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Seductive Surrender [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 15

by Paige Cameron

  Her body flew through the air and landed on a soft mattress and pillows, bringing her attention back to the present. Ward quickly shed his clothes and straddled her body.

  “In a hurry?”

  “I can’t give you time to change your mind and torment us more.” He pulled her forward and slipped her shirt over her head. Then he unsnapped her bra and flung it aside. He laid her back on the pillows. His hands cupped both breasts.

  “I love your breasts. They’re just the right size, and your nipples are a dusty-rose, tempting me to taste them, like this.” He bent his head and licked one nipple while his other hand caressed her breast.

  Hunger sizzled in her core and spread outward. When he sucked on her peaked nipple, a taut thread of desire went straight to her pussy, where moisture seeped out to coat her lower lips.

  “Stop a minute,” Jared said. “Let me get her jeans and panties off.”

  Britt had barely registered the fact that he’d already pulled off her boots. Ward had all her attention centered on what he was doing to her body. Ward reluctantly moved to her side.

  Jared unfastened her belt, and in one long pull he had all her clothes off. “That’s better. I can taste her down here while you play with her top half.” He spread Brittany’s legs, exposing her lower lips to his gaze. “Beautiful, pink, and luscious.” He took a deep breath. “An exquisite scent.” Then he lowered his head and licked from her clit to the opening of her pussy. “Ambrosia. Darlin’, you are special.” Jared tasted up and down her lower lips. A spike of pleasure zipped up her spine to her head.

  “Go in me, please.”

  “Soon, darlin’. We have to play first. Like you did with us earlier. Just a little loving and teasing.”

  Ward straddled her body further up. She wrapped her hand around his cock and opened her mouth, taking him in deep.

  He tasted salty as she pulled back and licked the crown, then she took him in deeper. Her tongue licked and tasted all around his hard dick.

  When he groaned, she smiled. His face had become more drawn. She gently moved his balls.

  “If you don’t stop, I’ll come,” he warned her.

  Meanwhile, her whole body had tensed with the need to feel Jared’s cock inside her pussy. When his tongue swept inside her opening, she screamed in delight and demanded he take her.

  She tightened her lips on Ward’s cock and sucked. Then she licked his cock as he found his release. Ward rolled to the side as Jared positioned himself and thrust inside her wet pussy. She clenched her pussy walls tight around his cock as a fiery orgasm swept through her.

  He waited until the intensity subsided, and then began to move slowly in and out. Ward cupped her closest breast and tightened his fingers on her nipple, kindling an insatiable passion for her two men. Her body shivered with joy from being surrounded by them.

  Jared plunged faster and faster, holding tight to her hips and raising them slightly. He slid in even deeper. She thrust her hips up and down with his rhythm and bit the edge of her lip when her desire got so intense it was almost painful.

  A coil tightened in her abdomen. Any moment she was sure her whole body would explode. Her pussy hugged Jared tighter and tighter. Ripples began at her feet and rushed upward through her pussy. Her breath came in gasps, and then, as Ward had moved away, Jared bent his head and sucked on her breast. She exploded with pleasure and searing heat.

  Britt bucked underneath Jared, draining him dry. He fell on the other side of her. Both men held her hands as they all waited for their pounding hearts and gasping breaths to slow. Jared rolled to her side and kissed her mouth.

  “Thank you, darlin’, for the best lovin’ ever.”

  “Me, too.” Ward rose up and looked down at her face.

  “You can do better than that,” she said and smiled at him.

  “I love you, sweetheart. Head over heels in love with you.”

  “But the big question is”—Jared pushed Ward aside a bit, and then he fixed his gaze on her—“do you love us, and will you marry us?”

  Both of them observed her intently. Britt swallowed. This was the moment. She did love them.

  “I love you both. But before I agree to marry you, I have a request.” They’d smiled, and then frowned.

  “What is it?” Ward asked.

  “I want to go to New York for a short time. If I’m going to marry you, which I think I will, I want to be absolutely certain. And then I’ll need to empty my apartment and say good-bye to friends and the city.”

  “I’ll escort you,” Ward said.

  She glanced at Jared. “Not me. I’m not a city guy. I have a new horse to train anyway. You two go. I’ll be here waiting for you to return.”

  Britt ran her fingers along Jared’s hard jaw. “You’ll be all right with this?”

  “I’d prefer you to say yes, but I also want you to be very sure. We want the solid marriage our parents had. And I do understand about closure. But no, I’m not totally okay with it. Please don’t disappoint me. At the end, come home.”

  She wanted to promise him she would, but instead she kissed him. “Ward, when can we leave?”

  “I’ll have them roll out the jet. We’ll leave for the airport in about two hours.”

  Jared grabbed her into his arms and strode into the shower. “While Ward makes arrangements, we’ll have fun. I promise I’ll keep your head dry.”

  When he set her feet on the floor, he took a towel and wrapped it around her head securely. “This is just in case a few drops sprinkle on your head.”

  He turned on the water to warm, and they got in. Jared took the soap and made it into a suds. Britt put her shoulders under the water and it slid down her body, getting her wet. She held her head back.

  Then Jared motioned for her to step out of the cascading water. He rubbed his sudsy hands around her neck, over her shoulders, and down to her breasts. Heat began to build as he gave each breast his attention. His hands massaged and rubbed them.

  “They are soft and luscious. If I didn’t have you covered in soap, I’d be tasting them.”

  His captivating brown eyes reminded her of a chocolate candy bar. She leaned forward and bit the edge of his jaw.

  “I want to taste you.”

  “You’ll get your turn.” Jared’s hand slid down across her abdomen and between her legs. “Every part of you is soft.” He kissed her as his fingers sent sparks of desire racing through her veins.

  When he reached for the soap again to get more suds to finish, she carefully rinsed her front side off. Jared started massaging her back. He continued at her buttocks, creating a swell of hunger for his big, hard cock.

  As soon as she’d rinsed her back, Jared put her arms around his neck and pulled her legs up to his waist. He moved her back against the cool tile wall, positioned his cock, and slid smoothly inside her pussy.

  “Ah, that feels wonderful,” Britt said.

  Jared kissed her mouth, and his lips trailed along her neck. He licked across the spot between her shoulder and neck. Then he nibbled on her shoulders.

  Her pussy reacted by clenching his cock tight. She repositioned herself, taking him deeper inside her. Her stomach fluttered. She was breathless from the wonderful feeling of his cock stretching her inner walls and throbbing against them.

  Britt brushed her chest across his.

  Jared laughed. “You’re so squiggly I can hardly hold on to you. Not that I’m complaining. When you clench my cock tight or take me in deeper, pleasure shoots up my spine.”

  He bent down and took her nipple in his warm mouth. His tongue raked around the tip and then he sucked. Her desire flooded her pussy with moisture. As his movements became fast and hard, she hung on to his neck tight.

  It was like being in the middle of a cyclone. Inside her, ravishing hunger twirled through her center. She pushed down on him harder. She was so close.

  Jared reached between them and rubbed her clit, then pinched the tiny bud. Britt screamed his name as her fiery release race
d in her veins. Jared held her tight and moved quickly a few more times before she heard him yell out, and his cock began to pulsate inside her pussy. She clenched him tight and her pussy rippled around him. It was both a delicious and soothing delight.

  “I’m so weak. I don’t think I can move,” Britt smiled at Jared.

  He bent his head toward hers and kissed her lips. “I’m tempted to go to New York with you.” He let her legs slide to the tile floor.

  “Do go with us,” Britt said.

  “You can get back here faster without me. I have some jobs I want to take care of while you’re gone. We’re getting married very soon after you officially accept our proposal.”

  “Afraid I’ll change my mind?”

  “No. But I don’t want you far from my side. Maybe I’ll get over that in a few hundred years.” He nipped at her bottom lip and turned to shower off.

  “I may want to go to the city from time to time.”

  “I know. I’m teasing. Sometimes I’ll go with you instead of Ward. Or we might go as a threesome for a special occasion.”

  He got out of the shower and dried off while she rinsed. Then he handed her a warmed towel. “While you dress, I’ll go make sandwiches for us before you two take off.”

  Britt went to her bedroom and dressed in brown slacks and a turquoise blouse. She slipped on low heels and went in the bathroom to do her makeup. There, I don’t look too bad. I’m impatient to get going and see how I feel when I am back in my own apartment. Is what I’m feeling real, or caused by the unusual circumstances I’ve been living in? I think it’s real. I can’t imagine telling Jared and Ward good-bye for good.

  It was a relief when she heard Jared call her to lunch, although she doubted she’d eat much. Her stomach churned with her uneasiness. She grabbed her purse. She wanted to go and get the answers to the questions swirling in her head.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When she opened her apartment door, it reminded her of the last time she’d come back from South Dakota. The place smelled musty. But this time Ward followed her in and started opening the windows.

  Britt checked her messages. Several were from friends at work wishing her well and telling her to keep in touch. Her boss left a message that her belongings were in a box in the employees’ break room. “And nice to have worked with you, too,” Britt mumbled.

  There were several calls where the person clicked off without saying a word. Ward had walked up behind her.

  “Those may have been the gang trying to see if you were holed up here in your apartment.”

  Then the last message came on. “Hi, Britt. I guess you know who this is. I’d like to meet with you and talk. You can set the place and time.” He rattled off a phone number and hung up.

  Ward frowned. “Who was that?”

  “My ex-husband. I can’t think of any reason we need to talk. I haven’t spoken to him, except to nod hello as we passed, since our divorce. He tried to talk with me once, but I walked off.” Britt touched the key to erase the messages. “There, they are all gone.”

  “You didn’t write down his number.”

  “I don’t need it.” She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Take me to dinner. Tomorrow, I’ll get my personal belongings at the office, and give my notice regarding moving to my landlord. Then I’ll schedule the movers to pack my furniture and other items and move them to South Dakota.”

  “You’ve just gotten here. You may change your mind.”

  “We’ll see. I’ll know pretty soon if I can’t bear to leave the city.”

  “After dinner, we’ll go to my place.”

  “But all my clothes are here.”

  “I’ll help you pack your personal clothing. We’ll take it with us to my condo and back home on the jet. The movers can bring all the rest.”

  “You don’t have to twist my arm. I like your condo, a lot.”

  It didn’t take long to pack most of her clothes. Her heavy coats, some shoes, and miscellaneous items she left for the movers.

  “Can we go somewhere to eat where I don’t have to dress up?”

  “I know a place. It’s a small diner near my condominium. A mom-and-pop place with good home cooking.”

  “It sounds great. Get a move on, buster.” She pushed on Ward’s back. “You have a starving woman on your hands.”

  They took a taxi. The city’s lights seemed brighter than usual. The quick beat of the New York streets had her blood moving faster and her eyes looking from side to side at the sights.

  When they stopped and Britt stepped out, she looked up at the sky, or what she could see of it with the towering buildings. “No stars.” The hum of people’s voices and the honking of horns created a different sort of melody in the background.

  Ward put his hand on her back at the waist and guided her into the crowded restaurant. Delicious aromas scented the air.

  “If it taste as good as it smells, we’re in luck.”

  “It’s always good,” Ward assured her. A hostess walked them to the rear of the room.


  She looked around on hearing her name. Her ex-husband stood beside a table where he and another man had been sitting. He hurried to her side.

  “Did you get my message?”

  “Yes, but I see no need for us to talk.”

  Her ex glanced behind her at Ward. “I heard you were visiting your sister in South Dakota. Your boss said she’d fired you because it was the second time you took a vacation in a short period.”

  “She had no business telling you anything. You are not part of my life in any way now.”

  Britt started to turn. He grabbed her arm. Ward clamped his hand around her ex’s wrist.

  “Unhand her this minute, and don’t touch her again.”

  Ward’s eyes blazed with anger. He towered at least three inches over her ex-husband. Her arm was dropped quickly.

  “Who is this man?”

  “He’s none of your business.”

  “I thought I’d do you a favor and offer you a job. My wife is pregnant. She isn’t going to work during or after the pregnancy. You and I worked fairly well together in the past.”

  This time, Ward placed Brittany behind him. He leaned down into her ex’s space. “Brittany doesn’t need a job. And she won’t have to work before or after the baby. She’s mine. I’m marrying her and if you ever even speak to her again, I’ll stomp you into the ground.”

  “Well, I see you’ve found one of those rough cowboys from South Dakota. We don’t threaten people in New York.”

  “My name is Ward Jarvis.”

  Britt noticed her ex-husband go pale. She held in her smile. Good riddance.

  “The investor Ward Jarvis?” he asked in a squeaky voice.

  “Yes. I believe my friends and I may have invested a fair sum in your business recently. I’m not threatening to stomp you into the ground physically, but with one call I can send you and your business plunging down.

  “Honey, you said you were hungry. The hostess is waiting for us.” He took Brittany’s arm, and they were soon seated at a lovely private table.

  “So he’s your ex-husband.”

  “Yes. You know him?”

  “I met his wife once. He was out of the office, but she had a picture of the two of them on her office wall.” Ward shook his head. “I can’t believe he left you for her. It just shows how stupid he is. I’m going to pull my money out of his company tomorrow. My friends can stay if they want.”

  “You let him think we were expecting a baby.”

  His lip curved, and he gave her a slow, seductive smile that made her wish they were already at his condo. “You will be.”

  “I told you I might not be able to have a child.”

  “If not we’ll do what my parents did for me and adopt. In fact, I’d like to do that anyway regardless. Would you mind?”

  “I think it’s a great idea.”

  “Did you all”—he nodded back in the direction where her ex sat—“ever
discuss adoption?”

  “He wanted to have children of his own. No adopted ones for him.”

  “Makes me dislike him even more. Ah, here’s our waiter.”

  * * * *

  “Didn’t I tell you the food was good?” Ward unlocked his door and let her in.

  “I made a pig of myself, but I couldn’t resist the coconut crème pie.”

  “We’ll sit out on the veranda. Go ahead. I’ll get us an after-dinner drink. Just what you need to settle your stomach.”

  “Thanks.” She kissed his lips. “You think of everything.”

  She found the button to unlock the large glass doors and make them slide into the pocket on the other side. A cool breeze blew across her face, and a few stars could be seen up here.

  Choosing the wide lounge chair made for two, she kicked off her shoes and lay down. It had warmed her heart when Ward came to her rescue. The words my wife is pregnant cut deep. She’d felt her ex had deliberately tried to hurt her again. For goodness’ sake, they’d known each other from high school, but he had really changed. If she’d met him here in New York, she would never have married him.

  With her current wisdom, she knew Ward and Jared were the men for her. No doubts. New York would be a fun place to visit, but the tranquility of the ranch and the excitement of having Ward and Jared for her husbands would be much more fulfilling.

  “Here’s your glass.” Ward handed her a goblet with a small amount of golden-brown liquid inside. “To us.” He raised his glass and clinked it against hers.

  “This is a nice condo. Will you keep it?”

  “Sure. I’ll have to come to New York for business and you’ll want to come visit some of the time. We might even get Jared to join us once or twice. We’ll see plays and shop. Whatever you are dying to do.”

  He sat down beside her and lay back. Then he put his arm around her shoulders. “Did that creep upset you?”


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