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Love Waits

Page 9

by Gerri Hill

  “Gina...God...please,” she murmured, grasping Gina’s head and holding her tight against her breast. She opened her legs wider, giving Gina room, feeling the steady rhythm of Gina’s hips as she ground into her. Gina’s mouth moved to her other breast, her tongue teasing, flicking at her nipple, making Ashleigh ache with a desire she hardly understood. “Please...”

  But Gina understood. She lifted her head, her dark gaze fiery hot. “I love you too,” she whispered.

  Ashleigh felt tears sting her eyes. She cupped Gina’s face, pulling her up, their mouths meeting gently now, their kiss languid, slow. Ashleigh pulled away, meeting Gina’s eyes, trying to convey how she felt. “I’m sorry about tonight. I never should—”

  “Shhh. No. We’ll talk about it later. I just want to love you. Will you let me? Will you let me do everything?” She brought her mouth to Ashleigh’s ear, her tongue bathing it, making Ashleigh squirm. “I want my tongue inside you. Not just my fingers, but my tongue. Do you want that?”

  Ashleigh moaned, afraid she would climax right then, just from Gina’s words and the very skilled tongue that was still invading her ear. “Yes. Yes,” she said. “I want that.”

  Gina’s mouth left her ear, pausing to nibble at her neck before moving lower. Ashleigh was trembling and she was nearly embarrassed by the sounds coming from her. She wanted Gina to hurry, but she took her time, her mouth moving slowly over the breasts, then lower.

  “Oh, God,” Ashleigh murmured. “Please, Gina...hurry.”

  “We don’t have to hurry,” Gina said as her tongue left a wet trail across her belly.

  Ashleigh lifted her hips, offering herself to Gina. “I can’t wait any longer. it.” If she sounded like she was begging, she didn’t care. This was an act she’d dreamed of for so long, and it was about to become a reality.

  She felt Gina’s mouth move across the hollow of her hips, nipping at the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs. Gina’s hands pushed her legs farther apart, then Gina cupped her hips, holding her tight as she lowered her mouth.

  “,” Ashleigh moaned, her hips jerking wildly as Gina’s tongue moved into her wetness, delving inside her, licking across her clit, teasing her, then lips closing over her as Gina suckled her clit, much like she’d done her nipple earlier. “Gina ...oh, God, it feels so good,” she panted. “So good. Please don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  Gina didn’t. With her mouth, she devoured Ashleigh—licking and sucking—holding her tight as Ashleigh writhed beneath her, totally out of control of both her mind and her body. Her fists held tight to the sheets as she struggled to breathe. The pleasure was immense and she let it wash over her, consume her, control her. Her orgasm came much too quickly, but she was powerless to stop it. Her scream was loud, she knew, but she couldn’t help it. It felt so good to release it, to finally be free to express the pleasure Gina gave her. Her hips bucked as she came, and she clasped her thighs tight, holding Gina’s mouth to her as her orgasm slowly subsided.

  She finally lay limp, her body exhausted—sated. She smiled as Gina kissed her way up her body. She found the strength to gather her close, pulling Gina into her arms.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered. “I can’t wait to do that to you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Present Day

  Gina finally escaped Crissy’s clutches, but not until Crissy had embarrassed both her and James Simpson. For all of his lovesick actions in high school, she would swear he was gay.

  She found Ashleigh at the bar, standing alone, a flushed look on her face. She made her way over, Ashleigh turning to look at her as she got nearer. Gina nearly stumbled, the look in Ashleigh’s eyes so familiar to her. It was the look she always had after they made love. Her eyes hooded, the blue made darker by her desire. As they stared, she saw a blush cover Ashleigh’s face before she turned away.

  But Gina’s curiosity was piqued. She stood beside her, leaning on the bar as Ashleigh was doing, their arms brushing.

  “Gonna share.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve seen that look in your eyes before. Hundreds of times,” she whispered.

  Ashleigh laughed. “Hundreds, huh?”

  “At least.”

  Ashleigh cleared her throat. “I’m embarrassed to say, but I took a trip down memory lane,” she admitted.

  Gina nudged her arm. “Share.”

  “Do you remember the night my mother talked me into going out with James? The night he tried to cop a feel at The Spot?”

  Gina nodded. “I was pissed at you. And very hurt.”

  “Yes. I called you. You came to my rescue.”

  Gina turned to her. “You told me you loved me. It was the first time you said those words.”

  Ashleigh smiled. “Yes. That night was a first for a couple of things.”

  Gina tilted her head, trying to recall what happened. She picked Ashleigh up at The Spot and brought her home. Her parents were out late and they were alone. Oh...that was the night...

  She smiled wickedly. “So, you were thinking about the first time I went down on you?”

  Ashleigh blushed anew and lifted her empty glass to the bartender, silently asking for another. “I did not start out thinking about that. I was thinking about James, actually, and Crissy playing matchmaker.”

  “What do you remember about that night?” Gina asked quietly. It was a night she’d not thought of in years, yet it was one that held special meaning for her. Not the fact that they’d finally experimented with oral sex. No. But it was the night they said their first “I love you” to each other.

  “If you think I’m going to discuss our past sex life, you’re crazy as hell,” Ashleigh said.

  Gina smiled. “I had the most intense orgasm of my life that night. When your mouth touched me, I thought I was in heaven.”

  Ashleigh bumped her shoulder. “You were in heaven,” she said with a laugh.

  “But you know what I remember most?”

  Ashleigh raised her eyebrows.

  “I remember the look in your eyes when I told you I loved you.” Gina swallowed. “It was the first time we were truly alone, the first time it wasn’t just hurried sex, the first time we made love.”

  “Yes,” Ashleigh whispered. “And after that, sneaking off for a quickie just didn’t do it for us any longer.”

  Gina nodded. “Thank goodness for your grandparents’ place.”

  Ashleigh sighed. “I can’t believe we’re discussing this. Actually, I can’t believe we’re speaking at all.”

  “What? You thought I’d still be upset and not want to talk to you? I’m over that, Ashleigh.”

  “You’d still be upset? What about me? Didn’t you think I might possibly be upset?”

  “Are we going to get into that again?”

  “Yes. What did you mean earlier when you referred to the girl I was seeing?” She stepped away as the bartender brought over a new drink for her. “Thanks.”

  “I don’t remember her name,” Gina said, shaking her head at the bartender’s unspoken question. She’d had enough alcohol for one night.

  “Who? I never dated anyone. After we broke up, I was too devastated to date.” She bumped Gina’s shoulder again. “Not that you had that problem.”

  Gina pushed away from the bar. “I was devastated too, Ashleigh,” she said quietly. “You broke my heart.”


  Gina held up her hand, stopping her. “Let’s don’t get into it tonight, Ashleigh. I’m suddenly very tired. I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  “Okay. You’re right. I don’t suppose rehashing it will make any difference.”

  Gina nodded. “I’ll see you at the pool party tomorrow.”

  She left Ashleigh standing at the bar, a confused look on her face. No, it wouldn’t make any difference to rehash it all. All that would accomplish would be to dig up old memories, ones that were best left buried.

  Chapter Eighteen
  Present Day

  “Oh, my God!” Crissy stood, then shrieked again. “Oh, my God. Look at you.”

  Ashleigh’s gaze was pulled from her book, following Crissy’s movements. Oh, my God, indeed. Gina strode toward them, her bikini covered with a sheer white swim shirt, hiding nothing. Absolutely nothing. She was tanned a golden brown, evidence of her days on the beach. Her legs were as long as Ashleigh remembered, the muscles tight, defined. Runner’s legs.

  “What? Too old for a bikini?” Gina asked as the two women stared at her.

  “You look fabulous.” Crissy turned to Ashleigh and pointed. “And here I thought Ashleigh would be the only one to pull off wearing a bikini.”

  Ashleigh felt her face blush as Gina’s eyes moved over her. There was nothing casual about her gaze and Ashleigh was conscious of Gina’s prolonged stare at her breasts.

  “You’re as beautiful as ever,” Gina said, her voice low.

  Ashleigh smiled. “Thank you. You look stunning.” She was pleased at the quick blush that covered Gina’s face.

  “Take my chair,” Crissy said. “I need to help Brian get started.” She walked away, then paused, looking back at them. “Look at you. I can’t believe you’re both single. We’ve got to fix that,” she said as she left them.

  “Single? She doesn’t know about Faith?”

  Ashleigh looked away. “I suppose not.” No, no one knew about Faith. Faith didn’t even know about Faith. She hid her smile, wondering if she should just tell Gina the truth. There was no Faith. Of course, how silly would that make her look? Then she’d have to confess as to why she made her up in the first place.

  “Why didn’t you bring her?”

  Yes, why, Ashleigh? She forced a smile to her face. “She’s never been here,” she said truthfully. “It would be boring.”

  “Have you ever brought any of your lovers home to meet your parents?”

  Ashleigh shook her head. “No. I don’t make it back here all that often. Holidays and such.”

  “Oh? Crissy made it sound like you come five or six times a year.”

  As usual. “What about you?”

  “My first time back, believe it or not. You remember my parents moved to San Antonio shortly after we started college.”

  “That’s right. And your dad died suddenly. I’m sorry.”

  “We had grown so far apart, especially after they divorced.”

  “Was it bitter?” She laughed. “Well, you know what I mean. I don’t suppose any divorce is a cakewalk.”

  “It wasn’t really bitter because it’s what they both wanted. I didn’t realize how miserable they were, I guess. But they went their separate ways and I was kinda left in the middle.” She shrugged. “Totally blew them away when I came out to them.”

  “Yeah, mine too. But they recovered quickly.”

  “And your mom never suspected us? Even after you came out?”

  “No. Not that she’s ever mentioned, anyway. Yours?”

  “Oh, yeah. First thing.” Gina laughed. “My mom blamed you, because you know, good Catholic girls like me wouldn’t ever cross that line.”

  “If she only knew how many lines you crossed,” Ashleigh said.

  Gina sighed. “Yeah, I did. Too many.”

  She suddenly had a sad look on her face and Ashleigh wondered what she was thinking of. She also wondered if Gina was ever going to want to talk about their breakup. Because she had questions and needed answers. Maybe if she had some sort of closure to the nagging questions she’d had all these years, well, then maybe she could go on with her life. Maybe she could finally let go of the past. Of course, that would be admitting that her life—her love life, at least—had been on hold. Not something she wanted to admit...or acknowledge. At least not to Gina. Because after all, there was Faith to think about. But to herself, she could readily accept the fact that no one ever touched her the way Gina had. Touched her physically nor emotionally. Even now, with twenty years behind them, she could still feel that spark, still feel the power between them. She wondered if Gina felt it too.

  “Why did you break up with me?” Ashleigh whispered.

  Gina turned, her eyes filled with reflection and sadness. “I wanted to give you your freedom.”

  “Why? Because you wanted yours?”

  “No. I never wanted anyone but you.”

  Ashleigh turned away, embarrassed by the jealousy she still felt. “Yet you slept with countless girls, night after night?”

  “I was trying to forget you. I was trying to get you out of my heart, out of my head. It was the only way I could cope. I’m sorry.”

  “Gina, I never wanted my freedom. I never understood why you did that.”

  “I didn’t want you to have to sneak around, Ashleigh. You didn’t deserve that. If I wasn’t the one, then—”

  “What the hell are you talking about? That’s the third or fourth time you’ve alluded to that. Did you think there was someone else?”

  “I saw you with her, Ashleigh. It was twenty years ago, so there’s no need to pretend any longer.”

  As much as she wanted to discuss this, to know...Ashleigh was too furious to continue the conversation in a rational tone. “You’re driving me fucking insane with these insinuations. Let’s just get it out and quit talking in goddamn circles,” she said, her voice rising.

  Gina grinned. “Wow, you did develop a potty mouth, didn’t you?” She stood and ripped off her swim shirt, leaving her standing there practically naked. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She strode the few feet to the pool and dove in, making barely a splash.

  Ashleigh stared, her eyes glued to the sleek figure as she glided under the surface. It wasn’t fair. Not after twenty years. She should be over it by now. But damn if she didn’t feel that old attraction rearing its ugly head. She sighed. And who was this mystery girl Gina kept alluding to?

  Gina was surprised by the sudden splashing around her as she surfaced. Apparently, all it had taken was for her to get in the pool to get the others to follow. She looked around, seeing somewhat familiar faces but not a single name would come to her. And while she was friendly enough in high school, she realized that Ashleigh was really the only true friend she had. The others were just classmates, faces in the crowd, kids she saw every single day, yet knew hardly anything about them. Ashleigh’s friends had welcomed her into their circle—Crissy, Jennifer, the guys—but only because Ashleigh insisted. She had nothing in common with them. They all came from prominent families who purchased brand-new sports cars for them, and most lived on the newer north side of town, complete with two-story houses and pools in the backyards, Ashleigh included. However, being madly in love did tend to make one overlook some things.

  “Having fun?”

  She spun around, surprised to find Ashleigh in the pool beside her. She smiled. “I don’t know any of these people.”

  “At the dance tonight, we’ll wear nametags. That should help.”

  Gina moved closer, teasing. “Do you think anyone would be shocked if the two lesbians danced together?”

  “Shocked only in that no one knows you’re gay,” Ashleigh said.

  “As much of a tomboy as I was in high school, and now here I am, not married,” she shrugged. “Come on, who wouldn’t at least guess?”

  “Well, if you’re just dying to out yourself to everyone, I’ll be happy to dance with you.”

  Gina playfully splashed water at her. “I don’t think we’ve ever danced together, have we?”

  “Well, we danced the night of the prom. Remember?”

  “Oh, yes. You were beautiful. The dance didn’t last long, if I recall.”

  “Then there was the night out at my grandparents’ pond where you sang to me while we danced.”

  Gina couldn’t resist as she moved closer, nearly pinning Ashleigh to the side of the pool. “Isn’t that the night we got very adventurous and tried to—”

  Ashleigh covered Gina’s mouth with her hand and grinned. “Do
n’t you dare say that out loud.”

  “I think I pulled a hamstring, didn’t I?”

  Ashleigh laughed. “How did we ever come up with that idea?”

  “You were on your period, but you didn’t want to waste an opportunity—”

  Again, a wet hand covered her mouth. “I remember. You don’t have to say it. But I think I enjoyed the prom dance more.”

  “Me too.” Gina moved away, enjoying being near Ashleigh far more than she should. “I think we would have died if not for your grandparents’ place though.”

  “I know. And honestly, I can’t go out there without...”

  “Thinking about us being together?” Gina finished for her.


  “Are they still alive?”

  Ashleigh shook her head. “No. They’ve been gone years now. They died eight months apart. They had four children, so the place and the land was supposed to be divided, but no one really wanted that and no one wanted to buy from the others. They ended up keeping it together, just selling enough acres to have money to remodel the house and put in a pool. None of my mother’s siblings live near here, so when they come, they usually stay at least a week. It’s turned into quite the vacation getaway. And it’s where we do Christmas each year. It’s a shame it took them dying to bring everybody together.”

  “But your mom has the upkeep on it?”

  “Yes. After a big weekend, they’ll just hire someone to clean it, but the pool has turned into the biggest headache. My father hates it. That’s his chore to keep it clean.”

  Gina dipped her head into the water, then slicked her hair back from her face. “And how are Mark and Courtney?”

  Ashleigh leaned closer. “Mark is a big flaming queen and lives in San Francisco. Courtney is a gynecologist and she’s in San Antonio.”


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