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Sleeping with a Billionaire - Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

Page 129

by Nella Tyler

  I began to feel the stirrings of an orgasm. I could not get enough of his cock. I moaned as his cock slid in and out as waves of pleasure coursed through me.

  “I'm going to cum.”

  “Yes Gemma, baby please cum all over my cock.”

  I exploded onto him and screamed his name loudly. I had released all the pent up frustration I had. “Oh god Link, that was good, baby oh baby, spill your cum inside me.”

  “Wow Gemma, that is so hot, I love when you talk to me like that.”

  He pounded into me, and I knew another orgasm was coming. Just as I exploded again on his cock he came inside me, calling out my name.

  “So did I make you forget the world?” I whispered as I leaned against the wall.

  “Yes sweetheart, you did.”

  Despite our best efforts, we had to return home eventually; there was no way around it. Jared had successfully ruined the mood we had maintained all vacation long. I had never been more disappointed in my brother in my entire life. This behavior...the pettiness and vengeful nature was just so unlike him that I was at a loss for words. I couldn't even explain his behavior. It wasn't just drugs, or booze there was something seriously wrong with Jared. The worst part was I wasn't sure I even cared anymore. He just kept going no matter who he hurt. He knew that I was involved with Link and still that didn't keep him at bay. If anything it just further enraged him. The anger that I felt for my brother was just causing me to want to give up on him. It was like I didn't know him anymore and how could I possibly support Link when Jared was trying to systematically destroy everything?

  When we saw Jared on the news, everything had been forgotten. We were both so stunned and we went about the beach house collecting our things as fast as possible. Link needed to do damage control and that meant cutting our little vacation short. I wasn't even sure what damage control would entail because at that point, Link would need to prove his innocence. Jared had gone to the media first, so everyone would assume that Link was guilty until proven otherwise. The whole situation had been blown right out of proportion and the fact that we had been on vacation instead of in the city just made it worse. We should have been there before Jared arrived at the restaurant so that we could counter what Jared was saying. Instead, Link was MIA while Jared went around making accusations and I worried that it would make him look guilty.

  The car ride into town was a quiet one. We barely said two words to each other. We were lost in our own thoughts. I felt terrible that my own brother was causing Link so much distress. I didn't understand why Jared wasn't doing the right thing and ending that whole mess. He was making things worse and at the rate he was going, he was going to lose me forever. I couldn't continue to be a part of his life if he was going down the road that he was going down. He was being self-destructive and he was trying to bring down everyone with him. It broke my heart but if I had to let him go than I would. I would not be a part of Jared's life as long as he was out to hurt other people.

  We returned to Link's restaurant and it was an absolute horror. Reporters had swarmed the front of the building and I gasped at the sight of it.

  “Oh my god Link, the hounds of hell have descended.”

  Link snickered and I was at least grateful that his sense of humor was still intact. “The parking lot is practically empty except for the reporters; that's not a good sign.”

  “Everything is going to be okay Link.”

  I wished that I were sure of that fact. I grasped his hand and squeezed it. I had no idea if everything was going to be all right. I was already pretty stunned that things had come as far as they had. Jared was on a rampage and there was no telling when it would all end. I was scared, really scared, not only for Jared's future but for Link’s. Was it really possible to ruin someone's life over a lie? Could Jared succeed when everything he was fighting for was based off of a lie? I couldn't believe that it was possible. In the end Link had to come through unscathed. But what if he didn't? What if Jared ruined him completely? I don't think that I could ever forgive my brother if he ruined Link.

  “There's no way we are getting in through the front, we will have to sneak in the back.” He pulled the car around to the back undetected. He parked and we ran out of the car and into the back of the restaurant. We made it into the kitchen where everyone seemed to have collected.

  “What are all of you doing back here? There’s restaurant to run.”

  “Link, there is no one here,” the hostess replied.

  “Yeah man, no one can get through the reporters; it's a mess out there and no one wants to bother trying to fight their way in for food.”

  “Shit, what a mess!” yelled Link. I could see the frustration all over his face. It hurt to see him like that, he didn't deserve it.

  “Things are really slow. Things could go under if people can't get through to eat. We need to get rid of those reporters.”

  “Yeah no kidding. God I could just about choke Jared…no offence,” he said, looking at me.

  “None taken, I could choke him myself. I just don't understand what is wrong with him.”

  “He's a jealous idiot, that's what's wrong with him. God, I can't even think straight right now I'm so pissed off.”

  “Not to make things worse or anything Link, but it’s not just the reporters. Rumors about you are flying like crazy and that's causing people not to come in as well.”

  “Right, of course. Why would people eat at a restaurant of a thief right? It's such horse shit.”

  “What are we going to do Link?”

  “First, I need to get those reporters off my property and hopefully we'll see people coming in.”

  He looked at me. “I think it's best you stay inside for now.”

  I nodded but as I watched him walk to the front of the restaurant, I knew I couldn't let him face things alone. We were a team now and he needed to know that I was beside him at all times. I wasn't going to let anything happen to him. Maybe with my presence, the reporters would see that Link had to be telling the truth. Why would Jared's sister defend another man if Link were lying?

  I trotted after him and followed him out the front door.

  Chapter Two

  It took about two seconds for the reporters to move in on Link. I stood off to the side and allowed for him to get in front of the media without intrusion. The scene was very intimidating for me. I had never been so close to what could only be classified as the paparazzi. They had no respect for boundaries and they swarmed like vultures. There was flashing of cameras, yelling over each other and a general lack of respect even amongst one another. It was an embarrassing example of their industry and I wondered how things had been allowed get this bad. Did these men and women have no respect for their own jobs? They behaved like they were entitled to information. That they could just barge onto someone’s property and demand answers as if Link was some common criminal.

  “Hi everyone, I understand that things are a little hairy right now. I just got news of things myself. I would like to hold a brief press conference to allow you all to ask me some questions that I am more than happy to answer. Once the press conference is over however, I will ask that you leave my place of business. You are making it difficult for people to come in and out and my employees need to be able to get to their vehicles without being harassed.”

  “Maybe people aren't coming here because your food sucks,” someone shouted.

  Link glared at the pudgy man and that alone silenced him.

  “Does anyone have anything valid to ask at this time?”

  There was yelling all around us and it was a wonder that Link could understand anything they were saying. I almost wished that I hadn't come out. The scene appeared to be aggressive and I worried about whether or not it had been the best decision for Link. What was he going to do though? He had no other options. He couldn't allow reporters to camp out in his parking lot all week. He might as well close his doors forever.

  “How about you explain why you stole a recipe from
your former boss?”

  “Those allegations are not true. Jared is a liar and he's the true thief. That recipe has been in my family for generations and I used that while I worked at Jared's restaurant. He does not own the recipe, nor did I steal it from him. The recipe is mine.”

  “Oh that's a likely story,” someone shouted.

  I rolled my eyes. These reporters were a bunch of clowns and I wondered how they became employed.

  “The story is true. And if any of you were any good at your jobs you would actually try to verify a story before you went around accusing people. Didn't even occur to you that he was trying to cover his own ass?”

  “Well why would he be trying to sue you if he was the real crook?”

  “That is the question of the day. But where's the proof? You can't just go around accusing people without proof. Just because he says something happened doesn't mean it's true.”

  “It sounds like you just trying to cover your own ass.”

  “No, what I'm doing is defending myself, which I shouldn't have to do. I have done nothing wrong. Like I said, the recipe was mine and when I resigned my position at Jared's restaurant I took the recipe with me. He did not own it. It was mine. He is just mad or jealous because I left taking one of his best recipes with me. He cannot make something like that on his own, so he is trying to take mine.”

  “Come on, we all know you just took the recipe because you're nothing but a cook and this was the only way you could manage to get a restaurant of your own.”

  I was shocked by the things I was hearing from the reporters. They didn't seem to believe a word that Link said. They weren't even giving him a chance; they were just attacking them over and over again. Why didn't they just listen to him? Jared had no proof, so wasn't Link innocent until proven guilty?

  “Excuse me, I am not a cook, I am a chef. Not only that but I'm also a business owner; I got here because I earned it. I paid my dues in the industry.”

  “You got this restaurant by selling that recipe.”

  “You're damn right I did. The recipe was mine to do with as I pleased and I decided to let it go to the public to enjoy so that I could have the money that I needed to open up the restaurant of my dreams. There is nothing wrong with that. I did nothing wrong. Like I said, the recipe has been in my family for generations. It's mine and nothing that Jared can do can stop that.”

  “Are you sure of that? Sounds like he is pressing charges so it looks like you will be going to court and possibly jail.”

  The sound of that made my heart beat fast.

  “That is highly unlikely. In these situations you typically tend to need some proof that someone has done some form of wrongdoing. Without that you have nothing. Jared has nothing, absolutely no proof. The reason he has no proof is because the recipe isn't his. Did it even occur to you guys to ask him where he got the recipe in the first place? Of course not, because you don't know how to do your jobs properly.”

  That seemed to shut a few of the reporters up, and a few of them straggled off from the parking lot. I hope that they would never return again.

  “I think you stole the recipe because you're afraid you're going to be nothing but just a cook for the rest of your life.”

  “While the problem there is that I'm not just a cook. I happened to be an exemplary chef and one of the tops in my industry. You don't get that way by being just a cook. I'm a chef and I happened to take my art form very seriously. Jared is a crook; Jared is the liar here, get your facts straight before you talk to me again.”

  With that he walked back into the restaurant and I was left there standing staring at the reporters. I was happy to see the reporters leaving; they knew they weren't going to get anything else at that point. I didn't want to go back into the restaurant though; there was somewhere else I had to be at that moment.

  Chapter Three

  It was time for me to go and see my brother again. I had to try at least one more time to talk some sense into Jared. Even though I had to believe that Link's innocence would shine through in the end, things weren't looking very good for him or his business. What was a going to take for people to believe Link? I just wished that Jared would do the right thing. It seemed to be the constant mantra that was going through my head at all times. Why wasn't Jared doing the right thing? Why was he trying to destroy somebody's life over a recipe? He just wasn't that type of guy and yet there I was driving to his restaurant to once again try to convince him to be a good man. I don't know what made him change, and I hoped he wasn't gone forever. I hoped that I would be able to bring him back to the good side and help them to do the right thing.

  When I pulled into his restaurant my mouth hit the floor. The parking lot was packed and I could barely find a spot for my own car. I sat there looking over the steering wheel out of the windshield in a daze. By the looks of things, my brother's restaurant was suddenly booming with business…surprise. Surprise. He was probably sitting in there, just loving every moment of that. The sight of all those cars parked made me want to go in there and slap Jared in the face. His business was booming but it was a at the expense of someone else. He didn't earn it; he took it from someone else by force. His lies, his act of treason had certainly helped his business out more than I could imagine. I thought that his drugs would be what ruined him, but apparently all you had to do to rise back up to the top was to ruin another business.

  I got out of the car, and practically ran into the restaurant. I was angry, no more than angry; I thought I was going to kill someone. I had never been angrier with someone in my entire life. Jared was turning into a monster and it was like he didn't even care. I looked around the restaurant and I didn't see him. I assumed he was either in the kitchen or in his office. Some of the staff waved to me as I passed but I just ignored them. I was on a mission.

  I walked back into the kitchen where Marcus was working, and I didn't see Jared anywhere.

  “Where is he?” I demanded.

  Marcus looked up surprised, “He's in his office Gemma, but I wouldn't go in there if I were you. He is in quite a mood.”

  “I don't give a shit what kind of mood he's in, he is going to see me and start explaining himself.”

  “Gemma he isn't doing anything wrong. That Link guy stole--”

  “No you listen to me! I am sick of this shit. You don't have any idea what you're talking about Marcus. You believe a man that you have trusted for years and I understand that. But he is wrong, dead wrong. He is lying to you and he is lying to everybody else.”

  I had rendered Marcus speechless. He looked down into his food and didn't say another word. I made my way back to Jared's office.

  When I walked in, Jared was leaning back in his office chair with his feet up on his desk. When he saw me, his feet suddenly went to the floor and he sat up straight.

  “We'll look at you, isn't it the restaurant King at his best…acting like lazy son of a bitch.”

  “Excuse me? What the hell are you doing here Gemma? I keep asking you to leave me alone and here you are once again.”

  “I’m here because you disgust me. You are so much better than this and I can't even believe what kind of person you have become. You're not the brother that I used to love.”

  “Gemma it sounds like you really love the sound of your own voice.”

  I couldn’t believe him. What happened to the brother that used to love me? Use the look after me? Was always there when I needed him?

  “What is the matter with you? Do you think that you're doing anything that would make anyone proud of you?”

  “Look Gemma, you don't know what's best for anyone anymore. You proved that you're not loyal to me.”

  “Jared please, I've fallen in love with Link, don't you see that? Don't you care about me at all? Link is a good person and you are ruining his life. What you are doing here is wrong, very wrong. How could you do something like this to another person? What did he ever do to you? He left your restaurant, so what? The recipe is not yours and you a
re lashing out for no reason.”

  “Stop it Gemma.”

  “Please Jared; I'm begging you stop trying to ruin everything. Not only are you affecting Link’s life and his business, you are affecting mine as well. I need you to stop this. You are so much better of a person than this. I just don't understand what happened to you. I need to understand why you are doing this!”

  Jared pulled open a drawer on his desk and dug around inside. I wasn't quite sure what he was doing. He pulled out a mirror and a low box. Inside the box was cocaine. He dumped a little bit on the mirror, and with a razor blade he quite slowly and systematically made himself a line. I stared in disbelief. I couldn't believe he was about to do that right in front of me. He had absolute no respect for me anymore and I wasn't even the one that was in the wrong. Jared bent over and snorted a line of cocaine, sniffing through his nostrils. The sight of him disgusted me.

  He looked up at me and stared at me straight in the face.

  “Get out,” he said.

  I turned away from him and did exactly what he wanted. I left the restaurant with the idea that I would never return. It was pointless trying to talk to him. He was in the world of drugs and I may never be able to get him back again. He was no longer listening to me, and to continue on putting myself out there only to be slapped in the face over and over and over again was not something I had any interest in. I was walking away from Jared that day, possibly forever.

  As I walked past Marcus, I shot out over my shoulder, “That coked out man back there is the one that you're going to trust? What a joke.”


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