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APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus

Page 19

by Parker James

  The smell of breakfast cooking had also woken their two children, Marissa and Rebecca, who suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere and began jumping up and down on their mother’s bed.

  “What’s for breakfast, mommy?” Rebecca asked.

  Linda rolled over, still half asleep.

  “Go ask your father,” she replied. “Mission accomplished,” she thought to herself as they dashed into the other room, Linda wishing for just five more minutes of undisturbed sleep. They didn’t have to run very far.

  “What’s for breakfast, daddy?” they asked as they arrived in the small but functional kitchenette, similarly seeming to appear out of nowhere.

  “Well now, let’s see; what’s your favorite?” the President replied. Although he was the President of the United States, or what was now left of it, the Commander-in-Chief of a country and virtually an entire planet devastated by a nuclear holocaust not 48 hours earlier, for this one single moment he was a father once again. It seemed like old times, the family falling back into their normal routine.

  “Bacon and eggs, daddy, bacon and eggs! You know that!” Marissa chastised him. “He should have known such things,” she thought. “He must be slipping.”

  “Very well then, bacon and eggs it is.” He already knew what their answer would be and was in the process of preparing that very meal.

  “Would you please be kind enough to wake your mother?” he asked them politely. “Breakfast is almost ready.”

  “Ok, daddy,” Marissa replied as both she and Rebecca again ran into the other room to gather up their mother; time was of the essence. Yet soon the breakfast and sense of normalcy would be over and the President and his ever present shadow, Agent Phillips, who had now taken over the first shift, were soon on their way to the Oval Office for yet another day of problem solving and decision making. As they arrived Margaret was already sitting at her desk. President Andrews didn’t need to ask; she immediately rose and handed him his cup of coffee before he had even gotten near the door to his inner sanctum.

  “Your schedule for today is on the desk, Sir,” she added.

  “Thank you, Margaret,” he replied. Would you please go through the records of those within the Primary Bunker and I’d like you to pick out several candidates to assist you with your duties. Interview and hiring will be at your discretion, but I ask that you hire three individuals with prior and extensive executive experience. I would like you personally to be on the morning shift while I am here with the others manning your desk the remainder of the day; 24/7. If you feel any additional personnel are needed I’ll leave that up to you. Oh, and Margaret he added as an afterthought, please make certain that they know how to properly prepare a decent pot of coffee.”

  Margaret smiled at the President’s stab at humor, most certainly under the circumstances. Yet he also had a great deal planned for today, having made many decisions during the many scenarios playing out within his mind throughout the prior evening despite what seemed to his wife Linda a very deep sleep. His mind was working like a computer; apparently Professor Enghult was rubbing off on him.

  “I’ll get right on it, Mr. President,” she replied, glad to have the desperately needed assistance. He seemed to her both refreshed and completely prepared for yet another difficult day of serious decision making. It was 7am upon his arrival and soon the first of the three daily conferences with the Joint Chiefs and Bunker Site Commanders would begin. The President had already made his main plans for the day, the most pressing matters on his mind were his meetings with the Conyers’ following the conference and that with Dr. Wilkins at 1000 hours regarding the hydroponic food production program. The other events that would transpire had already been determined during his Presidential Address the prior evening and would occur within the Atriums in each of the 20 bunkers. Andrews glanced at his schedule quickly taking just fifteen minutes to unwind before heading to the control room. There were two other matters that he wanted to address and planned on arriving well in advance of the meeting, but for the moment he decided to take that brief period of pure peace and quiet before he began his day. Upon departing he stood at Margaret’s desk having decided on a change of plans.

  “Margaret, would you please contact the Conyers’, Dr. Pearson, and Dr. Wilkins. Have the Conyers’ and Dr. Pearson meet us here in the conference room adjoining the Oval Office at 0800. I’m moving this morning’s meeting from the control room to here. Advise Dr. Wilkins in hydroponics that he will participate via video. Also, if you wouldn’t mind advise the Joint Chiefs that the conference has been relocated as well. I’ll advise the Bunker Site Commanders myself from the control room. If the situation changes and we again relocate the conference back to the control room I’ll notify you shortly.”

  “Most certainly, Mr. President,” Margaret replied.

  Margaret had been reviewing possible candidates to assist her in her duties and didn’t question the President’s motives for his sudden change in plans. She immediately stopped what she was doing and quickly got on the phone with the civilian parties and notified them of the change of location for this morning’s meeting. The Joint Chiefs were notified en-masse via her handheld by text. And with that Andrews was off to the control room to survey the situation first hand. As expected upon his arrival Generals’ McCreary and Rodriguez had manned the control room throughout the evening. Veronica was also there as well as Professor Enghult in addition to four control room staff members. It was almost 0720 now, enough time for the President to accomplish what he had in mind in the control room where the group would then remove themselves to the conference room adjoining the Oval Office for the group meeting at 0800.

  “At ease, gentlemen,” the President said upon entering. “Anything to report?” General Rodriguez, who had been delegated the responsibility for security within the entire 20 bunkers spoke first.

  “Sir, I’ve been monitoring the security situation within all of the bunkers throughout the evening and I would categorize the situation as somber yet well contained. Dr. Pearson’s medical staff has been attending to those overly distraught, mostly through medication and grief counseling. There have been no serious medical issues to speak of or any security issues of significance. Father Emmet took it upon himself to hold multi-denominational prayer services wherever he could find the room. Most of our citizens have retired to their quarters; it’s been a long night for them. Sir, all is well.”

  “Very good, General.”

  The President then turned to General McCreary.

  “Phil, has there been any indication of contact with NORAD whatsoever through either the drone fleet or satellite network?”

  “No, Mr. President, not as of yet,” McCreary replied. “Our shielded surface monitors have picked up no signs of approaching aerial vehicles or satellite communications. Visibility topside is sketchy at best, there’s a tremendous amount of debris in the air but we’re also picking up increased levels of radiation. That would be indicative of probable multiple nuclear blasts occurring after we lost communication with NORAD. Our sensors have also been picking up a dramatic drop in the surface temperature; perhaps five degrees Fahrenheit currently with further surface cooling expected.”

  McCreary waited a brief moment should the President continue his line of questioning. Andrews paused, allowing McCreary to continue but the implications of what the General had just told him were quite clear. McCreary went on to a seemingly more mundane matter.

  “Sir, I have those papers prepared that you asked for regarding Veronica’s draft status and security clearance. They’re ready for your approval and signature. May I ask what title she is to hold?”

  “Civilian Consultant; Engineering Department under the direct supervision of Professor Enghult,” was the President’s response. As the General added the information to the document and handed it to the President, Professor Enghult looked up from his console and although he had some questions on the matter he kept them to himself. Andrews signed the papers in the appropriate l
ocation and then made a pencil notation initializing it as he did so. McCreary was quite surprised when the papers were handed back to him. The President had crossed out “Security Level Four” and penciled in “Security Level Six.” The highest security level was seven, reserved only for the President himself. The only others who held security level six were the Vice President, the Secretaries’ of Defense and State, General Meehan, the Joint Chiefs collectively, and under the circumstances Professor Enghult. Dr. Wilkins in Hydroponics only held security level five. McCreary didn’t question the President’s motivation and responded simply.

  “Sir, I’ll have the appropriate security access to all computerized records implemented immediately.”

  “Thank you, General,” the President replied. Veronica looked at her father somewhat quizzically, having picked up on his subtle yet noticeable surprise upon seeing the President’s added notation. President Andrews then turned to Professor Enghult.

  “Professor, where do we stand on the inspection and repair efforts on the power generation units?”

  “Well, Mr. President, I’ve done a final walk-thru inspection on the power generation unit in Bunker Site 1 and I believe that we are completely ready for restart upon your approval. I see no detectable damage to any of the operating systems nor do our diagnostics indicate otherwise. Whenever you wish we may proceed immediately.”

  “And will there be any noticeable effects within the bunker related to the transition from battery power to the primary power system?”

  “No, Mr. President. The transition will be seamless. The lights won’t even flicker.”

  “Good,” Andrews responded. “I don’t want our people to have anything else to worry about at the moment. And the other four generation units?”

  “The situation is similar, Sir. Inspection and diagnostics indicate all units are fully prepared for restart. The only repairs that were required were in the bunker unit discussed earlier and it turned out to be a relatively minor repair to the cooling system. The crews have done their own visual inspections twice and all indications are that all units are 100%. However, I agree fully with your decision to proceed with restart on a staggered basis should any situations arise.”

  “Very well then, Professor. Both you and I shall do a final inspection following this morning’s conference and we’ll schedule restart of the power generation unit within this bunker for 2400 hours when all is quiet. Miss McCreary will be accompanying us.”

  The President would explain his reasons for Veronica’s inclusion on the final inspection shortly, but for now Gearhart had no intention whatsoever of questioning him or his reasons for doing so.

  “Very well then, Mr. President.”

  Andrews again turned to General McCreary.

  “General, I am relocating the 0800 morning meeting to the conference room adjoining the Oval Office. All parties involved have already been notified except the Bunker Site Commanders. Would you kindly advise them of that fact?”

  “Forthwith, Mr. President,” McCreary replied as he simultaneously advised all of them with one simple text.

  “General Rodriguez, you are to remain in the control room and participate in the conference from this location as you continue to monitor the security situation within the other bunkers.”

  President Andrews then turned to Professor Enghult.

  “Professor, will you and Veronica please accompany me in the adjoining conference room?”

  General McCreary’s eyes rose slightly at the President’s request. He wasn’t quite sure what President Andrews had in mind but like the Professor didn’t question it. Professor Enghult and Veronica rose from their chairs and followed the President into the small meeting room as each took a seat as the President closed the door behind them. Andrews began to explain his reason for calling them into this private meeting with one simple question specifically directed to Professor Enghult.

  “Professor, did you enjoy teaching prior to your association with the military branch of the government?”

  “Very much, Mr. President.”

  “That’s good. We have a great deal to accomplish today so I’ll make this as brief as possible. Our morning conference is to begin shortly and I would like both of you to attend.” The President then turned to Veronica who was sitting quietly. This would not be a question and answer session. Although the situation and circumstances of the war didn’t dictate it, the President was mindful of Professor Enghult’s accomplishments and potential blow to his ego and would incorporate that knowledge into his following words.

  “Veronica, if you’re curious about those documents and your father’s response it is because I’ve raised your security clearance from level four to level six, effective immediately. This is the same security clearance held by Professor Enghult. I have gone through your records and find them quite impressive. If we are to survive this catastrophe it is imperative that we do so collectively. You are to be directly under the supervision of Professor Enghult, who will be responsible for continuing your education. He is to impart any and all knowledge of the bunker system and designs down to the minutest details.”

  Veronica had no response other than “Yes, Mr. President.” As she attempted to absorb what had just been asked of her President Andrews had already turned to meet Professor Enghult’s eyes directly.

  “Professor. If what I suspect is true in all likelihood there are very few if any survivors left upon the surface of this planet. Without your efforts and accomplishments in all probability the human race would have been literally wiped out. You, Sir, are indispensable. If anything were ever to happen to you I believe all would be lost. You are keen on redundancies, but with the current and continued requirements that we are presented with you are also human. I have many responsibilities as do you, and I find that it would be impossible for me without assistance. Despite your abilities I have determined that you too are faced with the same dilemma as am I, although I’d be hard pressed to tell. Do you agree with what I am asking of you?”

  Gearhart’s initial feelings toward the matter were indeed somewhat of a blow to his ego, but the President through his very pointed words had subtly disarmed him and he felt himself suddenly in agreement. If anything the Professor could not argue with logic, in fact he was somewhat flattered. And so he responded in like kind.

  “I do, Mr. President.” That was a lot coming from Gearhart.

  “Very well then, Professor. May I formally introduce you to your new pupil, Miss Veronica McCreary, of late specializing in Engineering at Yale University. Miss McCreary, may I formally introduce you to your new instructor, Professor Gearhart Enghult, Chief Designer of the entire bunker systems located throughout the world and quite possibly the sole reason that any of us are still here. From this moment forward he will be responsible for the continuation of your education.”

  Both rose as Gearhart spoke first.

  “Good to have you on board, Miss McCreary,” he said as they shook hands. That having been accomplished the President rose as they took his lead and exited the room once again entering the control room proper. General McCreary couldn’t mistake the fact that his daughter had a slight smile on her face. His curiosity peaked but still he remained silent. Andrews again turned to Professor Enghult.

  “Professor, will your technicians be able to monitor the assessment operations for several hours as we attend the group meeting?”

  “Undoubtedly, Mr. President. Everything is fully under control.”

  “Very well, then. Shall we depart for the conference?”

  It was not so much a question as a directive. General Rodriguez and the other staff members manning the communications and operations consoles would continue at their posts as those designated headed toward the Oval Office and adjoining conference room where much would be discussed. Phillips was in the lead as always. The Presidential Conference Room’s main doorway was directly past Margaret’s office while the Oval Office had its own private entranceway. The President turned to General M

  “Phil, would you please escort our guests into the conference room, I’d like to speak with Margaret for a moment if you wouldn’t mind?”

  “Certainly, Mr. President.”

  As the General did as directed the President was pleasantly surprised to see Linda and their two children bantering away with Margaret. He smiled despite Linda seeming apologetic for the unexpected interruption. “They wanted to thank you for cooking them breakfast this morning; I couldn’t stop them,” she stated.

  “Oh, breakfast,” he replied. “It was very good girls, wasn’t it?” he asked them as he leaned down as they then hugged him.

  “Yes, daddy,” Marissa responded. Being the older of the two she usually took the lead. “Can we have bacon and eggs again tomorrow?” she asked excitedly.

  “I don’t see why not? But if you have the same thing for breakfast every day you might turn into it,” he replied. They both laughed. “No we won’t daddy.”

  “Daddy has to go to work now, is that ok?”

  “Of course daddy, we know you’re busy.”

  It was a pleasant diversion as they said their goodbyes and the President once again became all business. He turned to Margaret who also seemed to be apologetic but there was no need.

  “Margaret, could you please have two very large urns of coffee as well as tea brought into the conference room? We’re going to be in there for a while.”

  “Absolutely, Mr. President; I’ll get right on it,” she replied.

  “How is your interviewing coming, if I might ask?”

  “I haven’t gotten to that point yet, Sir, but I’ve been going through our records and discovered a number of promising civilian candidates with extensive experience.”


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