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Sleeping with a Billionaire - Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

Page 24

by Nella Tyler

  Finally, Donovan broke the silence. “So, what’s going to happen to the company?”

  “Well, that’s up to you,” I told him. “I would love to give you the chance to showcase your management skills and eventually take over. For now, I will check in to make sure things are running smoothly and work on a few projects, but for the most part, the company will be under your control.”

  “Are you serious?” He sounded shocked.

  “Of course. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “Yes! Absolutely!” he insisted.

  “Good. And, Carly, he’s going to need your help. You know how things run and how to put out most fires. If there is a problem, I will always be available, but if one of you can fix it, be my guest.”

  “Yes, Tim. I understand,” she replied before her voice lowered. “You seem happy and that’s great!”

  “Thank you.”

  “Yeah, dude! I want an invite to the wedding!” Donovan exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re getting way ahead of yourself,” I insisted and ended the call before they had a chance to respond.

  Once I was sure the call had disconnected, I ordered another coffee, took off my headphones, and looked out the window. The start of my new life is pretty damn great! I decided as I sipped my steaming coffee. For the first time in my entire life, I found enjoyment in what most would consider a simple pleasure.

  Chapter 38


  By the time I arrived at work, the confidence that Tim had incited in me had changed into fear and nervousness. I swallowed hard as I walked into the break room, trying to gather all the strength I could muster to have this conversation, hoping it wasn’t the end of my career.

  “Hi, Ray…” I said sheepishly, seeing Dr. Pierce, sitting in his normal spot, drinking his coffee.

  “Hi, Jenna,” he replied, looking surprised but happy to see me. “I thought you were going—”

  “To California. Yeah. So did I.”

  His eyes grew wide and he looked sympathetic. “What happened?”

  “Oh, no. It’s okay. Everything worked out better…I think. I hope.” I grinned and launched into my story about how both Tim and I were willing to give up our lives for one another. Content to see that my story had a happy ending, Raymond listened patiently.

  “Love is a funny thing,” Raymond concluded when I was finished. “It makes people do crazy things. Hell, made my ex-wife crazy, but that’s neither here nor there. What’s important is you’re back and you didn’t have to give up your life. Even though you didn’t mean to, I’m proud of you for coming back.” His otherwise dismal expression turned to genuine joy when he continued speaking. “I hoped you’d make the right decision, one way or another.”

  “What do you mean by that? Don’t I have to petition for my job back, or something?”

  “No. You never lost it. I thought this might happen, or at least something like this would bring you back here, so I waited to let anyone know you were leaving and…good thing I did because the board of directors called yesterday to offer you a full-time position, effective immediately.”

  I was stunned. “Really?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know this is where you belong, and I was sure that you would figure that out before it was too late.”

  Overwhelmed with excitement, I ran up to him and embraced him tightly. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I exclaimed, unable to hide the thrilling sensation that seized me.

  I felt Raymond stiffen as I hugged him. I knew he was uncomfortable with the show of affection, but he had to expect it after he had done something so wonderful. After he wriggled out of my grasp, he made it a point to let me know that it was time for me to get to work. He handed me a list full of names for my own rotation. “Dr. Barnes,” he offered kindly.

  “Thank you, Dr. Pierce,” I replied and headed off to start my first day as a full-time doctor at the hospital where I had always dreamed of working.

  After caring for my second patient, I happened to catch a glimpse of Dr. Pierce, observing me from outside the door. As soon as he noticed I might have seen him, he turned and walked away but before he did, I was sure that he was staring at me with pride.

  I would always be his protégée and in the glimpse I got of him before he walked away, I saw the sure sign of restored passion. He looked as though his ability to help me get my dream job had breathed new life into his own work ethic. I had a feeling his bedside manner was going to improve astronomically and the knowledge that I had helped restore that in him awarded me a feeling of great accomplishment.

  After work, I went out to my car and found Tim waiting there, with a huge grin and an even bigger bouquet of flowers. “Good afternoon, Dr. Barnes!” he exclaimed.

  I stopped short and turned my head. “How did you…”

  “It’s a small town, Jenna; word travels fast.”

  Laughing, I shook my head, ran toward him, thrust the flowers out of the way, snaked my arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately as my fingers wove through his hair. The taste of him was the perfect end to a wonderful day. My tongue traveled wildly, freely in his mouth, searching him, engulfing him completely.

  It didn’t take me long to realize that I couldn’t wait to get him home. When I pulled away, my words spilled out effortlessly.

  “I love you, Tim Meck.”

  “Dr. Jenna Barnes, I love you, too!”

  Chapter 39


  The following six weeks sailed by effortlessly as my new life with Jenna fell into place. I continued to stay at my father’s house, primarily because I was trying to help my father until his casts came off.

  In the last few weeks, our relationship had improved dramatically, and I was looking forward to years of a happy relationship I never thought I would have with my father. Though, living together still had its rough spots, at least I now had a key to Jenna’s so I could escape when things got too tight.

  However, today was a day for celebration. My father had finally gotten his casts off and he was extremely happy. I hadn’t seen the old man run in ages – if ever – but as I barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers for a celebratory cookout, I watched him chase Kassie around the yard.

  Eventually, he had to sit down, having overexerted himself, but even as everyone fussed over his heavy breathing, he continued to beam brightly. I was convinced this was the best day he’d had in a long time. Having kids around was apparently something he enjoyed. That was something I would have never thought, considering if I wasn’t his child, I would have sworn he didn’t like me, and I’d assumed that went for all children.

  Apparently, I was wrong.

  Once my father had calmed his breathing, Kassie grabbed his hand and pulled him back out to the yard again. She grabbed a football and called everyone out on the field. I had the excuse of cooking, which was great, but I enjoyed watching everyone “chase” Kassie around while she tried to throw the ball.

  Michelle, Gavin, my father, and Jenna quickly morphed that game into Keep Away from Kassie, which was definitely not the toddler’s favorite, but was entertaining nonetheless.

  By the time that game fizzled out though, we all sat down to eat. I’m not sure how, but I had actually created a pretty mean burger, which was certainly a first for me. At first, everyone was quiet as they dug into the food but eventually conversation started and before long, everyone was talking, laughing, and thoroughly enjoying themselves. I was having a wonderful time, gaining a new appreciation for a simple Sunday barbecue.

  After dinner, we made s'mores and told stories, with my dad monopolizing most of the limelight. When that finally settled, Michelle and Gavin decided it was time to go.

  Kassie extended her five more minutes argument for about fifteen minutes before Michelle had enough and insisted it was time to leave. So, while her mother and father said goodbye to everyone, Kassie made her own rounds, probably trying to bide more time.

  Yet, when she got to my father, she
jumped up and gave him a hug. As she did this, I felt Jenna place a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and pulled her around, to sit on my knee. When Kassie returned to her mother and father, after waving goodbye, my father turned back to me with a sparkle in his eye.

  “You know, Tim, it’s high time you make you one of those.”

  I burst out laughing, trying not to look as uncomfortable as I felt. My father chuckled at my nervousness and slapped a hand on the knee opposite of where Jenna was sitting.

  “You know, I love you – both of you – and you need to do whatever makes you happy. I’m just letting you know that if you want to make your old man happy, one of those little bundles of joy would sure do the trick.”

  “You sure you could handle that, Dad?” I teased.

  “Oh sure. I’ll just do my granddaddy duty and load ‘em up with sugar before I bring them home.”

  “Them?” Jenna clarified.

  My father’s shoulders rose and fell carefully, looking seriously at Jenna. “He’s the only one I have, so, honey, you’re our last chance.”

  As Jenna giggled and looked at me, I reached up and kissed her before pulling away and making sure she saw me wink.



  Why the hell did I agree to do this? I thought, my stomach rumbling with discontent. I drew in a deep breath, letting it out and rolling my eyes as I fidgeted with my pearl earring.

  I groaned and stepped back from the mirror. I sighed, gazing at the entirety of my ensemble.

  The green sparkles that cascaded down my dress split apart in two distinct places that were notably apparent. The first was the long, seductive foreplay that eased into my cleavage and the other was a singular slit that crept up my thigh, causing at least one of my emerald, high-heeled shoes to glisten in the light that flashed over it.

  The dress, my French-manicured nails and toenails, as well as the bareness at the apex of my legs, was the result of another wonderful girl’s day with Michelle and Kassie – this time, fully endorsed and even financed by Tim.

  When I had gone shopping with Michelle and Kassie to find the dress I would be wearing to this benefit, they both convinced me that the green brought out my eyes. Actually, that was what Michelle had articulated.

  “Damn…” Kassie had simply stated, in a low drawl.

  Of course, that had incited a hissy fit from Michelle, demanding to know who she had heard that from, even though we all knew that was exactly how Gavin had reacted to Michelle a few nights before. Thinking nothing of it, Michelle had blushed and narrowed her eyes in a seductive manner toward her husband.

  Yet, when Kassie proceeded to tell my sister that, her cheeks reddened for a completely different reason.

  “Well, that’s something you shouldn’t say,” Michelle answered her carefully, trying not to sound contrite.

  I grinned at the memory and returned my attention to the mirror, now focusing on the tall, handsome figure behind me.

  Tim was far better dressed than I was, but that wasn’t anything new. Over the last year, I had gotten used to being with the prima donna, instead of owning that usually female rite of passage.

  Though, never being one to adorn a dress to normal functions, it didn’t bother me that Tim was naturally the better dresser – what aggravated me is he made it seem so damn effortless!

  Nonetheless, the sight of him, leaning against the doorway, cleanly shaved with a close haircut, decked out in a tuxedo and shiny shoes, made me weak at the knees. His eyes glistened as he watched me and his lip curled into a grin that made me wonder how long he was standing there.

  When he noticed me watching him, having escaped the fantasy, his eyes drew up from the tantalizing V leading down my cleavage and focused on my eyes.

  “You look stunning,” he offered, shrugging away from the doorway and walking towards me. “You’re going to make every other woman there feel completely inadequate.”

  “Well, I’m only looking to survive the night, not rob any one of their self-worth. Besides, I feel like a leprechaun,” I answered, turning around and staring up at him.

  I felt his hands glide around my waist as a growl escaped his throat. “Well, in that case, I want to find the gold at the end of your rainbow...and I don’t think I’m going to be able to wait until tonight.”

  My body quivered with need, reacting to his warmth. He drew me close to him as my hands naturally slid up the lapels on his tuxedo. “Oh?” I grinned, feeling a heated pressure strumming the sensitivity of my womanliness.

  The devilish sneer grew as he dipped his head and pressed his lips against mine, his tongue eagerly, skillfully maneuvering inside me mouth, teasing my senses. I felt a groan reverberate up my throat as I closed my eyes, wanting to receive the feel of his touch wholly.

  Reflexively, I felt his hands grasp me tighter as I took in his scent. I grinned behind his lips, wanting to succumb to him, but knowing that we had to get going. So, begrudgingly, I pushed him away and sighed.

  Tim looked slightly disappointed. “I have to give a speech, and I can’t have sex hair,” I teased.

  “Are you kidding? You’ll do great!” Tim insisted as realization of my nervousness dawned on him. He reached out, grabbed my hand supportively and again, pulled me into him.

  This time, instead of a sultry need instigating his glower, his eyes were kind and understanding.

  “I don’t know,” I answered as I turned away, blushing. “I’ve never had to do something like this before.”

  “Jenna…” he said with a sharpness that forced me to look back up at him. “You look wonderful. You’re going to do great! I know it and besides,” he took a moment to grin, “no matter what you say, no matter what happens, to me, you will always be the best.”

  I chuckled. “You’re sweet.”

  “And, I love you because you’re the only person who thinks that about me. Everyone else thinks I’m an asshole.”

  “Everyone doesn’t know you like I do,” I replied, pressing my hand gingerly against his smooth cheek and running my fingers down the side of his face.

  With that, he shook his head and pressed me towards the door. “I believe that if we stay in here a moment longer, we are going to be late for your big night, and I don’t want that.” His bedroom eyes narrowed and his gaze shifted onto the bed behind us, while his hand eased me toward the door, willing me to help us leave.

  As my eyes flashed back to watch as his hand ushered me away, I couldn’t help but notice he was wearing the cufflinks I had bought him for his birthday. I grinned, pleased that he had remembered and thought enough of them to wear them.

  By now, he had traded his rental car for something a little more permanent, which had settled my nerves about his commitment slightly.

  It was still as flashy as his attire and turned heads everywhere we went, but at least he had something stable that he bought with the intention of enhancing our relationship.

  The Lincoln wasn’t exactly my style, but it was roomy and comfortable, so I didn’t mind it. By now, the people in our small town knew exactly who owned it, since there were only a few high-end cars that drove these backroads, and with Tim back in town – for good, I hoped – he was a feature of their gossip.

  Therefore, it didn’t take anyone long to know what he was driving.

  Tonight, though, I felt the car was appropriate and the company we were keeping wouldn’t think twice about our spotless, well-maintained, black luxury vehicle.

  Tim tried to open the door for me, but knew by now this was not a game I would let him win; in fact, there weren’t many games that he could win against me. I had worked hard to be exceptional athletically and had always had a natural knack for intellectual situations, so we were good adversaries. I loved putting an otherwise arrogant Tim in his place and somewhere, deep inside, I think he liked that I could, even if he despised the fact that I did.

  Sitting in the car, I pulled the note cards I had prepared out of the matching, sparkling, emerald handbag
and stared at the words, thinking about the speech in my head.

  “So, what award are you going to be receiving tonight?” Tim asked as he started the car.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “Raymond said that he had only gotten news that I was getting the award yesterday and there were supposed to be a lot of doctors and nurses there. He called it...Honor of Excellence…or something like that? I’ve never heard about it before, and I don’t know why he was told about it and I wasn’t…”

  “Maybe he was the one who nominated you, therefore he was the one who got to give you the good news?” Tim’s shoulders rose and fell with a slight sense of insecurity.

  “Maybe,” I agreed and returned to studying my notes.

  Tim allowed me this precaution for a few minutes, but when we stopped at a light, his hand covered mine, shielding my eyes from the words. I looked over at him with question. He grinned.

  “Please, don’t worry about it,” he offered. “You are one of the smartest women I have ever known. You’re going to give ‘em hell.”

  I chuckled and shook my head.

  “No. I’m not. I’ll be lucky if I don’t get sick right there at the podium.”

  As the light turned green, Tim’s shoulders shrugged, seemingly unconcerned. “Well, at least if you do, you’ll be surrounded by doctors. There are worse places to be sick. Less of a chance for a chain reaction, anyway…except for me, of course.”

  “These are my colleagues. I’d never live it down,” I retorted, horrified at the thought.

  “Don’t worry about it. Seriously, I know you’ll do fine.”

  With that, we pulled into the parking lot. I noticed there weren’t a lot of cars there for an awards ceremony, but we were a little early and if what Raymond said was true, maybe they couldn’t work around the late invitation.

  The smaller the crowd, the better it is for me, I thought. The less people there will be to see me stumble over my words, freak out, and go all Exorcist.

  Unfortunately, the thought of pea soup did nothing for my churning stomach.


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