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Gamer Girl Caught in the Game: An Erotic LitRPG Adventure (Gamer Girl Carly Book 1)

Page 6

by Cat Wilder

  "Mmmm," I moaned, swallowing every last drop.

  I was so happy he didn't come in my face. Then his friend started thrusting into me harder, faster. His hard hands tightened on my hips. I wiggled my butt, squeezed my vagina around him, and closed my eyes to enjoy the glory of it all. The first goblin dropped to his knees to attack my tits with hands and mouth.

  Together, they filled my overheated body up with sexy tingles. As his thrusts came faster and faster, I felt my body changing. Soon my insides were a white hot mess, and then the rush to climax hit me.

  "Yes! Faster! Faster!"

  He thrust all the way in and held it. I felt a hot rush inside, a sense of accomplishment filled me, and then my body erupted with insane pleasure. I bucked and writhed between them, while they took their pleasure of my body. It was amazing.

  "Better get your sweet ass back to work, wench, before we report you," the first goblin said, pulling up his trousers and moving away.

  His friend smacked me on the butt. Oh, it was a stinger! They laughed when I cried out. I didn't complain, though. I liked it.

  "Maybe I'll see you on the way out," I purred, pulling my clothes back on. "If you're lucky."

  I took my buckets and headed up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, I passed into a long corridor. Filled with liches. One and all turned toward me and lifted their scimitars. They didn't look like they'd be swayed by my feminine charms, either.

  Chapter 8

  I quickly looked around, getting the lay of the land so to speak. The stairs continued upward, while three corridors lay before me. One corridor cut straight through the middle of that level, lined with doors. There was an arrow-slit window at the other end. Two more corridors ran off to my left and right, also lined with doors.

  Armed liches filled all three corridors.

  "Aw, fuck me," I cried.

  Fight or flight kicked in, and I started to turn away to run up the stairs. Too late. The liches attacked. I was forced to fight, so used what I had. I spun around, swinging my two heavy buckets of water. Those skeletal liches shattered upon impact. I broke bones, knocked heads and arms off, and sometimes totally scattered a lich's bones.

  I thought I might win through them, until more of the stupid ass-wipes came charging down the stairs. Soon afterwards my wooden buckets shattered, so I summoned my sword and shield.

  "I'm going to feed your bones to dogs!" I cried, but that didn't faze them.

  In some ways my shield was a more effective weapon against them. I slammed the edge of the shield into a lich's chest, and his whole body came apart. I beheaded another, before spinning around and bringing the shield's edge down on the thigh of yet another. One-legged liches can't do much but drag themselves around with their arms.

  "Stay away from me," I threatened, spinning into a fierce roundhouse. That kick took out a lich when I kicked him in the chest. I continued my spin and used the shield to shatter three more into pieces. Two more liches tried to come up behind me. "A-ha! You can't sneak up on me."

  They swung their scimitars at my head, which I blocked with my shield. Then I swung the sword low, snapping their legs above the knees. As they collapsed, I checked my shield. It was looking tattered. A few more strikes were all it had. So I willed it away, and then called it back up.

  "I love magic!"

  The shield came back in pristine condition. I plowed into the liches, kicking left and right, while swinging my sword and shield. Liches fell before me. I felt like a Goddess of War. Nothing could stop me.

  And then they stopped me.

  "Ugh," I grunted when a lich tackled me from my right flank. "Cheater!"

  I landed atop my shield, left arm trapped under my body. Another lich twisted the sword out of my hand, and then the stupid dick pulled off my bracer. The shield vanished, which surprised me. More liches piled on during my distraction, and all I could do was scream bloody murder, while kicking and writhing.

  My arms were twisted behind my back and bound. They didn't just tie my wrists together. The bastards tied my elbows together. Talk about stressful. I never felt so helpless in my life. And then I was forced to my knees, while a pair of liches held me in place.

  "Well, well, well, aren't you a pretty picture?" Artimus said.

  The gathered liches parted before me, opening a path to the wizard. He looked so damned smug and self-satisfied. He was wearing the blackest robes I'd ever seen. They seemed to suck the light out of the room. I didn't see any weapons, though I was sure the elaborate wood and crystal staff in his left hand was pretty powerful. And then one of the liches handed him my bracers.

  "Those are mine. Give them back."

  "Hello, Carly," he said. "I didn't take your threats of vengeance seriously, but here you are." Artimus stepped up close, lifting my chin and making me look him in the eyes. "Apparently your wrath isn't as scary as you implied."

  "Don't count me out yet, wizard."

  He ignored me. Instead, he hooked a finger into my top and yanked it off. My face burned brightly while he admired my naked tits. He liked what he saw, too. The bastard got a ginormous woody. Worse, for me, my body started tingling and getting achy hot down there, too. Hell, even my head started filling with images of us together.

  "I'm going to kill you twice, once just for this curse of easy virtue," I snarled.

  Anger helped to quell some of my more lustful thoughts and feelings. He chuckled, shaking his head woefully.

  "Babe, there is no curse," he said. "That's just what your avatar is called." He leaned down, pushing his face so close to mine our lips brushed when he continued. "If you're having trouble keeping your knees together, that is all on you. Slut."

  So I head-butted him.

  "Bitch!" he screamed, blood streaming out of his nose. The wizard spoke a short spell, and the blood vanished. Totally killed my joy. "Your last act of defiance was rather pathetic."

  "That wasn't my last act, wizard."

  "You are wrong, Carly." It pointed at a lich. "Kill her."

  I tensed up when the lich turned to me and lifted his scimitar high. "I'll be back for vengeance!"


  The lich backed away. I watched Artimus warily. He was staring off into space. Suddenly, heat flushed through my body and a prompt popped up before my eyes.

  You have successfully designated a new respawn site.

  "What the hell? I did not…" My eyes turned to the smirking wizard. "You! What did you do? Is this my new respawn site?"

  "Yes, I changed your respawn site from Ankor to another city. From now on, you'll respawn in a dockside brothel, in a pirate haven, on the other side of the world." He looked so pleased with himself. "And I took away your ability to designate new respawn sites."

  "A brothel? You bastard!"

  "Your easy virtue ways are going to come in handy, and quite profitable, because that brothel will not let you leave," he said. "You're very beautiful, so I'm sure you'll be very popular."

  "I'm going to cut off your – Ooof," I cried, but was cut off by a kick to the head. The blow left me dazed.

  "Take her to Crak," Artimus commanded. The liches pulled me to my feet, though my legs were kind of rubbery. The wizard stepped up close, grabbed my chin, and kissed me. I was finally able to focus on his smirking face. "Crak is my dungeon master and head torturer. He's going to torture you to death. When you respawn it'll be to a whole new career in, um, human relations."

  I spat in his face. Artimus laughed.

  "I'll trade spit with you anytime, babe." He tossed my top in my face. "I'll keep the enchanted bracers, and you keep out of my sight. If you somehow manage to find your way back here, I'll do far worse than have you tortured to death."

  I fought them all the way. Kicking, screaming, and head-butting, I trashed three more liches before they wrestled me down into the dark dungeons. Not my kind of dungeon, either. The liches finally got me down to a small, torch lit torture chamber. A lone man waited. Crak wore a black hood and loincloth. His arms were
massive, and all exposed skin was covered in scars.

  "No, no, no!" I shouted, struggling with all my might as the liches dragged me to a wall, lifted me up and pressed my back to it. Then my arms were freed, only to be stretched up and out and locked in steel cuffs. And then they released me to hang by my wrists. My feet didn't reach the floor. "Agggh!"

  Laughing and joking, the liches left me alone with Crak.

  The head torturer looked me over with hungry eyes. I noticed his gaze lingered on my exposed tits, before looking me up and down several times. I'd never felt more exposed and vulnerable.

  "What are you looking at?" I snarled, acting all brave.

  He simply reached over and picked up a white hot branding iron. My eyes widened, and my bladder emptied. I didn't even care I'd just peed myself. Thank god he chuckled and put the hot iron back in the fire. But then he walked up to me and yanked the rest of my clothes off.

  Crak managed to make me feel even more exposed, helpless, and vulnerable. Well done, bastard. I kicked at his face, but he easily avoided my feet.

  "You're awful brave when I'm bound tight and helpless," I gasped out. Hanging like that was a lot more distressful than I ever imagined. "Release me and we'll fight mana-a-mano. If you will, you can have me."

  "I already have you," Crak said. His voice was deep and raspy. Were his vocal cords scarred, too? "My lord Artimus said I can do anything I want to you, as long as it takes a long time for you to die."

  Thank god my bladder was already empty. Artimus was not playing nice. He was taking cruel and unusual to a whole new level.

  "Any last words before I go medieval on your ass?" Crak asked.

  He was staring at my pussy when he spoke. A dozen plans and ploys flittered through my head. None of them would work. I was sure of it, but I had to try something. So I caught and held his eyes, bit my lip sexily, and spread my legs.

  "Could you at least give me one last orgasm before I go?"

  That surprised him. His lust turned into wariness. I wiggled my hips, and then thrust my hips. He couldn't help watching my sex, and my jostling tits. His cock began to rise, pushing his tattered looking loincloth outward.

  "Come on, baby," I begged. "Give it to me. Lord Artimus said you could. You can do anything you want. I'm helpless, and eager. So eager. I'm so horny I could explode."

  I know. Bullshit, but he was a man. So he believed me. It got a lot hotter in there when he pressed up close, one hand slipping between my thighs. Crak stroked my thigh, dragging his rough, callused hands across my smooth skin. It actually felt better than I expected, and I felt a little something stir.

  "Eat me, baby. Please eat me out," I begged. Maybe I could snap his neck if I got my legs around his head, but that wouldn't save me. "I'll suck you off if you eat me out."

  "You'll do what I tell you to do."

  "Of course! You're the man," I replied, voice dropping an octave. Was I really getting aroused? My pussy was achy and tingly. I rubbed my thighs together, and it was an involuntary action. Crak watched, looking breathless. His hand slid up, up, up. "That's it, sweetie. You know what to do."

  If I failed, at least I'd get another orgasm before he tortured me to death. It wasn't much of a consolation, but what could I do? So I forced my legs apart, letting him get a good look at my needy, wet pussy.

  "Oooh!" I cried when his thumb stroked my nether lips.

  Crak watched my face as he started rubbing circles around my slick folds, sending the most amazing sensations rippling through my stressed out body. My back bowed, and my arms strained to lift me a few inches as the intensity increased until I couldn't handle it. Bucking and writhing, I cried out inarticulately as he rubbed harder and faster. Until…

  "Ooooooh, yes!"

  The most intense waves of pleasure exploded deep within. I felt that climax all the way into my toes. And halfway through my orgasm, Crak pulled off his hood and buried his face between my legs.

  "That's it! Yes!"

  Thrusting my hips, I ground my pussy into his mouth. The torturer licked, nibbled, and sucked on my nether lips, forcing my orgasm to stretch out. I wrapped my legs around his head, squeezing him between my thighs. He just intensified his efforts, making my body sing.

  "Yes. Just like that," I cried. "Oh baby, more, more, more."

  Crak began sucking my engorged clit in and out, really hard and fast. That sent electric jolts through my system. I jerked and cried out, eyes huge. And then he thrust two thick fingers deep into my pussy, finger fucking me while he sucked on my nub.

  It was divine.

  "You're the best, Crak!"

  My body erupted with perfect pleasure again. I screamed and bucked, and he held on tight and kept right on keeping on. That cold blooded bastard was the best.

  "Oh baby. Oh baby, please. Please. Please," I begged pitifully. "Fuck me. Pull me down and fuck me like a real man! Trash my pussy. You're the man to do it. One last fuck before I die! Please, baby, please."

  Crak was eating me out, while stroking his meat. Whether it was my amazing body, or my pitiful begging, he broke down and released my wrists. I was immediately thrown to the floor. My legs spread wide, and he crawled up between them. My hand slipped down to guide him into my sex, and Crak thrust into me.

  "Uggh!" I grunted. "Oh, yes, that feels so damned good."

  The torturer claimed my lips in a deep, passionate kiss. It lasted forever, and ended way too soon. My hands were all over him, squeezing, stroking, dragging my nails across his sweaty skin. His hands found my tits, squeezing them too hard, but just right. His thrusts never relented as he kissed his way down my neck, across my shoulders, and finally down to smother my tits with kisses.

  I squeezed my vagina, clamping down so hard around him that Crak cried out, and redoubled his thrusting. He was like a machine, suddenly focused on one thing. The rush to climax welled up within, and he began to hump me more and more frantically.

  "Yes!" I cried when a third orgasm erupted deep within. He came at the same time, filling me up with his seed. "Oh, baby, that was the best ever."

  He grinned at me, looking so satisfied. I took his head in both hands, kissed him, and then held his eyes.

  "Bye-bye," I said. "You're dead."

  I grabbed the back of his head and chin, and savagely twisted. Crak's neck snapped loudly. He looked so surprised, and died. I just rolled him off me and stood up.

  "Men. You are all so easy to manipulate." I smiled down at him. "You really were great, baby. I kind of feel bad about killing you."

  After putting on my clothes, I looked at my bare wrists. I wanted those bracers back almost as much as I wanted to kill Artimus. After rummaging around a little, I found Crak's sword belt, with a short sword and belt knife. Then I pulled my new sword and headed up. Yeah, I was looking for a fight.

  Chapter 9

  I went up the narrow, stone stairs quickly. The two goblins I'd banged earlier stood guard at the dungeon door, and they weren't feeling as amorous as before.

  "She escaped!" one of them cried.

  "She killed you," I countered, thrusting my new sword through his neck.

  The goblin warrior dropped like a rock. His cohort in crime screamed in rage and attacked with his sword. He pushed me back, step-by-step, across the chamber. All I could do was parry his furious bladework. For a goblin, he was a pretty good sword fighter. Or maybe my wench of easy virtue was just that bad. Either way, I barely held my own.

  "Dude, if you kill me and make me have to respawn, I'll come back just to chop you up into a million bite-sized pieces."

  Since it wasn't a game for NPCs, it was real life, I thought that comment would take him aback. At least make him falter a half second. Nope. Goblin boy never let up. Was he even listening to me?

  "Kobolds have bigger dicks than yours."

  "Kobolds have the biggest dicks in the world," he said. "Everyone knows that."

  "They do?"

  Okay, I was the one who faltered and considered that info. Those
little half-dog, half-reptile critters had cocks bigger than orcs, ogres, and trolls? Holy moly. Of course, I'd only run into a few of them during my adventures in Battle for Glory. Dammit.

  With my concentration broken, I was forced to retreat even faster. That green bastard forced me up against the wall, and parried my sword to the side. In a flash his sword tip was pressed to my throat. His eyes flashed in triumph, and I knew he was about to end me.

  "Drop it," he snarled.

  I released my sword to clatter on the floor.

  "Well done, Gortrix," a sultry female voice purred. "You captured the beautiful elfmaid."

  The speaker was a gorgeous drow woman. She was gray-skinned, with deep purple eyes, and waist-length snow white hair. She wore the skimpiest, sexiest outfit I'd ever seen. It was little more than silver chains holding scraps of black silk strategically placed over her most private parts. Her opera gloves and stiletto-heeled thigh boots covered ten times more skin than her actual clothes.

  Above her head was: Drow sorceress.

  "I am Emeraude," she purred. "Lord Artimus' favorite apprentice."

  I looked her over again as she approached. She had a sassy strut, with a look on her face that made me think I was about to experience my first ever girl-on-girl action. Yeah, she was into me.

  "I think I know why you’re his favorite," I sneered, trying to kill her libido.

  "Guilty as charged," she said, and giggled. Then her eyes narrowed, and a chill slithered up my back. Emeraude spoke a short spell, and a wicked looking curved knife appeared in her right hand. "My Lord Artimus ordered you killed nice and slow. Looks like Crak failed, so it's up to me to do the job."

  Gortrix was paying more attention to the drow sorceress, so I saw my chance. I kicked up and around, sweeping his sword to the side. My hands went for his weapon, and quickly twisted the sword out of his grasp. Emeraude cried out, and attacked. I barely got the sword around in time to parry her stab at my heart.

  I kicked her away, even as I spun around and cut Gortrix down as he tried to escape. Emeraude's knife turned into a curved drow sword, and we charged into each other. She tried to cast spells, but I attacked anytime she started speaking her spell. The drow sorceress grew increasingly frustrated as I stopped spell-cast after spell-cast.


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