Realm of the Dragon (The Soul Mate Tree Book 1)

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Realm of the Dragon (The Soul Mate Tree Book 1) Page 13

by CiCi Cordelia

  “They will never touch you again.” Uncaring of their audience, Bakka drew her into an embrace, thrilled and thankful when she came willingly, without a speck of hesitation. “They will never come anywhere close, I promise.”

  “I am so sorry.” Embrlynn nestled her face against his neck, gripping the front of his shirt.

  He held her tighter. “You did nothing wrong. And it doesn’t matter anyhow.” Bakka cupped her chin, lifting her face until he could peer into her eyes. “It only matters that we found each other.”

  His voice dropped to a whisper. “It only matters that you are destined for me, and I for you.”

  Chapter 16

  As Tasha approached the cave, she seriously considered zapping Zanralth, ridding herself of the moronic dragon prince once and for all. He was getting on her final nerve. Besides, she had the mouse’s sister and Bakka. Zane was no longer of use to her.

  “What happens after we have cut out the female’s heart?” Jaceeric, newly appointed leader of the Rogue of Seven, asked as they neared the entrance. “What will you do with the king’s son?”

  With the magick provided by the remaining Rogues, Tasha would carve out the princess’s heart and rule the whole damn realm. She needed Bakka to force Kordlith to come to her. If she knew Kord, and she did—intimately—he’d do anything for his brother.

  “Don’t worry your wormy little head about it, Jaceeric. When you need to know the details, I’ll clue you in. Until then, do as you’re told.”

  He glowered at her, waving his hand toward the others of his coven, following them. “Don’t fuck with me, Tasha. You can’t do this without us. The heart of the second daughter of the royal family has to be removed within twelve moons of her mating age, or you lose your chance for another hundred years. That’s only if the ruling royals even produce a second daughter. Your window is closing fast.”

  Tasha gritted her teeth, longing to lash out and show the warlock who was in charge. It galled her to admit he was right. Without him, and the combined powers of the remaining rogues, she’d be unable to remove the little twit’s heart without damaging it. She couldn’t take that chance. The princess’s beating organ was so valuable that once Tasha claimed it, she’d become all-powerful.

  Unfortunately, she’d promised a portion of that power to the rogues so they could rule by her side. A promise given with black magick would be hard to break. Not impossible. She was determined to find a way.

  “Fine,” she spat, gnashing her back teeth together hard enough, it was a wonder the warlock didn’t hear it. “You’ll rule at my side. First, we need to prepare for Kord’s arrival. And he will come for Bakka.”

  Closing the last few feet to the entrance, she stepped inside, excitement tickling through her at finally putting her plan forward.

  What she saw brought her to an abrupt stop. Jaceeric crashed into her from behind, swearing.

  Gone. It took only a quick perusal to figure out that the worthless Prince of Battle Diablian had allowed Bakka and the princess to escape.

  Tasha shrieked in rage, the sound bouncing against the cave walls as her dragon rushed to the surface, shifting in one massive burst.

  She swung her head from side to side, her tongue flicking out to taste the betrayal hanging heavy in the air, blowing fire as she studied the scene. Her wrath mounted.

  When she caught up to Zanralth he was so dead. Slowly and painfully dead. She must regain the Anglican princess and remove the heart while the little brat remained a virgin. By the way Bakka had watched her, Tasha feared it might already be too late. The horny prince wanted her, and now he had her.

  A maelstrom of fury shook her entire body.

  She’d come too far, broken too many laws, crossed lines that could never be uncrossed. There was no going back.

  I need to act quickly, before everything is lost.

  Turning to Jaceeric, who eyed her cautiously, wisely keeping his distance, she bellowed, “Bring me the virgin princess. Right. Now.”

  One of the rogues took a tentative step forward. “She’s protected by the Draconian Queen’s magick. We’ll never make it past the boundary, let alone to the cavern.”

  Tasha narrowed her eyes on the imbecile who dared question her. Spreading her glorious ebony wings, tipped in blood red, she leapt forward and struck with her tail, skewering the warlock through the chest. He dropped to the ground, blood-soaked, instantly dead.

  Swiveling, she glared at the remaining Rogue of Six. “Any other comments before you retrieve my quarry?”


  “We’ll get right on it.”

  “Leaving now . . .”

  Jaceeric shot the blubbering cowards a nasty glare, and snapped, “Silence,” before returning his attention to Tasha. “We’ll do as you ask, Aventasha. Though keep in mind, with every one of us who falls, we are weakened. If you want the virgin’s heart undamaged, stop killing my goddamn people.”

  Tasha snorted a puff of smoke, already regretting her actions. They’d need every ounce of magick available at their disposal. Too bad the weaseling warlock had pissed her off.

  She shifted back, uncaring she stood naked before the Rogue of now-Six. “Point taken, Jaceeric.”

  Tasha swept her hands down her sides, enjoying the feel of her sleek curves and silken skin. She preened at the lust shining from Jaceeric’s eyes. “Bring me the dragoness, warlock, and I’ll share more than power.”

  Brows arched in interest, he raked her body with a heated stare, then gave a curt nod. Pivoting toward the entrance, he gestured for the remaining Rogues to follow him as he left.

  Tasha strode to her makeshift clothes bureau, retrieving a folded gown and quickly dressing. Her upper lip curled in disgust. The male gender was so predictable. So easily manipulated through greed and sex.

  Jaceeric must bring her the princess. Even if he was good looking, he was as stupid as the rest of his rogues for thinking she’d share anything.

  No one will rule except me.

  She’d use her new powers to make Kord forget about everything except his desire for her. He’d be begging to fulfill her every whim, in and out of the bedchamber.

  Tasha licked her lips, imagining Kord thrusting that hard shaft into her again. The mere remembrance of it proved almost enough to make her orgasm. He was a wild lover. Insatiable. And she’d have him again . . . soon.


  After she killed his parents, he’d be king. She would be his queen. With King Kordlith at her side, the entire dragon realm would be hers. Then the human world would tremble under her power.

  Win, win.

  “Do you think it’ll work?” Lily asked, nibbling her bottom lip, worrying about the plan they’d devised.

  Kord tugged her up against his chest, his thumb smoothing out the crease line between her brows. “It’s a good plan. Tasha is hateful and greedy. By the time she realizes it’s a trap, it’ll be too late.”

  Bakka nodded. “As soon as our parents return with yours, we’ll put the plan into action.”

  “My parents.” Her heart raced with excitement at the thought of seeing them again.

  “Oh,” Embry murmured at the same time. “They will be so mad when they learn I snuck out to meet Uti.” She flushed, shooting a quick glance toward Bakka.

  Bakka stepped close to tilt her face up to his. “They’ll be too happy that you’re safe, princess.” He leaned in close, and her sister froze like a startled deesirr. Lily watched a blush rise to Embrlynn’s cheeks. “And the only male you’ll be sneaking out to meet from now on, is me.”

  A shy smile curved her lips. “Only you, Prince Bakkailin.”

  Lily met Kord’s amused gaze. “Too cute,” she whispered, so the lovebirds couldn’t hear.

  He chuckled, then kissed her on the nose. Leaning
in, he whispered in her ear, “Not as cute as you, my litil shur’tugal. Let’s go back to our bedchamber so I can show you exactly how cute you are."

  The heat of a blush covered her face, though there was nothing shy in her thoughts as she returned her mate’s hungry stare. That sounded like a wonderful plan. A shiver of desire slid through her as Kord stepped even closer and inhaled deeply. Tonight would be the night he claimed her blood. The possessive gleam in his eyes said as much.

  Excitement swirled inside her. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Oh, gods. Get a cave, already,” Bakka called over, sending Embry into a fit of giggles.

  Kord lifted his head to glare in mocking anger at Bakka, before sweeping her up into his arms. “Sound advice, little brother. Sound advice.”

  Lily flung an arm around his neck for support. “Kord, put me down,” she protested laughingly, glancing over his shoulder to see Bakka and Embry watching them with matching grins.

  “Have fun,” Embry mouthed, as Kord strode away, whispering into Lily’s ear all the things he planned to do to her.

  Entering their chamber, he carried her across the room and gently placed her on top of the furs, standing at the edge to gaze down at her. The love she read in his eyes filled her heart. She lifted her hand and offered it to him.

  “Kordlith, my Prince. Please make love to me. Bind us together, forever.”

  Lust shuddered through Kord at her formal yet sensual plea, and he came down on the soft furs next to her, rolling her beneath his body. His throbbing length nestled between her thighs.

  He placed his palm flat on her chest, right over her beating heart. “You are my world, little one.”

  Kissing her deeply, he explored his mate’s lush body through the material of her silky tunic. The sound of her breathy moan made him feel ten feet tall.

  Take her fully, now, his dragon demanded.

  This time, Kord agreed. His cock grew hard enough to pound nails, though he managed to hold his own desire at bay. This was about Lily, and her pleasure. He wanted to make this night of ultimate bonding a memorable experience that she’d never forget. By morning, she’d be too sated to crawl from his bed. He’d make sure of that.

  Lifting his head, satisfaction surged through him at the sight of her reddened, swollen lips, her eyes peering up at him with tenderness and love shining from their depths.

  A bone-deep need to protect and cherish her blasted him, hard. Then fury flared hot inside him at the thought of how close he’d come to losing her.

  If not for the fabled tree sending her into our realm, I’d have lost her forever.

  He forced everything from his mind except his delightful mate. The need to take her blood burned white-hot inside him, and nothing could put out the flames until she was fully his.

  Nudging aside her tunic, he kissed and nipped her breasts with eager demand, loving how she quivered and sighed in reaction. Clutching his shoulders, Lily arched up until her hot core pressed against his solid erection, sending a surge of pleasure through him.

  “Kord,” she pleaded, “please. I need you.”

  Feeling like he’d won the biggest jackpot ever, he pressed more kisses to her lovely mouth, another and another; possessive, hard pecks that left her trembling under him.

  He’d never get enough of her flavor. Already addicted, Kord murmured, “Whatever you want.” He paused, then rasped, “My beloved Princess.” Quickly he removed her clothes, then his own.

  He’d fulfill every one of the promises he’d whispered in her ear and make the most of the long night ahead.

  When Lily wrapped those long, luscious legs around his waist, gripping him to the sound of their matching moans, he buried himself deeply inside her.

  Lily gave a tremulous sigh, sharp waves of ecstasy pulsing through her as Kord, staring into her eyes with a gaze dark and intense, slowly sank into her. Long, thick, and rock-hard, he filled her completely.

  She gripped his broad shoulders and held on for dear life as he withdrew, then pumped into her again. Never breaking eye contact, he set up a sensual rhythm within her body that left her gasping.

  The orgasm rising inside her would be more powerful than anything she’d ever before experienced. She could feel it building, agonizingly slow.

  Yes. So good. So right. She belonged to this male . . . her dragon.

  And he belonged to her.

  Arching with abandon, she offered herself to him completely. And relished in the satisfying burn as he drove deeper still, stretching her in the most delicious ways. Meeting his next powerful thrust with a clench of her internal muscles, she smiled at the sound of her name on his lips, guttural and urgent.


  He leaned in to suck her nipple into the warmth of his mouth, flicking his tongue against the turgid peak. Mindless, all she could do was writhe beneath the onslaught of his talented tongue. The pleasure ran so deep, her climax surged closer to the surface. She didn’t want to go over the edge without him, but couldn’t find the willpower to ask him to slow down.

  Lily flung her arms wide, searching for a headboard, gripping the mattress instead because she had to anchor herself somehow. It felt amazing. Shaking, tingles shooting through her core, her body tightened with an impending orgasm.

  Kord raised his face to hers, his kiss so raw and potent that she forgot to breathe, lost in a sensual storm where thought was impossible. She couldn’t keep her eyes open and as they drifted closed, Lily could only feel as he drove into her, pushing her pleasure higher and higher. Impossibly high, and yet it wasn’t enough.

  She wanted more.




  Her body vibrated with an acute need that was almost pain. Her heart raced as her dragon stirred restlessly under her skin, the intense craving for its mate’s blood overwhelming her. When he broke off their kiss, she clutched him tighter, not wanting the moment to end.

  “Little one, look at me.”

  Panting, she did as he asked. The possessive gaze that met hers was as blistering hot as dragon fire. Her internal muscles fluttered madly.

  Kord’s jaw flexed, his eyes turning molten gold. Never breaking the cadence of his demanding thrusts, he flipped his hair out of his face and pressed his shoulder to her mouth. “Bite.”

  From deep within, the need to mark him slammed into her.

  Now, her dragon encouraged.

  Lily nipped his skin hard, until blood rose to the surface and welled. Instinctively, she swallowed.

  The moment his blood slid down her throat, her climax exploded and knocked her world from beneath her. A scream she barely recognized as her own rang in the air, as wave after wave of searing ecstasy tore into her.

  Spiraling out of control on a rapturous sea, Lily vaguely heard Kord cry out her name, right before warm jets of his seed filled her, triggering another powerful orgasm inside her.

  His teeth scraped against the crook of her neck, then sank in. Even as her dragon purred from deep within, Lily cried out again as the pleasure became too much, too powerful.

  And for the second time in her life, she fainted.

  Chapter 17

  Lily snuggled into the furs and a feeling of total contentment wrapped around her like a warm blanket. Mate-bonding with Kord had been the most amazing, gratifying, and sexually fulfilling night of her entire life.

  After their first blood sharing, he’d made love to her three more times throughout the night, each time just as good as the first. Without me passing out, thank goodness.

  She didn’t want to miss a second of Kord’s loving.

  Not only did she feel her pleasure, through the mate bond she felt his, too. The combination was beyond incredible.

  Her body was already heating up, wanting her ma
te again. And her dragon was definitely onboard with the idea. She caressed the bite low on her neck where Kord claimed her.

  She belonged to him now, and only death would separate them. Since dragons lived very long lives, and were extremely hard to kill, they would have centuries of loving ahead of them.

  Yawning, Lily slowly opened her eyes. The early morning light peeked inside, and she glanced over to find Kord sleeping deeply.

  A sudden, uneasy feeling took her unawares as it settled within her chest. An urgent desire to check in on her sister, to make sure she was all right, overwhelmed her.

  Sliding from the bed, she grabbed her robe and secured it tightly around her waist. Then, trying not to disturb her mate, she silently left the room.

  Is my dragon trying to tell me something?

  As she headed for the chamber Embry had been given, Lily heard a noise near the front entrance. For a fleeting second, she considered going back for Kord to check it out. Then she caught a brief glimpse of her sister racing down the short hall toward the entrance, and she rushed forward instead.

  “Embry,” she called out.

  Her sister didn’t seem to hear her. Running across the wide space to catch up with her, Lily crossed the cavern threshold.

  Sharp panic froze in her lungs.

  Two males held her sister.

  One had snagged her tightly around her waist, his hand clapped over her mouth, while the other attempted to bind her kicking legs.

  Lily's heart pounded wildly as three more intruders rushed toward her, while yet another stood by as if on guard.

  The split second it took her to unfreeze was an instant too long. Even as she screamed, “Kord!” they grabbed her.

  The male on guard lifted his arms and began chanting, and it was as if the morning suns slid behind clouds as darkness descended and the winds stirred into a frenzy. Trefoils shrieked as they fought to stay alive in that sucking, killing wind. Debris and sand from the ground stung Lily’s eyes until they felt like they bled. She blinked hard, seeing nothing except an encroaching black that sent her into a panic.


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