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Touchdown Desires

Page 42

by Jenna Payne

  “All I can say is you are a genius sir. This is...there are no words for how fantastic this is. Thank you for showing me, I am honored” Sapphira told him and meant it. The stone was stunning. He smiled his appreciation for her response but shook his head.

  “I am not showing it to you young lady, I am giving it to you. That one and these other types here. They are the first of many, but you are, more than anyone else, the best person to appreciate what I have done. So keep it, and these. If you decide to stay I will let you see any new processes I develop. For now, keep these. It would please me,” he said. She took them and did not argue as she might have otherwise. He was very sincere and she appreciated it. They said their goodbyes and she walked back towards her cabin. It had been a long day and she would be getting back before sunset, just in time for dinner. She was already getting hungry.

  By the time Sapphira came into her cabin she had ran into, and talked to, four other people. One was a dwarf who was a friend of Matt’s, and worked in the mine Matt was so excited about. She was continually shocked to find these mythical people in this valley. The dwarf had a long beard and hair and was very similar to the fantasy stories she had read as a girl. She managed to be charming and friendly but by the time she got back to her cabin she was very hungry. Not to mention grouchy.

  It was not good when she did not eat. Fortunately there was food spread out on the table and she immediately had dinner, enjoying every bite of the stew and bread. Once she had satisfied her hunger, she went and changed into a long silk nightgown; red of course. Then she literally and figuratively let her hair down.

  Sapphira made herself comfortable in the recliner chair by the table that looked out the front window. She lined up the stones she had been given and one by one examined them as the sunset came and went. Ruby, emerald, diamond, and of course, the sapphire. Each was the most spectacular specimen she had ever seen.

  She used to do this at her home in New York, spend her nights admiring her collection. She now had an even better collection that was even more enchanting. She got comfortable leaning back and held up the sapphire to the window and light of the stars that were just coming out. The refraction of the light was splendid, she thought sleepily. It had been a long day and soon she drifted off.


  She found herself dreaming again in the same place she had ended up the night before. She was in the center of the berry patch on a picnic blanket with a few bottles of wine and a basket of snacks. Not to mention her favorite berries and her gems. She spent the whole dream there, looking at her stones in the light and eating her favorite fruits. It felt like heaven as she ate, drank and admired her possessions. She had a vague feeling that something was missing, but did not know what. Her dream was a perfect evening for her and when she awoke she was back in her chair with blueberry stained lips and a warm, full feeling.

  The next night was the same, and then the next. Every night for almost two weeks went by the same way. During the day she would schmooze everyone she met. Nights were always her dream feast of desires. She also managed a few more rolls in the hay with Ty. They were getting along wonderfully so she had no worries with him. She only had to fight a growing attraction that was beyond her physical lusts. She was really beginning to like him as a person. He was the same arrogant person she was, but it appealed to her. She could not afford to fall for him if she ever wanted to go home again.

  Christy and Matt were always smiling and happy. Completely enjoying the new life they had ended up in. They were having no problem adapting at all. Christy had her elf friends, particularly her female elf friend she spent her time with. Matt was always either going to, or coming from the mine. His enthusiasm was hard to endure. At least for Sapphira it was. No one ever thought of leaving the valley yet she was becoming more desperate for just that.

  But she had begun to catch herself thinking like the others. She would think, why leave, especially after great sex and caring from Ty? Yet that was not something she had ever felt before. She did not like being dependent on anyone. So it finally came that she had had enough and was going to sneak out. The final straw was two weeks after they had arrived, when she noticed something while getting dressed.

  Her clothes were not longer fitting right, they were far too tight.

  When she was pulling on her old cut-off shorts, she had to really suck in a gut to get them on. Turning in the mirror she was horrified to see that her ass was now Kim Kardashian-sized, and she did have a gut. Anyone else would call her voluptuous and ravishing. She had never had a belly of any kind before. It was small, but it was obvious to Sapphira and she was flabbergasted. She knew she had been eating more, but hadn’t realized how much. Then she thought about her all night berry and pastry binges, and the inevitable big breakfasts in the morning, and groaned. She had to get out. This, on top of her growing feelings for the arrogant Ty, as well as her comfort in the valley growing, was too much.

  So Sapphira visited around the valley as usual, finishing up by stopping by Ty’s cave. She was glad he was not in his Dragon form. From what she had heard it was impossible to hide anything from the Dragon half of him. She had unbuttoned her blouse halfway leaving a red camisole, low cut, showing off her cleavage to perfect advantage. She had opted for looser swirly pants and the blouse hung low enough to cover her gut. Her vanity was still shocked over that.

  “Hi, do you mind company Ty?” she asked, smiling her best smile. He returned it and it was a beautiful thing.

  “I have some time before I have to do a patrol,” he answered. He regularly flew patrols during the day when he wasn’t walking the cliff top to look for hikers or campers, who may get to close.

  “Cool, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by. I was at the mines yesterday. It is amazing how much work they get done. The quality is astounding,” she told him honestly. He grinned.

  “Oh yes. The dwarves are unmatched by anyone when it comes to those things. The finest things in my collection are dwarf-made. I think the Professor may be coming close with his new process for gems though. That was quite a gift he gave you by the way. A good start to what could be an impressive collection,” he told her with frank admiration. She smiled and nodded.

  “I was shocked he would give me such a treasure. I will always remember his kindness and generosity, and everyone’s here,” she told him. She would, too. It would make a nice memory once she was gone. She would remember every time she looked at the jewels.

  “In the valley there is no reason not to be kind. Nothing here costs us anything except a little labor of love. The food, the clothes, everything here is made with true joy and craftsmanship. There is no need for strife over any of it. It is my job to keep it that way for the good of all. I am glad you are traveling the valley and learning about us more. It will be good for all concerned, most especially yourself. Our journeys are always best for ourselves,” he said with a smile. Then he cocked his head sideways as if listening.

  “You will have to pardon me my Princess Desires. I have to go take care of an issue above. Perhaps we can take this up, and other things, tomorrow?” he asked with a charming grin. She returned it and smiled.

  “Do what you must Typhoon. We will have our time,” she told him. She knew that if her evening went as planned they might never have their time again. He turned and ran out of his cave, stripping his clothes off. She ran after so when she got to the cave entrance, she could see him lengthen and change into the spectacular Dragon Typhoon. She had become used to, mostly, him also being a dragon. To watch him change was always fascinating. But she felt that this time may be her last.


  She walked back to her cabin when he had flown off. She had an early dinner and packed just the stuff she had brought. After some consideration, her greed opted to take the Professor’s gift too. Those stones were too lovely to leave behind. She had made a map of the valley over the past few weeks and had narrowed down the two places where a path to the rim was found. As soo
n as it got dark she lit the lamp on the table she always sat at and reclined the chair. It might make people think she was doing her usual evening routine.

  As she began her hike she thought about that. She’d sat and gorged herself on beauty and flavor all night. At home she had never done that. She realized suddenly why and thought herself stupid for not recognizing the reason immediately. At home she would admire her collection and then go to bed. In Carnelian Valley she spent the whole night in a living dream where she ate her fill and admired beauty for the whole night, every night. That was not the same as she had done at her home. In fact, she thought, if she actually had left her cabin and found other things to do she would not have been filling herself every night. She had been isolating herself as a way to protect her fear. She slowed as she came near one of the streams and heard voices. Hiding behind bushes she eavesdropped for a moment.

  Christy and her girlfriend were having an evening swim. Christy came up out of the water and Sapphira was surprised. The woman was wearing a bikini that just barely covered her bulging chest, with a bikini bottom that was just as skimpy. She was laughing, and splashing water at the lithe, beautiful elf she had become attached to. Sapphira felt a hitch in her chest seeing it. The scene was one she had never actually lived herself. She never had the time.

  She walked away reprimanding herself. She would have had the time if she had tried. She just would never have it. Growing up a trust fund orphan had given her a distaste for getting to close to anyone. The death of her parents at an early age had taught her lessons about getting to close to people. It could hurt, like watching Christy and her friend experience their bliss hurt. She tried to push it from her mind as she walked her path. She was almost to the end of the valley, about midnight when she paused at another gathering. This one was bigger.

  It was a party. Elves, dwarves, humans and various animals were eating and drinking, enjoying being together. Dancing and laughing was the name of the game here. It was a sort of joy that was foreign to her as much as Christy’s bliss was. She had been invited to these affairs every night since she had arrived but turned them down. Why?

  She knew why. She was scared, that was why. She clung to the kind of desires that would not hurt her; she always had. No matter how much work or how difficult, that was how she always operated. It was part of who she was. She found she was walking up the path to the rim now and part of her wanted to stop, maybe find what it was that she was missing. Everyone else had found it here. Even Joseph Hardcore had, in the end, found what he desired. She stopped halfway up to the top of the rim and stood thinking. She became angry.

  With herself.

  She was running, Sapphira would admit that now. She was on the edge of leaving the biggest possibility at a happy life she had ever had because she was scared. She always told people nothing scared her. But it turned out there was one thing. Sapphira scared Sapphira. She wanted to blame Ty, but she knew better now. He was the one desire she was scared to embrace, beyond having a good time. She was arrogant, and greedy as well as resistant to anything that could make her life better. No more, she told herself. Not this time!

  She turned and began running down the path. She was going to go find Ty before she lost her nerve. She splashed through the stream near the bottom but slipped in the mud and fell, rolling down the rest of the way getting covered in dust. She did not care and kept going. She was determined not to screw this up and nothing was going to stop her. When she rounded a corner on the path near the syrup barn she tripped over a tool left on the ground by Hardcore and fell into a giant barrel that overturned, covering her in what smelled and tasted like maple syrup. She swore at herself, but got up and kept going. Her light hiking clothes were stuck to her and she tried to tug her top down as she ran but it was too slippery and she did not want to stop. She wiped the syrup from her eyes and pushed her sticky hair out of her face.

  It was a long run but somehow she never lost strength. It was too important. But as she got closer she could see lights around the front of Ty’s cave and there was much discussion happening. She slowed and came up, standing behind a bush to listen and catch her breath.

  “She left. I had hoped she would stay, but her gear is gone,” Christy said to the gathering of people. There were many there spread out in front of Typhoon the Dragon.

  “So she failed the Valley! She failed everyone here, she failed me!” Typhoon roared. Her eyes flashed and smoke left his nostrils but she heard grief not anger in his roar. An elf from the fruit tree groves raised a hand. He was standing just about ten feet on the other side of the bush she was hiding behind. Sapphira found herself trembling, almost ready to run.

  “Do not be too hasty Typhoon. She is a woman of extremes. Extreme desires can make for extreme doubts. She also is an intelligent woman however. Wherever she is I am sure she is learning more about herself right now than she ever has,” the elf said.

  “Do you think she will be back, and not leave?” Ty asked the elf with a growl.

  “I think it is possible. She is too smart not to realize it, and when put to the test that woman always ends up where she should be.” He turned to Typhoon.

  The Dragon snarled, and said, “If we are wrong then she gets away, goes out into the world with knowledge of us as well as stones given to her by the Professor. We cannot stand that!”

  “I do not begrudge the woman the gift. She is the one to truly appreciate those stones, whether here or there. It was freely given with no strings,” the Professor said humbly from the other side of the gathering.

  “It does not matter. I have the duty to keep these things from happening and I now have to go get her. Then she must be confined until we can be sure of her loyalty to the valley. I have no choice,” he proclaimed and everyone was silent, watching him.

  Sapphira saw Christy and Matt looking worried along with everyone else. She had caught her breath and told herself, now or never dummy. She stepped forward, up next to the elf who had spoke for her.

  “No need Typhoon. I came back,” she said, dropping her pack on the ground. It squished, soaked in syrup as she was. Everyone stared at her and the dragon’s eyes were the fiercest. To avoid him a moment more she turned to the elf from the grove.

  “Did you hear me coming?” she asked. He smiled slightly and shrugged with a wink. His humor bolstered Sapphira and she walked towards Typhoon the Dragon in all his rage. She tried to adjust her sticky clothing and hair but it was not working so she gave up. Let them see her at her worst, she decided.

  “I came back,” she said stopping in front of the dragon.

  “Why did you leave?” he growled.

  “I was afraid,” she answered.

  “Of what?” he asked

  “Of myself. I realized this almost at the top, near the rim, before I turned back. I ran here to tell you, to tell everyone, what I attempted,” she said.

  His eyes locked with hers and for the first time she knew the reason to avoid looking in a dragon’s eyes. They consumed her.

  Typhoon saw everything about her. There was nothing about her he did not know in an instant. Unfortunately she too saw everything about herself. Her greed and stubbornness. Her greed and laziness. It was all there for her to recognize and she accepted it. She had always known those things about herself. Then she saw her fear and it was him. Love. She loved him. It caused her to tremble in fear, but it was too late to back out now. She heard his voice in her head.

  “Tell them all now, release your fear. It must be done to complete the healing of your soul my Princess Desire!” His voice was sounded human in her head. He released her eyes and she turned to face the silent audience for her shame.

  “I was afraid of me, because I am in love. I was running from it,” she began. She realized another piece as well.

  “I have fallen in love with this valley and all of you, too. That scared me. Despite my every need and desire being met with kindness and a good heart I felt I had to leave. I came back because I want it. As well a
s him,” she said, turning to point at the dragon who had shrunk back down to being Ty the human while her back was turned.

  His smile almost lit up the night with the stars as he came forward and put his arm around her. The crowd cheered and congratulated her. As they quieted down Ty removed his arm that had become sticky touching her. She blushed and looked down at herself. She was covered in syrup and her clothes were bunched and ridiculous-looking. Her hair was a sticky mess and even her face was covered. The audience shouted the question too.

  “What happened, what happened?”

  Sapphira sighed. They did like a good tale.

  “I was running back here and as I was going by the maple syrup barn I ran into a barrel that overturned on me,” she admitted.

  “That’s what happened to it!” she heard and saw Hardcore slap his forehead. He was a big man who did love his syrup.

  “So how was it?” he asked. Everyone laughed. Sapphira licked her lips and gave him a thumbs up. Ty licked his fingers and agreed.

  “You best yet,” he told the man.

  “Yes, we have confirmation. My next batch of Maple Beer will be done in a month!” That got a cheer, mostly from the dwarves, and laughter. She realized an impromptu party was being started around them in celebration and she tried to brush off her arms, watching the crowd.

  “You will get used to your desires darling,” Ty told her. She hugged him

  “Will I get used to always ending up covered in food?” she asked jokingly.

  “If that is what your desire. I stand ready to lick you clean whenever you need it,” he promised. This was going to be an interesting life, Sapphira thought.


  Bonus Story 13 of 40

  Bride of a Werewolf Prince

  Gina stared into the mirror while her mother braided her long dark hair. The room was filled with the chatter of bridesmaids and female relatives all getting dressed and made up, or assisting with the process. Small pearls and baby’s breath were delicately woven into her hair while her mother prattled on about how excited she was to see her baby girl finally getting married and settling down.


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