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Pick of the Litter

Page 9

by Wendy Stone

  Heat coiled and twisted, turning into a tortured knot of pleasurable pain deep in her belly. Her body moved without her will, frantic for the final little bit of sensation that would splinter that knot. Cries came from her mouth, pleading, begging for him to not stop. He didn't, his tongue thrusting against her, his hand and face wet from her arousal.

  With a last screech, Marissa shot over that edge, an explosion coming from deep inside, filling her with light and heat, sharp tingles of pleasure that quivered over every inch of her skin. Bright lights filled her closed eyelids, shooting like stars across the blackness of her lids. She forgot how to breathe, forgot how to speak; her only thought was holding on and riding it out until it was over.

  When it was, Marissa opened her eyes slowly, looking up into golden eyes that smiled in satisfaction. She blinked sleepily, sighing and stretching. “That was..."

  "Stupendous? Incredible? Unbelievable?” Lukah chuckled. “Don't think you have to worry about my ego, Marissa. You can tell me the truth. I was a God,” he sighed, smiling down at her.

  "Nope, nothing wrong with your ego,” she quipped, shaking her head. “But you didn't..."

  "Do this?” he asked, sliding his cock inside of her.

  "Ahh,” she whimpered, biting her lip as his thick cock stretched delicate flesh still sensitive from the orgasm he'd just given her. “Yes, that."

  "I didn't want you to miss it,” he groaned, sinking slowly into her.

  He was hot inside, thick and long, filling her slowly until she could barely think. When he began to pull out, she clung to him, her legs sliding up his long legs and wrapping around his waist, pulling him back. “No, don't leave,” she breathed heavily.

  "I'm not going anywhere.” Lukah lifted up on his hands, staring down between their bodies, watching where they were joined. His cock emerged slowly, glistening with her juices. She could feel just the tip left inside her, leaving her feeling empty.

  Before she could complain, he pushed back inside, just as slowly. Marissa stared up into his face, watching the emotions that spun across it, unable to look away.

  Need was there, in the tightness of his mouth and the way he held his jaw. Want shown in his eyes and in the way his nostrils flared. Tenderness and caring were in the way he kept glancing at her face, as if to be sure she was all right. His arms flanked her body and she slowly let her hands run up the muscled columns, grasping his shoulder.

  "Is ... Is this all right?” he panted, moving a bit quicker.

  Marissa nodded, the swirling sensation beginning once more, deep inside of her. Her hands went into his hair, dragging him down, finding his lips. She had to taste him, had to taste his lust and desire.

  Their tongues tangled wildly, as wildly as his hips pumping into her. Her body was jostled with each thrust, her breasts jiggling, her nipples rubbing lightly against his hard chest. She couldn't breathe; it was happening again. Tearing her mouth from his, her nails dug into his back, her legs straightening and clamping down on his hips. Breathless cries came from her lips, her body contracting, the muscles that surrounded his hard cock squeezing in spasms of orgiastic bliss.

  "That's it, come for me,” Lukah grunted, jerking as his body reached its own peak.

  Marissa felt him come, heat filling her as his body thrust against her. She rejoiced in the thought that she was here, that she was in his arms. Knowing that she'd made love with him, that she hadn't freaked out or screamed in anything but outrageous pleasure, sent another shiver through her.

  Lukah stiffened as his body drained itself into her. Then he slumped, holding his weight off of her with his elbows, his face buried in the thickness of her hair. She stroked his back slowly, holding him, enjoying the wet heat of his body against hers.

  "Thank you,” she whispered.

  He lifted his head, smiling hugely even as he sought to catch his breath. “You're welcome, little one. Anytime. I do mean that,” he said, laughing.

  "I bet you do,” she said with a smirk, yanking him down for a kiss.

  He pulled away and rolled to his back, taking her with him so that she lay cuddled against his chest. “You feel so wonderful."

  Marissa turned her head, her eyes going to the big glass doors that led to the upper balcony. The sun was beginning to rise, the dark outside looking more purple than black. She was about to look away when something caught her eye. Something moved.


  He didn't answer, instead just stroked her hair.

  "Lukah?! Someone's outside!” she said, rolling away from him and grabbing the blanket.

  Lukah jumped from the bed, hurrying to the door. Naked, he opened it and stepped outside just in time to see a black panther jump from the balcony railing and onto a branch in a nearby tree. He stepped to the end, his nose twitching, watching as the sleek animal raced through the branches and then dropped to the ground. Not long after, a slender figure of a woman strode through the bushes, turning to glare defiantly up at him.

  * * * *

  Lucinda jumped, her tail swishing, helping her to land on the thin branch. It groaned under her weight and she skipped lithely to the next one, anger helping her move agilely through the branches. Dropping to the ground, she padded with feline grace into the bushes, finding the clothes that she'd removed for the change and dragging them on her once more mortal body.

  Her eyes blazed as she thought of the scene she'd just witnessed. He'd made love to that ... that human, treating her like some kind of fragile object. It was disgusting. It was sickening. Lovemaking should be wild and untamed, not controlled and ... and ... almost choreographed.

  That bitch was taming Lukah, turning him from the fierce fighter and feral panther into a litter trained house tabby. She swatted at a branch with a hand that still held glitteringly sharp nails, raking the leaves to pieces. How could she take someone as beautiful as Lukah and turn him into a domesticated pet?

  "I won't allow it,” Lucinda muttered. “Before Marshal can force me to mate with him, Lukah will tell me he wants me. I'll make him want me. If not, then I'll get rid of that bitch. She's not going to take him away from me."

  An evil smile bloomed upon her lushly curved lips and she stepped out of the bushes, glancing up at the railing. Seeing Lukah there, sans clothing, she couldn't help but stop for a second to admire the picture he made in the new light of early morning. Blowing him a kiss, she turned and headed toward the road where she'd left her car. She had plans to make.

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  Chapter Seven

  Marissa seemed to float into her apartment later that day. Her heather-colored eyes shone with joy, her heart leapt with anticipation. She would be seeing him again. Dinner tonight; something casual, he had said.

  She danced around her apartment, putting away clothing strewn across the floor from her desperate search for something to wear besides the dress that Terry had loaned her. That dress had done its job, Marissa thought, her hand going to her breast as visions of Lukah as he'd been that morning sprung into her mind.

  He'd been like a gorgeous wild animal, his lovemaking barely restrained by the leash he'd kept on himself. Lukah had made her feel things she'd never known existed, taking her to a plane of passion she'd thought available only in the smarmy romance novels she read. Who'd have thought that one man could make her world shake, quivering on its axis for only him.

  She could still hear the sound of his voice, see the expression on his face as he flooded her with his ejaculate. She could feel the tiny shivers of his skin against her palm as he came, his head thrown back and a look of sublime pleasure on his handsome face. He was magnificent in his passion, his eyes flaming golden heat.

  He'd made her feel again. He'd given her the most precious gift any man could give. He'd made her whole once more. In all of her twenty-seven years on this earth, she'd never felt more like a woman than when he'd held her in his arms.

  The light was blinking on her answering machine when she finally brought herself out of he
r happiness-induced euphoria long enough to check it. She hit the button, hearing the mechanical woman's voice.

  "You have two messages."

  "And it's ringing off the hook,” Marissa grinned at her own joke, smiling wider when she heard Terry's voice.

  "Where are you girl? I want details. Intimate details. The more intimate the better details. I want to hear everything, especially if that dress worked as well for you as it did for me. Call me! Sooner is better, my poor vibrator needs new inspiration."

  "Ewww, thanks Ter, I didn't need that vision in my head.” She reached out, hitting the button to erase the message. “This other one's probably from you too,” she said, almost deleting it right away. Instead, something made her wait.

  "Hey, bitch! Took me a while to find your number, but I got it now. You're loser boyfriend did a number on my friends, bitch. We're going to take it out of your hide.” He giggled, high pitched and creepy before hanging up the phone.

  Marissa stared at the machine, her heart now racing from fear. She looked around her apartment, the place where she'd once felt safe and secure. It now seemed too open, too exposed. Running to the door, she locked the last deadbolt and pulled the chain, not even then feeling safe.

  "Oh, God,” she whispered, her hands clasped and pushing against her stomach. The happiness she had felt burst like a giant bubble, leaving her shaken and afraid. She crossed the room, going to the overstuffed chair and sinking down into it, bringing her feet up to hug her knees, rocking and staring at the phone.

  Tears streaked down her cheeks as memories she'd thought conquered by her night of gentle intimacy with Lukah flashed like some horrid picture show in her mind. The echoed memory of the pain those men had caused her had her whimpering and she stood, going to the answering machine to delete the message.

  Her hand hovered over the delete button, she wanted so desperately to press it, to rid herself of that voice and the terror it had invoked. She struggled with herself, wanting so greatly to just press it, to forget and bury her head in the sand.

  But the threat remained. It wasn't something she couldn't just ignore. With a deep sigh, she picked up her phone, dialing 9-1-1. “Yes,” she said when the operator answered. “I need to report a rape."

  * * * *

  Lucinda stared down at the head that rested against her breast, her skin glistening with sweat, her body crying out for more. An almost silent sigh of disgust passed her lips, for she knew that Dimitri couldn't give her what she so desperately needed. None of them could. None but Lukah.

  He was out fucking that ... that mortal!

  "Am I the best?” she whispered to Dimitri, lifting his head from where he'd been contentedly sucking on her nipple like a baby with a sugar teat.

  "You know you are, Lucinda. Why the hell do you think I face Marshal's wrath to be with you? Do you know what he or your father would do to any of us if they thought we were fucking you?” Dimitri moved up, forcing her legs open wider and pushing his cock, hard again, into Cin's sopping sex. He snatched her roughly, grabbing her legs and yanking them up and over his shoulders to almost bend her in half.

  She stared at him. He was like a little boy, taking his pleasure and then wanting to pack up his toys and go home. His big body thundered into her, shaking her body with every thrust, but still, it wasn't enough. With a growl she thrashed under him, pushing him off of her and rolling across the bed.

  She felt his hands come down on her, hard and bruising and finally felt the first spurt of desire. He grabbed her waist, yanking her under him once more, growling deep in his throat. “Stay put, bitch,” he snarled, thrusting into her hard from behind. His hand grasped the slender nape of her neck, pushing her face into the mattress even as he forced her hips up. “You know you like this."

  "I know I like it when a real cat does it. Maybe you need to go back to your litter?” she gasped, feeling her entire body shake with every thrust of his hard cock into her. She scratched at the mattress, trying to find purchase to pull away, unwilling to give in so easily. Twisting under him, she finally found enough traction to pull away, turning her body. “If you want me, you're going to have to take me,” she snapped, leaping off the bed with feline grace.

  Dimitri was after her like a shot, stalking her around the wide bed. His eyes were locked on to her body, his senses caught in everything that made Lucinda irresistible to him.

  Lucinda ran her hands over her body, squeezing her breasts before pinching her nipples and then moving her palms over her waist and her lush hips to the tangle of black fur on her sex. “Why should I give this to you?” she asked him, pulling the thick lips apart to brush one finger over her distended clit. She gasped with pleasure, circling that sensitive nub to continue the sensation.

  "Cin,” Dimitri growled, “don't push me now."

  A shiver of fear tingled up her spine, making her even more reckless. A male panther was not an animal to push when his lust was up. They could be dangerous and unpredictable, hurting the female without realizing it in their rush to sate their passions.

  But this was what Lucinda wanted, the danger, the unpredictability, the rush of fear. This is what she pushed at Dimitri for, to get him to that point and further, until she was trapped beneath him, his teeth buried in her skin, his body pummeling her own.

  "So you think you're cat enough to tame me?” she taunted him. “I don't think you have it in you to make me heel to your commands."

  Dimitri roared as he leapt across the bed, his hands grasping her and throwing her down, not on the bed but on the floor. The soft carpet barely muffled the thud she made, her palms and knees stinging from rug burn. Before she could gather herself to get away, he was on top of her, his teeth on her shoulder, his sharp fangs sinking into her back.

  She screamed, the ecstasy of the pain he inflicted washing over her. His hands were on her hips, his nails gouging into her skin. It added a new dimension to the pain he was inflicting and she felt her climax building. Lucinda needed him inside of her if she were to finish this.

  "Fuck me!” she ordered, staring over her shoulder at him. Dimitri was in mid change, his face covered with black fur, his nose turning to a muzzle, his eyes turning golden and almond shaped. His hands were paws, sharp claws buried into the soft flesh of her hips. His body was still that of a man, his cock quivering with lusty throbbing.

  He didn't need to be told again, pushing into her with one swift thrust that buried him balls deep inside of her. Lucinda pushed back, feeling him fill her, his teeth digging into her and holding her down for him. His hand slapped at her ass, leaving a red hand print that matched the rest of the marks on her body, marks that she'd forced him to give her.

  Her flanks quivered, her body grew tight and still under him. He refused to loosen his hold on her shoulder as he reached one rough hand around her hip, sliding a claw tipped finger into the steamy heat between her thighs to twiddle her clit. A strangled cry was wrested from her mouth and she arched under him, her hands clenched into fists.

  It started a tiny spark, roaring to the size of a wildfire inside of her within seconds. Her head spun, her hands pounded against the mattress and she used her toes to scrape at his legs, needing to hurt him to continue the feeling. Miniscule explosions burst along her spine and down her thighs until she screamed into the sheet beneath her, shuddering in some kind of fit as her climax claimed her.

  She felt Dimitri collapse, his orgasm triggered by the start of hers. His didn't last as long and he was finished, releasing his hold before she was ready. It left her in the midst of a pleasure that was painful, unable to finish, rolling upon the bed.

  "You fucking asshole,” she screamed at him where he was curled up, a satiated smile upon his face. “You can't leave me like this."

  "Sure I can,” Dimitri said calmly, enjoying her dilemma more than he probably should. Lucinda was a spiteful bitch. But she would be married within a week's time and then back to the island to live like the rest of the mated females, carrying litters and car
ing for the young.

  Her eyes narrowed and she changed, the slight pain that accompanied the shifting of bones, muscles and skin like a paper cut in her state. With a growl that sounded almost maniacal, she leapt toward him, her claws out, her teeth bared, wanting blood.

  Dimitri met her in his own cat form, larger than she, sleek with thickly furred rounded ears and eyes that weren't as amber. He moved out of her way easily enough, knocking her to her back with one well placed paw. Then he sat upon her, his teeth at her throat; the threat implied was implicit enough to make her back off.

  Get out! She screamed at him in the language of their kind.

  Gladly, he replied. You're a fucked up female, Lucinda, and Marshal is welcome to you. He slid off of her, turning as if he couldn't trust his back to her.

  Lucinda took one last look at him, spun and headed for the window at an easy lope. With one graceful leap, she was through the opening and over the sill, landing easily upon a branch in the tree.

  Her mind whirled, the need inside of her making her less cautious than she usually was. She slipped when she made her next leap, crashing through the branches and landing on her side on the ground below.

  * * * *

  Lukah whistled as he walked into the kitchen of his estate, smiling as his uncle looked up from the conversation he was having with Marshal, Lucinda's intended mate. “Uncle, Marshal, is all well with you?"

  "You are a generous host,” Marshal said, nodding his big head, “though this is a strange place with strange ways. I am grateful for all you have done for my intended and her family."

  Lukah opened the fridge, reaching in and pulling out a bottle of water. He shrugged as he twisted open the top. “It is my way,” he said simply. “You and they are always welcome here."

  "I know my daughter has not been easy to bear at times, Luc. Lucinda has grown wild and strong-willed away from the guiding hand of her mother. I blame myself for giving in to her wishes for seeing more of the world before she filled her position in the clan.” Julius lifted his glass of juice in salute of his nephew.


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