he had thought he would give her time for the memory of her assault to fade. He never thought it would go on this long. His voice was gruff as he grabbed her upper arms and shook her gently. “Dammit woman! Tell me what ails you!”

  She shrank back as tears filled her eyes. How could he treat her like this? She is a princess…and he does not have the excuse of ignorance of that fact. Maybe he did not love her but she was not about to allow him to treat her without respect! Diedre felt a burn deep inside the pit of her stomach gathering like a storm. It rolled and rumbled, intensifying as it surged to the surface and escaped her lips in a fury!

  “How dare you treat a Princess of the Realm in such a disrespectful show of power! Unhand me this instant!”

  Lokai was stunned at her outburst. His eyes widened in shock then narrowed to a frosty glare. He spoke through gritted teeth. “You are my wife before and above all else! It is time you began behaving like one. I have tried to be patient and understanding with you…but now you go too far!” He captured her lips with his own in a bruising kiss pulling her tightly against his chest. He softened the contact almost immediately as she parted her lips eagerly in response to his passion. He was hard for her instantly as he groaned in ecstasy. This is what he needed
…what he craved. His hands traversed her flushed body seeking out her bare flesh as his tongue plundered her hot mouth.

  Her response matched his as she tore at his clothes. He sucked in his breath as her nails raked lightly across his bare chest. She buried her hands in his golden hair while he sought out her breast and suckled hard. Diedre cried out with joy when he stroked her hidden pearl causing her thighs to quiver in anticipation. He sat up and with a wave of his hand, their clothing disappeared.

  Lokai ran his hand slowly from her collarbone to the valley between her milky breasts leaving a trail of goose bumps, then slowed even more as he gently caressed her rounded stomach. She watched him avidly as he leaned over placing a gentle kiss where their bairn lay nestled safely in her womb.

  His gaze lifted to meet hers and she saw the truth in his raw expression. He loved her! It was written all over his face. Mayhap, he did not say the words out loud but there was no mistaking the look on his face. Diedre smiled at him, opening her arms in welcome, as he entered her body and showed her his true feelings with each amorous stroke.

  Their passion rose with every thrust, both crying out in climax all too soon. She brushed damp tendrils behind his ear and spoke the words that she could no longer hold back.

  “I love you, Lokai…even though it may pain you to hear it…I need to say it. Keeping it inside is tearing me apart.”

  He hooked her chin with his finger lifting her gaze to his. He shook his head slowly. “Why would you think such a thing? I have cared for you since I first met you as a child. It has only grown over the years…and matured. Is this what has plagued you?”

  She nodded sheepishly. “I thought since I carried your heir you were done with me. You have not approached me in two moons. I believed that my swelling body turned you away. That you no longer desired me.”

  He laughed. “I was concerned that you would not welcome me after your foul treatment by that bastard. I was giving you time to recuperate. It seems that I should have done the opposite.”

  Elation beamed from her face at his words. “Take me home husband…I have a hunger building.”

  His eyes sparkled as he instantly whisked them back to their abode. How could he have been so blind? These past few months of misery was his fault. He should have been more open with Diedre about his feelings for her and the bairn. He set his mind to rectify that and to make up for lost time.

  Diedre gazed softly at Lokai…her golden warrior, as she lay naked in their bed. His body was finely sculpted and beautiful to her eyes. I must confess all of my fears if we are to have a strong marriage. Tis the only way. I can only hope that he loves me enough to understand.

  She ran her delicate fingers the length of his arm, tracing his chiseled biceps and committing it in her memory. He nuzzled her silky neck sending waves of chills throughout her body as he cupped her full breast in his large hand, kneading it gently. She moaned. Her hand drifted down his back to his buttocks and she gently gave one a squeeze before continuing across his thick thigh to cup his sac lovingly. He sucked in his breath in response as his balls tightened, groaning when she wrapped her fingers around his swollen shaft.

  Lokai was in heaven…and hell. Diedre was driving him wild with her hands. He thrust his cock as her fingers tightened around his length bringing unspeakable pleasure. She increased the speed as she stroked him, enjoying the power she held over him at that moment. He stayed her hand…his voice cracking with emotion.

  “You will unman me woman, if you do not cease!” He growled low in his throat as he repositioned himself between her velvet thighs. His hands grasped her buttocks to hold her still as his head lowered to her mound, inhaling deeply. “The scent of your desire for me is intoxicating!” His mouth captured her as his tongue dove between the folds searching out her womanly nub. She whimpered then gasped, as he found his prize and suckled.


  “Yes love?”

  She was about to tell him to stop but could not bring herself to speak the words. Her hips thrust upward with a will of their own.

  “Do not stop.”

  He smiled and continued feasting on her rapture. Her body trembled as her climax washed over her sending stars to her eyes. She cried out her pleasure as wave after wave rippled through her. Diedre’s passion-filled eyes rose to Lokai’s gaze, darkened with desire as he sank his shaft into her slick hot sheath. He propelled his cock faster and deeper with each stroke while her body began to soar once more. Her mind went blank as she climaxed once more. He stiffened, his hot seed splashing against her womb sporadically. Never before had he had such a passionate coupling. He dropped to her side satiated and exhausted. Lokai wrapped his arms about his wife and kissed her.

  “I will always desire you, Diedre. Hold that knowledge close to your heart.”

  She caressed his strong jaw languidly and nodded, a satisfied smile on her lips. “I love you, Lokai. Never doubt it.” She chewed on her lip as she decided to get her worries out in the open.

  “I know I have been distant these last few moons but…I had my reasons.” Lokai arched his brow waiting for her to continue.

  Her eyes darted away from him. She could not bear to see the look in his eyes if her uncertainties were realized. He grasped her chin and made her face him once again.

  “There is nothing that we cannot discuss openly, Sprite. Do not fear.” He gave her a peck on her pert nose. Her smile wobbled as she continued.

  “Once your heir is born…” she paused. “Will you…still…want me?” Her shoulders sagged as tears misted her eyes.

  Lokai was stunned! How could she believe otherwise? He hugged her fiercely to him. “Sweet Sprite, what has sparked such a ludicrous thought? I will want…no…crave you always! Beyond eternity! You are mine for always and forever. Why would you think this?”

  Diedre clung to him, thankful to hear his adamant declaration.

  “When I was born I lived with my father. I never saw my mother…ever. Father never mentions her at all. If she had died then he would tell me, would he not? So he must have sent her away once he had me. I thought that is how things are done in a marriage.”

  “Even if that were true, and I assure it is not, it would not be acceptable in our marriage. I have no knowledge of your mother so I cannot speak for the king. Mayhap, you should speak with him about her. Learn the truth of the matter?”

  Thankful tears spilled over as she bobbed her head. “You will not leave me then?”

  “No, Sprite, I will never leave you. Banish the thought from your mind. You are my anchor as I am yours. Cling to that surety.”

  Diedre’s face beamed with love as his words took hold in her heart. She realized just how fortunate she was to have Lokai in her life. Her heart swelled with love as her tears began to slow.

  “Thank you, Lokai. I do not believe I could stand it if you left me.”

  He kissed her lips then wiped the tears from her face. “Never fear, Sprite. You are stuck with me forever. Dry your eyes and rest. Tomorrow we are visiting the family…if you wish it.”

  Diedre bounced up in the bed with glee. “Truly? Seonaid and the babes?” She clapped her hands excitedly.

  Lokai grinned wide for the first time in three moons. His lovely Sprite was returned to him. He nodded, his melodious voice filled with emotion. “Yes, sweet wife, your banishment is ended. We will visit your sister on the morrow…if you get some rest.” He gave her a peck on the cheek and tucked her into his embrace, resting his palm on her womb. Tha-thump…tha-thump. The babe’s heartbeat was strong. He smiled as he felt his son move for the first time. He glanced at Diedre but she was already snoring softly in an exhausted sleep. His heart swelled with pride at the progress he saw in his wife. She was ready.

  Chapter VI

  The grey sky was heavy with the promise of a deluge before the morn was past, the air thick with moisture. A chill swept down his spine. Something was not right. Garrick could feel it in his bones as he rode through the woods to Hagar’s hut. A
premonition had worried his mind regarding her for two days now. He could no longer ignore it as it intensified daily. He had to see what was wrong.

  The moment he broke into the clearing he saw her crumpled form on the ground. “Nay!” he cried out as he spurred Cadence to a full run, reaching her just moments later. He leapt from the saddle rushing to her but he knew it was too late. She was dead. Had been for at least a day. Tears filled his eyes as his heart wrenched at his old nurse’s passing. Anguish, then rage, filled him as he saw that she had been run through with a sword.

  “Why, Hagar? Who would wish ta kill ye?” As he surveyed the scene before him, he noted the bucket on the ground near her and a single footprint embedded in the damp circle. It was small…a woman’s footprint. It was too small to be Hagar’s, so who did it belong to?

  As he contemplated the question, he picked up the old woman’s broken body reverently, taking her inside and placing her on her pallet. He wrapped her in an old tartan forming a temporary shroud then glanced around the hut. Something was missing. It niggled at the back of his mind. The Spear is gone! Who would ken that her cane was actually the Spear of Destiny? Only a few have that kenning. King Alred, Lokai, Angus, Liam, meself and perhaps…Diedre! Seonaid does nae even have that knowledge! None would have cause ta harm Hagar though…except for Athor. He shook his head in denial. Athor was dead. He had seen to his burial himself. His black brow furrowed as he tried to reason it out.

  He would need to inform the king of the missing weapon immediately. This put Alred’s life in danger once more. His hand was half way to the torque he wore when he realized that in his haste he had forgotten to wear it this morn. He shook his head in frustration. He refused to lay this worry at his wife’s feet, though he could reach out to her with his mind over great distances. No…it will have to wait until he returned to Castle Brodie.

  He glanced at Hagar’s body. He would bury her here. This was her home. She had always refused to live at the castle…said it was too noisy. He smiled sadly, hearing her refusal in his memories. “Aye, Hagar. I will honor your wishes and lay ye ta rest here.” He retrieved the tools that he needed from the lean-to, went to the base of a hawthorn tree and began to dig.


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