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Touchdown Desires

Page 8

by Jenna Payne

  "I guess we are both fantastic then. Are you ready to go beautiful?" she asked, taking on a rare gentle look that caused Samantha to blush slightly again. "Are you sure about this Samantha? This is a pretty big shindig for a first date with a woman. Especially me, I can be a bit obnoxious."

  Samantha took her hand. It was true she was nervous, but it was an excited nervousness.

  "No worries dear, I am ready to go anywhere with you," she told her.

  They left the apartment and Samantha locked up behind them. Walking down the steps with Joey, Samantha was greatly surprised to see there was a limo waiting for them.

  "A limo, really? This is amazing Joey. How did you manage this?"

  Joey grinned as the driver got out and came around to open the door for them. Her friend did not answer until they were inside and Samantha saw two glasses of champagne and a plate of hors d'oeuvres waiting for them. Joey raised her glass and Samantha joined her. They clinked and sipped. It was amazing.

  "It is a party thrown by a top player in Major League Baseball darling. Only the best. I told him I had a hot date and he insisted on sending the car. How was I going to refuse?" she asked rhetorically.

  Samantha took another sip smiling. "You definitely know how to show a girl a really good time," she told her enthusiastically. She knew Jack Monroe was the best hitter and shortstop in the Major's.

  Joey smiled and bragged a little about her main contract client outside of the little gym she worked at. Samantha realized why Joey always had money, the going rate for a physical therapist to a major sports star was probably significant. As they drove out of the city they both relaxed enjoying the luxury.

  "So, Sam. What made you decide to ask me out? I know I am your first," Joey asked directly.

  It was one of the things Samantha loved about her. She did not sugar coat anything. If she had a question she would ask it. It was a little uncomfortable, but Joey had a right to ask.

  "I think I realized how much I liked you when we became such good friends, and you are really sexy to me. Not as an observer either. I could feel that response in me," Samantha told her a little hesitantly while Joey watched her encouragingly. "Then thinking about it, I realized that I had never really been attracted in that way to the guys I have dated. I was looking through an old high school yearbook and had a flashback of going to the games to watch the cheerleader’s asses, not the football player’s. I think it was just the small town influence that blocked me from realizing a few things about myself." She shrugged then, not sure where to go from there.

  It was enough for Joey who put an arm around her and hugged her. Then she poured them each a second glass of champagne and handed her a small crab cake.

  "Some women never get why they are unhappy with their relationships. I am glad you don't have to go through that. I have known where my interests pointed since puberty and feel lucky to have known right away. Then I met you and I have had no interest in dating anyone else anymore. I am so glad you asked me out Sam, really. I am going to do my best to make this work and take it easy on you. I promise," she told her honestly.

  Samantha smiled and raised her glass for another toast. Her head was a whirl with her feelings of happy excitement and she could not stop smiling.


  A Major League Party

  Samantha had never been in such a luxurious place before. The owner, Jack Monroe, had greeted them as they came in and encouraged them both to enjoy the party. It was a huge mansion equipped with 25 bedrooms, 20 baths, and a movie theater. Thick carpets and mahogany furniture made her feel like Cinderella at the ball. Joey introduced her to a few of the people she knew there and they found their way to the bar to get a plate of more substantial food. Joey was adamant that if they were going to do any more drinking, they needed to eat. Samantha was glad for that; she was usually a lightweight when it came to booze. They ate at a standing table and Joey pointed more people out to her. There were a few well-known actors and Jack's manager, Tom Brody, too. Samantha noticed a hallway exiting from the far corner of the room and some people occasionally disappearing down it, but only rarely coming out.

  "What's down that way Joey?" Samantha asked.

  Joey looked where she pointed and grimaced slightly.

  "At the other parties I have been invited to here, that is the direction that people who like substances other than booze go. Not really my thing and Jack isn’t into it either. So the guests who are into it don't flaunt it," she informed Samantha.

  "I did want to point something out to you Sammy," Joey said.

  "What's that?"

  "Those high heels are hell on your back, you know," she said causing Samantha to laugh.

  "I have been waiting for you to say that! I rarely wear them and besides, they make my legs look great and now I can see over the table," Samantha answered with a grin.

  Joey was known for instructing her women clients to stay away from high heels. She was obviously feeling very relaxed though when she answered.

  "Your legs always look great Sam. Please don't make a habit of it," she said with her own smile.

  Samantha good naturedly promised not to and they finished their meal. Afterwards they ordered a drink and moved towards the dance floor.

  Samantha had a blast dancing with Joey. Both of them were good at it and to her great surprise she was very comfortable. In the past she had danced with women, as most women did, when the men had no interest in dancing. This time felt different, better than before. She knew it was because of her feelings for the sexy woman she was with. When they left the floor an hour later for another drink, she knew they were both getting appreciative glances from men and women.

  "That was fun Joey. I hope I didn't wear you out," Samantha teased her friend who guffawed at her remark.

  "No chance. I am going to do my best to wear you out!" she proclaimed.

  Samantha asked for a schnapps and Joey ordered a beer. They caught their breath and were leaning against each other, sipping their drinks at the side of the dance floor when their host, Jack Monroe, came over to see them.

  "I hope you ladies are having a good time," he greeted them, sipping his own beer.

  "It is great as always Jack. Although I am going to take off this jacket and tie," Joey told him, stripping off the items.

  She unbuttoned a few buttons at the top of her blouse and the way the snug white shirt hugged her breasts looked fantastic to Samantha. Samantha picked up the jacket from the back of the chair Joey had thrown it on and folded it neatly, tucking the tie in the pocket without thinking about it.

  "All this time Joey you never bring a date, and when you do you are the most beautiful women in the house. It hardly seems fair. You have been holding out on me," Jack joked.

  Samantha blushed and thanked him for the compliment.

  "That is sweet of you Jack. I bet the guys here are a little miffed at your good looks as well," she complimented back politely.

  He grinned. He was a big man. Strong, with long brown hair in a ponytail with a neat goatee. Samantha was sure other women fawned over him all the time.

  "That is what I tell myself anyway," he answered. "So, Joey tells me you are a tax accountant?" Jack asked her.

  She nodded gazing up at him curiously.

  "If it wouldn't spoil your buzz, could you look at something for me?" he asked surprising her.

  She glanced at Joey who looked surprised, but shrugged.

  "Sure, no problem," she told him. She did not want to be rude, after all it was his house and his party, she thought to herself.

  They followed him down a hallway and up a big staircase that circled to the next floor. As they walked he told a joke about baseball that Samantha did not completely understand. Joey laughed with him and Samantha just smiled. She loved seeing her friend have such a good time. The upstairs was as amazing as the first floor and he led them to an office, shutting the door behind them. The noise from the party was almost cut off completely.

  "Look, I h
ate to cut into your date ladies but it is important," he said picking up a folder on the desk. "Could you just take a quick look at these and see if anything looks off to you?" he asked.

  "Sure Jack, not a problem, let's see," Samantha said as she began scanning the paperwork. They were some pretty complicated tax forms. It was that time of the year after all, and many people did not understand them. She flipped through quietly while Jack and Joey made jokes about other teams’ stats until Samantha found herself frowning.

  "Hey Jack, do you know what this is?" she asked leaning over and pointing to one of the line items on the form.

  "I thought it was a deduction," he said with a note of worry coming into his voice.

  "Um no, actually. The deductions start down here," she pointed half a page down. "This number here indicates a tax id number. From what I can see it is not connected to your business tax id. It looks like, on first glance anyway, that money is being removed to another business. Do you have another business?" she asked without thinking. It occurred to her as soon as the words left her mouth that he may not want to air all of his business to her. Before she could apologize he shook his head with a frown.

  "No, I don't. I have been encouraged to have different revenue streams, but baseball is my only interest. Can you tell anything about where it is going?" he asked.

  Joey was watching the interplay with interest.

  "No I can't. Not from this. It would take most of your tax information and several hours, maybe a day, depending on how discreet you would want me to be," she told him.

  He fell silent and she looked to her girlfriend. Joey looked mildly concerned and moved up next to her. Samantha put her arm around Joey for comfort. She recognized that Jack had a big problem.

  "Ok, Samantha. Joey trusts you and I trust her without hesitation, so I am going to ask a favor. I have all of my tax forms and information right there," he pointed at a leather briefcase on the desk chair. "I will pay you a contract fee if you could spend a day looking into this for me. Only no one outside of you two are to know you are doing it. I have a feeling there is something rotten going on and I need to find out what , like you said, discreetly."

  Samantha nodded in understanding, thinking about his offer. She could tell that Joey would like Samantha to help her friend if she could. Fortunately, Samantha was a private contractor and always kept her contracts high end. She did not need to have many clients to do well. With the weekend coming up she would have enough time to look at Jack’s taxes.

  "Sure I could do that Jack. Don't worry about a fee. Joey has always spoke well of you and we are friends, so I can go over it no charge. If it gets too complicated, or will take longer, I will let you know. I don't foresee a problem though," she told him.

  He thanked them repeatedly and told her the briefcase would be in the limo waiting for them when they finished up the evening. Then he escorted them back to the party and he danced with them both. He seemed to have lightened up, knowing she was looking into it for him.

  His manager came over and joined the group, having a drink with them. He seemed nice enough. He was a skinny blonde guy, clean shaven and about six feet tall. He wore a jacket and slacks over a team t-shirt and his jewelry was high end and flashy.

  "I hope you ladies are enjoying the party. We like to do it up before we have to get ready for spring training. Once that starts Jack stops any and all partying. He takes his job seriously," he informed them proudly.

  To Samantha it sounded like he was reciting a speech. She figured he always talked his client up that way. It was, after all, his job. He eventually wandered off to hit on some of the available women, and a little while later she saw him leading a young actress down the hallway Joey had told her about earlier.

  They had a great time and at around one in the morning they were getting back into the limo. They both had taken it easy at the party, but started drinking the champagne during the hour and a half trip home. By the time they got to her apartment they were both drunk and Samantha sent the limo off.

  "She is staying with me!" she told the driver. They all three laughed then Joey and Samantha went up the steps to her apartment.

  "I am going to change darling, can you give me a second?" she asked.

  Joey sat on the couch and put her hands behind her head. The movement stretched her blouse over her boobs and Samantha loved the view.

  "I will be here with bells on baby," Joey answered with a giggle.

  Samantha had never heard her giggle before and giggled herself, going down the hall to her office where she dropped off the briefcase before continuing to her bedroom. She put on a short red silk negligee that was low cut and barely covered her rear.

  Heading back to the living room she was briefly disappointed that Joey had fallen asleep. She stared at her a moment and then smiled. The woman looked so darn cute she couldn't be mad. She cuddled up next to her to go to sleep herself, and as she was fading out she felt Joey’s arms go around her. Samantha had wonderful dreams of the two of them having a romantic weekend in a cabin, alone together for days. It was the best dream she ever had.


  Laundering Money is A Dirty Business

  Samantha awoke slowly and sighed, enjoying the feeling of being curled up next to Joey. After a few minutes though, she realized that she had to use the bathroom and separated herself from her friend. Joey was still sleeping heavily and slid down sideways to lie on the couch. Samantha draped a throw blanket over her and went to take care of business.

  Once awake, Samantha could not go back to sleep, so she drank some water while the coffee was brewing and took two aspirin for her hangover. After eating some yogurt and toast she went into her office. It was only seven am so she figured she would get Jack’s taxes out of the way while Joey was sleeping.

  First she read through the documents Jack had given her and then began doing some research. Nothing she found was good for Jack, but if she was going to give him bad news, she wanted all the information she could find. Fortunately, she was something of a hacker. She did not use her computer hacking skills for her job normally, but in this case she felt it was necessary. By the time she heard Joey waking up, Samantha was finishing up and storing everything she had found onto a thumb drive. She sighed and got up to go and greet her.

  "Hey sleepyhead, good morning,” she said when she came into the living room. Joey smiled slightly and stretched, sitting with her back straight. The woman was all about posture. Samantha’s smile got wider when she saw her friend had undone her blouse so her front was only covered by a sports bra. Samantha again felt the warmth deep inside.

  “Morning Sam, sorry to crash out on you last night,” she said, standing and stretching a little more.

  "No problem, you can see my little nightgown another time. Want some coffee?" she asked with a saucy grin, causing Joey to laugh.

  "I promise to be awake the next time I have a chance! And yeah, I would love some coffee," she answered with a smile. She followed Samantha into the kitchen and thanked her for the coffee, sipping it with a satisfied sigh.

  "Oh, this is good. I am feeling a little grungy, would you mind if I take a shower honey?" she asked.

  "Of course not, go ahead. I may have some clothes that will fit you too. Come on, I'll get them," Samantha offered.

  She got her friend set up and in the bathroom with a towel, then she went back to her computer and shut it down after erasing anything having to do with Jack's business. She knew a few tricks so it was really erased. Most people thought if they deleted something it was gone. Samantha knew better and had a way to take care of it, just to be safe. She did not like what she had found and she wasn't sure how to tell Joey that her friend was in trouble. As it turned out, she didn't have to. Trouble found them.

  Just as she heard the shower stop there was a knock on the front door. Samantha went down the hall to see who it could be as she wasn’t expecting anyone. As soon as she turned the knob it was pushed open and Jack rushed in, shutting th
e door behind him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded and then noticed his demeanor. He looked exhausted, scared, and was wearing a miss-matched sweat suit and leather jacket. His hair was out of his regular ponytail and wild too.

  “I am so sorry Samantha, but I think I got you and Joey in trouble. You have to come with me. Some bad people are coming and you can’t be here!” he told her breathlessly.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” she demanded this time. Normally Samantha was not so forward, but this was her home.

  “Look, throw some clothes into a bag and I will explain as you do. Hurry, it is dangerous to stay here. They will find where you live. Hurry!” he said sounding panicked.

  Samantha could feel his fear; it was palpable to her. Whatever was going on she believed him when he said something bad was happening. She turned and rushed down the hall to her room, got her gym bag and began grabbing clothes, throwing them into it.

  “What’s going on Jack?” she said over her shoulder.

  “I woke up this morning and my office had been completely trashed. Files all over the floor, my computer taken apart. I think whoever did it stole the hard drive. Someone is looking for something. I think it’s the papers I gave you to look over. Then Tom showed up, and when I told him, he was all for hiring security to look into it, but did not want to call the cops. The he started asking about Joey, and especially about you Samantha. Do you remember meeting him last night? He knows you are an accountant, he mentioned that. I bluffed and said you had come as Joey’s date and were not tied to the business in anyway. He didn’t look like he believed me,” Jack finished with a grimace.

  “I remember meeting him. Do you think he is behind it?” Samantha asked as she finished stuffing clothes into the bag.

  “Yeah, he is up to something for sure. I just don’t know what and won’t until you go through the papers I gave you last night. We can’t do it here though,” he said. Before she could say anything Joey entered the room.

  “Jack, if Samantha is hurt in any way I will rip your lungs out. Remember that!” she said fiercely as she came over to Samantha and put an arm around her.


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