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To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming)

Page 9

by Terry, Kimberly Kaye

  Oh, God, if she’d didn’t get away from him soon, there was no telling what would happen, and all of her good intentions to leave it as just business would fly right out the window....

  He chose that moment to tilt her head back, and with his thumb, he forced her to look into his eyes. She caught the flash of hot desire within, a desire that matched her own.

  It felt good to finally be in his arms.

  “Come home with me.”

  * * *

  It felt right to have her in his arms. As Key stared down at the beautiful woman, he could no longer deny the attraction...the off-the-charts chemistry they had going on. And he no longer would.

  For now, tonight, he would take what fate had offered him on a beautiful, luscious platter. As for her agenda for him, long-term, he didn’t give a damn.

  Not tonight.

  Chapter 12

  Sonia gazed up at Key as they made their way toward his home, her heels clicking loudly, seemingly too loud, against the stone pathway that led to the house.

  Nervously she looked around, wondering who, if anyone, was up at that time of night.

  “No one is around the ranch,” he murmured, his hand beneath her elbow as they walked toward the side door, the one he’d told her led to his separate suite of rooms.

  “The men who live here, their quarters aren’t on this side of the ranch, Dad is asleep and has been since this evening, and Nick is... Hell, who knows where Nick is.” He glanced down at her as he flipped open the keypad and swiftly pressed a series of numbers and opened the door, allowing her to enter in front of him.

  Once inside she followed him in the dark hallway until they reached a door and he opened it, again allowing her to go in front of him.

  The tension was thick with the knowledge of what she...what they, were going to do. What they’d both agreed, without verbal assent—to end their night together.

  Yet for all of that, nerves attacked Sonia. She felt his presence directly behind her in the dark room and drew in a deep breath, holding it.

  When she felt his lips fan the outer corner of her ear, that sensitive spot no other man seemed to have found, her stomach hollowed out.

  Hot, forbidden anticipation ripped through her, strong and fierce, until she felt every nerve on edge.

  She waited for him to turn on the light, say something, and nearly cried out loud when she felt his big hands settle on her shoulders and pull her body back against his.

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Sonia. I promise I won’t do anything to you that you don’t want done.” He made the promise in a low, deadly sexy voice, the minty breath again blowing against her earlobe.

  “You trust me, don’t you?” he asked, and after a brief hesitancy she nodded her head.

  His hands moved down her arms until he’d reached the underside of her breasts and he cupped them through the silk dress. Her heart stopped completely, and she had to force herself to breathe.

  She had never felt like this before, and he’d barely touched her.

  She suddenly stiffened against the feelings he was generating, fear beginning to sweep over her.

  When he swept a hand down inside the V of her dress, the air lodged in her throat, clogging it, and she released it in one long whoosh of air as his fingers deftly worked their way inside the next-to-nothing bra she wore.

  Her groan was long, harsh, and she heard his light masculine laughter. She licked lips gone dry and shoved at his hands, embarrassed that he found humor in her response.

  “I...I don’t think this was a good idea, Key, I—” His finger stopped her speech and he turned her around to face him. He lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “You affect me like no other woman has. I’m not sure what this is between us, Sonia, but trust me, you’re not alone in how you feel,” he said, and the sincerity of his words struck her directly in her heart.

  “But, as badly as I want you, just say the words and we can stop. I will never force you to do something that you don’t want to do,” he promised, and brought her hand up to meet his lips, delivering a soft kiss in the palm of her hand that had her melting on the spot.

  She swallowed and nodded her head.

  When he began to glide the sleeves of the dress down her arm, a shiver ran over her entire body, the beginning of an uncontrollable need making her tremble.

  * * *

  Key was impatient with the feel of their clothes. He pushed the straps of the silk dress down her arms, past her body to pool at her waist.

  He leaned back simply to look at her, his gaze centered on her firm, high breasts, the erect, tight little buds of her nipples pushing with insistence against the thin fabric.

  With a groan, he unhooked the front clasp and splayed his fingers across the soft brown globes, one at a time, and felt his hands shake.

  “You are so beautiful. Please, don’t hide from me, Sonia,” he said when she glanced away from the heat in his eyes.

  He leaned down and laid siege to her lips. Devouring them, he kissed her with a zeal that bordered on desperate.

  “God, your mouth is sweet. If your mouth is this good, I can’t wait to see how good the rest of you tastes,” he said after long, drugging kisses that left his cock harder than ever, and her lips full and red.

  Although it was dark, he knew his words had somehow embarrassed her as she ducked her head away.

  “Hey,” he said, forcing her to look at him. “We’ll take it slow as you want, I promise,” he said, his voice low. “But I want to explore every part of you, every inch, every curve,” he said, and again stroked a hand over her breasts, making her nipples ache and crave for his return when his fingers drifted away.

  He kept his gaze on hers and captured one brown, turgid nipple in his mouth and suckled it, while he used his hand to play and toy with its twin.

  With reluctance he pulled away from the sweetness of her breasts and ripped his shirt in half in his haste to get it off before he tossed it to the floor. Swiftly he unbuttoned his slacks, unzipping them enough so that his cock, hard and ready, could find some relief from the too-tight confines of his pants.

  Not giving her time to think, he lifted her in his arms and strode though his sitting room, kicking open the door to his bedroom. Once inside he carried his bundle toward the center of the room and gently deposited her on the bed.

  He joined her there, immediately going back to work on her breasts.

  He heard her heartfelt mews of pleasure and felt her arms wrap around his neck, tugging him closer. He obliged her and, after switching sides, greedily latching on to the other perfect breast, giving it as much attention as the first.

  “Oh, God, feels so good,” he heard her say, the huskiness in her voice turning him on even more, his cock so hard he felt as though he’d release before he even entered her if she kept on moving against him the way she was.

  He needed to see her. Reaching over, he turned on the bedside lap and instantly the small light gave an amber glow to the room, and his eyes sought hers.

  She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  The glow from the light accented her pretty brown body and his breath caught in his throat at the picture she presented, with her bra hanging halfway off her body and her dress pooled around her waist. Her hair hung in loose waves around her beautiful face.

  He kept his face on hers as he slowly finished undressing her, the act itself erotic, somehow forbidden.

  He watched her as she licked her lips, her head slightly down, her eyes lifted, watching from hooded eyes as he undressed her. He smiled lightly. Nudging her, he encouraged her to lift her body so that he could ease the dress the rest of the way down her body and, drawing it from her, allowed it to drop on the floor beside the bed.

  She lay be
fore him, wearing nothing but the sheer bra and a scrap of lace, the small triangle barely covering her pretty pussy from him.

  He fingered the silk aside and inserted his finger inside, and saw her breath catch at the decadent act.

  “Do you like that, Sonia?” he asked, and she nodded her head wordlessly.

  He kept his gaze on hers and lowered his head, his mouth and lips replacing his fingers. At his first touch her body arched high from the bed and she cried out.

  “Keanu...wait, please, wait...I can’t take it,” she said on a harsh moan, her body mindlessly grinding against his face, and he felt a purely masculine satisfaction.

  He held on to her hips and continued his assault. As he licked and stabbed against her slick folds, he inserted a finger into her opening and her walls immediately clamped down and tugged.

  He drew his mouth away to look at her. “God, you’re tight,” he said, his cock hardening to granite as his fingers continued to press inside her clenching walls.

  He leaned down between her legs again, and this time he separated her folds and exposed her clit to his gaze. He slowly drew the bud deep inside his mouth and sucked.

  * * *

  Sonia nearly came apart.

  At the first contact of his mouth on the most secret part of her body, she held her breath.

  Although she’d experimented sexually, she’d never allowed a man such an intimacy with her.

  In fact, she’d never actually experienced full lovemaking, a fact she knew if Key were aware of, he would stop.

  But God, she didn’t want him to. She’d never felt anything so incredible before. And she was helpless to stop what he’d...what they’d started.

  She closed her eyes and allowed the orgasm she felt to burst free, her body spasming even as he continued his oral sensual attack. Her body was no longer hers to control.

  Spent, she could do nothing but lie down, her head lolling to the side, a smile of satisfaction on her face. When she felt the bed move, she opened an eye to see him opening the side table drawer, and, although she couldn’t see him, the telltale sound of foil ripping brought her eyes fully open and her body into a sitting position.

  “We’re not done by a long shot.”

  She swallowed. She knew she had to tell him. Tell him before he found out and it was too late.

  She feared he would stop what she so desperately wanted him to finish.

  With her gaze locked on his, she watched him as he stood and swiftly finished undressing; his body unclothed was a pure work of art.

  His long legs were thick with muscle, his thighs so hard they looked as if they could choke a horse.

  And what lay between his tree-hugging legs would make any stallion envious. His cock lay long, thick and curved against his stomach, the triangle of dark wavy hair nestled around it, covering part of his heavy sac drawn tight against his body. Her eyes traveled up the rest of him, past his tight six-pack abdomen and up to his chest, where his nipples peaked erect through the light pelt of hair.

  Her eyes moved to his face, and the light of desire in his vivid blue stare that watched and waited for her perusal, allowing her the time to absorb the moment even.

  He was the picture of masculine beauty.

  Keeping her gaze, he slowly, methodically, placed the condom over his shaft, his long thick fingers deftly and efficiently working the latex over his massive length.

  Sonia felt hot liquid ease from her body at the simple act.

  When his body covered hers, she gladly accepted the weight, her mouth eagerly seeking the haven of his. The kiss went on so long that by the time it was over, her body was on fire with need.

  But she had to tell him before it was too late.

  When he took her mouth with his, again, all else but the feel of his mouth and body covering hers went out of her mind, and she gave in to his touch.

  Chapter 13

  He couldn’t get enough of her. As he kissed her, he knew it was time.

  He gently eased one finger inside of her and again, her walls clamped down on him. Then he frowned when he met a barrier.

  Key broke the kiss, his breath coming in harsh gasps as he pushed her away, far enough so he could see her face. The low light from the small lamp bathed the room and Sonia in a golden glow, her heated gaze fixated on him.

  “Sonia...have you ever...?” He allowed the sentence to dangle, and when he saw her swallow and slowly close her eyes, he knew that, as unbelievable as it was, she had never made love before.

  It all hit him at once. She was giving him something so precious...the very meaning of it all was crashing down every wall he’d tried to erect between them.

  Hollow walls, he now knew. He brought a hand up to run a finger down the side of her face, then he looked away from her and rose reluctantly from the bed.

  “God, I want you,” he said, simply turning back to face her. She held his gaze. He wanted to rip off the remainder of her clothes and make love to her, give her what she—what her sinful body—was asking for. “But I can’t do this.”

  The words were torn from him and he pushed away from her.

  “Please.” The soft entreaty came from kiss-swollen lips as she stared at him, her liquid brown eyes asking him to give them both what they wanted.

  “Are you sure you want to go through with this, Sonia?” he asked, afraid to hear the answer but knowing that if he didn’t ask now, soon it would be too late.

  She swallowed and kept her gaze on his. Lifting herself onto her knees, she crawled to the edge of the bed and stopped when her body was close to his.

  She leaned out and took his hand, guiding him back to her. With a groan of acquiescence he allowed her to bring his much larger body down, until he blanketed her body with his own. He settled into the V of her thighs, the warmth from the center of her femininity resting against the rougher cotton of his boxer shorts.

  “Yes, Key. I’ve never been so sure,” she whispered. “Make love to me.”

  He wanted her. Wanted her so badly he felt as though if he didn’t have her soon, he’d lose it. But still he wanted to make sure. He couldn’t promise her anything. It was sex and sex only.

  He ignored the mocking laugh that accompanied the thought.

  “You know that this is just—” His voice trailed off. Hell, he didn’t even know what to call it.

  She smiled in the low light. “I know. And that’s okay, Key. Just make love to me.” Her voice broke. When she grabbed his hand, brought it between their bodies and moved it down until it rested against her silk-covered mound, he groaned harshly.

  That was all he needed to hear. He removed his shorts and intense desire took over.

  He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his, grabbing and tugging her bottom rim fully inside his. God, he loved the taste of her mouth.

  As he kissed and nuzzled her mouth, he gently moved her hand away, grabbed the other hand and planted both high above her head, while with the other he covered her mound. Her tight little moans of delight filled his mouth as he continued his oral assault.

  With a groan, his mouth hungrily devouring her lips, he lightly fingered her mound, brushing the pads of his finger back and forth over the low-trimmed, light springy hair, playing back and forth against the seam of her vagina, teasingly, until she cried and moaned against his mouth. He broke away to see her face.

  “Do you like what I’m doing to you, Sonia?” he asked, her labored breaths matching his. He needed to ready her for him. Without conceit he knew he was nowhere near a small man, a fact that she would enjoy a hell of a lot more if she had more experience sexually.

  Even when he’d been a virgin, he’d never made love to a virgin before.

  She nodded and he saw the way her jaw worked. She swallowed.

  His eyes trailed dow
n to the crests of her breasts, and he gazed in fascination at her dark nipples, tight and erect.

  “Yes, I can see that you do,” he murmured, and bent his head down, capturing one of her nipples deep within his mouth.

  He laid her back down on the bed and, starting at her mound, kissed and caressed his way up her body, pausing occasionally to deliver a kiss...or bite...along the way.

  When she hissed after one of his stinging kisses, he growled low as he immediately saw the cream of her arousal seep down her leg.

  By the time he reached her face he took it between his hands and sexed her lips as he planned to do with the rest of her body.

  “I want your first time to be special. But you have to relax. Okay?” he asked. When she nodded, he smiled and used the pads of his fingers to scrape across her clit and test her readiness.

  When his fingers came back soaked with her own dew, he knew the time had come.

  Slowly, inch by inch, he fed her increments of his shaft until he came against the thin barrier. He took both of her hands within his and covered her mouth with his as he raised her hands high above her head,

  With one final thrust he embedded deep inside, his mouth swallowing her cry at the final invasion.

  He waited until he felt her muscles relax and her sheath slowly calm the frantic pulsing on his shaft.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked, and she smiled.

  Their tongues met slowly at first until mutual need and desire soon overwhelmed her. He pinned her hips lightly and began to thrust.

  Once he was assured she could handle him, the strength of his thrusts grew stronger until her helpless cries of pleasure filled the room.

  He knew she would need more in order to release.

  He freed one of her hands and eased it between them, found and captured her bud and worked it in time with the power of his thrusts.

  * * *

  With each drag and release Sonia felt her body give in to the erotic pleasure Key was delivering with every stroke.


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