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Caleb's Woman

Page 12

by Eve Vaughn

His eyes narrowed. What kind of game was she playing? “Sommer, I’m not in the mood for jokes and I don’t find that one a bit funny. What the hell do you mean you’d rather us remain lovers?”

  “At least until you have to take a mate.”

  “The only mate I want is you. Didn’t you just hear me?”

  “I heard you loud and clear. It’s because I love you so much that I can’t be your lover.” When he would have protested, she placed her index finger over his lips, silencing him. “Even if the council approved it, the rest of the pack might not support this union. I’m human and a lot of people haven’t let me forget it.”

  Anger hammered in his chest at the thought of anyone in his pack giving the woman he loved above all else a hard time. “Tell me who they are and I will personally see them exiled.”

  “Caleb, it’s not so much what anyone has done or said, but it’s the looks, the vibes I sometimes get. Even when I was a little girl, I felt it. I knew I was different. I don’t regret Mom and Dad taking me in and raising me, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed how others view a human growing up among the Wulfen. If you were to take me as your mate, the pack may resent it, leaving you open to being challenged for a position that’s rightfully yours. I can’t do that to you.”

  He grasped her face between his palms. “Do you think I haven’t given this some thought? Spoke to my father about it?”

  Her eyes widened. “Uncle Seth knows about us?”

  “Of course he does. He’s known from the start—that day in your store.”

  “Oh no,” she groaned. “I can only imagine what he must be thinking of me. He’s probably said something to Mom and Dad.”

  “He hasn’t. I made him promise not to say anything. When you’re ready, I’m sure you’ll tell them yourself. Anyway, my father and mother love you like a daughter. Why wouldn’t they be delighted about you and me?”

  “Your parents and mine might accept it, but others might not. You should be with a Wulfen fem, someone like Selena.”

  Caleb brushed his lips against hers. “If I wanted Selena, I’d be with her right now.”

  “But she’s so beautiful.”

  “So are you.”

  “She’s accomplished.”

  “What’s that got to do with the price of tea in China?”

  “A lot of people think she should be the Alpha Bitch.”

  “A lot of people smoke crack, but that’s not right either? What’s your point?”

  “You still see her occasionally, don’t you?”

  “The last time I saw Selena was for lunch a couple weeks ago on a business matter.”

  “But she said--” Sommer broke off abruptly, her gaze sliding away from his.

  The grip he had on her face tightened. “Look at me, Sommer. What did she say?”

  “Nothing. It’s not important.”

  “Sommer,” he growled. “If you don’t tell me what she said, I’ll go to her place right now and drag it out of her, even if I have to ring her conniving little neck. Don’t you think there’s a reason I don’t want to be with her? She may be beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, she houses a heart that’s black as coal. If you want to call anyone boring, you could certainly pin that description on her.”

  “Selena Khan? Boring? Are we talking about the same person?”

  “The very same. When you’re not talking about her favorite subject, which happens to be herself, by the way, she’s not interested. Sure, her beauty is intriguing, but once you get past the surface, there’s not much else there. Now tell me what she said.”

  She sighed as though contemplating whether she should test him on his word. He had every intention of doing what he said if she didn’t tell him what he wanted to know. “She implied there was more than just friendship between the two of you and you would eventually grow tired of me.”

  “If she weren’t a woman, I’d punch her for telling you that. Believe me when I say that she holds no interest to me. I love only you. Being Alpha means nothing to me if I can’t have you. If the pack has a problem with me taking you as my mate, then I’ll gladly give up my status to whoever wants it.”

  “Uncle Seth would not be happy about that.”

  “He wants me to be happy and I’d be happiest with you. Don’t condemn either of us to a life without each other.”

  Tears glistened in her beautiful brown eyes as a smile curved her lips. She threw her arms around him. “I love you too, Caleb. I’ve always loved you. I was just so scared of standing in your way of becoming Alpha.”

  “You could never do that because you’re more important to me than anything else in the world, including that.” His heart raced and his pulse sped up from all the emotions swirling within his chest. He couldn’t remember a moment when he’d been happier, but having Sommer in his arms made everything around them fade into oblivion. All was right with the world and the woman he loved, loved him back.

  “Tell me this isn’t a dream, my darling.”

  She pulled away from him with a laugh. “That was my question. You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this moment and I can’t believe it’s actually here. Now I’m waiting for that bus to hit me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Everything seems too good to be true. We love each other and things are going swimmingly with my business. Can you believe Afternoon Delights has become such a success? I’m over the moon.”

  He grinned. “I knew you would be. I was hesitant to make those calls at first, but—”


  He’d said too much. Why the hell couldn’t he keep his big mouth shut?

  Sommer stiffened. “What calls?” she demanded.

  Caleb shook his head, trying to play off what he’d just let slip. “Nothing. Let’s go back to bed and make love.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What calls, Caleb.”

  “Sweetheart, we’ll talk about it later.” He tried to take her in his arms, but she shoved him back and stood up.

  “We’ll talk about it now! What calls are you talking about, Caleb? Do I have you to thank for all the business that’s been coming my way lately?”

  He slowly wobbled to his feet. “Honey, listen--”

  “Don’t you honey me. Are you responsible for all the business that’s come my way!” she screamed the question.

  His head dropped. “Yes,” he murmured. “I only made a few calls, but the rest you did on your own. It wouldn’t have been a success without you.”

  “Get out,” she said tightly. No yelling, no tearful accusations, just a couple of cold words that sent a chill down his spine.

  “Sommer, will you listen to me, please?” Caleb reached for her.

  “Don’t touch me! Don’t ever touch me again! Just get out and don’t come back.”

  “Please, Sommer, don’t do this to us.”

  “I didn’t do anything to us. You did.” She shook her head, the hurt on her face speaking louder than any words she could possibly utter. “You know, I expected this from my parents and even your father, but you are the last person whom I thought would do this to me. You must have had a good laugh behind my back.”

  “No. It wasn’t like that. You were upset because things were going well at your shop. I only wanted to help.”

  “And I only want you to get the hell out of here before I scream.”

  Seeing her like this, Caleb realized it would do him no good to talk while she was in this mood. He would give her a couple days to cool off, but there was no way he intended on giving up his woman!

  Chapter Eleven

  She hadn’t spoken to Caleb in two weeks. He’d left her alone for the first couple days, but then the calls began, the roses, the chocolates and unannounced visits. The flowers she’d donated to the local hospital, the candy she gave to her employees and when Caleb came knocking on her door, she didn’t answer.

  Sommer screened her calls and didn’t bother to return his messages. Thank God work kept her busy and out of the store most day
s, otherwise, she’d be forced to face him. She’d been informed that he’d come by a handful of times already. It was only a matter of time before he did catch her while she was in the office.


  The high she’d experienced at all her success didn’t quite feel the same knowing what he’d done. By calling in favors for her, he’d taken away the one thing that should have been hers. It hurt because he knew how much it had meant to her do this by herself.

  She wasn’t foolish enough to throw in the towel and close down, because she did, after all, have a nice clientele built up now. Still, in the back of her mind, she’d always wonder what would have happened had he not intervened.

  Despite this, she missed him like crazy and cried herself to sleep every night as she remembered how good it had felt to be held in his arms. She recalled the good times and how he’d made her laugh and made her body sing with passion. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe him when he told her he loved her, but now that she knew he was capable of going behind her back all in the name of ‘helping’ her, would he smother her?

  She didn’t fool herself into believing that their paths wouldn’t eventually cross, but she was angry and hurt about what he did. Sommer wasn’t sure what she would say when they did finally see each other again, but until then, she needed this time apart to clear her head.

  Sommer took another bite of her breadstick and glanced at her watch with a frown. It wasn’t like her father to be late for an appointment. He’d called her a few days ago to set up this lunch date as they hadn’t seen each other for a couple weeks. This happened to be one of the few days when she didn’t have a lunch client to cater for. She’d been looking forward to this.

  Just when she was about to pull out her cell phone and call him up, he strode in. She stood up with a smile and walked into the arms he held out to her. “Hi, Daddy. I was starting to worry. It’s not like you to be late.”

  Trevor kissed her on the forehead and squeezed her tight. “Hello, Princess. I’m sorry. I should have called, but there was something I needed to take care of that held me up.”

  She pulled out of his embrace with a laugh. “Well, it’s about time, I’m starving.” They took their seats. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of ordering your usual.”

  “New York Strip, extra rare?”

  “As bloody as the law allows.”


  “How’s Mom?”

  “She’s been busy organizing a charity fundraiser. And she’s wondering why her daughter hasn’t called in the past week.”

  Guilt licked at her insides. She offered him a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry. I meant to come by for a visit these past couple days, but things have been so hectic at work lately I haven’t had much energy to do anything other than go home and crash. I promise to come by soon.”

  “I can’t tell you how proud I am of you at all you’ve accomplished. I knew you could do it, honey.”

  She snorted before biting into another breadstick. She wanted to get through lunch without the subject of Caleb coming up. “Yeah, sure,” she mumbled with her mouth full.

  Her father’s eyebrow shot. “You mean to tell me you’re not ecstatic? The few times I’ve had a chance to come by, you were busy and those teenagers you hired were actually doing some work.”

  “Dad, they’ve been a big help to me.”

  “The first time I visited, one of them was filing her nails and the other was on his cell phone.”

  “That’s because we weren’t busy at the time. They’re good kids.”

  “Just making sure they’re doing what you’re paying them for.”

  “I get more than my money’s worth.”

  They were interrupted when their meals came. The conversation resumed when the waiter left them alone again. “Sweetheart, there is something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “What?” She asked before taking a bite of her Cobb salad.

  “I know about you and Caleb.”

  She stiffened, and then stuffed a forkful of salad in her mouth, ignoring her father’s statement.

  “Sommer, you’re not going to put me off.”

  She took a sip of her sparkling water. “I don’t want to talk about it, Dad.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, young lady. We both know work isn’t the only thing that’s been keeping you away. You have bags under your eyes which tells me you haven’t been getting enough sleep. And no matter how busy you’ve been in the past, you’ve always managed to give your mother a call. You know she worries about you. To top it off, when I congratulated you on your success, the light in your eyes when you started your venture wasn’t there. Sommer, don’t let what Caleb did affect your relationship.”

  Her head shot up as she held her fork midway to her mouth. “What do you know about Caleb and me?”

  “I know the two of you have been dating for the past few months and you haven’t bothered to tell me about it.”

  “Did Caleb or Uncle Seth tell you?”

  “No, I figured it out myself weeks ago. Your old man isn’t completely out of it.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I had a sneaking suspicion something was going on between the two of you at your launch party. The way Caleb looked at you is the same way I look at your mother. He’s loved you for a long time, Sommer. I knew it would only be a matter of time before he made his move. Me and him had a talk a while ago. I had to make sure his intentions were honorable toward my little girl.”

  “You never said anything.”

  He shrugged. “Sweetheart, I’m sure Caleb wouldn’t have appreciated my intervention on his behalf. Sometimes there are things a man has to do on his own, and going after the woman he loves is one of those things.”

  “But you’re intervening for him now.”

  “Caleb didn’t put me up to this if that’s what you’re thinking. To be honest, I had to practically threaten him to get him to tell me what was going on. I wanted to find out if he’d done anything to hurt you, but I could see he was hurting, and from the looks of you, you’re not faring any better.”

  Sommer didn’t want to hear how bad Caleb was doing or that he was upset. She didn’t want to care because that would lead to letting him back in her life to run roughshod over her “I suppose you probably applauded what he did.”

  “Frankly, yes.” He said it unapologetically.

  “I figured you would. Dad, don’t you realize how important my business was to me? Afternoon Delights is my baby. I put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen. I realize I got off to a slow start, but when things finally began to look up for me, imagine how I felt when learned that he went behind my back and did the very thing he knew I didn’t want. How can you sit there and tell me you’re pleased to hear it?”

  “Because I’m your father and I care about your happiness.”

  “I would have been happier if he hadn’t interfered.”

  “Would you have? From what I understand, things weren’t going so well for you in the beginning. Had Caleb not stepped in, I would have eventually done it myself. And the fact that he did proves to me that he will do whatever it takes to protect you. That’s the kind of a man I would want for you.”

  “Someone, to smother me the way you and Mom do?” She regretted the words the minute they came out of her mouth. Damning her temper, she was quick to apologize. “I’m sorry, Dad. I know you and Mom mean well, but sometimes…I guess it would be nice if you let me sink or swim on my own.”

  Her father reached across the table and engulfed her hands within his. “Sommer, I only say this because I love you, but you’re being stubborn and ungrateful. I think what Caleb did for you was a good thing, and as I’ve already stated, I would have done the same thing.”

  “How can you say that, Dad? You know how much my business means to me.” She tried to pull her hands out of his grasp, but he held them firmly.

  “No, Sommer. You will listen to what I have to say.
” Trevor shot her that stern look he used to give her when she was a kid and got into some mischief.

  “Fine. I’m listening.”

  “Princess, I understand where you’re coming from by wanting to assert your independence. Your mother and I are so proud of all you’ve accomplished, but don’t you think you’re taking things a bit too far? I mean, everyone needs help occasionally. Do you think I’ve never had to ask for help? Or maybe Seth? He may be our Alpha, but every day he relies on the rest of the pack to ensure everything runs smoothly. That’s why there are Betas. I, in turn, rely on others to help me through my tasks. That’s what the pack does. We help each other out. Having someone intercede on your behalf doesn’t take anything away from all the hard work you’ve done. It’s the way of business.”

  Sommer lowered her head, unable to meet his green gaze any longer. She saw where he was going with this and she had no argument to give.

  He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. “Sweetheart, before you came along, your mother and I had given up hope of ever having children of our own. For so long, our culture has only allowed us to adopt within the pack. When Seth brought you to us and backed us as we fought to keep you, understandably, you became our world. We tried to shield you from the pack’s censure, and social and racial prejudices. We never meant to smother you and I didn’t realize how much we did until I had that talk with Caleb. Sommer, why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  She lifted her head to meet his gaze then. “Daddy, how could I? I know you and Mom meant well, I didn’t want to hurt you. I love you two so much. I know that the things you did were out of love.”

  “Kind of like what Caleb did?” he prompted gently?

  Sommer lifted her head to meet her father’s gaze, her shame complete. She’d pushed Caleb out of her life, and for what? Pride. When she thought about how much he meant to her, she realized how foolish she’d been. “You’re right. He only wanted to help, but I wouldn’t listen to him.”

  “It’s not too late to go to him and tell him how you feel. Besides, I think he understands the situation better than you think. In a way, I blame myself for some of this. Had I given you more space growing up, it would be easier for you to accept help from time to time. Saying you can’t do something on your own isn’t a show of weakness, Princess. It’s a sign of strength, in that you recognize what your shortcomings are without being afraid to seek out someone who could assist you.”


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