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Pitch His Tent

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “I want you in my bed, Beau. I want you inside of me, all night. I want to fall asleep with you inside of me.”

  “Fuck, baby girl…” I growl, the images of what she’s describing enough to drive me to my knees.

  “Please, Beau? I’ve waited so long for you, I don’t want to spend any time apart,” she says, laying her heart out for me to see. She gave me her body, but this is something else entirely.

  I don’t know how I manage it. I couldn’t begin to explain it, but somehow we make it out of the truck, me kissing her and barely taking time to breathe. We even manage to make it through the front door and down the hall to her bedroom.

  I have to have her, all of her.

  Now. Hard. Fast. Urgently.

  Chapter 15


  I pull Lexi in closer, her naked body so warm, so soft and feminine against mine. I just got done making love to her, fucking her until she couldn’t even breathe. And only when she came three times for me did I finally find my own release.

  Now, after the pleasure has diminished, just holding her is perfection. I run my hand over her flat belly, thinking about my child growing inside of her. I want that. I want her as my wife, by my side forever. But I don’t want to say any of that yet, don’t want to freak her out. I don’t want her running from me, from us.

  We are meant to be together, and it is just a damn shame it took this long for it to happen. I close my eyes and bury my face against her hair, inhaling deeply. She smells sweet, like flowers and a hint of vanilla.

  I feel her stir, her soft, breathy moan causing my cock to come to attention again. The fucker is sore from being buried deep in her these last two days, but hell, I can go all fucking night if she wants me to.

  “How about I give you something to put a smile back on your face?” She moans in response, and I rise up to look down at her. She turns and faces me slightly, her sleepy smile making my cock jerk again. “You want me to wake you up, baby?”

  She grins now and nods, not saying anything.

  I move down her body, pulling the covers up over me. She already has her legs spread, her pussy smelling so fucking sweet. I want to get drunk off of her, off of her flavor. I don’t bother waiting, don’t even try and control myself. I place my hands on her inner thighs, pushing them open even farther, and devour her. I suck and lick at her folds, take her little clit into my mouth and run my tongue around it. She’s panting above me, her hands under the sheets and tangled in my hair.

  I feast on her, sucking her clit even harder, needing her to get off for me, to climax against my lip and tongue.

  “I’m so close,” she breathes out harshly and I renew my efforts. I pull her pussy lips apart with my thumbs and lick her slit from her pussy hole right back up to her little nub.

  And then she comes for me. Her thighs close in around my head, holding me there as I eat her out. I’m dry humping the mattress, my cock hard as steel again. When she relaxes on the bed I climb up her body, my cock pressing right at the center of her. I’m about to push in deep, claim her once more, when I hear a door open and close in the house.

  We both stare at each other, confusion clear on Lexi’s face.

  “You expecting someone?”

  She shakes her head and I glance at her closed bedroom door.


  Oh. Fuck.

  Everything in my body tenses, freezes. The sound of Brooks calling out for Lexi shocks me to my core. It’s not so much the fact that I’m lying in bed naked with his sister, about to have my cock balls deep inside her, but the fact he was overseas last I heard.

  “Oh my God. Is that Brooks?” she whispers.

  “Lexi?” Brooks shouts again.

  “Lexi, baby, I think we got trouble.” I’m not afraid of being honest with Brooks. I am more worried about how he’ll handle me telling him I love Lexi and I’m not going anywhere.

  “Shit. He’ll flip if he sees us like this.” I get off of her and she rushes to get dressed. I, on the other hand, take my time. I have my jeans pulled up, the button undone, the zipper down, when Brooks knocks on the door.

  “Alexandria? You in there?”

  Lexi looks at me with these big eyes, anxiety clear on her face.

  “Ugh, yup. Be right out.” She hurries and puts her shirt on. “What are you doing here anyway?” Her voice is high-pitched, and I know Brooks can probably sense there’s something going on.

  “Are you okay?” he asks. “You sound weird.”

  I stand up, walk over to her, and kiss her on the mouth, hoping to calm her down.

  “I’m fine,” she finally says, her voice softer. I give her a smile, help her with her shirt, and finish getting dressed. Then I go to her bedroom door, open it, and face Brooks. I know shit’s about to hit the fan, but hell, I’m ready. I’ve been ready for a long fucking time.

  Chapter 16


  “What the hell is going on here?” Brooks asks.

  I ignore him for a minute, pulling Lexi to my side as I show her through the door and using my body to keep Brooks away from her. I know he won’t hurt her, but I don’t give a damn if he is her brother. Lexi is mine and I just made her come. Her pussy is wet with her climax and she’s my woman. No one but me gets close to her—especially when she’s like that.

  “What are you doing here, Brooks? I thought you were overseas. Oh my God! Were you hurt? Are you okay?” Lexi asks, trying to push me to the side to get to her brother.

  “I’m fine, little sister. I’m on medical leave for a bit,” Brooks says to Lexi, but he’s glaring at me. There are a lot of unspoken questions on his face.

  “Medical leave? What the hell for?” I ask, knowing full well they don’t just pass those out.

  “That’s not important right now, asshole. What’s important is you tell me what the fuck you’re doing in my sister’s bedroom, half dressed?”

  “Brooks, it’s not what it looks like,” Lexi interjects, trying to move between us. I smirk at her response. I can’t help it. I move her behind me. The day I hide behind my woman is the day they need to just go ahead and chop off my balls.

  “Really sis? Because it looks like Beau has had his dick in you!”

  I hear Lexi’s gasp and then her muttered, “I guess it kind of is what it looks like,” and any other time I might find that funny—but not right now.

  I punch him hard in the face for saying that crude shit to my woman. Sister or not, he needs to watch his mouth. Brooks is a big asshole, but I’m just as big and I’m pissed as hell. He falls back, hard. I hear Lexi cry out, but I keep my eye on Brooks.

  “You will not disrespect my woman like that,” I growl, rubbing my fist because fuck, it hurts. I hit him that hard.

  “Damn it, Beau. You didn’t have to hit him,” Lexi chastises me and pushes past me to move down the hall. I hear water running and look over my shoulder to see her wetting a cloth in the kitchen sink. She brings it to Brooks and he takes it from her, still staring at me. To prove I really am an asshole, I reach down and grab Lexi’s hand and pull her away from Brooks. He might be her brother, but I don’t want her touching another man right now and helping him.

  I’m feeling as possessive as hell right now. My woman’s hair is still messed up from being in bed. I know she’s wet, and I know how her hands feel. Brooks is as safe as any bastard around her. He’s her brother, for Christ’s sake. I still don’t want him near her.

  “What is wrong with you?” Lexi growls, swatting at my arm and trying to go to her brother.

  “You don’t need to help him,” I grumble, trying not to tell her the complete reason and sound like the asshole I am.

  “Of course I do! You hit him!”

  “He deserved it and you’re mine. I hurt my hand, you can see to that,” I grumble.

  “You hurt your hand?” she asks, sounding shocked.

  “Your brother’s face is hard.” I shrug.

  “You want me to ignore my brother’s bleeding li
p, just to doctor your hand because it’s sore from hitting him?” Lexi asks and, put like that, it probably sounds as bad as it is, but I don’t care.

  “You’re my girl. You’re supposed to see to me,” I mutter.

  “Holy shit,” Brooks mutters, standing up.

  “Shut up,” I growl at him, because I can see the understanding in his face.

  “You love my sister.”

  “Brooks, we’ve just started dating and I really don’t think it’s your place—”

  “Call it like it is, Sis. You’ve just started fucking.”

  “Asshole! I told you to keep your tone civil when it came to Lexi,” I yell, and I’m getting ready to hit him again when he starts laughing.

  “You’re completely gone on her. You sad sack. When the hell did this happen?”

  “I’ve loved her for years; you were just too busy demanding I stay away from her to realize it.”

  “Doesn’t look like you’ve stayed away from her at all from where I’m standing,” he replies.

  “Because I’m not—not anymore, Brooks. You can get sad or get glad about it. I don’t give a fuck, but I’m not letting Lexi go,” I tell him, throwing it down. Lexi curls into my side, holding me close.

  “Beau,” she whispers, pressing a kiss to the side of my neck.

  “Well, hell,” Brooks says, looking at the two of us.

  “I love her, Brooks. I’m going to marry her. I’m going to raise a family with her and I will kill myself every damn day to make sure she never wants for anything.”

  “Beau, honey. I think I’m the one you’re supposed to tell that stuff too,” Lexi says softly. I turn my head to look at her. She’s smiling and there are tears in her eyes. She’s never been more beautiful to me.

  “I will tell you, but your brother needs to know this shit, Lexi. I’m not playing here. I’m keeping you, sweetheart. This time, I will not give you up. I want it all with you.”

  “Even babies,” she whispers, proving she heard my speech to her brother.

  “Definitely babies,” I agree, closing my eyes when she kisses me.

  “I can’t wait to have your son, Beau.”

  “It might be a girl, you know—one as beautiful as her mother.”

  “Jesus. Will you stop getting wood over my sister? At least while I’m here.”

  I laugh when Lexi’s face heats and reach down and adjust myself.

  “It might be easier to tell the sun to stop shining, brother,” I sigh, giving him the God’s honest truth.

  “I’m going to need some coffee if I have to handle this crap,” Brooks complains.

  “Grab a seat at the table and I’ll fix us some,” Lexi says, giving me a quick kiss on my lips.

  “You all right, brother?” I ask Brooks when Lexi leaves and we walk to the table together.

  “Fuck off. You always did hit like a girl,” he mutters.

  “It was strong enough to knock you on your ass,” I remind him.

  We sit down and stare at each other a moment. I don’t see anger on his face anymore. Unless I’m wrong, I think he’s good with this. If I knew he was going to take it this well, I never would have run from Lexi like I did.

  “You and my kid sister,” he says, shaking his head.

  “I love her, Brooks. I know I’m not good enough for her, but I meant what I said. I’m going to bust my ass to make sure she never regrets loving me.”

  “How the hell did this happen?” he asks as the smell of coffee starts to permeate the room. I feel Lexi’s arms go around me and loop lazily at my neck. Her breasts push against my head. Happiness fills me. My woman and my best friend and this time… I get to keep Lexi. This time I don’t have to rip out my heart and send her away. This time, she is mine. I bring my hand up and lay it over hers, feeling for the first time in my life like everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be.

  “That’s easy, Brooks,” Lexi says.

  “Easy?” he asks.

  “Definitely. We went camping together and I impressed him with just how well I could pitch his tent.”

  “Jesus,” Brooks growls, his fist hitting the table.

  “I can’t believe you just said that, Lexi,” I laugh, looking up at her.

  “What? Are you saying you don’t like the way I handled your tent pole?”

  “And I’m out of here,” Brooks growls, getting up from the table.

  “Wait! Where are you going?” Lexi asks Brooks, laughing.

  “Away from here,” he answers, opening the door.

  “But, I was just about to tell you how much fun Beau and I had when we—”

  “La-la-la-la! I can’t hear you,” Brooks grumbles, slamming the door behind him. Lexi starts laughing, and I stand up and pull her into my arms.

  “I can’t believe you just did that,” I whisper, shaking my head. My hands travel down to her ass, holding her and pressing her against my hard cock.

  “I wanted him gone,” she confesses, her hands pushing at my pants.

  “Why’s that, baby girl?” I moan as she wraps her hand around my cock, squeezing it firmly in her hand.

  “You told me you were giving me babies. I’ve decided I want them now.”

  “Is that a fact?”


  “I guess I better get started, then.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she says before I take her lips in a kiss.

  It’s a kiss full of love, of happiness and promise, and everything good. Because that’s what Lexi is.

  She’s everything.



  One year later

  I sit on the couch, my shirt pulled up, the bottle of lotion right beside me. I pump a few dollops into my palm and rub my hands together before smoothing lotion over my round belly. I’ve long since removed my wedding ring, my finger too swollen to have it comfortably on. But I can’t help but smile at that fact. Since being with Beau, it seems like everything just fell into place. We dated, got to know each other on a level that wasn’t because I was Brooks’ little sister, or because we were friends.

  And even though we haven’t used protection since that night camping, I didn’t get pregnant until now. I suppose things just have a way of working out.

  We really got to know each other in the way that two people who love each other are supposed to.

  He officially proposed a few months after that camping trip, surprising the hell out of me and making me cry big, fat, ugly tears.

  I didn’t even hesitate in saying yes.

  We were married a couple months after that, the wedding intimate. It might have been done fast, but it was beautiful and perfect. It was exactly how I’d always envisioned it.

  Beau is the only man I’ve ever wanted, the only one I’ve ever loved. After the confrontation with him and my brother, everything was settled. We made it clear that we would do what we wanted, because we were grown-ass adults and we cared about each other. That’s all it really took, and Brooks was happy for us. Sure, it was strange for him at first, seeing his best friend and his sister together. But he got used to it, because he didn’t have a choice. And when we were married, Brooks was Beau’s best man. I loved seeing my brother standing at the altar behind my soon-to-be-husband.

  And I love that I am carrying Beau’s child. I look down at my belly and smile. I am eight months, huge as a house, but I’ve never felt prettier. Beau ensures that. Every day he tells me how beautiful I am, rubbing my belly, talking to our child … little girl. Hell, when we found out the sex of the baby he said he’s buying stock in guns and ammunition to ward off any “assholes” who come knocking to date his little girl.

  I laughed so hard.

  The sound of Beau pulling into the driveway has my heart beating faster. Even after a year of being together I still get the same reaction when he’s near, when I know I’m going to see him. He’s out of his truck and in the house before I can even get off the couch. But in my defense, at eight months pregnant it
’s pretty hard doing the latter.

  “Baby?” he calls out. I’m sitting on the edge of the couch, staring at the living room entrance when he walks in.

  “I’m here, stuck on the couch.” I laugh softly.

  He grins from ear to ear and is by me a second later, helping me up and pulling me in for an embrace. He leans back and instantly has his hand on my belly, rubbing small circles.

  “How you feeling today, baby?” He cups my face with his hands and leans down to kiss me. He holds me close to him, making me feel like I’m the only person in the entire world that matters.

  I am.

  “Tired, but I’m good,” I say, my hand on my lower back, the ache constant. But honestly, all the little twinges and pains that I feel during this pregnancy are worth it. I know the end result will be miraculous.

  “Here, sit down and rest, put your feet up. I have something for you.” He gets me in the position that he approves of and I can’t help but chuckle. But he’s gone before I can say anything. A few moments later he returns with a big bundle of roses. I know my face probably lights up. I can feel it.

  I’m not surprised he brought me flowers, though, because that is the type of man Beau is. In fact, he gives me flowers seemingly every week. He is a good guy, will fight anyone who tries to hurt me, and I know, without a doubt, he will be an incredible father.

  He sets the flowers on the coffee table and sits beside me on the couch. Then he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in close, kissing the top of my head. For long seconds we don’t say anything, the quiet calming, the feeling of sitting next to my husband bringing me more joy than I can even put into words.

  “Do you know how much I love you?” he finally says and I shift so I can look up at him. He’s already looking at me, his blue eyes so bright, so full of love. “Do you know I would do anything for you?”

  I smile and lift my hand to cup his scruff-covered cheek. I smooth my thumb over his cheekbone, loving this man more every day. “Probably as much as I love you?” I raise an eyebrow and grin. He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose, his hand on my belly again. I tip my head back so our mouths meet, and for long moments we kiss, our tongues moving along each other, our breathing increasing. Just then the baby decides to kick something fierce. I gasp and Beau chuckles. We break apart and both look down at my belly.


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