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Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (Saltwater Kisses Book 8)

Page 13

by Krista Lakes

  “Why would Murdoch owe you twenty bucks?” I asked, taking the first step to the main doors. “What did you bet on?”

  “That the two of you would get together,” Elijah answered with a shrug, pulling on the big door and holding it open for me. “Murdoch's a cynic and didn't think it would happen. He bet that you two would never be a couple.”

  “Seriously?” I asked. I had always thought that Murdoch liked me, but that fact that he was betting that Leo and I would never be together made my heart sink. Why didn't he think we would make it? I paused. “But, you bet that we would be a couple?”

  “Yeah.” Elijah said with a grin. “I always bet on love.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Once inside the mansion, I turned to go up the curving staircase to the master bedroom while Elijah veered off to the kitchen to find Murdoch and get his money.

  The stairs echoed with the clicks of my steps as I ran up them and threw open the doors to the big bedroom. The balcony doors leading to the ocean were open, letting in the warm night air filled with the scent of the ocean. Leo was at his desk, pouring over something and frowning. The room was dark except for the light on his desk and the blue glow from his computer screen.

  “You okay?” I asked, coming over to him. He had his hand on his head like he was in pain and there were shadows in his eyes that hadn't been there this morning. “Leo is something wrong with the phone app? Do I need to get Bastian?”

  “No, no need for Bastian. Everything's fine.” He closed the lid to his laptop and gave me a weak smile.

  “Are you sure? It's not a problem, Leo.” My concern grew a little. His voice was just too hollow and it felt like a lie.

  “It's just something I need Murdoch to look into for me. That's all.” He sighed, standing up from the desk. The thought of Murdoch looking into something gave me shivers. I wouldn't want to be on the other end of anything but a smile from Murdoch, and even that still was dangerous. Murdoch was a great bodyguard, but he was scary.

  “You look great by the way,” Leo said, changing the subject.

  “What? I haven't done anything special...” I ran a hand over my hair, noting that it was still windblown and tangled from sailing.

  Leo came around the desk, pulling me into him with an arm around my hips. He looked down at me like I was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

  “You're all windswept and your cheeks are flushed from sailing,” he whispered, tipping his head closer to mine. The corners of his mouth curved upward in the beginnings of a real smile. “Gorgeous.”

  I grinned, basking in his compliments. It was something I had always wanted him to say, so to hear it made my heart flutter.

  “Go on,” I murmured as he kissed my neck, just under my ear. His grip on my waist tightened and I tried not to moan at how good he felt. “Don't stop.”

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, his words dancing along my skin. “And smart. And funny. Did I mention, wonderful and amazing?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Oh. Well then, you are wonderful and amazing.” The smile was apparent in Leo's voice. “I've always thought so.”

  “Is that so?” I asked, looking up at him.

  Leo's blue eyes were serious. The truth shone within them as I dove into his gaze. These weren't just words to get him laid or meant to appease me. These were true. They were what he really felt and thought.

  “Yes,” he said slowly. “And so much more, Charlotte. There aren't words for how perfect you are to me.” He swallowed hard, his blue eyes close to swallowing me whole. “Or how much I love you.”

  I couldn't breathe. My heart stopped in my chest for an unending moment in time. Leo Westbrook, the man I had loved since the day I first saw him, loved me. Finally.

  “I love you, Leo,” I whispered back, my voice tight and loose all at the same time.

  He kissed me then, slow and sweet, but with so much passion it set my soul aflame.

  “Oh, Charlotte...” My name was music when he said it and it made me thrill to the tips of my toes. My whole life, no one ever said my name the way he did. “Stay with me.” It wasn't a question or a request, but it wasn't a command either. “Be mine tonight.”

  I grinned at him. “Why do you think I'm here?”

  He pulled me to him, wrapping his arms tighter and breathing in the scent of my hair. His whole body was still, as if he were desperately trying to remember every detail of how I felt in his arms.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, hugging him back. “You seem... I don't know... sad. Or disappointed. You sure there isn't something wrong?”

  He slowly released his grip on me, letting me go just enough so that I could look up into his beautiful face. The lamp light from his desk cast shadows across his blue eyes and the stubble on his cheeks was longer than it had been this morning, but he still looked perfect to me.

  “It's nothing important,” he promised. His eyes met mine and for a moment I could see storm clouds behind the beautiful blue of his irises. His fingers tightened across my back. “I need you tonight.”

  “Then I'm yours.” I kissed his lips and whispered, “I've always been yours.”

  His hands slid into my hair, tangling it between his strong fingers as he kissed me. Without having to think, my hands went around the back of his neck, my pelvis rocking against his as I whimpered into his mouth.

  He took his time, kissing me thoroughly. A long, slow swipe of his tongue over my bottom lip, his teeth nibbling the edges of my mouth, his lips pressing against mine. My hand stroked his jaw, feeling the slight prickle of two-day stubble. It wasn't unpleasant, if anything it added to the myriad of wonderful sensations flowing through his kiss. My tongue found his, colliding and tasting. He tasted so good, I knew I could never get enough.

  I could have kissed him for hours. Leo knew how to kiss me, knew exactly which way to move and how to open me up to him. But I didn't want to just kiss him. I wanted to make love to him, and if the growing hardness pressed against my lower stomach was any indication, he wanted it too.

  I broke away, grinning as I put my hand to his chest. “Mr. Westbrook, I do believe you need to relax. And I happen to know just how to do it.”

  “Is that so?” One eyebrow cocked upward as the corners of his mouth crept up in an self-assured grin.

  I seductively bit my lip, looking him up and down. He had changed from earlier and was now wearing dark slacks with a crisp, light-blue dress shirt. I loved his broad shoulders and slim waist, the way that he managed to look incredibly masculine but without overdoing it.

  My fingers went to the top button of his shirt and paused before undoing the first one. I undid each following, tracing down the line to the button of his pants. He didn't have an undershirt on beneath the dress shirt due to the heat of the Caribbean and I was glad. It meant that his shirt now spilled open and I could see every muscle. All I wanted to do was run my tongue down his abs and taste his skin.

  Looking up at him through my eyelashes, I slowly undid his belt buckle and then the zipper to his pants. He stood still, letting me undress his bottom half, even though his breaths were starting to become ragged with want.

  With his pants pooled around his ankles, I could see his excitement tenting in his briefs. Somehow, he managed to look even bigger than I recalled from this morning. Even though he wasn't touching me, I felt my skin come alive beneath his gaze.

  I tugged his briefs down, releasing his very impressive erection. I took a deep, desired filled breath and let it out slowly before pushing his shoulder. “Have a seat, Mr. Westbrook.”

  He glanced back behind him, his eyes going to the small leather couch next to the desk. With calm, easy movements, he kicked off his pants and briefs and went to sit. His knees splayed out, revealing his perfect manhood to me.

  As seductively as I could, I stepped toward him, swaying my hips and licking my lips. His eyes dilated as I went to my knees before him, tucking myself between his legs. I looked up at him, already wet my
self with what I knew I was going to do. I was going to give Leo the most pleasurable night he'd ever had.

  I lifted my gaze, making sure his blue eyes were with me as I leaned forward and tasted him. His skin was velvet beneath my lips. He groaned, every muscle tightening as he struggled to stay seated.

  “Charlotte,” he whispered, lust breaking his voice into a growl. “You don't have to do this.”

  I raised my chin. “You just need to relax. You've had a long day and need to unwind.” With that, I tipped my head back down, running my tongue up his entire length and loving the way he trembled at my touch. He stilled, a deep groan of pleasure vibrating through him.

  Spurred on by his reaction and the surprising pleasure I was getting from having him under my control, I swiped my tongue across his broad head, greedily licking and tasting every inch of him. I used my tongue to explore him, to caress his rock hard length. His hips bucked and his hands went to my hair, tangling in it and guiding me to where he wanted.

  I let him guide my motions, keeping my mouth and tongue busy on his pleasure as he rocked his hips upward. I could see his washboard abs tighten with every thrust. The muscled V pointing down to his crotch was tight as he clenched it in absolute delight. His rumble of pleasure echoed through the room as I swirled my tongue around him.

  “Oh, Charlotte...” I'd never heard his voice so close to breaking as he let his head fall back with ecstasy. The heat between my own thighs intensified as he groaned. “I won't last much longer with you doing that.”

  If my mouth wasn't so busy, I would have grinned. I loved that I could tip him over the edge so easily. “Let me.”

  “Not yet. Not, until I've had my turn.” He pulled back gently on my hair, pulling my mouth off of him. “Stand up.”

  Pouting, I didn't stop. I rather liked the idea of getting him off only with the skill of my tongue, but he just tugged a little harder on my hair until I complied. Standing before him, he looked me up and down, lust pouring from his every glance.

  “Take the dress off,” he commanded, his voice low and powerful. I swallowed once, not sure if I was ready to give in to him. I wanted to go back to my knees and finish what I had started. He stood up, towering over me, eyes dark and powerful. “Take the dress off,” he repeated

  There was no way I could resist him. I reached for the hem and slowly pulled the sundress up and over my head. His eyes dilated at the sight of my curves still in my swimsuit. He reached out his hand, slowly caressing the curve of my hip. His hand didn't stop there, though. He reached up, untying the back tie of my top. With a quick movement, he had my bra off and on the floor.

  He palmed my breast, his big hand caressing my skin. I loved how rough the pads of his fingers were on the sensitive flesh. He leaned forward, tipping his head to take one piqued nipple into his mouth. Teeth softly teased the delicate tissue even tighter and I gasped. My body was aflame with just his touch.

  He chuckled as I moaned, arching my back into his face and silently asking for more. “Go lie down,” he whispered. “There's more I want to do to you.”

  I shivered, wondering what beautiful torture he could have planned for me. I stepped back, taking one step before turning to go run to the bed as he had commanded. He caught my arm and grinned, reaching forward and smoothly undoing the side string to the bottom of my bikini.

  I stepped forward, the bottoms falling off effortlessly and grinned at him. I loved the way his breath caught as he watched my naked body sashay to the bed where I spread myself out for his delight.

  “God, you are so beautiful.” He stood at the foot of the bed and stared for a moment before stripping off his shirt and leaving it laying on the floor. “It isn't fair to make someone as beautiful as you.”

  I blushed, feeling the heat creep down my bare chest. Leo's compliments always felt more real to me than anyone else's. I looked up at him, naked in the dark of the room. He was so damn handsome and virile that I ached to feel him within me. The need growing between my legs was becoming unbearable.

  “Leo,” I whimpered. “Don't make me wait.”

  “Hold onto the headboard,” he commanded. I reached up, stretching my body out for his viewing pleasure. I flushed with delight at his sudden intake of breath. His cock jumped, ready to take me right there.

  He put one knee on the bed, spreading my legs as he climbed onto the bed. With one knee firmly placed at my groin, he traced the curve of my breast with his fingers. I groaned, arching my hips up as his fingers left magic trails of want across my skin. He pressed his knee higher, giving me something hard to rock against as he touched me. I was already dripping wet with desire, but with his thigh between mine, I started to rock.

  His hands came around the undersides of my breasts and cupped them together, creating cleavage. He dipped his head, bringing his lips back to my breasts and kissing them. His stubble rasped against my skin, adding a layer of sensation I wasn't ready for. He played with my nipples, rolling one between his fingers while nipping at the other with his teeth.

  I brought my hands down to his head, feeling his hair slide through my fingers as I pressed his face into my chest for more.

  “Nuh uh,” he said, shaking his head and repeating my phrase from earlier in the day. “Put your hands back up.”

  I whimpered, but slowly raised them. Once my fingers latched around the headboard, he resumed his gentle touches. I closed my eyes, focusing only on keeping my arms above my head as he showered me with kisses.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered, caressing each breast with the utmost care and love. His hand slipped down to my stomach, splaying out right before my mound. “So fucking beautiful.”

  I arched my hips, wanting his fingers to touch me. His thigh was great for rocking against, but I knew his fingers could give me release. He chuckled, the sensual sound filling the room. Slowly, so slowly I was sure I would go insane, he slid his fingers further and further south.

  “So wet,” he murmured, his fingers teasing with their feather light touch. “So damn perfect...”

  The touch of his fingers against my sensitive flesh made it impossible to control the arch of my hips into his hand. A wordless cry of perfect wonder filled my throat as I rode on white lightning into beautiful oblivion at just Leo's touch. I'd never come so easily, and never just at a touch.

  It was just what Leo did to me. I was built to respond to his touch without even trying.

  Gasping for breath, wordless and lost to wonder, I barely noticed as Leo positioned himself at my entrance. His hands pinned my wrists to the headboard. I bucked my hips, silently begging to be filled with him. I needed him to be a part of me, to physically complete me.

  He grit his teeth as he concentrated on going slow. Inch by fantastic inch, he pressed. I couldn't breathe at the sheer amount of pleasure ricocheting through my body. Every part of our bodies that touched singed with lust as he slowly filled me with himself.

  He was gentle, concentrating on giving me pleasure. Slow, deep and smooth strokes to fill my every wish. Except, I wanted him. My pleasure would come with his.

  “I'm yours, Leo,” I whispered, the words falling out without me even having to think. I had always been his. “Take me. Make me yours.”

  His eyes flashed in the darkness with lust and love. “Oh, Charlotte...” he gasped, ramming the final few inches of himself as deep as he could go. “I don't deserve you...”

  “More,” I begged. “I want all of you.”

  He thrust hard and fast, his fingers tight on my wrists, almost to the point of pain as he levered and plunged with reckless abandon. He was filling himself on my body, losing himself to me. My hips and back undulated to his pattern, desperate to keep up with him.

  I didn't let go of the headboard. I held on with my knuckles turning white as he filled me again and again. His mouth covered mine, kissing me and pulling me into him.

  Every thrust was more powerful than the last. He drove into me with such heat and intensity that I could barely stand it
. He was taking me in the most primal fashion I could imagine- using my body to satisfy his own. Pleasure coiled in my stomach, in the tips of my breasts, and seared down my backbone with such intense heat I was sure I was going to light the sheets on fire.

  Each thrust brought me higher, brought him higher. I could feel him swell and I cried out, begging for more. I wanted to feel him move within me. I wanted him to bury his unrest in me and to still and let me carry whatever burden he had. I would do anything for Leo. Anything.

  His breath came in quick, uneven gasps as his face twisted and grimaced with unbearable pleasure.

  I could feel my own body react to his impending climax with one of my own. The way he swelled within me triggered something primal and needy. I contracted down on him, drawing him as deep within me as physically possible and still wanting more. With a wordless, guttural cry, he exploded. Inner muscles I didn't even know I had massaged him deeper, trying to keep him forever within me. I never wanted him to leave me.

  The rough, ragged sound of his voice filled my ears like music. My name. My name was on his lips as he lost control of everything. His hips bucked and pushed, even as his cry faded.

  Impossible pleasure rocked through me, so deep and pure I couldn't keep my eyes open. Every muscle clenched and relaxed, shaking and trembling with unadulterated pleasure. I'd never experienced anything so powerful. This was what it meant for two people to come together. This was what sex was supposed to be. A meeting and merging and pleasure so strong that it defied logic.

  “I love you, Charlotte,” Leo gasped. He loosened his grip on my wrists, massaging them gently with his fingers. His eyes were dark pools that I wanted to swim in forever. I could see forever in his eyes and it was beautiful.

  “I love you, Leo,” I whispered back, meaning it with every ounce of my being.

  He leaned forward and kissed me and I knew that this was where I was always meant to be.

  Chapter Nineteen


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