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Touchdown Desires

Page 34

by Jenna Payne

  “Hey, who has the spray paint?” Charlie got off of his Harley just as everyone else arrived, parked and turned off their bikes.

  “John has it, but more importantly, who has the beer!” I hollered and a couple guys came forward and we forced open the huge warehouse doors so we could set up inside. The plan was to tag a wall with our name on it, then build a fire inside and sit around it with a few beers and cigars. It wasn’t a serious crime. But it wasn’t technically legal either. Charlie took his bandanna from around his leather clad arm and wrapped it around his nose and mouth before he picked up a can of black spray paint that John set down to get the beer. One of the guys tossed me a beer and I twisted the cap open and watched as Charlie painted, ‘The Boys’ onto the far left wall. He was actually pretty good at block letters.

  “Yo Hunt!” I was called over to help the guys build the fire. Once we got wood gathered and the fire going, Charlie was halfway done with his masterpiece. The guys started making fun of him while he finished the last few letters. Once it was done, we toasted with some beers and pretty much just shot the breeze, talking about this and that. I didn’t think we’d get caught as we were so far out in the woods, until we heard sirens. Everyone jumped into motion. Charlie made sure to ditch the spray paint can after he wiped it down. Though I didn’t think that was exactly necessary. Most of the guys were already ditching the scene, but John, Charlie, and I stayed back to make sure the fire was put out before we hopped on our bikes, to head up the dirt path that led back to the road. Only by the time we started winding through the trees, the cop cars were meeting us head on, on the one-way path. We were forced to stop.

  “Shit man!” I cursed, as the cops got out and told us to get off the bikes and put our hands behind our heads.

  “What were you all doing out at the old log warehouse?” one of the cops asked us, as another squad car pulled up. Two cops corralled us by a couple of trees while the other two went to check out the warehouse, no one said anything until they came back with the spray paint can and a bottle of beer.

  “I’m thinking we’ll find at least one of your fingerprints on this can of paint,” one of the officers said, but again Charlie, John, and I remained quiet. We wouldn’t rat one of our brothers out. “Alright then, we’ll be forced to take you all in for trespassing and vandalism,” the cop said, then we were read our Miranda Rights while being cuffed, and lowered into the cop cars.

  “Fuck man, I can’t go to jail for this,” John mumbled as the cop shut the door and I cursed again.

  “Who knows how they’re gonna treat my bike while impounding it,” I said and John let out a slew of curses until the cops got in the car and we drove off to the police station.

  “Man, I don’t want to spend the night in jail.” John groaned and he beat the back of his head against the headrest. My mind raced with solutions that could get us out of this bind. We’ve been charged with misdemeanors, but it was enough to hold us for a while. Then I remembered my dad’s new wife telling us about how her daughter was finally coming to visit. How she usually couldn’t make much time because she was a lawyer and all. I breathed a small sigh of relief and hoped like hell I wouldn’t waste my one phone call in begging Veronica to enlist her daughter’s help. I wondered if she had even flown in from Colorado yet.

  Once we were brought to the station and booked, I asked for my phone call after telling the guys that I could maybe take care of things. While the phone rang, I prayed for Veronica to pick up.

  “Hello?” she answered suspiciously. Even though it was about one in the morning, she didn’t sound like she had been sleeping.

  “Vee! Hey, um it’s Hunter. Mind if I talk to you about something important?” I asked, my voice was urgent enough that she shouldn’t hang up on me.

  “Sure Hunter, what’s so important?” Vee was really a nice person and I was glad that my dad had found her. She would be an absolute angel if she helped me out.

  “Well, a couple of my friends and I were out riding and we got into a bit of mischief. The cops picked us up and booked us over a couple of misdemeanors…” I said, and Vee gasped.

  “Oh Hunter, of course we’ll help you out my daughter just got in. I’m sure I can convince her to help you guys out,” Vee said, and I sighed with relief.

  “Thanks a million Vee! You’re a life saver. I swear I’m not usually the kind that needs to be bailed out of jail.” I assured her and Vee chuckled.

  “Oh I know Hunter. You biker boys have to be rough and tough. Don’t worry Liz will be right over to the station. Which one is it?” I gave Vee the information, and she promised Liz was coming to the rescue.

  Chapter 3


  I listened to my mother telling Hunter that I would be right over. What the hell. “Are you kidding me Mom?” I asked with exasperation as my mother hung up the phone and looked at me with her big, brown, doe eyes.

  “Baby, I just really want this week to go well and for us to become a family. Please, just go help him out. Hunter is rugged, but he really isn’t the type to end up in jail, just this once Liz, please,” I grabbed my purse and glanced at Seth, who was leaning against the kitchen counter, smiling.

  “Fine, just this once. I am on vacation you know. I hope my Christmas present is amazing,” I grumbled and my mother hugged me tightly before I followed Seth through the house out to his truck. “Do you remember which station she said he was at?” I asked and Seth nodded as we got into his truck and he started it up.

  “Not that I’m saying this is in any way okay, but Hunter isn’t the type that’s like in and out of jail or anything. He used to be a Marine. He’s usually a straight and narrow guy, sure rugged around the edges, but still not the type to break any laws, or serious laws anyway,” Seth said. I wondered why they were all defending this Hunter guy.

  “You’re just as blinded as Mom, aren’t you?” I said with disbelief. Seth sighed deeply and glanced at me.

  “You know if you visited more often, or at all, you’d know that James and his family are good people. We all get along great,” Seth said. I shook my head and fell silent. I didn’t want to argue over Seth and Mom’s new family. I did have to say one thing though, just to open Seth’s eyes a little bit.

  “Just because this Hunter doesn’t get arrested, doesn’t mean he is a law-abiding citizen, he’s just never been caught before. It’s all the same with these biker types Seth, I’m just saying.”

  “You’re just like dad…” he said under his breath and I pretended that I didn’t hear him.

  When we pulled up to the police station, he parked on the street and we exited his truck. We headed into the building and to the main reception. I spoke to the officer at the front desk, telling her that I was counsel for Hunter Schwartz and needed to speak to the officers that arrested him and the two ‘gentlemen’ he was with. Reluctantly, the officer called over two of the four involved in the arrest and I pulled them aside with a slightly flirtatious smile.

  “Hi! My name is Liz Roland,” I introduced myself and shook both officers’ hands. The two men seemed susceptible enough to my ‘charm’ and I knew I’d be able to sweet talk them into dropping the charges against Hunter and his friends. “So, just a quick question. Have you filed a full report on the warehouse vandalism yet?” I asked and licked my lips slowly, while I waited for their answer. Both pairs of eyes darted to my lips before returning to my eyes.

  “Well, we haven’t filed the full report, yet, Ma’am. To be honest, we only booked them because we are trying to crack down on the gang activity that’s leaking into Rochester; outlaw biker clubs included. When we got the tip there was a bunch of bikers roaring off into the forest, we had to check it out,” one of the officers explained. I nodded and brightened my smile a bit.

  “Oh. Well, these guys haven’t been arrested for anything else before. Do you think taking them in and impounding their bikes was lesson enough? Do we really have to go through a mound of paperwork for a little noise, and beer drinking?”
I asked as I smiled broadly and prettily. Both cops looked a little bashful.

  “You’re right Ma’am, and it is the holidays…” the other cop said. I nodded, and sighed softly.

  “Yeah, I just flew in from Colorado to spend the holiday and imagine, to my dismay hear that my brother was taken to jail over what sounded like a good time spent with his biker friends,” I said and the cops were sold. They assured me that they would let it go for now, but the next time they picked up any of these guys for any sort of mischief, they were going through with the charges. After that, Seth and I waited for Hunter and his friends to be released.

  “Hey Hunt!” Seth called the attention of a guy who had just walked through the door separating the lobby from the holding area. He was followed by two guys, but my attention was solely on Hunter. He was stunning, in every way a girl could imagine a bad boy would be. He had jet black hair that was pulled into a messy ponytail and the diamond-shaped face with angular jaw and chin. He had a hawkish nose and intense stare under wing-tipped brows. His eyes though, they were the brightest blue and very intense. He was tall. Probably around six foot three, like my brother. I tried to be discreet as I let my eyes slide down his body and take in every muscular inch.

  “You must be the angel who got our charges dropped, thank you.” One of Hunters friends spoke up and when they reached us, he picked me up into a big bear hug.

  “Charlie man, you don’t even know the woman, put her down,” Hunter said, with a deliciously raspy voice. He stepped forward when Charlie put me down and extended his hand to me. “Thanks for getting us out of this mess. I owe you a serious debt.” I shook Hunter’s hand and shook myself out of the daze I was in.

  “It was nothing really. I just hope you guys have learned your lesson,” I said, and both Hunter and his other friend nodded, Charlie smirked. I wondered if he was the actual mastermind behind their illegal actions. “Well let’s get out of here then,” I said and glanced at Seth.

  “We’ve actually gotta get our bikes, I know it’s gonna cost a ridiculous amount to get it out of the impound too,” Charlie grumbled.

  “But, probably cheaper than the cost of a lawyer,” Hunter said and winked at me. “After that, how about you let us treat you to a drink? It’s the least we can do,” Hunter asked, with an easy charm. He smiled sincerely and I was about to decline until I caught Seth’s expression. He actually wanted his little sister to go and hang out with a bunch of bikers?

  “Uh, sure I guess,” I said and then added, “I am on vacation so why not.” Seth smiled and the guys discussed picking up their bikes. Hunter would ride his back to our parents’ house and swap it for his truck. I rode with Seth and agreed to actually go with Hunter once we got to the house. I had to wait a little while for Hunter to get back and I took the opportunity to change into a much more attractive sweater. It was low cut in the front and lilac in color that played off of my violet-colored eyes, making them seem actually purple.

  By the time I got back downstairs, Hunter was just getting in.

  Chapter 4


  Jesus. She was going to kill me. Liz was hot. One of the sexiest women I have come across in a long time. She had a sexy hourglass figure. Her fiery red hair framed her face and fell in waves down her back. She had flawless skin that looked airbrushed and delicious-looking, plump pink lips. Her long lashes framed deep blue eyes that captured me the most. I had to remember that this was my new sister, and nothing more. Seth would probably kill me if he knew I had caught a semi while staring at her.

  “Hey, you ready to go? The guys are waiting outside,” I asked and Liz nodded with a small smile. I smirked and gestured for her to follow me out to the truck I had parked in the long drive. Our parents had gone big when buying their ‘forever’ home. The house was two stories, but had three wings and a fancy brick façade as well as a wraparound porch. Everything inside had been updated, and spacious as well. Apparently they were expecting the house to be ‘filled with grandkids,’ and such.

  “So, where are we going to get drinks?” Liz asked, as I reached to open the passenger door for her. My four-by-four was a big truck and I slid my hands around her waist, to help her up. Sure my hand was a bit lower than her waist and brushed the top of her round ass, but she didn’t complain. I shut the door once she was in the truck and then Charlie yelled at me from down the drive. I waved my hand dismissively at him before I got in and backed down the drive, to follow him and John to the bar. When we got to the dive bar, all the guys were there shooting pool and drinking beers. They cheered when we walked through the doors.

  “They’re free! We thought y’all had gotten twenty-five to life!” one of the guys hollered obnoxiously. Another one of the guys eyed Liz, and I stuck by her side and pulled her towards the bar.

  “Order anything you like, it’s on my tab,” I said and Liz smiled at me in thanks before she ordered an Old Fashioned from the bartender.

  “Just to let you boys know, it’s last call come three thirty,” the bartender said and I nodded. I checked my watch. We still had a good hours’ worth of hanging out to do. I ordered a beer, and while we waited for our drinks, I took the time to get to know Liz a little bit.

  “So, you’ve lived in Colorado your whole life, huh?” I asked and Liz nodded.

  “Yeah pretty much. I love it there. We get all four seasons and who doesn’t like the mountain air,” Liz said and I chuckled.

  “People who live at sea level that’s one,” I said and she rolled her eyes. “But seriously, how come it took you so long to come out here and visit your mom?” I asked. Liz stiffened a little and her brows furrowed.

  “What are you trying to say?” she asked and I held my hands up in surrender.

  “I’m just telling it how I see it. Ever since your mom moved out here to New York, you haven’t been to see her. You even skipped out on her and dad’s wedding party.” I pointed out and Liz shrugged uncomfortably.

  “That party was on my dad’s birthday; she knows why I didn’t come. All the other times I’ve just been too busy with work to arrange a visit across the country,” Liz said vaguely. I knew there was more to it, but I didn’t want to pry and leave a bad impression.

  “I get it, and it’s okay, at least you finally made it. My dad and brother will be psyched to meet you,” I said and Liz nodded absently as the bartender had returned with her drink. “Yeah, and you’ll fit right in you know?” I said and she looked at me questioningly as she took a sip of her drink.

  “How do you mean?” she asked and I gave her my best charming grin.

  “You’re gorgeous, so you’ll match the rest of us,” I said and Liz actually laughed. It was surprised sounding as if she didn’t expect me to be funny.

  “Ah, thank you I guess,” she said and I gestured her back to the pool tables where the rest of the guys were.

  “And there she is now! Our gorgeous and charming lawyer to the rescue!” Charlie was somehow already drunk and he fell to his knees in front of Liz and kissed her hand. The guys all laughed and made fun of him as Liz was clearly uncomfortable.

  “It wasn’t a big deal, really Charlie,” Liz said blandly and the guys laughed harder.

  “Everyone, this is my new stepsister. Treat her like she’s your own sister, and no hitting on her,” I announced, much to Liz’s embarrassment. Her cheeks actually got a little rosy.

  “I don’t know if I can even pretend that you’re my sister. Liz, you are gorgeous,” one of the guys, Brody, said. I didn’t like the way he was looking at her, and in his drunken state, he was leaning way too close to her. I kicked the pool stick out of his hand and he stumbled forward. I stepped in front of Liz quick enough that he fell against my chest instead of into hers. I grabbed him by his lapels and brought him to eye level with me.

  “I said, respect my sister,” the guys had grown silent at my menacing tone. I wasn’t joking around. Brody’s eyes widened and he nodded quickly, before I let him go. The guys all chuckled to play it off, but
I kept my glare on Brody until he scurried away to the other end of the pool table. I glanced behind me at Liz, and smirked. “Don’t worry, I got your back babe,” I said, before I winked at her and picked up Brody’s forgotten pool stick. “I’ve got next,” I said and the guys racked up a new game of Pool.

  Chapter 5


  It was hard to deny how sexy Hunter was, especially after he had throttled one of his own biker friends for me to get his point across. After that, the guys looked at me in the eyes and treated me with nothing but politeness. After a couple of drinks, I actually started to have fun with them. I showed off my skills at pool and earned a few more points with the guys.

  “So this place is about to close for the night. How about we head back home?” Hunter whispered in my ear, and his hot breath tickled my neck, causing me to shiver. I wondered if he had done that on purpose. He’d only stuck to the one beer for the night and I knew he was okay to drive.

  “Sure. I am kind of tired,” I said. Hunter took my glass and placed on the bar.

  “Cool. We’re out of here then,” Hunter said, and we said bye to his friends before walking out to his truck.

  “They are actually a cool bunch of guys,” I said, once we were settled in my truck and on the way back to our parents’ house. Hunter quirked an eyebrow and glanced at me with an amused expression.

  “You thought they’d be a bunch of beer drinking, only bike talking Neanderthals?” Hunter asked me, and I giggled. Yea, I was definitely tipsy.


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