Book Read Free

Touchdown Desires

Page 106

by Jenna Payne

Bonus Story 33 of 40

  Her Twin Billionaires


  Sawyer Bay was one of the most popular places to visit in South Carolina. It was a great place. Bailey Whitehall thought everyone should spend their childhood in Sawyer Bay, like she did. Whenever she looked back, it was like a golden time. She’d had the best school, the best church and youth group, and, most importantly, the best friends she could ever hope for: The Nelson twins.

  Her mother had worked for the twins’ family at the large resort right on the coast. What had started as a little bed and breakfast became the crown jewel of Sawyer Bay in only a few years’ time, and the Nelsons became wealthy.

  In time, the Nelsons purchased more land to expand and made good investments so that eventually they had set themselves up with a fortune that most Sawyer Bay people could only dream of. Still, the Nelsons were not ones to throw away their family roots or southern ties, so even though they got wealthier, the Nelsons remained close to the Whitehalls. Bailey was close friends with the Nelson twins, Andrew and Jacob, all through childhood.

  The three friends were near inseparable. Many even believed that Bailey was some sort of illegitimate daughter, as you rarely ever saw the boys without her. It was like that all through elementary school, middle school and high school. However, like all things, it was not meant to last.

  It was the evening of their graduation. The Nelsons took the liberty of throwing a huge party for the twins and nearly half the town had shown up to wish them well. Naturally, a party for the twins meant a party for Bailey. Her mother didn’t want the Nelsons to go through the trouble, but Frank Nelson, the boys’ father, assured her that Bailey was like their daughter and that he insisted on spoiling her as much as he could before she went off to college.

  The party was starting to wind down late that night and the kids were settled in a gazebo that looked out at the ocean. They all enjoying various sodas as they talked about their high school careers.

  “I tell you what, I am not going to miss Spanish class with Senora Klien!” cried Jacob. “I swear, if I have to see her again…” Bailey and Andrew laughed.

  “Oh shut up!” said Andrew playfully. “You spent most of your time sleeping in her class. That’s why you had to take your final exam. Don’t blame her for your mistakes.”

  “He has a point,” said Bailey. “You really did almost screw yourself over.”

  Andrew snorted. “That’s not the half of it,” he said. “Dad threatened to make him stay here and work at the resort for a year if he didn’t graduate with honors.”

  Jacob shrugged his shoulders as he took a swig of soda. “So what?” he said. “I don’t need to know Spanish anyway. Absolute waste of my time.”

  Andrew and Bailey looked at each other knowingly as they drank. The three sat in silence as the waves crashed a few feet away.

  “So this is it,” she said. “The last gazebo night.”

  Andrew sighed. “Don’t say it like that, Bails,” he said. “We all agreed that we’ll come back here every summer.” Bailey smiled and nodded, but she just wasn’t sure. Unlike Jacob and Andrew, who both were able to go to prestigious colleges, Bailey would be going to a small private school that her mother could barely afford.

  Her father had walked out on them when she was only two and it was only through the grace of God, hard work, and the support from the Nelsons that kept her family going. While the boys would probably be learning the family business, Bailey knew her summers would be spent working at least two jobs to help her mom out.

  “Just promise you guys will email me when you are in New York,” she said. “And that we’ll text, like, every day!”

  Andrew smirked. “So keep things business as usual,” he said. Jacob laughed as he moved over to sit next to Bailey. He wrapped his arm around her and brought her close to him.

  “Bailey, please!” he said. “You know as well as I do that we’ll be flying you up to the city to party with us every break we get!” Bailey giggled. That was pure Jacob. He always wanted the group to be happy even when the situation seemed grim. Andrew was definitely the realist of the two. Still, he cared about Bailey enough to know that she meant a lot to both of the boys and their lives. He held up his cup.

  “Let’s have a toast,” said Andrew. “To eighteen years of friendship and many more to come.”

  “Cheers to that, little brother,” said Jacob, as he and Bailey crashed their cups with his. Andrew rolled his eyes.

  “We’re the same age stupid,” he said. “And don’t give me that whole ‘I was the first one out’ stuff!” The three broke out into a raucous laugh as they enjoyed what would indeed be their final night together for a long time.


  Jacob leaned over the balcony of his room in the hotel and smelled the fresh air of the early morning. He loved waking up to this view every morning and wouldn’t trade it for the world. He loved the cool breeze that would hit his skin, and smell of fresh air mixed with salt. It was especially nice when he could hear the soft whimper of a female companion from the previous night stirring from sleep.

  It had been ten years since that night in the gazebo and life had not gone exactly as they planned.

  Jacob had quit school after his first semester. While his grades were fine, Jacob could never grasp the reason for being at college. He and his brother were in line to inherit the family’s fortune one day, so what was the point of studying? While his father was disappointed in him, he was going to make sure that his son understood the value of hard work. The day he returned home was the day that he became an employee of his father and mother. He would work from the ground up until the day came when he would inherit. If he couldn’t learn from being in college, his father would teach him with a little on the job training.

  Andrew disapproved, but Jacob did not care. He thought Andrew was just jealous that their father actually allowed him to drop out, while Andrew remained in New York studying business. Part of him believed that Andrew didn’t want to inherit the resort, since he’d received an internship from a firm in the city which transformed into a job. That was fine with Jacob. He loved the resort with all his heart and if this was to be his life, then he was truly blessed.

  “Jacob?” called the woman from his bed. He smiled as he turned around to see her wiping sleep from her eyes. It was no secret that he was a bit of a player around the town, but that did not hinder him from bedding a girl every other night.

  Jacob had picked up Nikki at a new dance club that Jacob had put money into. It was his way of showing that he did have some business savvy. The club was still new, but quite successful, and it allowed Jacob access to the many beautiful women who went there.

  Nikki fastened the front clasp of her bra before putting on her silk panties. Jacob just leaned against the railing and smiled at her. She smiled back and blushed a little. Jacob thought she was very cute, and the things she could do in bed were more than exceptional. He knew he would have to invite her over again very soon.

  No sooner had she found her pants, there was a knock at the door. Jacob was shaken from his reverie. He looked towards the door. No one was up this early besides his parents and a few workers; neither of whom would knock on his door to see if he was awake. Nikki put on her pants quickly as Jacob passed her.

  “Relax,” he said. “I’m sure it’s nothing.” However, when he opened the door he realized that he could not be more wrong. Standing in his doorway in a shirt and tie was his twin brother, Andrew. Jacob smiled.

  “What a surprise!” he said cheerfully. Andrew, however, did not look pleased to see him. He entered the room as Nikki finished putting on her top.

  “New girlfriend?” he asked, annoyed. Jacob kept his smile up, but he knew he was in for it.

  “Andrew,” he said. “We just saw each other after a very long time apart. Let’s not say anything we’ll regret this time.” Andrew looked back at Jacob and then at Nikki.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to int
errupt you…”

  “Nikki!” she blurted out. Andrew smiled.

  “Nikki. Nice to meet you,” he said. “Could I ask you to leave my brother’s room so I can promptly kick his ass for using our parents’ hotel like his own personal brothel?”

  Nikki looked at Andrew disgusted as she stormed out of the room.

  “See you around, Jacob,” she said furiously. Jacob tried to stop her, but she wrenched her arm away as she stormed out. Jacob sighed.

  “Nice job,” he said flatly as he closed the door. “What are you doing here Andrew?”

  Andrew snorted. “Figures you’d forget its Dad’s birthday this weekend,” he said. “I’m just here to celebrate.”

  Jacob laughed. “You’re here to remind him who should be next in line to inherit,” he said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Andrew said. “I forgot, that’s your job isn’t it? Isn’t that why you dropped out of school, so that you could claim something before your own father passed away?” Andrew looked at his brother in disgust.

  Jacob put up his hands in mock surrender. “You broke the world record for starting up shit! I think that’s your best time yet!”

  “Don’t try to play the victim, Jacob!” he cried. “You always do that and that’s the only reason you still live here; Mom and Dad feel sorry for you.”

  Jacob hit his chest. “Wow bro,” he said. “That hit me. Right here.”

  Andrew threw his hands in the air. “I don’t know why I just didn’t tell Ma that I couldn’t make it this weekend,” he said. “I told her that all that would to happen was that you would just piss me, off and sure enough you managed to do just that.” Andrew pushed past Jacob out the door.

  “Then what the fuck did you come up here for?” he asked.

  “It’s breakfast time, dumb ass!” he cried. “Put a shirt on and get downstairs to the kitchen!”

  Jacob watched as his brother went downstairs. He knew he would not be able to control himself if he went down there now. Over the past few years, the bond between the twin brothers had weakened. The two wanted nothing to do with each other, but everything to do with the resort and the town. Jacob went to his nightstand and grabbed a cigarette and his lighter. He almost never smoked before breakfast, but he could tell that it was already turning into one of those days.


  In all her years of living there and thinking it was the best place, Bailey knew it was only the Nelson twins that made it so. They were her best friends and without them, Sawyer Bay just didn’t feel quite like home. When she moved to go to school, her mother sold their old place in favor of a one-bedroom apartment. That meant that Bailey would have to truly be on her own while away at school in Georgia. She didn’t mind it, however. She grew to like her fresh new life. For the first time, she had female friends whom she could hang out with, and who understood her. They were not quite as entertaining as Jacob, but she appreciated the company nonetheless.

  Bailey had found success in Georgia writing for a local paper there, a job which she got through her mentor professor, who had a connection at the paper.

  She did not have the same luck with men. She had met few, and was still single, but she didn’t really mind. She was young. She had plenty of time to meet someone. Or at least that’s what she told herself whenever her mother asked if she was seeing someone. (Whenever she talked to her mother, she would brace herself, knowing that was going to be the second thing her mother said to her after stating how thin she looked.)

  Still, she was happy to be going home and seeing her mother. However, it wasn’t just an opportunity to see her mother. Mr. Nelson had invited her for his birthday weekend, and she was not about to decline. He had always been like a father to her and, though she never let on to her mother, he was the reason they did not have to pay as much for college since he was a private donor. Bailey would always love him for that.

  As Bailey’s mind drifted from thought to thought, she finally realized that her bus was arriving at its destination. As the bus pulled into the depot, she could see her mom standing on the sidewalk with a small bouquet of flowers. Bailey got off the bus amidst the drifters and visitors to Sawyer Bay, and approached her mother. Looking at her mother was like looking into a mirror. If she was to grow up looking like her, Bailey would be a happy woman. At the age of 56, Cathy Whitehall was a fox.

  “Hey baby!” cried her mother. Bailey turned beet red as she walked into her mother’s arms and gave her a hug. “I’ve missed you so much!”

  Bailey breathed in her mother’s familiar scent and tightened her grip around her. “I’ve missed you too, Mommy,” she said.

  Cathy pulled away from her and studied her face. “Are you eating enough, baby?” she asked. Bailey rolled her eyes and laughed. Some things never changed. Once Bailey’s bags were obtained, they jumped in Cathy’s car and headed to her apartment.

  “I’m glad you decided to stay with me,” said Cathy. “I know it’s not an ideal living situation, but I promise it is spacious.”

  Bailey placed her hand gently on her mothers. “Mom, I’m fine. I told you,” she said. “Besides, it’s only for a few days and to be honest, I usually end up passing out on the couch in my apartment anyway.”

  Cathy chuckled. “I miss your positivity,” she said. “I think the Nelsons will appreciate that.”

  Bailey moved her hand and stared out the window. “Are the boys back in town?” she asked.

  “One never left,” she said. “I see Jacob every day when I show up for work and every night when he heads to Sea Stone.”

  Bailey scrunched her face in confusion. “Sea Stone?” she asked.

  Cathy rolled her eyes. “The name of his night club,” she said. “I swear, that boy is going to be the death of Frank. You just wait and see.”

  Bailey smiled. Her mother had said that about Jacob since they were little kids. She always preferred that Bailey spend time with Andrew, but he could be a bit stuffy. Jacob was the one who was ready for any and all adventures. To her, the fact that he had a night club only added to his legend.

  “What about Andrew?” she asked. “He stayed in New York, right?”

  Cathy looked at Bailey shocked. “You don’t know?” she asked. “Don’t you three still talk?”

  Bailey shook her head. “Not for a long time, mom,” she said. “Everyone kind of did their own thing after graduation.” Cathy’s gaze lingered on her daughter for a bit before returning back to the road. It made Bailey sad to think she had fallen so far apart from these guys she had looked at as brothers. It hadn’t been her choice. One day, after getting fewer and fewer, the emails, the text messages, all of it just stopped. Bailey was alone.

  Suddenly, Bailey started to really pay attention to where they were.

  “Why are we going to the resort?” she asked.

  “I have to pick some things up,” she said. “Besides, Frank will want to see you. He asks about you all the time.”

  The resort had grown so much since she last saw it. It was absolutely stunning and as they grew closer, the waves of emotion began to come over her. She had so many happy memories of her time here. Tourists and employees were everywhere. Business seemed to be booming.

  Her mother parked in the employee parking in the back. As they got out of the car, however, who should walk out of the kitchen, but Jacob Nelson. The young man was lighting a cigarette and looking extremely agitated.

  Cathy sighed, “I’ve told him time and time again to quit that disgusting habit!” She got out of the car and glared at him. “Jacob Nelson, you put that cigarette out right now, dammit!”

  Jacob put on a coy smile. “Oh come on, Ms. Cathy,” he said. “I have had the morning from hell thanks to my brother.”

  “I don’t care!” she said. “I will not pass through your smoke cloud just so I can check my schedule for next week.” Jacob was about to respond, but stopped short as Bailey stepped out of the car.

  “No shit,” he said, his mouth curling into a huge grin. “Baile
y Whitehall? Is that you?!” Bailey felt her heart skip a little. Hearing her name come from his mouth, filled her with a joy that she had not felt for a very long time.

  “The one and only,” she said. Jacob put his cigarette out before making a beeline straight for Bailey.

  “I can’t believe this,” he said. “It’s been way too long, girl! How have you been?” Jacob wrapped his arms around her. Jacob had gotten more muscles since she last saw him, and she could not deny that it felt good to bury her face in his manly chest.

  “I’m fine, Jake,” she said. “You look great.” Bailey froze. She didn’t mean to just blurt it out to him. She just felt so comfortable all of a sudden and it slipped out. Jacob, not paying any mind, simply smiled and looked her up and down.

  “I look like a piece of shit,” he said. “But you look gorgeous! I see a Georgia diet is treating you right.”

  Bailey blushed as Cathy punched Jacob as hard as she could in the arm. “Watch it!” said Cathy. “She may not know you anymore, but I do Jacob Nelson. Bailey is not about to be another one of your floozies.”

  Jacob clutched his heart. “Ms. Cathy, you offend me,” he said. “Bailey is like my sister. You know, like a hot sister who I would love to take out some time.”

  Cathy proceeded to punch him several times in the arm as they all laughed together. “I’ll leave you two alone for a second,” she said. “Go in and say hello to Frank soon.”

  Bailey was somewhat relieved when Cathy left. She loved her mom, but she wanted to spend a little more time alone with Jacob. Still, she couldn’t shake her mom’s comment out of her head.

  “So….” She began. “Floozies, huh?”

  Jacob threw his arms up. “What is this? ‘Harass your neighborhood Jacob Day’!?” he asked.

  Bailey gently pinched his cheeks. “Aww, poor baby,” she said playfully.

  Jacob gently pushed her hands away. “If there is one thing I am not, it’s a baby,” he said confidently.


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