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Touchdown Desires

Page 120

by Jenna Payne

  “You mean… a threesome?”

  He smiled, and nodded. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. My mind was a little confused by the idea, but my body was on fire. My body was aching for it! I’d never done anything that experimental before, but suddenly I really wanted to.

  “I don’t know if Logan would go for that,” I chuckled, trying to hide the weird way that he was making me feel.

  “Thing is,” he was so close now that I could feel his breath on my neck. “I’ve already spoken to Logan, and he’s very keen.”

  What? Really? Oh God, it all became a lot more real in that moment. “But isn’t he only into guys?” Logan had never given me any indication otherwise.

  “No, he’s bi. He likes women too. He likes you a lot actually.” I’d never heard Brad sounding so turned on, and that was turning me to jelly. I was almost trembling with desire.

  I shot Logan a look, and the shy wave he gave me confirmed exactly what Brad was saying. He did like me too. He did want this to happen.

  Was I actually considering it too? What would be the consequences if it did? Then again, if we were all on board, surely everything would be fine?

  “I don’t know…” I said, despite the strange lust that I felt. A threesome just didn’t seem like the sort of thing that I would do. But then I checked myself. ‘The sort of thing I would do’ got me a broken relationship with an asshole, a crappy job that I despised, and a tiny, suffocating bedroom at my parent’s home. Yeah, being me was rubbish. Maybe it was time to step outside of the box. “Yeah, okay.” I finally heard myself deciding. “Let’s do it.”

  And with that, Brad kissed me with more passion than anyone ever had done before, making me feel embarrassed to be in public. This was the sort of kiss that really should be reserved for the privacy of someone’s home!

  “Come on, let’s go.” He finally tugged us both from the bar, and into a future in which anything could happen.

  One that I was very excited about.



  My heart pounded furiously as the car pulled up outside my apartment. I’d never been with a guy before, although for some years I’d wanted to try it. I’d just never had to the courage to do anything about it, until those words had left Logan’s lips and gave me the beginnings of an erection. I was far too intrigued to resist.

  I needed to know what he would be like, how he would make me feel, but something inside of me needed Anna there too. Having both of them at my disposal turned me on more than ever before.

  We walked through the doors of my house in silence, a thick sexual tension hanging in the air. Logan looked horny as hell, Anna looked anxious and oddly intrigued, and I felt an excited anticipation coursing through my veins. None of us had any idea where this would lead, and that made it that much more fun.

  In my eagerness to get things started, I quickly stepped forward and kissed Anna again – she was the perfect place to start. Familiar, sweet, and hot as all hell. I knew she was dangerous, I knew things would go to pot if Harry ever found out about us (even more so now!) but I couldn’t seem to keep away from her.

  She responded enthusiastically, tangling her hands up in my hair all over again. This reminded me of the last time we were together in the gym, and my cock sprung to attention. That had been the hottest sex I’d ever had to date, and I had a feeling that tonight was going to top that. I certainly couldn’t wait to find out.

  This time, as we pulled apart from one another, I spun around and began to kiss Logan, before I could change my mind. Kissing him was a different experience to Anna, but one that got me going just as much. His lips weren’t as soft, and his darting tongue was harder and hungrier, but this contrast made it all the more exciting.

  Especially when he cupped my throbbing erection in his hand in a way that made me even harder.

  “Oh shit,” I groaned, losing myself far more than I thought I would, under his touch. He massaged me, kissing my neck, and I felt like I might lose my shit right there in my hallway.

  “Shall we go upstairs?” I heard Anna ask coyly behind me, and I nodded quickly. Any more and I might have just lost it. I needed to get somewhere that I could steady myself.

  Once in my bedroom, Anna laid herself across the sheets, trying to look comfortable in this strange situation. Wanting her to feel more at home, I knelt down and began to tug her trousers off. While I undressed her slowly, Logan leant next to her and began to kiss her in a way that was surprisingly sexy. She seemed to be enjoying herself, as did he, and I found that really arousing. So much so, that a tiny part of was tempted to simply sit back and watch.

  Almost. I was still very keen to have them both.

  I heard Anna slide her top off, and Logan playing with her breasts, so I got in closer, and began to taste hot sweet desire all over again. I flicked my tongue over her clit in a way that I already knew she liked. She arched her back and began to tremble almost right away – clearly she was just as excited about this as I was!

  After only a few more moments, she moved herself into a sitting position, preventing me from continuing.

  “No,” she panted. “No, not like this. I don’t want to be the only naked one.”

  I sent a smile to Logan, and we both began to remove our clothes in unison, almost jokingly as if we were doing a strip show for Anna. I started off watching her eyes widen in surprise, but I continually found my gaze drifting over to Logan and his sexy, sculpted body as his clothing peeled away. He worked hard for that body, and it showed. He was extremely hot. More so than I’d ever given him credit for before.

  He saw me watching him, and he shot me a flirtatious wink. Then I stared in a stunned silence as he stepped forward, and took my cock in his hand, sliding it up and down in a way that felt utterly amazing.



  I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I’d dreamt of this moment, fantasized over the prospect of it, for what felt like forever, and it was better than I could have ever hoped for. He was much bigger than I thought he was going to be!

  I pushed him back on the bed, wanting him helpless for me. Anna scooted backwards, and watched carefully as I leant forward to kiss him tenderly. The moment was sexy, hot as anything, but I wanted there to be an element of romance too. I was well aware that Anna was there, and I was fine with that, I even wanted her to be, but I wanted me to be the one that Brad remembered afterwards.

  With that in mind, I wrapped my lips around his cock, taking him to the back of my throat, while he used his hand to pleasure Anna. I really got into it, enjoying Brad writhing with pleasure under what I was doing to him, but it wasn’t enough for Anna. She was hungry, greedy for more, so after a while, just before Brad climaxed, she nudged me aside to ride him.

  He took me in his hand to ensure that I enjoyed myself too, but that was the first real moment that I regretted my decision to take part in this threesome. I wished Anna wasn’t in the picture at all.



  Hours later, I was still reeling from the amazing orgasm the boys had given me. Days later even.

  On the other hand, things at the gym had become very difficult. The atmosphere was unpleasant, and it put a strain on the rest of my life. My job became too challenging to concentrate on; my relationship with my family started to become increasingly strained. I’d snap at them, or close myself off from them.

  And it was all because of these two very difficult men.

  Things could have remained fun, light and sexy, but somehow it hadn’t quite worked out that way.

  My friendship with Logan had disintegrated to almost nothing. Now all he made were bitchy comments about me, and about what had happened. It had obviously hurt him, and I felt bad for that, but he’d been there, a part of it. We were all consenting adults, so I wasn’t sure why his anger was solely being directed at me. It was awful, I hated every second of it, and it was starting to make me regret what had been one of the wildest, most enjoya
ble nights in my entire life.

  Things with Brad had deteriorated too. Not only was the constant worry about Harry finding out still there – which had only intensified with the threesome, I did not want my brother ever finding out about that one – but the toxicity between myself and Logan was making every single interaction between us strained.

  If anything could have ever really happened between us, there was no way it could now. We could barely continue our working relationship, never mind anything more.

  There was so much jealousy and bad feeling between the three of us, it was unreal. I had no idea how we could ever recover from this awfulness. I wasn’t sure if it was even possible.

  I hated myself for getting in such a mess, for allowing things to go so wrong all over again. I’d sat back and allowed things to go to shit with Mike, and in a weird way this felt a little like history repeating itself – everything spiraling out of my control, and me feeling powerless to stop it.

  Only this time there could be no running away, I had nowhere else to go.



  I couldn’t even begin to know where my head was at. I was a fucking mess. I still liked Anna a lot, but my feelings towards Logan had shifted too. I felt things for him on a whole new level. It was as if I was completely and utterly addicted to him. I could never have seen that coming.

  I’d even kissed him a couple of times since that night – I just couldn’t seem to help myself around him – but I hadn’t told Anna. I was sure that she’d probably understand if I did, but I also thought it would mean the end of her and me. I wasn’t fully ready to close the door on us, just in case the thing with Logan turned out to be a mistake. It felt like cheating on her when I kissed Logan, and I hated it. The feeling only got worse. It didn’t help that Logan and Anna seemed to hate each other now too.

  They were constantly at one another’s throats and it was driving me insane. All they did was bitch, and argue, and fight, and I was the cause of it all. If I could just find a way to be honest with everyone, then maybe the bitterness would stop, but I was petrified of hurting someone, and of making the wrong choice. I didn’t want to lose either of them if I could help it.

  I was sure that I was acting cowardly, and pathetic, and probably hurtful to both of them, but I couldn’t seem to find a way to stop it.



  I couldn’t stand Anna being anywhere near him anymore, even when he was working with her. What had once been a small twist of jealousy in my stomach, was now an oversized, all-consuming jade-green monster that took over my entire body. Any time she was even in the same room as him, I hated her guts. I just couldn’t stop myself from picturing them fucking – and picturing them was a lot easier now that I’d seen it happen in front of my eyes.

  I didn’t like feeling that way, but I couldn’t damn well help myself. Deep down I wished that I could stop being a dick to Anna; that I could just talk to her like the grown adult I was. But I just seemed to have zero control over myself.

  Brad and I had kissed three times since that night, which I wanted to take as a sign that he’d chosen me, but in reality I had no idea if he was doing that with her too. It was driving me crazy.

  Of course, all of this could be solved by being open and talking, but somehow that hadn’t yet happened. Too much poison in the air.

  “Just give it a rest,” Anna sneered at me, in the middle of yet another row. “I can’t stand listening to you anymore.” Her tone was bitter, but it was tired too. She was just as worn out with all of this as I was.

  “Stop it,” Brad pleaded pathetically. “Both of you just stop.”

  With the weary look in his eyes too, that was the moment that I decided I couldn’t take it for another second. We were going round and round in circles, getting nowhere, and it was driving me insane. Brad was at the center of all of this, and he was doing nothing to make it right, not really. It was time he stepped up, and actually told us where his head was at.

  “Okay, that’s it,” I snapped, standing up and moving away from them. I tried to keep my voice down because we were in the gym and I didn’t want the bosses or other clients to overhear, but it didn’t quite work. “Brad, you need to decide. I can’t stand another day of this bitchiness – all because none of us know where we stand anymore. Choose! Me, Anna, or no one. You can’t keep screwing us both around like this. We’re all a fucking mess and we need some answers.”

  “Yeah,” Anna agreed with me for the first time in a very long time. “I think that’s best for everyone. It’s the not knowing that’s killer.” To be honest, I wasn’t even sure if she wanted him for a long term thing, or if she’d just gotten caught up in the madness, but I was glad that she was on my side at any rate.

  “I… I…” Brad whimpered, glancing between us both. I couldn’t believe that he was still being indecisive. What the fuck was wrong with him? How the hell did he not know where his heart lay?

  “If you can’t decide, then I’m gone,” I practically yelled at him. “I’m leaving this job, I can’t stand facing you like this every damn day, while you dither. It’s not fair. It’s tearing me apart. I’ll end up getting fired anyway.”

  “Maybe that’s for the best,” Anna stated, starting to sound a little calmer and more diplomatic. “Maybe none of us should talk again. Maybe that’s how this is supposed to end – a clean break for all of us.”

  I really meant my words, whereas Anna was obviously only saying them out of anger, but I let that go because she was reiterating my point. If Brad could understand that he was going to lose everyone if he didn’t speak out now, it might finally encourage him to be brave.

  “I…” he began, but still he didn’t answer us, and that damn near broke my heart. I’d known that I wanted him forever. If he wasn’t totally sure about me, then I didn’t want to know anymore. No more of this torment. I wouldn’t be second choice, or someone to settle with – no fucking way.

  Sensing we would get nothing from him today, I turned on my heels and stalked from the building, just stopping long enough to shout “I quit!” at the boss.

  Tears threatened to pour down my cheeks, but I forced them to stay inside. I refused to cry until I was in the privacy of my own home – not over that wanker. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

  I heard Anna’s footsteps closely behind me, but I refused to look at her.

  “It’s you, you know?” I heard her say behind me, but I stubbornly continued to look everywhere else. “It’s always been you, he’s just too afraid to say so. He’s scared of hurting me, and making a scary leap of faith. I know that might not be enough for you, but I just wanted you to know.” My breaths became labored, but I still didn’t speak. “Anyway, I’m sorry for everything. This situation has made me act a little crazy. I hope you get it sorted out in the end.”

  And with that, I heard her footsteps fade away as we unhappily left one another’s lives forever.




  One year later…

  “Kevin?” I called across the hallway of my brand new apartment – a tiny place, but one that I loved with all my heart. “Are you ready to go out?”

  I’d been with Kevin for five months now, and my feelings showed no signs of fading. He was just so different to what I was used to. He was calm, considerate, honest, and dependable – everything I’d ever needed, even if I’d never known it. He was easy to be with, which was the main thing for me, after all I’d been through. There was nothing standing in our way – no brothers, no love triangle, no cheating, no lying .We could just be. That freedom felt so new, and good.

  It had taken me a long time to recover from what had happened with Brad and Logan – especially since that final argument, where I’d worked out that I was the bad guy, the one standing in the way of happiness – but we were all in a good place now.

  In hindsight, I could see that I’d brought all the upset from my time with Mike in
to the complication of us, which was why I’d allowed Logan’s hurt to get under my skin. It was why I had allowed myself to get into a pointless competition with him over a guy who – although very gorgeous – was completely wrong for me. He would never have been anything more than a fling, no matter who else had been in the picture. Even without the worry of Harry and the stress of Logan, we wouldn’t have made it long term. He was a rebound, a distraction, and now he was a great friend – so it really all worked out the way that it was supposed to.

  A few months after it had all happened, we’d decided to meet up, to go over things now that we’d all cooled down. I was happy to discover that Brad and Logan were now a fully-fledged couple, and still going strong – they were always meant to be. They were perfect for one another, and seeing them so in love had made me want that for myself once more.

  I could look back on that night now with a happy feeling. It was a good memory, in among all the bad stuff that had happened, and I enjoyed thinking about it. It was probably the only time I would ever act so crazily, and I was grateful that I’d had that experience. It was certainly something that I would never forget.

  “I’m ready, what time are we meeting the guys?” Kevin knew all about what had happened, and he was surprisingly okay with it. It was hard not to be, seeing how adorably in love they were. They were definitely no threat to us anyway, just as I wasn’t to them.

  We occasionally hung out as a foursome, and it was great. It may have been a long complex road to get there, but we were all happy now and that was all that mattered.

  As Kevin stepped into the room in a dashing blue suit, I felt my heart melt all over again for him. He was the most handsome man I’d ever laid my eyes upon – sandy blond hair, deep brown warm eyes, and a smile that made me weak at the knees. And on top of that, he supported my new fitness studio wholeheartedly, even though he was a banker who’d never even been for a run. We had a lot in common, but it was our differences that made us exciting. It gave us something to banter over.


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