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APOCALYPSE 2073 Omnibus

Page 29

by Parker James

  “Mr. President,” Chairman McCreary asked. “Do you wish the other Bunker Site Commanders in on this?”

  “No, General. For the moment whatever information we receive remains completely within this room.”

  McCreary nodded as the technician at the communications console looked up and spoke.

  “Sirs, we have secondary confirmation of the encrypted recognition codes confirming the drone has in fact been dispatched from NORAD. There is no discrepancy in the coding; we have complete uncorrupted data transfer using sonic data transmission.”

  “Very well, then,” the President replied, “begin downloading the data immediately.”

  “Affirmative, Mr. President.”

  Almost immediately the data was being transmitted to the computer banks located on Level 20 and re-routed to the control room as Professor Enghult continued to monitor the progress on his own monitors.

  “Professor, how long will the download take?”

  “Based upon the amount of data approximately ten minutes, Mr. President. I recommend a secondary download confirming data integrity prior to stream, although we can stream it live if you wish. Until the data is confirmed we’ll be uncertain as to its absolute integrity.”

  “So we’re talking 20 minutes in total if we choose that route, is that correct?”

  “That is correct, Sir.”

  Andrews then turned to General McCreary.

  “Recommendations, Mr. Chairman?”

  “I recommend secondary download confirming data integrity. I’d rather be certain that the data is completely uncorrupted so we don’t misinterpret any of the information leading to false assumptions.”

  “Agreed, duplicate confirmation prior to stream,” Andrews said to the technician manning the console.”

  Although secondary confirmation would take longer, it was in the best interest of everyone that the integrity of the data was 100% prior to any decisions being made. President Andrews again turned to McCreary.

  “General. Please advise all dedicated personnel allocated to the control room to man their stations immediately. Operation greenlight; full staffing levels from this point forward. Advise Agent Phillips to notify all assigned personnel on the other side of Level 20 immediately.”

  “Understood, Mr. President,” McCreary replied as he opened the door to the control room and directed Phillips to have the dedicated personnel proceed immediately to the control room. Not more than five minutes had passed with another twenty technicians on-site manning the consoles that they had been allocated to. It was a full alert with less than ten minutes before the message from NORAD could be heard. Other than dozens of monitors coming to life throughout the control room it was otherwise eerily quiet. Until the message could be heard, hopefully from General Meehan, any other discussion on the part of the President and Joint Chiefs would be pure conjecture. The group was about to receive factual information from NORAD itself as to the extent of damage wrought upon the planet by the nuclear holocaust three days earlier. President Andrews and the Joint Chiefs paced the room looking at all of the dedicated monitors. They were beyond the learning curve and were very well familiar with each of their specific functions. It seemed to be a stress reliever more than anything with only three minutes to go until the download was complete. One could almost hear a pin drop as they again positioned themselves in front of the main screen watching intently as the secondary download completed followed by confirmation. There was no discrepancy. The Corporal manning the main communications console turned to the President.

  “100% data integrity confirmed. Standing by for transmission upon your orders, Mr. President.”

  “Proceed with transmission,” President Andrews replied as everyone in the room held their breath, relieved to see General Meehan’s face appear upon the monitor clear as a bell. Although he didn’t appear stoic he seemed somewhat downtrodden. Those in the control room could only guess at what he must have been through as the attack had progressed, most certainly as much if not more hardship had been experienced at NORAD as had been at Bunker Site 1. General Meehan spoke in a monotone voice but his strength and determination was still apparent as had always been the case.

  “Mr. President, Chairman, and members of the Joint Chiefs. I pray this drone has arrived safely at Bunker Site 1 and that you have survived the attack. Please know that with the amount of radiation in the atmosphere the arrival of the stealth drone will not allow pinpointing of your location by potential adversarial nations. Although we’ve sustained some structural damage within NORAD, our fortified anti-ballistic missile systems were able to take out most of the missiles targeted at us. We did not experience any ground impacts but a significant number of nuclear air bursts. Area 51 was also targeted heavily as both facilities’ locations have been known for a long period of time. Prior to loss of communications we can also assume that Area 51 has experienced damage similar to our own. We have dispatched one drone to your location each day since the attack, but the initial drone only made it 50 yards beyond our launch point. Although it was shielded the radiation was at such a tremendously high level that modifications were required. In order to accomplish this we had to send out a number of personnel in radiation resistant gear to retrieve the drone, but several lives were lost in that endeavor. Upon retrieval modifications were made to the drones’ shielding system, the specifications of which are contained at the end of this report. As we speak the remaining 400 drones located at NORAD are currently undergoing modification, with 100 currently operational should these modifications prove to be effective. Should this drone find its way back to us within the next ten hours we’ll know with certainty in the hopes of bringing our full reserve drone fleet back on-line. Area 51, should they have survived, contains another 600 drone units in the reserve fleet, while the remainder are strategically located at multiple secured sites throughout the country. I pray that they have survived as well.”

  “Our scientific teams have been going over the data prior to loss of satellite communications and have concluded with what we already knew prior to that event it will take approximately one month for the weather patterns to fully cycle and the effects of the radioactivity within the atmosphere become apparent. We won’t completely know the full extent of the damage that the nuclear explosions and subsequent fallout has wrought, but I can tell you this. Assuming all of our bunkers survived intact that at a minimum 60 percent of our population has been lost. Worldwide the number of lives lost in the first several hours of the war in all probability exceeds 6 billion souls, and that is a conservative number. Contingent with your orders no offensive operations were undertaken on the part of the United States. Several submarine based missile launches occurred off our coast and those subs were taken out with conventional weapons in very short order.”

  President Andrews suddenly said “pause transmission.” Rubbing his eyes he let out a long sigh as the others in the room turned to him also attempting to absorb what little had already been heard. The estimated number of lives lost was absolutely staggering. He wondered if this would turn out to be an extinction level event, and returning his attention to the monitor simply said to the Corporal “resume transmission.”

  Meehan was looking back at him and once again speaking.

  “We can estimate an 80% survival rate of our inter-continental ballistic missile system capabilities. Of the 642 vessels in our Naval Fleet, 136 submarines in all likelihood survived the attack. The newer shielded surface vessels in our fleet, 147 in all, likely also had an 80% survival rate. Twenty-four of our submarines have standing orders to remain 100 miles off our coastline and await further orders; 12 in the Atlantic and another 12 in the Pacific. The older vessels that had minimum shielding most likely sustained extensive damage due to the massive EMP pulse leaving them dead in the water, but this is an unknown factor. With any luck some will be able to undergo repairs and once again get underway. Once doing so they’ll head toward the polar caps as they await further orders. As the war progresse
d over 10,000 civilian aircraft were in-flight worldwide with an anticipated loss rate of 100%. Over 12,000 merchant vessels excluding four massive food relief convoys are most likely also dead in the water due to lack of shielding. Those are our estimated numbers based upon simulations and analysis by our scientific teams, but I believe these numbers to be accurate. I am also told that globally there are inevitably going to be pockets of survivors on the surface, the numbers of which cannot be estimated with any degree of certainty.”

  “Threat assessment analysis indicates that very few offensive weapons remain in the arsenals of adversarial nations excluding their submarine fleets. Offensive capabilities that remain in the hands of allied nations are also unknown, nor is their reaction to being attacked and compliance with your directives regarding non-offensive actions. Should they have deployed any portion of their nuclear arsenals for the sake of defense, their remaining capabilities are limited at best if completely non-existent. In effect, Mr. President, we may very well literally be the only nuclear power left on the planet.”

  “Sir. I am aware of the fact that you have knowledge of our highly secretive back-up satellite communications system begun five years ago. We have three of our four laser transmission units functioning that were located in mini-bunkers within 25 miles of NORAD and directly connected through underground shielded wiring, with two additional units located in remote locations with self-contained power supplies and in synchronization with several primary satellites. Should we have a drone on-site at one of the remote locations we’ll be able to download all information safely as the satellites recorded the war as it progressed; we’ll have complete information on all missiles that found their targets and the specific areas hit as well as their launch points. We were able to send a limited coded transmission from NORAD immune to atmospheric disruption to one of the satellites and were also able to receive limited information in return. Whether adversarial nations have the ability to pick-up that transmission is unlikely at best due to the nature of the technology. It was a calculated risk on our part but deemed a necessary one. With that one single transmission we were able to accomplish a great deal and also learn information imperative to our future survival. This was accomplished two days ago which leads our risk assessment team to believe that our adversaries do not have this technology as since that time we have not experienced any more attacks directed at NORAD.”

  “We’ve instructed that one single satellite to realign all of the others in groups of three, thereby boosting our radio signal strength which currently gives us the ability to communicate with all other bunkers worldwide. We’ve also changed all satellite trajectories and are currently jamming all transmissions other than those of our own. All satellites of other nations are currently unable to transmit. No satellites, repeat, no satellites were targeted nor were either of the two international space stations. Those satellites brought to higher orbit also remain intact. The best we can conclude is that should our satellites have been targeted the nuclear blasts would have also taken out the satellites of those nations who may have contemplated targeting them. We’ll continue jamming transmissions until ordered otherwise. This procedure also allowed us to bring up encrypted GPS systems worldwide, and should this drone have arrived safely that is the only reason why. As we speak our satellites have already been realigned and upon your command we’ll be able to transmit through saturation allowing the specific locations of our bunkers to remain clandestine should that information not have been stolen prior to the war. Should this drone arrive safely we pray for its return, and if that’s not the case we’ll continue with modifications of the fleet and dispatch one drone daily as ordered. The remainder of this report contains detailed information on structural damage experienced at NORAD, but I assure you we are fully functional. Also contained within this transmission are reports from our scientific analysis teams, detailed damage estimates, threat assessment, and global analysis regarding what level of destruction we may have experienced worldwide.”

  “Mr. President. We pray for your survival and that this drone has found you and safe and returns confirming the same. Sufficient fuel remains for its return trip. Our prayers are with you. General Meehan out.”

  Everyone in the room was momentarily silent as they attempted to absorb the probable fact that most of the planet and the population on the surface above them may have been literally wiped out. Those who potentially survived the attack most certainly were in a living hell. Within moments the Joint Chiefs were abuzz as they conversed loudly amongst themselves, but President Andrews quickly quieted them down. Once again their undivided attention turned to their Commander-in-Chief as President Andrews addressed Professor Enghult.

  “Professor, is Dr. Lazzario able to continue his efforts without your assistance regarding restart of the power generation unit scheduled for 2400?” Andrews asked.

  “Absolutely, Mr. President. We’re ready to proceed now but simply awaiting your orders,” Enghult replied.

  “Very well, then, Professor. Advise Dr. Lazzario to continue with his preparations and we’ll proceed as planned. For now I’d like you and Miss McCreary to review General Meehan’s reports contained within his transmission regarding structural damage experienced at NORAD as well as global analysis loss estimates.”

  “Yes, Mr. President,” Enghult replied as Andrews then turned his attention to General Rodriguez.

  “General, you are to review the threat assessment reports and give me a full summary.”

  “Yes, Mr. President,” Rodriguez replied.

  Off to the side of the control room there was a secondary larger conference room and President Andrews then turned to General McCreary.

  “General,” he said, “You and the remaining members of the Joint Chiefs are to join me immediately in the conference room for a strategy session and response to General Meehan’s transmission.”

  “Yes, Sir,” McCreary replied as the President led the way to the conference room as the door was closed behind them.

  “Be seated,” the President said as he took his seat at the head of the table, looking at each member of the Joint Chiefs. The conversation would be an open one yet also heated; all voices and opinions being heard

  “Recommendations?” he asked.

  General McCreary as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs spoke first.

  “Mr. President, with all due respect, don’t you feel this strategy session is premature without first reviewing the threat assessment report sent by General Meehan?”

  “Perhaps, General” the President responded with no insult having been taken. “The report will be reviewed shortly by all of us, but for the moment you are the experts and my primary concern as the report is speculative at best is that we send that drone back to NORAD advising them that we’ve survived the attack. Upon reviewing the reports we’ll make appropriate strategic adjustments as necessary, but for now we have enough information to go on. It is, in my opinion, imperative that the drone be returned to NORAD immediately. I’ve currently come to my own conclusions regarding a course of action, but prior to voicing my opinion wish to hear those of the Joint Chiefs. Between the seven of you and your many years of experience I am sitting amongst the true experts, and for that reason alone this meeting is officially convened.”

  “Understood, Mr. President,” McCreary replied.

  The General knew that NORAD was intact and what information Meehan had provided them regarding satellite communication capabilities, the Naval Fleet, and damage assessment analysis was sufficient for the moment. Barring any new information contained within the reports without further reconnaissance would be speculative at best. What they had heard already was enough to get that drone back on its way. McCreary also sensed having known the President for a number of years that he had no intention of making any rash decisions or offensive nuclear strikes unless absolutely necessary.

  The meeting had lasted for more than an hour, some of the Joint Chiefs had advocating for a retaliatory strike while others
voiced against it. Various scenarios had been conceived and many alternative plans of action considered. After the President had heard enough he came to his final conclusions and had in fact adjusted his course of action based upon what was voiced, but before doing so called in General Rodriguez before making his final decisions.

  “General Rodriguez,” he asked, “Have you fully reviewed the threat assessment report?”

  “I have, Mr. President.”

  “And what conclusions have you arrived at based upon that report?” Andrews asked.

  “Mr. President,” Rodriguez replied, “According to the scientific analysis, before the loss of satellite communications knowing how many missiles were already launched and found their intended targets, I’d have to agree that very few weapons remain in the hands of those potentially inclined to target us again. This is supported by NORAD not having been further targeted, yet the handful of nations who do have submarine based missile capabilities are a true wildcard. It is speculative, but NORAD believes that it was the Chinese who launched missiles off our coast in addition to the inter-continental missiles launched from the Middle East. All of this data is contained in the satellite systems which recorded everything as it occurred. The scientific teams at NORAD are extremely concerned that if any more nuclear blasts were to occur in significant numbers that the planet would be beyond the point of no return. The second point of significance is our ability to send satellite transmissions to all allied nations’ bunkers while we’re currently all other satellites. They consider it a limited window of opportunity. Their recommendation is that complete reconnaissance of the surface begin immediately using our stealth drone fleet on a grid search pattern as well reestablishing communication with our Naval Fleet and allied nations. The realigned satellites are already assessing damage to the planet globally. The most unfortunate aspect of the report is our limited ability to assist those who may have survived on the surface.”


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