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Bryce Evans

Page 10

by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

  “Hey, Bubba.”

  “Hey, Sissy. Wow, look at that stomach.” Mace reached over and touched his sister’s stomach. “What have you got in there, a basketball team?” Mace loved to tease his sister. She wasn’t fat, but he still liked to tease her anyway.

  Cade grabbed Mace in a headlock. “Now apologize to your sister who is going through mood swings, eats all the damn time, and thinks she won’t fit through doors very soon.” Mace and Cade laughed.

  “Sorry, Sissy. I didn’t know you were so sensitive about your weight.”

  Adrianna reached up and popped Cade in the back of the head.

  “Hey! Why did you hit me, baby?” asked Cade.

  “Because you laughed,” Adrianna snapped.

  Mace laughed so hard he bent over laughing at Cade.

  “Wow! I haven’t seen you laugh like that in a long time. I’ve missed it, too.” Adrianna was smiling at her brother when he stopped laughing and hugged her.

  “Let’s go inside. I’m hungry.”

  “Baby, you just ate a snack.”

  Adrianna stopped and narrowed her eyes as she pivoted back around staring at her mate with her hands on her hips. “So what if I want to eat another snack then I will, Cade Maxwell.” She pointed her finger at him as if daring him. “Are you saying I’m getting fat?”

  Mace stopped and turned around looking at Cade as his mate was chastising him. Mace brought his hand and pointing at Cade while Adrianna’s back was turned.

  “No, baby, you look great. Tell me what you want and I will go get it for you so you can sit down and talk with Mace,” Cade jested.

  Adrianna turned back around and hit Mace on the back of the head. Then she went to the couch and sat down, putting her feet on the coffee table.

  “Hey, why did you hit me?”

  “Because you were making fun of my baby,” said Adrianna.

  Mace laughed as Cade tucked his tail between his legs and went to the kitchen to get his mate a snack. He never thought he would see the day that Cade Maxwell would do exactly what a woman wanted him to do.

  “Now why are you here today?” Adrianna looked serious. She knew why Mace was here, but she was testing the waters to see what excuse he would come up with.

  “Oh yeah, Damen left his phone at my house last night and I knew he would have a fit if he didn’t have it. So I decided to bring it to him.”

  “She’s not here.”

  Mace looked at his sister, acting as if he didn’t know whom she was talking about. “Who?” Mace asked.

  “You came here to see her. Didn’t you?” Adrianna watched as Mace narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Who are you talking about, Adrianna? I came to give Le…I mean Damen his phone,” asked Mace.

  “You—” Before Adrianna could finish, Jacob walked into the living room carrying a cell phone.

  “Hey, Adrianna, the phone is for you.” Jacob walked over and handed the phone to Adrianna who tried to get off the couch, but her belly kept holding her down.

  “Well don’t just sit there, Bubba, help a girl up.” Mace laughed then jumped up and pulled his sister to her feet. Adrianna waddled like a duck down the hallway talking on the phone to someone.

  “Hey, Alpha,” said Jacob.

  Mace didn’t want to act jealous so he looked up at Jacob and smiled. “Hey, Jacob. I’ve got some background information I want you to find out for me.” Mace couldn’t keep the moodiness out of his voice.

  Jacob grabbed his pen and notepad waiting for Mace to tell him what he wanted.

  “I need some information about one of our new pack members,” said Mace.

  “Okay, Alpha, just tell me what you are looking for and I will get right on it.”

  “I need more background information on Lexy Redden.”

  Jacob’s head jerked up with concern on his face. “What are you looking for, Alpha? She’s a good girl.”

  Mace cocked his head sideways, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Jacob who had never questioned him and now was talking back to his Alpha. “Well, Jacob, that is none of your concern. She is one of my wolves and I will do what I have to do to make sure this pack is safe,” Mace snapped.

  “What? Safe? Alpha, Lexy is a good women and she is my—”

  Mace cut him off, “She is your what, Jacob?”

  Jacob looked up into the eyes of his Alpha and they were looking more yellow. Jacob knew that Mace’s anger was showing through his eyes. His wolf was close to the surface. “I’m sorry, Alpha.” Jacob lowered his eyes. “What is it you need me to get?”

  “I want to know what she is hiding. She is hiding something. She’s fucking scared of someone and I don’t want any surprises if someone is looking for her and her parents. Something doesn’t add up and I want to know so I can protect the pack.”

  “What about her, Alpha? Who will protect her from him?” mumbled Jacob.

  Mace had enough of the younger wolf disrespecting his actions. He jumped up and grabbed Jacob by the collar bringing him to his face. “Do we have a problem, Jacob?”

  Jacob was nervous, but he knew he couldn’t let his Alpha know that.

  “No, sir, but Lexy is my friend, Alpha, and she needs friends right now. I don’t know what has happened in her life, but I know something bad has happened. She refuses to talk about her past. I don’t want her to run. She wants to settle down in a safe place and I hope you will protect her.”

  Mace let go of Jacob’s shirt, narrowing his eyes at Jacob. “I would never let anything happen to Lexy,” Mace growled.

  Jacob nodded his head. Something was going on with Mace and Lexy. He trusted his Alpha to make the right decisions.

  “Give me a few days, Alpha, and I will see what I can find out,” Jacob replied as his voice choked with emotion. He had just talked back to his Alpha who has been great to him. Mace would never hurt another pack member. Jacob knew that Mace was trying to find out more than there was a reason and he needed to trust his decisions. "I'm sorry, Alpha, I should not doubt your decisions.”

  Mace nodded then pushed his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, Jacob. I know you want to protect Lexy.” Mace looked back over at Jacob who nodded, letting him know that everything was okay. Adrianna and Samson had been watching from the hallway. They both went back into their office when Jacob walked away.

  Chapter Nine

  Reece couldn’t wait anymore to find out about Lexy. He picked up his cell phone and called Damen’s number. Damen’s number went straight to voice mail. “Hey, Damen, it’s Reece. Give me a call when you have time. Talk to you soon.” Reece clicked END then slid his phone back into his pocket. What are you doing, Reece? How can you have a mate right now? Did you forget about Star? Reece stood at the window staring out at his backyard. He wanted to go to the cottage to see if she was there. Reece sighed loudly as Star walked into the room.

  “Reece, can you help me with the bathroom. I think the sink is leaking.”

  Reece turned around and smiled at his sister who held a wrench in her hand. “What makes you think it’s leaking?” Reece asked, smiling at Star.

  “Well the fact that when you turn the faucet off it keeps running,” Star huffed as she put her hands on her hips.

  “Let’s go and see if you can learn how this works. One day you will be in college and I won’t be there to fix the faucet.”

  “Yeah, one day I will have a maintenance man who the University pays to fix those problems,” Star replied as she smiled at her brother.

  “You have gotten too big for your britches, young lady, and I think that I can tickle that out of you. One, two,” Star took off running and screaming when she heard Reece counting. That only meant one thing and that was a tickle fest.


  Lexy sat down and then noticed that she had forgotten the papers Adrianna needed Afton to sign. “Oh I’m sorry, Alpha. I left some papers in the car that Adrianna needed signed. I will be back in a minute.”

  “No problem, dear. These two knucklehe
ads can keep me busy,” Afton answered.

  Lexy smiled as she got up to walk out of the office, but she stopped before she could run into someone standing at the door. Lexy looked up to apologize then smiled because Felix Ross, head of the Twisters Council, was standing at the door. Before Lexy could say anything, she looked over and saw that Felix wasn’t alone. Malcolm Holliday was standing beside Felix, staring at her. Lexy immediately started shaking.

  “Lexy, it’s good to see you,” Felix asked.

  Lexy shuddered. She started to shake. She couldn’t even make eye contact with Felix. She was so scared knowing that Malcolm Holliday was standing in the doorway blocking her path. Her past had followed her to Ashland. The fear she was feeling couldn’t be controlled as Damen and Declan immediately went to the door, sensing the change in Lexy. Afton got up as well, noticing how the air in the room started to get heavy. Damen slowly put his hand in Lexy’s hand, pulling her back to stand beside him.

  Felix looked up and saw three wolves narrowing their eyes, wondering what the hell was going on?

  “Alpha, I didn’t realize you had guests. I was bringing Malcolm Holliday over to meet with you. He is a member of the Council,” Felix explained. Afton moved closer to Lexy, placing his body in front of her. Damen reached around and placed his arm around Lexy, trying to get her to stop shaking. Afton didn’t know which one of the men, maybe even both, was scaring Lexy.

  “Felix. If you and Mr. Holliday could wait in the living room, I will meet you there in a few minutes,” Afton said.

  Felix knew why Lexy was scared, but he had hoped she had more confidence now and wouldn’t allow Malcolm to scare her anymore. Felix knew how powerful Lexy’s magic was and he had taught her everything he could before she moved. He could feel the air getting heavy in the room and knew it was coming from Lexy. He knew that if he could feel it then Malcolm could feel it, too, and apparently, Lexy’s magic had gotten more powerful since she left.

  “Sure, Afton. Lexy, it is good seeing you again and I will talk to you later.” Felix smiled, trying to let Lexy know that he would never let anyone hurt her. Felix and Malcolm walked back toward the living room as Afton shut the door.

  Afton turned around, concerned, as he watched Lexy shake and hug Damen around the waist. Her head was pushed into his chest trying to calm down. Afton looked up at Damen for answers as to why Lexy was so scared. Damen shook his head at Afton showing him he didn’t know either.

  “Lexy, can you come and sit down with me for a minute?” Afton asked softly.

  Lexy took in a deep breath then released it. Declan looked around noticing the heaviness in the room. Then the air in the room seemed to get lighter as Lexy calmed down. She pulled away from Damen knowing the Supreme Alpha wanted some answers from her. Lexy walked to the couch and sat down. Her legs felt like jello. Damen walked with her and sat down beside her, holding her hand, letting her know that he was still with her.

  “Lexy, are you scared of Felix?” asked Afton.

  Lexy looked up at Afton shaking her head. “No, sir. Felix has always been good to me, Alpha. He has always protected me the best he could.”

  Afton nodded. He liked Felix and was glad it wasn’t him she was scared of. It would complicate matters with the packs and the council if it had been him.

  “Then it has to be the other man, Holliday?” Afton asked Lexy as she nodded her head up and down, afraid to even say his name.

  “Why, Lexy? I need to know whom I’m dealing with. If he scares you then he isn’t a nice man,” said Afton.

  Lexy looked up with tears in her eyes knowing she would have to tell him about Cain. “Malcolm Holliday is not a man you want to know, but, Alpha, please judge his character for yourself. People like Malcolm and his son, Cain, don’t mix well with others.”

  “You mean like me. A wolf. He doesn’t like wolves or vampires?” Afton answered.

  “No, sir, he doesn’t. He may say that he does, however, he is an evil man and would like nothing better than to eliminate my family. I thought I was finally safe here, but I’m not. I need to leave so your pack will be safe,” Lexy answered as she shook her head.

  Afton looked at Lexy and grabbed her hand, bringing it up to his mouth then kissed her hand. “You, my dear, are a rare breed. I don’t know what this man and his son have done to you, but you are a very sweet and genuine person and that, my dear, is rare these days. Hate is a powerful weapon that can turn a person evil. I can see the pain he has caused you, but you are ready to put other people before your own needs. Do not fear, I am a good judge of character and I will quickly make my own opinion, and if they are dangerous for the pack, I will kick them out permanently. I will not allow anyone to destroy the peace we have now. Don’t worry about the papers, just tell my daughter I will be out shortly to sign them because now I have an excuse to come rub on her belly.”

  Lexy smiled lightly at the Alpha. "Thank you, Alpha, for being so understanding."

  Afton got up, pulling Lexy up, too. “Take my new friend back to Adrianna’s, Damen. I need to go to that meeting. Make sure she gets home safely.” Damen and Declan looked at each other knowing that Afton was now on a path and that path was to find out what Malcolm Holliday was doing in his town.

  “Yes, sir. We will look after her.” Afton nodded at Damen and Declan knowing he could trust these wolves. Damen continued to hold Lexy’s hand as they walked out of Afton’s office. As they approached the living room area, Damen felt Lexy stiffen when she saw Malcolm staring at her as they passed with an evil smile on his lips.

  Felix smiled as she walked by, trying to tell her that he was still her friend. He could tell she was scared enough and he didn’t want to bring any more fear to her as she walked by, so he didn’t try to speak with her. He just let her go.


  Reece finished fixing the faucet then decided he couldn’t wait any longer to go to the cottage. Damen didn’t call back either. He knew Damen was probably too busy. He needed to see her. Reece informed Star that he would return shortly after he took a run through the woods.

  “Can I come with you, Reece? It’s been a while since I shifted and my wolf wants to run, too.”

  Reece wanted to go to Lexy’s cottage to see if she was there, but he needed to take care of Star first. She needed to feel protected and he couldn’t just let her go one way while he went in the other direction hoping to get another look at Lexy.

  “Sure, let’s go.”

  Star smiled then ran to the back door yelling, “First one out there and shifted wins and the loser has to do the dishes for a week.”

  Star was already out the door taking her clothes off before Reece got outside. Reece laughed as he fell down on his ass while trying to get his boot off. Star jumped around him barking. Reece loved his sister and her happiness meant everything to him. He promised his parents that if anything happened to them, he would take care of her, and if that meant he had to wait to mate, then so be it. He only hoped he could hold on that long. Reece struggled until he got his clothes off then shifted, running through the woods with Star.


  Malcolm felt the hairs on the back of his neck go up when he turned around and found Afton standing behind him. Malcolm slowly backed away from the wolf. He knew this particular wolf was faster than any other wolf and he didn’t want to try him.

  “Alpha, I’m sorry, we would have called before we came, but Malcolm wanted to meet you before he got settled in Ashland.” Afton turned his head looking at Felix and Malcolm.

  “Hmmm. Well now, where does this man plan to live exactly?” asked Afton.

  Felix knew now that Afton didn’t like Malcolm either. This son of a bitch rubs everybody the wrong way, Felix thought.

  “Well excuse my manners, Alpha, this is Malcolm Holliday and he is on the Twisters Council,” Felix commented. Afton looked at Malcolm in his black robe. He had gold strings woven into the sleeves. Malcolm stuck out his hand to shake Afton’s, but Felix could tell he didn’t want to. Fe
lix didn’t understand what Malcolm was up to either, but he knew he needed to sit back and watch a bit.

  Afton shook Malcolm’s hand, putting a little force behind it to show that he meant business.

  “So, Malcolm, where do you plan to live here in Ashland?” Afton asked again.

  “I’m renting the mansion on Ashton Street. I’m not sure about the Twisters Council moving to Ashland so I’m here to check things out.” Afton continued to stare at Malcolm as he shifted from one foot to the other. He is a shifty devil. He knew Selena was feelings his agitation through their shared link. Afton watched as the fake smile came up onto Malcolm’s face.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Malcolm could see that Selena McPherson had walked into the room. “Well, Selena, you are looking well after everything you have been through. You had us worried that we might lose you on the council, but look at you, fit as a fiddle,” Malcolm jested.

  Selena looked Malcolm up and down. Her mate knew her well and he knew that she couldn’t stand Malcolm. He could feel how Malcolm made her feel. “Well, Malcolm, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you here in the wolves den, so to speak.” Selena smiled because she knew how Malcolm hated wolves and vampires. He thought there was only one race and that was the Twisters Council with witches and warlocks.

  Malcolm smiled at Selena’s remark. “Well you couldn’t expect me to not check out where the Twisters Council is going to be housed. Now that would make me a member who doesn’t care what Felix here does. So before I can show my support, I wanted to come and see for myself.”

  Selena wrapped her arm around Afton’s waist hugging up to him. Selena almost laughed aloud when the look of disgust came upon Malcolm’s face when she demonstrated her love and affection for her wolf.

  Afton noticed the look as Selena snuggled close to him. “Well I would expect that you will be talking to Mace and letting him know that you are in his territory.” Afton could tell that Malcolm was disgusted knowing he had to check in with a wolf when he was in town.


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