Damned for Eternity
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Damned for Eternity
Damned for Eternity
By Ben Burgess Jr. & Jerrice Owens
Damned for Eternity ©2013 Ben Burgess Jr. & Jerrice Owens
All Rights Reserved
John bursts into a local tavern as if being chased by a swarm of bees. He constantly swats at the air around him as the force continues its invisible attack. He sweats heavily. His breathing is erratic. A look of pure fear dons his face.
The men inside stare at him, not sure what to make of it.
He locates Simon sitting in a corner, rushes toward him, and drops to his feet.
With a face that’s filled with agony, he stares at him with tears in his eyes.
“Please,” he pleads. “Have mercy on me. I’ll do what you ask, just make it stop.”
Simon slowly shakes his head. “Tax collector, you made your choice.”
He swallows the remainder of his drink, stands, and quickly exits the tavern.
John shouts after him. “Please help!”
He turns to the patrons.
“Somebody help!”
He screams in anguish, and suddenly, burst into flames.
The patrons are shocked and terrified as fire chars his convulsing body. The smell of burnt flesh makes most nauseous. One man grabs a bucket of water.
He swiftly throws it onto John, but the fire refuses to extinguish. The heat from the flames starts to increase, changing its color from yellow to blue.
A moment later, he’s completely incinerated; everything’s gone, including the ashes.
Everyone vacates the bar in a panic. It’s the strangest thing they’ve ever seen.
“Yeah, keep doing that,” Phillip cries out as Angie throws that pussy back on his lap.
Through calculated breaths, Angie asks, “you about ready to let it go?”
“Yeah,” he nods in ecstasy.
“Me too, let’s do it together this time.”
She quickens her pace.
“On the count of three. One…two….three….” she grunts.
Their sounds form a beautiful chorus as both experience orgasmic release.
“Shit,” he cries once it’s passed.
She pats his shoulder. “You needed that.”
He nods in agreement. “Yeah, I did, especially on tonight of all nights. It’s tough going through this type of pressure, not knowing where you’ll sleep for the next four years.”
She pulls on her panties. “I’m sure it is baby,” She looks at her watch then cries out, “Shit! We better get back to the others.”
They hurriedly dress and leave his car.
They rejoin the crowd five minutes later, his girl Kate and best friend Sam amongst them. They’re laughing and chatting within the bunch.
Angie crept up behind Sam, turned him around, and kissed his lips. It was good that she didn’t suck Phil’s dick; otherwise there’d have been an aftertaste. As much as Phillip had on his mind, he’d made sure to play things safe tonight. He wasn’t trying to get caught up. That would make things more nerve racking.
Phillip had always felt somewhat guilty, fucking his best friend’s girl behind his back. Cheating on his own hurt him too, but not enough to make him to stop.
Kate hugged Phillip around the waist. She was sweet for the public, but he liked the freaks. Yet, being the governor’s son, he had to maintain that wholesome image.
Phillip’s dad was the first black governor, and folks watched them like flies on shit, which meant the crew that he hung out with had to be a respectable bunch. His dad did the same when picking his company, and had kept that up for the past four years.
With his father up for re-election, he prayed the sacrifice had paid off. They’d worked their asses off campaigning, but today was the day folks went to the polls.
According to what was on the screens, his dad Governor White was currently leading by twenty percent, and while it presented a pretty big gap, it could still stall and his opponent could bridge it.
“Don’t worry,” his boy Sam told him. “We got this bro, I can feel it.”
Sam offered a comforting smile while Phil merely smirked to himself. He’d been fucking Angie three of the years they’d been together, but Sam didn’t seem to suspect a thing. Chalk it up to innocence.
Sam and Kate were part of the governor’s abstinence campaign and seemed naïve to a lot of things. The main thing, in Phillip’s opinion, was that good piece of pussy standing right next to him.
He got hard again just thinking about it and hoped that Kate did not take notice.
He laughed to himself. He was sure she wouldn’t. She probably didn’t know what a dick, let alone, a dick print looked like.
If they won, he figured he’d keep her around, possibly for the next four years. After that, he’d dump the hoe and get a girl that knew how to work it.
Phillip woke up the next morning at ease in his apartment sized room at the governor’s mansion.
The race had officially ended at ten and his dad had won by that same twenty percent. That meant Phillip wouldn’t have to pack and start searching for one of the dorms on campus.
The election had drained most of the staff and seeing as to how it’d ended so late, after a victory glass of champagne, they decided to wait to celebrate.
His dad had probably planned something formal, but Phillip really had other ideas. He and his friends would rent a yacht and cruise out on the reservoir.
He strategically picked up Angie first.
On the ride over to Sam’s house, he held the wheel steady with one hand. With the other, he furiously fingered her, enjoying the feel of her warm cunt.
She grinded and twisted all on his knuckles, right before she creamed on them.
“You nasty bastard,” she said to him as she watched him suck the juice from his tips.
He gave Sam dap with that same hand, stopping by to get him next.
Last to get in the ride was Kate, and by then he’d eaten at least three Altoids. He gave Kate a smooch on her cheek in case they hadn’t done the job.
Phillip was used to being in the news all the time, especially in the last twelve months. Even so, he was more than aware that some people didn’t know who the hell he was.
Always being the only black dude among three white people did seem strange.
As the dock hand walked around showing them yachts, he only seemed to pay attention to them. That of course was until Sam looked back and said, “Phillip’s paying. What do you think?”
All of a sudden, the dock hand felt like an ass and started treating Phillip with more respect. It was nothing new to Phillip though. Power and money made people your bitch.
“I apologize Sir. I assumed that the young gentleman here was purchasing the rental," the man said pointing at Sam.
"You know what they say about assuming, you make an ASS out of U not ME," Philip said pompously.
The man laughed.
"Very good Sir. As a precautionary measure, I assume you can all swim?”
"Duh, what do you think? On top of that, I used to be a life guard, so you have nothing to worry about," Angie said smugly.
Philip, Sam, and Kate looked at Angie with confusion and shock. She had never told them about her past as a lifeguard.
"Well, if that's the case, you guys enjoy your time out. Please Sir, follow me so we can handle the payment. Oh, I have just a few more things to ask. None of you plan on bringing weapons or alcohol aboard the yacht, right? Those items are strictly prohibited."
"No! Just give us the fucking yacht already," Sam yelled agitated.
The man looked flustered by Sam’s blun
t response, and walked quickly to the office while Phillip followed to pay. Before Phillip returned to his group, he walked to the trunk of his car, pulling out two huge bags filled with a variety of alcohol. Phillip strutted back to his group with the bags. The sound of the bottles clanking together got everyone's attention.
"Didn't the guy just say that alcohol wasn't allowed?" Kate asked.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," Phillip said winking at her.
Sam and Angie laughed. When Sam and Kate weren't looking Angie winked at Philip and seductively licked her lips.
They filled their cups to the brim, enjoying the combination of the warm sunrays and the cool ocean breeze on their skin. Drink after drink they lost all inhibitions. Empty bottles of Ciroc, Hennessey, and Whiskey rolled on the deck of the yacht as they told jokes and fooled around. In the distance, two smaller boats could be seen. As they moved in closer to the first, Phillip recognized that it belonged to Brian Worthy, the man his father had defeated in the election. Brian sulked as he looked up and saw Phillip.
"Hey Brian, it's too bad for your loss. I guess you weren't worthy!'" Phillip laughed while pulling down his pants and mooning him. Mr. Worthy shot Phillip the middle finger.
Sam and Angie laughed. Kate stood off to the side, feeling embarrassed and shaking her head.
"Whoa! Nice ass!" Angie said.
"Was that really necessary?"Kate asked.
"You're fucking up my buzz, relax!" Phillip responded.
Phillip and Sam continue to taunt Brian as they passed his boat. They gradually approached the second boat. Three strange men dressed in black hooded robes chanted and circled each other on the deck of their boat. Green smoke and flashes of light formed as they continued to circle each other. Their chanting got louder. Clouds started to form.
"Look at these weirdoes," Phillip laughed. "Sam, bring us in close. I'm going to pee on these peons."
As soon as those words escaped his lips, one of the hooded men shot a look at Phillip, and the sky opened up. Rain poured down on them. The waves began to rock the yacht forcefully.
"Shit," Phillip screamed out as he flipped over the railing, and landed into the water.
"Oh fuck, don't just stand there, Ang, help him," Sam yelled.
"I...I... can't. I lied. I was never a life guard. I don't even know how to swim," Angie said.
"Oh my God, he's going to drown," Kate screamed.
The water was rough, tossing Philip’s body around like a rag doll. Philip’s head bobbed up and down in the water. The shock from the fall and the chill of the water hit Phillip so quickly that he began to lose consciousness.
"Stop fucking standing there you two, and help me look for a life vest,” Sam barked at them.
They searched frantically for anything that could be used to rescue Phillip from the water. The three hooded men watched as the water engulfed Phillip. One of the men dove into the water and swam out to grab him.
"He caught him," Kate yelled excitedly.
"Help me throw the yacht’s ladder over," Sam instructed.
Sam, Angie, and Kate struggled to toss the ladder over the side of the yacht. Sam climbed down the ladder and helped the hooded man to bring Phillip on deck.
"Oh my God! He's not breathing!" Kate panicked.
"Do any of you know CPR? I don't know it," Sam said.
"Shit, neither do I," Kate yelled.
Angie shook her head no, and started to cry.
"Relax," the hooded man instructed her.
The man in the robe made circles with his hands, chanted, and struck Phillip three times in the stomach. Everyone screamed in fear with each strike. Things seemed grim until Phillip began to cough up all of the water that was trapped in his lungs. Phillip’s eyes opened wide. He was wheezing, and extremely cold. Kate rushed back with towels to wrap around him. They all helped to pick him up and lay him down on the bed that was in the cabin of the yacht. Kate stayed with Phillip.
"What was that you used to save him just now?" Sam asked.
"My family and I practice a craft called earth magic. We use it to protect ourselves and members of our family...When your friend fell, I felt obligated to use it to help save his life."
In the back of their minds, they all believed that the hooded men were responsible for the weather and Philip’s fall. They didn't want to anger him and risk getting hurt also, so they stayed quiet.
The boat he was riding on approached the yacht.
“Well, we’d better get going,” Angie said.
Sam nodded. “Yeah,” he agreed.
Without saying another word, the hooded man returned to his boat. The crew let out a sigh of relief as the hooded men sailed away and out of their sight.
“I think we should head back to shore,” Kate suggested.
“Yeah,” said Sam, looking at his watch. “It’s getting late.”
The dock hand smiled when they came to the rental office. “So how was your excursion my friends?”
“Fine,” Sam told him. “All except that scattered shower that just came down.”
The man looked at him curiously.
“What scattered shower?” he wanted to know.
“Dude,” he said, pointing off. “You didn’t see when the sky opened up?”
He shook his head. “Not a sign of rain. And I promise I’ve been out all day.”
Brian and his crew were hitching their boat. “He probably saw things; they were getting drunk.”
“Mind your goddamn business!” Sam screamed out.
“Is that true?” the dock hand asked him.
“Fuck no,” Sam replied.
Luckily for him, Angie had crept to the water. She filled two bottles to the brim with it.
She held them up. “This is what he saw. We were only collecting water samples and this is what we put them in.”
He pointed to Phil, who was in Kate’s arm. “Why doesn’t your friend look so good?”
“Sea sickness,” Kate replied. “You know how boats can make people nauseous.”
Stumped, the guy let them go. They hurried back to Phil's car.
“I’ll drive,” Kate volunteered. “I’m probably the most sober anyway.”
“Great,” said Angie, “I’ll take care of Phil. Don’t worry Kate, he’s in good hands.”
Phil’s car was a stick shift. Kate wasn't use to driving stick so she was under deep concentration while Angie fooled around with Phil’s "stick". Behind Kate and Sam's backs, Angie grabbed Phil's crotch, jerking him off intensely with every movement of the ride.
Phil gave her a perverted smile, loving every minute of it.
The moment was disrupted as they pulled up to the mansion.
“Damn, who are all these people?” said Sam.
Phil raised his head and peeked out the window, seeing crowds of angry people holding up protest signs.
“Shit,” said Sam, recognizing what it was. “You're already down, now you have to go through this.”
He cracked the door.
“Well, we got you,” he said.
Everybody got out of the ride.
As the group went through the swarm of bodies, they brushed and bumped against various folks.
Finally, they came upon a female reporter who extended her microphone out to Phillip.
“Phillip White, as a member of the governor’s family, less than twenty four hours after his win, how do you feel about the change of events and the recent uproar with what’s going on?”
Phillip made a face. What was going on? Not being sure, he remained tight lipped.
The hired help let them inside. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
When his father saw him, he rushed over. “I’m glad you finally made it home. Kids, I’m not quite sure when they’ll leave. They could literally be camped all night. We have spare rooms. And you’re welcome to stay,” Mr. White said to Phillip’s friends.
Angie’s smile crooked up at the thought though she still wasn’t sure what was happening
“Can you tell us why they’re here?” asked Phil. “They aren’t trying to recount your ballots right?”
“Well, it does center around the election, but no. I won that race fair and square. The state warden though never did like me, so he decided to start some serious drama. A prisoner who’s waiting to be put to death had his execution upped to early next week.