Realm of the Dragon (The Soul Mate Tree Book 1)

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Realm of the Dragon (The Soul Mate Tree Book 1) Page 14

by CiCi Cordelia

  A vicious tug propelled her forward, forcing a cry from her throat as her heels dug into the ground. One of her abductors wound her hair in his fist, forcing her on her toes, dragging her toward a faceless, nameless chasm. Closer. And closer still . . .

  The ground suddenly dropped away. Flung into a massive swirling vortex, Lily tumbled headlong, unable to scream, unable to breathe.

  Even as she spun end-over-end, a silvery light in the distance drew her. Like a sentinel, it stood silent and still. The same gnarled and twisted tree that had once guided her in the human realm now appeared from the nothingness of another nightmare moment in her life.

  As she spiraled out of control, the tree didn’t move, holding steady as a rock in her mind’s eye.

  Its limbs reached toward her, and a familiar whisper floated on the wind. “Trust.”

  A voice hummed, enveloping her with calm assurance. “Safe.” Its soothing presence enabled her to draw air back into her lungs, to think more clearly.

  Reenergized, Lily braced herself for whatever was to come.

  I’ve got this.

  The tree gradually faded away, its small oval leaves shimmering as if in approval.

  The last thing she heard before complete darkness descended, was Kord yelling her name.

  At Kord’s raging bellow, Bakka tore around the corridor, sliding into the mouth of the cavern, a wild expression on his face. One of the guards followed behind him.

  Kord shouted in midshift, “Lily’s been kidnapped by that damned Rogue of wormheads.” His voice vibrated with suppressed violence. He scowled at Bakka. “Stay here, little brother. This is my mate, my fight.”

  “The hell it is.” Bakka fluidly shifted.

  Though Kord found immense pride at the second prince of Battle Draconian’s dragon, its strength and size comparable to his own, Bakka’s place was by his future mate’s side.

  “No. Stay here, guard your—”

  “No time to argue.” Bakka bared his teeth. “They took my princess, too.” He breathed deeply of the air, sending an approving nod Kord’s way. “You finally claimed your mate by blood, big brother. Nice. Now, lead us to them, and I’m going to kick some major ass.” He let lose a massive roar and expanded his wings.

  “Together then.” Kord bounded outside, pausing as Bakka drew level with him. “If we proceed with force, Lily and her sister may die. Our best chance of getting them back unharmed is to go in on our own.”

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, attempting to settle himself as his dragon seethed with impatience.

  His mate’s blood, sweeter than the gree-honey gathered from their tallest trees, imbued every molecule of his body. In an instant, he knew.

  “They’re holding them at Bridging Caverns between the Diablian and Anglican boundaries. Those abandoned caves are frigid this time of year and they go deep into the belowground realm. It’s too dangerous to linger there.”

  “Then we’d best get moving.” Bakka took to the sky first, a breach of royal etiquette Kord wouldn’t hold against him.

  Kord cast a glance to the freicia guard. “Give us twenty minutes, then follow.”

  The guard nodded. “We’ll be right behind you, Prince Kordlith.”

  “Send word to the king and queen. They’re still at the Anglican court with Princess Lilliaa’s parents.” He held the guard’s attention firmly. “Do what you can to stave off their worry.”

  “Understood, my Prince.”

  Nodding abruptly to the guard, and thankful to have his brother’s fighting support and power, Kord let loose a battle cry, his wingspan unfurling completely as he ascended.

  Side by side, they soared over Vining Lake.

  Two warlocks held Lily in a punishing grip, one on each arm. Defiantly she shook the tumbled curls from her face, giving the wormhead to her left the stink-eye. He’d groped her breast when he’d hauled her into this dank, freezing cave. Bastard.

  Her initial fear had been paralyzing. Until she'd remembered the vision of the tree. For whatever reason, it'd given her strength and calmed her.

  Lily could sense her dragon rising to the surface, growing in power with each passing second. She glanced surreptitiously toward the high, guano-encrusted ceiling. More than enough room for my beast.

  When the moment was right, Lilly would shift and save her sister. Then she’d feed her dragon worm meat for its first meal.

  Starting with Mr. Handsy.

  Blinking back impotent tears of fury, she glanced over at Embry. Crumpled on the ground, her sister had lost consciousness somewhere within the void they’d been forced to endure on the journey to this hellhole.

  Lily had heard rumors of the place, the Bridging Caverns, unpatrolled by any known freicia guard. Blood dotted Embry’s face and dripped from her nose. She watched in frozen disgust as the warlock guarding her sister swiped a finger through one crimson drop and fed it to a wriggling worm on his head. The others writhed in apparent ecstasy as it consumed the blood.

  Ugh. She vowed then and there she’d kill Aventasha of Anglican, and damn the consequences of her actions. She’d slaughter the rotten traitor for endangering her innocent sister. For what she did to Bakka. For the things she wanted to do to Kord.

  Mine. She’ll never come near him again.

  Soon, she whispered, as her dragon stretched and rumbled in eagerness from deep within her. Very soon.

  “Well, now, what have we here? Two twits for the price of one.” The hairs on Lily’s neck rose at the familiar sound of Tasha’s saccharine voice. Turning as far as her jailers would allow, she spotted the hated dragoness at the mouth of the cave.

  Lily bared her teeth, jerking forward. Every muscle in her body strained with the need to rip the tramp from her ears to her toenails. Tasha snickered, though she stumbled a few steps back.

  At the show of weakness, Lily’s dragon strained against its boundaries. She soothed it gently from within, voiceless promises that eased her beast and allowed it to settle for the moment. It wouldn’t do for her to raise suspicions.

  She met Tasha’s icy stare with heat of her own. “Let my sister go, Tasha. You can’t win. Surely you know that. I don’t care how many wormheads you surround yourself with. Kord will come. Your life as you currently know it will be over.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t go so far as to assume anything, Princess Mouse. I have the loyalty of the Rogues.” She flicked a derisive hand toward Embry. “It didn’t take much to get your stupid sister outside.” Arrogance and satisfaction gleamed in her cruel eyes. “Show her,” she spat.

  Mr. Handsy, in a voice matching Lily’s exactly, called out, “Embry, I need to speak to you. Come outside, please.”

  Tasha cackled. “I’ve added their magick to mine, and once I have your sister’s heart, I’ll be unstoppable.”

  Lily wrenched forward, unable to break the wormheads’ hold. “Kord will stop you!”

  “‘Kord will stop you,’” Tasha mimicked, giving an exaggerated shudder. Her eyes narrowed into ugly slits. “I’m counting on the prince’s arrival. He’ll no doubt remember this place as a former trysting spot of ours.” She sighed dramatically, fanning herself. “Such memories we made here . . . Oh, he’ll come, all right. And when he does, the magick I now possess will make him fall in love with me.”

  For a long moment, Tasha examined her manicure as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Then, lifting a hate-filled gaze, she loomed closer and pointed at Lily. “You should have stayed in Earth’s realm, little mouse.”

  She dragged one sharp claw across Lily’s face, sending a thin trail of blood down her cheek. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Now you’ll die, and Kordlith will still be mine.”

  Lily tried to jerk back from another slash of Tasha’s talons, to no avail. Then one of the longer worms on her captor’s head stru
ck at the blood on her cheek. As Lily gagged from the horrible, sucking sting, Embry came awake, screaming.

  The warlock who’d been chanting flew into their midst, giving his minion a hard shove. “Dumbass, keep your snakes under control.”

  The minion licked his lips. “I love the taste of mated blood.”

  Tasha turned her venom on Lily. “He mated you fully in blood? I will tear you to shreds for that.” Whirling to the warlocks, she shouted, “Take that sniveling little virgin into the alcove and ready her for the removal of her heart.” As the biggest warlock stepped past her, she grabbed his arm. “Do not make a single slice until I join you, Jaceeric. Or you’ll regret it.”

  The warlock hesitated, visibly grinding his teeth. He gave a curt nod. “Yes, my queen.” Jaceeric roughly jerked a struggling Embry to her feet and dragged her to a narrow corridor that seemed to stretch forever.

  Forcing back her terror, Lily centered herself. She had one shot to stop Tasha and she wouldn’t waste it on hysterics. From deep within, her dragon thundered its hatred of the warlocks, their leader, and especially Tasha.

  Kord was on his way, of that she had no doubt. Would he make it before Tasha cut out her sister’s heart?

  She faced off with the Anglican witch, and let her power bubble.

  Under the surface of her skin, Lily’s dragon snarled and snapped, Traitor. Murderess.

  Their rage mounted together. Lily reveled in that hard simmer. Her hate homed in on Tasha. Come on, you worthless cow.

  Locking her knees, Lily’s burning eyes never left her enemy as Tasha advanced. Closer.

  One more foot. Come on . . .

  Embry’s cry of, “Let me go!” echoed through the frigid cave. Vengeance boiled through Lily, her dragon clawing against its confinement as Tasha laughed, spinning toward the corridor and calling over her shoulder, “She’s all yours, Rogues. Kill the stupid mouse. Make her suffer, first.”


  With one last surge of energy, Lily's inner beast exploded forth. Her muscles bunched, thickening, her powerful wings snapping open, rows of gnashing, deadly teeth forming in her wide, wide jaw. Freedom.

  Gods, it felt so good.

  Finding she had a tail, Lily swung it, one mighty sweep that knocked her two puny captors on their asses. The sharp, pointed tip smacked the warlock who’d grabbed her inappropriately, breaking the bones of his face. He screamed, begging for mercy.

  The other piece of dung threw his tattooed arms over his wormy head, whimpering.

  Lily purred in dragon satisfaction. “Finally.”

  The grumbling, gnarled words sounded foreign to her ears, but she loved their power. My power.

  Tasha shifted fast, her gown falling in tatters at her feet to join the puddle of clothing Lily had shredded. Clumsily she turned to flee, clearing the cavern arch and hitting the ground beyond.

  Lily tore after Tasha, noting with grim amusement how much smaller the golden dragoness appeared. Lesser in mind, tiny in heart, worthless right down to her foul, black soul.

  With a high-pitched squeal of alarm, Tasha took to the air. Lily unfurled her wings, following behind, gaining easily, opening her jaw and emitting a fierce flume of pure lavender fire. She watched with satisfaction as the flames caught Tasha’s tail, instantly engulfing it.

  Tasha screamed and swung around, shooting flames of her own, which Lily avoided by banking to the right. With a war cry, Tasha rushed her, catching her front flank with snapping teeth that sliced and gouged.

  Lily barely felt it, her dragon form beyond sensitivity to pain. Narrowing her eyes, she zeroed in on her prey. There would be no mercy.

  She flicked off Tasha’s jaws like a bothersome bug, and feeling more confident by the second, gracefully twirled and attacked anew.

  This bitch was going down.

  The stunning display that met Kord brought him up short. He hung in place, wings flapping to keep him aloft. Amazement dropped his jaw, even as pride swelled in his chest. His gaze riveted on his mate, now in full, glorious dragon form.

  Beside him, Bakka rumbled, “Holy hell.”

  Tearing his eyes off the awe-inspiring image of his mate kicking Tasha’s butt, Kord snapped, “Get down there. Your princess must be in one of the chambers. Be careful.”

  “Don’t worry about me, brother. Protect your mate and I’ll protect mine.” Bakka streamlined his wings, flicking one more glance at Lily. “Though yours seems to have it well in hand.” With a quick nod, he dove toward upper Bridging Cavern, blasting a warning cry.

  Kord swung to the incredible display before him, twenty feet or more below. Every single iota of his dragon gnawed at the bit to protect his tender, beloved mate.

  Although at the moment, Lily was more than holding her own.

  Gods, she is magnificent. He maintained his watchful position, ready to spew flames if needed, admiring his gorgeous dragoness. Her body was sleek and packed with lean, strong muscle that rippled as she struck and retreated. Her long, elegant neck, ringed with concentric shading from pale orchid to darkest purple, ended in a reptilian head that managed to retain delicacy as well as strength. Even her horns were stunning.

  Her wings held him spellbound. A subtle shade of violet, graced with iridescent sparkles of purple and gold along the thinner membranes, they were breathtaking.

  Every inch of her dragoness called to him, and it was all Kord could do not to jump in to protect what belonged to him. The alpha side of his persona demanded it.

  When Kord spotted a splotch of blood on her sinewy front flank, all reason fled. Roaring, he descended, flames bursting from his open throat, desperate to avenge her wounds.

  As if sensing his approach, Lily spun and confronted him with a shriek that could have shaken the very stars from the night sky. “She is mine. I claim the right of defeat.”

  Kord brought himself up short as he struggled against his protective instincts. In the glow of two moons, her eyes flared with demand as well as entreaty. Those lovely, silvery orbs, circled in the same lavender as the flames spewing from her throat, begged him not to interfere.

  Steadying himself, he bowed his head. Silently he flew higher, out of the path of her temper, and spread his wingspan to its fullest, a visible show of support and approval. No one would dare intrude.

  Kord kept his concentration fiercely focused on his mate as she fought for dominance over Tasha.

  The battle raged, blood now shed on both sides. Five minutes; ten. Even as his mate’s superior skills began to overwhelm Tasha’s weaker dragoness, Kord’s patience slowly unraveled, ready to go in and end it.

  Suddenly, the freicia guard crested the horizon, speeding their way and trumpeting in warning.

  Lily turned her head at the sound, and that’s when Tasha struck. Her jaws wide, she aimed for Lily’s neck, darting close enough for Kord to spot the madness in her eyes. Roaring, he dipped, a burst of fire exploding from his nostrils. It caught Tasha on her right wing, causing her to screech in pain even as she attacked his mate.

  In a flurry of lavender scales and flames, Lily and Tasha locked on to each other in a deadly show of snapping teeth.

  “No, Lily!” Kord dove for his mate as she hurtled toward the ground, her limbs and her tail tangled with Tasha’s. The sound of their impact shook loose stones and rocks from the front opening of the cavern. “Gods, no,” he prayed as he landed, hanging on to his rage by his claws.

  His heart pounding hard enough to shatter his ribs, Kord quickly approached as the dust cleared, coming to a halt when he spotted his mate pinning Tasha to the dirt, her tail and her jaws holding her defeated enemy in place.

  Wounded and bloody, Tasha had shifted and now lay humiliated, naked, almost gibbering as she stared up at the rows of bone-crunching teeth so close to her throat. She tried to move an arm and
Lily snarled hard enough to blow Tasha’s hair back from her grimy face.

  Dropping her uninjured flank, Lily sat on Tasha with a lopsided grin of victory. Goddamned adorable. Before he could say a word, Bakka rushed outside, back on two legs and wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants that were at least a size too small, towing a struggling male behind him.

  “Yo, Prince of Battle Draconian, want to take this scum off my hands?” He shoved the sniveling, bloody Zanralth to the ground. The coward hit the dirt and skidded on his face. Moaning, he flung his arms above his head and curled himself up like a weakling human infant.

  As Kord started toward him, two warlocks rushed from a smaller side entrance of the main cavern. One of them looked a hell of a lot like Maran.

  Jaceeric, you son of a witching whore.

  Eyes narrowing dangerously, Kord attacked, swatting one with his tail so hard he crashed into a nearby boulder and dropped to the ground, a loose bag of broken warlock bones. Kicking him out of the way, Kord went after the more powerful of the pair. The one responsible for Lily’s latest abduction, he was sure. And Kord was going to make him pay for the suffering his mate had endured.

  The warlock suddenly spun. Flinging his arms into the air, he began chanting furiously. If Kord hadn’t been in such a blood fury, the magick spewing from the snake-haired bastard might have slowed him down.

  Not today, jackoff.

  Kord was powerful enough to protect himself from any magick, and pissed enough to not care who was looking. Sucking in a deep breath, he sent a burst of molten-hot fire over the warlock, melting the skin from his bones, the rest of him disintegrating to ash and giving off a foul stink.


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