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Bryce Evans

Page 14

by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

  Declan walked over to the table and leaned down to say something to Lexy. “Hey, Lex, you want one of the Pub’s famous margarita?”

  “Sure,” Lexy answered.

  “What flavor do you want?” Declan asked.

  “Strawberry sounds good to me.” Declan nodded then leaned up, making eye contact with Mace, who was watching Lexy. He walked to the bar to get Lexy a drink.

  “I’m okay, Cade,” Mace said and Cade and Samson let go of his arms. Cade walked over to the table and sat down beside his mate.

  “Listen, Mace, I know how you feel.” Mace looked up, surprised at Samson’s comment. “You see, at first I fought my attraction to Adrianna, but the fates knew she was meant to be my mate. It was hard to finally realize that she was the one and only one. I stop and think about how I almost lost her and that… Well, let’s just say, life wouldn’t have been worth living without her in it with me. So if you feel it for her, and it’s written on the wall, buddy, that she is your mate, then tell her and accept it. Lexy means a lot to me, Mace. She is part of my family, too, and I don’t want to see her hurt anymore.”

  The ‘anymore’ part was what got Mace. He wanted to know who hurt his mate. He couldn’t believe he just said it. I called her my mate. Mace stared at Lexy. Samson was right. Lexy was his mate. Mace’s wolf jumped up and down inside him.

  Lexy tried not to look up at Mace, but she couldn’t help taking little peeks at him and every time she looked up, he was staring at her with hooded eyes.

  “Here, Lex.” Declan handed Lexy a strawberry margarita then sat down beside her. Mace continued to stand beside the table as he leaned against the end of the bar watching Lexy.

  Mace watched as Lexy took a sip of the strawberry margarita. Her pink little tongue slipped out, licking the side of the glass with the salt on it. Mace had to look down as he groaned aloud, making everyone at the table turn to him. He closed his eyes, trying his best not to think of Lexy and that sweet little tongue of hers, licking certain parts of his body. When Mace opened his eyes, Lexy was staring at him with concern in her eyes so he quickly looked away. He didn’t want to act weak toward Lexy. He wanted her to feel the same way as he did. He knew she wasn’t a wolf, but surely she should feel the same way, or at least feel something toward him.

  Samson reached over and grabbed Adrianna’s hand. “Come on, baby, let’s dance.” Adrianna grinned then got up and went to the dance floor. Mace turned to watch his sister dance with one of her mates.

  Lexy couldn’t help but watch Mace as he watched his sister and her mate, then she watched the smile form on his face for his sister as she danced. Lexy loved watching Mace smile. She knew she needed to turn her head before Mace caught her looking at him.

  “Hey, Lexy, let’s go and show these old folks how to dance.” Jacob had stood up with his hand out to Lexy. She took his hand as he led her out to the dance floor. The music turned to a fast song, bringing more screaming people on to the dance floor. Lexy had never danced with anyone except Mike from dance lessons, but she was having too much fun with Jacob to care. Lexy had taken dance lessons for swing dancing when she lived in Greenville. She loved it and loved the dance moves. Lexy knew Jacob had also taken lessons because he had shared that with her one night at her house so together they were having a ball. Eventually everyone cleared the floor, watching Lexy and Jacob swing dance. Everyone sitting at the table had turned their chairs around so they could watch them dance. Even Mace was smiling as he watched. The crowd had thinned out so they could have more room. When the song ended, Jacob grabbed Lexy and flipped her over his arm. She landed gracefully on her feet to a standing ovation from the crowd of people surrounding them. Everyone on the dance floor crowded in after they had finished the dance so they could meet the pretty new girl of the Ashland Pack. Mace clapped and whistled as they finished dancing. He could feel how happy Lexy was feeling and he couldn’t deprive her of the happiness, no matter how much he wanted to strangle Jacob for touching her.

  Jacob held Lexy’s hand as he escorted her back to the table. Everyone clapped and stood up at the table when Jacob and she walked back. Lexy blushed and giggled at the cheers from her table. They both bowed to the table of friends then sat down laughing. She took a big drink of her strawberry margarita then she immediately grabbed her nose pinching it. “Oh God, brain freeze.” Declan laughed as he put his arm around Lexy.

  “So, Lex, tell us where you learned to dance like that?” Declan asked.

  “Well last year when we lived in Greenville they had a class at the local YMCA for swing dancing. I loved it when I watched it on TV and I knew nobody knew me so I went thinking that I would just stand in the corner and watch. However, the instructor had other plans. Everyone had a partner but me, and the instructor, Mike Grenn, didn’t so I became his partner. He made us practice all the time and I just got better each time, but I had to because of Mike. He wanted us to go to some clubs to try out some new moves and I did. It was so much fun, but when we moved I had to give it up,” Lexy said.

  “Well, Lex, all I can say is, you were great.” Lexy smiled and blushed as everyone at the table agreed with Declan.

  “Hey what about me?” asked Jacob, laughing, so Lexy reached out and grabbed his hand.

  “You were great, too, Jacob,” everyone said at the table.

  “I know you guys are going to think this is funny, but my brother over there knows how to swing dance.” Mace had been watching Lexy when everyone turned and stared at him.

  “What?” Mace said as everyone, including Lexy, stared at him.

  “You can swing dance?” Declan asked with a grin on his face.

  “Yes, smartass, I can swing dance,” Mace replied as Lexy smiled at him.

  “How and where did you learn to swing dance, because this is a story I have to hear?” Declan asked as he scooted up further to hear the Alpha’s story.

  “When Cade and I were in the service, I got into a little fight and knocked over the drink of the COs wife, which landed in her lap. So the CO asked her what kind of punishment I should get, and since her husband wouldn’t take her to swing dance lessons, I had to take her. The CO didn’t want to go so hence the punishment. I thought it would suck, but we had a great time and I learned a lot. It saved the CO from having to go and it saved me from the Brig.” Mace frowned as he looked at his family, who were staring at him in shock.

  “Well it was fun,” Mace muttered.

  “You have got to be kidding me. You, Mr. Macho Alpha, took swing lessons?” Declan said shocked.

  “I think it’s great,” Lexy said aloud as she hit Declan on the arm.

  Mace looked up and smiled at Lexy. “This I have to see. Jacob, go tell the DJ to play a big band song so Mace can show us his moves,” asked Declan.

  “I’m not going out there, Declan,” Mace protested.

  “Chicken.” It was like a tennis match going on as Mace and Declan threw out insults to each other.

  “I’m not chicken,” insisted Mace.

  “Prove it then, big bad Alpha,” Declan said.

  That did it. Mace put his beer down and walked over to Lexy, bowing, as his hand came out to her. “Can I have this dance, beautiful?”

  Lexy didn’t hesitate to she put her hand into Mace’s hand, and she didn’t pull away when she felt the soft current flow through her hand.

  The DJ came through with a fast number.

  “Do you know the West Coast Swing?” Mace asked, looking down at Lexy.

  “Sure,” Lexy replied enthusiastically.

  “Great, we can start with that if you don’t mind dancing with me?” asked Mace.

  “No I don’t mind at all.” Lexy blushed as she smiled up at Mace.

  Mace grabbed Lexy at the waist and put her into his arms as he started the dance. Lexy couldn’t believe how good Mace was. Mace wasn’t just a good dancer—he was a great. He swung Lexy around the floor then called out the Collegiate Shag and Lexy went straight into it with Mace. He slung her around h
is back then brought her back to his front.


  As everyone watched Mace and Lexy dance, Adrianna asked, “What are you doing, Declan?”

  “Just putting them together. If we keep them apart then nothing will ever happen. Those two are like magnets that you need to slap together so they will stick,” he answered.


  Lexy was smiling so much she thought her face was going to fall off. She couldn’t believe that this beautiful, muscular Alpha could dance so well. She was having so much fun. When the song was just about to end, Mace threw Lexy up into the air and caught her in his arms. Lexy’s arms were glued around Mace as he slowly eased her down the length of his body to the floor.

  It was like the crowd and the music had drifted away as Mace made eye contact with Lexy. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. They stood staring at each other as everyone clapped and made their way toward their Alpha and Lexy.

  “Mate,” Mace whispered. He was brought out of his haze when fellow pack mates slapped him on the back congratulating him. Mace jerked, looking around at everyone who was smiling and cheering. He wouldn’t let go of Lexy’s hand as he led her off the dance floor.

  “That was great, Mace. Who would have thought that our Alpha had a softer, kinder side to him?” Declan replied as June, a girl from the Viston Pack, walked up to Declan.

  “Declan honey, you promised me a dance last week,” said June.

  Lexy never even looked at Declan because she was focused on Mace who was still holding her hand. Declan looked over at Lexy. “Hey, Lexy, do you mind if I dance with June?” It was as if Lexy never even heard him, all she could see was Mace. Declan smiled as he watched Mace rub circles on Lexy’s hand.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Damen opened the door to the Pub as the crowd cheered on the dance floor. He had to do a double take as he watched his Alpha and Lexy swing dance. Reece stopped and then looked at the dance floor to see what had caught Damen’s attention. “What the fuck?”

  “Exactly,” Damen said as they stared as Mace and Lexy exited the floor.

  Reece couldn’t help the heat that came over him when he watched the curly haired beauty walking with Mace. His heart was pounding out of his chest and then he caught her scent. Damen watched Reece as he stared at Lexy and Mace. “Something catch your eye?” Damen asked as Reece looked away.

  Now was the time to find out more information about Lexy and Mace. Tonight he would finally meet his mate. “Uh no, I just didn’t know Mace could dance like that.” Reece couldn’t stop looking back at the curly haired girl.

  “Let’s go sit with everyone.” Damen waved his hand at Peter behind the bar. He held up two fingers for two beers then he walked over to the Alpha’s table.

  As they got to the table, everyone was watching Mace and Lexy. Mace had Lexy’s hand, rubbing circles on it.

  Jacob broke the silence first. “What’s up, Damen?”

  “Not much, what’s everyone doing?” Damen responded as he watched Mace rubbing circles over Lexy’s hand.

  Jacob shifted his eyes toward Mace and Lexy. “Not much, just dancing the night away.”

  Peter came to the table to hand Damen and Reece their beers. He smiled at Lexy and she smiled back. "You looked great out there, baby girl. I'm proud of you," Peter said. His daughter was starting to fit in and find her place among the pack. All he could think was, about time. He was happy for her.

  "Thanks, Dad," Lexy replied as Peter turned back to the bar to wait on other customers.

  Damen cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention. “Hey, guys, I want to introduce our new Beta, Reece Phillips.” Everyone turned their attention to Reece.

  Even Lexy looked up. This gorgeous man had the bluest eyes she had ever seen. They could only be described as crystal blue water in a tropical sea. Lexy immediately stared up and down Reece’s body. He was simply gorgeous. She blushed knowing that Reece was staring at her, too.

  Mace looked up and took in the looks Reece was giving Lexy, but for some reason he didn’t get upset about it. ‘Mate,’ his wolf whispered. It finally connected for Mace, though his wolf had been trying to tell him over the past few days. Not only was Lexy his mate, but so was Reece.

  Mace watched as Lexy’s demeanor changed while she looked at Reece. Her breathing accelerated as she stared at the wolf. He knew something was up, but he had finally made some headway with Lexy and he didn’t want to screw it up. Mace wanted Lexy to understand, but she was a witch and he knew he and Reece would have to tread lightly with her. She may not understand that she had two mates.

  “Hey, Reece, I’m Adrianna McDonald and these two are my mates.” Reece shook everybody’s hand then he looked back at Lexy.

  “Reece, this is Lexy Redden.” Adrianna introduced Lexy as Reece held his hand out for her to shake. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, but she also wanted to look at Mace. She could feel the tingling vibration through her arm as Mace rubbed circles on her other hand. Lexy reached out and when she shook Reece’s hand, it was like a fireworks show went off above their table.

  Lexy started shaking as the electric current skyrocketed through her arms. She knew Reece and Mace felt it, too. When she looked up, tiny particles of colorful lights sparked above their heads.

  “What the hell is that?” Damen asked as everyone watched the lights sparkle.

  “Lexy?” Adrianna tried to get her attention. Lexy finally looked over at Adrianna. “Let go of both of their hands.” Lexy looked down as both Reece and Mace still held her hands. Lexy reluctantly let go and as she did, the sparks of light disappeared. Mace and Reece looked just as shocked as Lexy when Adrianna was trying to talk to him.

  “Mace, lets go to your office—now. You too, Reece, and you as well, Lexy,” Adrianna said as she got up from her seat and waddled toward Mace’s office. Everyone watched as they walked away.

  “What was that, Sissy?” Mace asked after they entered his office and closed his door.

  “I need for everyone to sit down and listen to me.” Everybody sat down in a seat as they waited for Adrianna to speak.

  “If I’m correct, and I believe I am, then the three of you are mates.” Nobody said anything until they heard the whimper coming from Lexy. She had her head in her hands and she was trying to take in deep breaths. Mace and Reece both jumped up and ran to her side as they tried to help Lexy breath. They tried rubbing on her arms and shoulders to calm her down. It seemed she couldn’t catch her breath. She was having a panic attack.

  “Lexy, baby, take deep breaths. Look at me,” Mace pleaded as Lexy looked up and all the color had drained from her face. She gasped for air, panicking, as she felt like she was going to pass out from the lack of oxygen.

  “Move, boys.” Adrianna walked over to Lexy and chanted a calming spell. Lexy gasped then took in a big breath. The color had started to come back into her face as she closed her eyes, trying to calm down.

  “Lexy, listen to me, honey. I know this is a shock to you and most likely to Mace and Reese, but you do feel something for them, don’t you?” Adrianna asked and watched as Lexy opened her eyes and she looked at her mates.

  “Yes. I feel something, but I don’t understand these feelings,” Lexy rasped.

  “That’s okay, honey. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will this relationship. Time and being together is the only way to get each other through this,” Adrianna said then Lexy nodded. She didn’t have any clue what to do or how to start it.

  Reece could see the panic in Lexy’s eyes, and he felt it himself. He knew Lexy was his mate but hearing it like that for some reason put it into perspective for him. He had a sister to take care of. She had been hurt and needed Reece. How can I be a good mate and keep living with my sister and helping her out?

  Adrianna could see Reece was conflicted. “Reece, I won’t tell you that this will be easy because it won’t, but we wait our whole life for our true mate. Tell the truth. Do you think Lexy is your mate?”

looked up waiting to hear what Reece had to say.

  Reece turned around and looked out the window. “Yes, she is my mate. I’ve known for a while that Lexy and Mace were my mates.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything to me when we met?” Mace asked as he watched Reece.

  “I should have but we had just met and we were with everyone at my house, plus I didn’t know if Lexy was spoken for. I also have a responsibility to my sister to take care of her, and moving out and leaving her with someone else isn’t an option. I know we are mates, but Star has been through enough and I have to help her get through it.”

  Lexy shivered knowing that what she was feeling was sexual attraction but having a mate? Hell, two mates, and both being Alphas. What will my life turn into? I can’t do this. That’s when the windows started rattling and shaking. The air in the room became heavy with magic. Lexy was panicking and her magic was oozing through her. She wasn’t even aware what was happening. Mace and Reece looked at each other then at Adrianna for help.

  Adrianna went and stood in front of Lexy and bent down making eye contact with her. She could see the panic in her. Lexy looked up with scared eyes. Adrianna took Lexy’s hands, holding them, sending calming feelings toward her. Lexy, being a witch, knew what Adrianna was doing and appreciated it. The windows stopped shaking and the air became lighter as Adrianna’s body calmed down.

  “Lexy, I know you are a witch and not a wolf, but you acknowledge you feel something for Mace and Reece, right?” Lexy heard Adrianna ask her and she looked back down at her hands. She was scared to answer and she was scared not to answer. Lexy couldn’t make eye contact with either of them. Her body started shaking.

  “It’s okay, Lexy. I’ll tell you a story about when I first met my mates. I didn’t want either of them. I felt the mating pull but I fought it tooth and nail. I almost killed them in the process. But in the end, I knew they were made for me and me only. When we are together, we can do great things, but when we are apart, well, let’s just say, I can’t be away from my mates for long. It wouldn’t surprise me if Cade and Samson were standing at the door.” Just to prove a point, Adrianna went to the door and opened it to find Cade and Samson standing there smiling. She waved them inside the room. “See what I mean, Lexy. They were meant for me and only me. They will never leave me or leave me for anyone else. I’m the only one they see mentally and physically. And it is the same for me.” Adrianna stepped in between her mates, holding both their hands.


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