Bryce Evans

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Bryce Evans Page 17

by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

  “I’m sorry to bother you, Selena, but there is a man up front who wants to give you his paperwork the Alpha had him sign. I told him I could take it, but he just sneered at me like I disgusted him. He keeps demanding that I get you,” said Judy.

  “Malcolm Holliday.”

  Judy gasped. “Yes, ma’am, that’s him. Do you know him, Selena, or do I need to call security?”

  “No, dear, I know the fool. Tell him I will be out shortly.” Selena nodded then briefly smiled at Judy, putting her at ease.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Judy nodded then closed the door.

  “Well here is your chance to meet the snake now.” Adrianna smiled then tried to get off the couch but couldn’t. She started laughing as Selena reached down and pulled her up, then rubbed Adrianna’s stomach.

  “Hello, my babies. I can’t wait to see you.”

  Adrianna smiled as she watched one of the toughest witches she knew rub on her belly and talk to her unborn children. Adrianna loved this woman. She will make a wonderful grandmother to my children.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” Adrianna said as she and Selena walked out of the office to the living room area to meet Malcolm Holliday. Before they reached the living room, Adrianna grabbed her arm, stopping Selena. She could hear her mates coming in the hotel and she could tell they were mad. Antoine must have called them.

  “What is it?” Selena asked worried.

  “Oh nothing, just an ass chewing from my mates.” Before Adrianna could walk any further, Cade and Samson came huffing down the hallway.

  As soon as they saw Adrianna, both of her mates ran to her. “Are you alright? Are the babies okay?” Adrianna held up her hand, shushing her mates.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Antoine told you that when he called you, did he not?”

  Samson and Cade both nodded. They could feel their mate getting agitated.

  “Boys, I’m fine. Now I need to meet someone before we leave,” Adrianna said politely.

  “Who?” Samson and Cade asked.

  “Malcolm Holliday,” she replied.

  “Hell no! That piece of shit isn’t coming within ten feet of my mate,” Samson growled. Adrianna came up and took Samson’s face in her hand. She kissed his cheek then the other cheek, feeling Samson slowly release the tension from his body.

  “Now, Samson, listen to me carefully. You and Cade will be with me when I meet him,” Adrianna said calmly.

  “But—” Samson said but didn’t get a chance to finish.

  “No buts, Samson. Let me finish. You and Cade will be with me when I meet him. I need to get close enough to him to get a feel for him. I need to touch him to see if the feeling I had earlier is coming from him. I need to do this. He can’t hurt me with you and Cade with me. Even Selena will be there, too. Now let’s all go and meet this piece of shit so we can go home, because I’m hungry again and it is pissing me off,” Adrianna finished.

  Selena smiled then lowered her head so she wouldn’t laugh aloud.

  Cade took the lead as Adrianna and Samson walked to the living room. Adrianna could feel the dark magic radiating off Malcolm the closer she got to him. As she approached, Malcolm looked her up and down then his eyes settled on her stomach. Adrianna didn’t have to guess what he was thinking. She was having babies with a werewolf and a vampire. No matter how much he tried to hide it, everyone knew what Malcolm Holliday was thinking but never said.

  “Ah, Selena, it’s nice seeing you again. I wanted to drop off the paperwork to you personally and not leave it with a sla- I mean worker,” Malcom said.

  Cade growled because he had a lot of pack members who worked for Afton and Selena. Malcolm acted like he never heard the warning.

  “Malcolm, have you met Adrianna McDonald, Cade Maxwell, and Samson Ward.” Selena knew Malcolm knew who the Trinity was, and he also knew of her mates. He made it his business to know.

  “Ah yes, The Trinity. I have heard a lot about you, my dear. It is nice to finally meet you.” Adrianna could hear the slithering in his words as he spoke to her. He stuck out his hand for her to shake it. Adrianna knew this was her chance to get a feel for Malcolm. Also, he didn’t know that while walking to the living room area, Adrianna chanted a spell that when Malcolm touched her she would be able to tell if the evil she felt outside was coming from him.

  Adrianna stuck out her hand and as she made contact with him, it was as if a shield was lifted and she could see the magic hovering around him. Some of the magic was white with different colors in it, but on the right side of his body, Adrianna could see the dark magic clinging to his body. He had dabbled in the dark magic, but it wasn’t enough to match the feeling she got earlier. It had to be someone else, someone close to him.

  Samson and Cade watched in awe as their mate performed her magic show. They could see Malcolm’s magic, too.

  “We need to leave now, Adrianna,” Samson said then pulled Adrianna back toward him.

  Selena smiled at Adrianna telling her that she would be out to the house shortly. Then Adrianna and her mates waved good-bye and left out the front door. Damen came around the corner, winking at Cade and Samson.

  “Do I even need to ask what that was about?” Adrianna said softly.

  “We will explain when we get in the car.” When Adrianna was settled inside of Cade’s SUV, the questions of what was going on started.

  “Damen put a tracker and a bug inside his vehicle,” Cade answered. Adrianna looked back at Malcolm’s vehicle and saw two guards standing in the front of his vehicle.

  “He has guards, Cade,” gasped Adrianna as Cade smiled.

  “Yes he does, but Damen is smooth. He has his ways and I don’t want to know how, but I’m sure he is listening to him as we speak,” Cade replied.

  Adrianna laughed because she knew how creative Damen was.

  Samson stayed quiet the whole time Cade explained what was going on. Adrianna turned and looked at Samson. “Cat got your tongue, my love?”

  “I’m mad that you took a chance with yourself and came here without us. You could have gotten hurt or worse,” Samson said angrily.

  “Samson, I was perfectly safe with the guards and don’t underestimate me,” Adrianna answered as she caressed Samson’s cheek.

  “I know but if anything happened to you. I couldn’t live with that,” Samson murmured.

  “You won’t.” Adrianna pulled herself over so she was sitting in Samson’s lap, snuggling with him.

  “I think you should be punished when we get home. I think you need your ass spanked,” Samson teased as Adrianna smiled at Cade, who watched Adrianna’s reaction.

  “Oh, goodie.” Then she pulled his mouth down and kissed him, making him forget that he was mad at her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lexy invited Reece and Mace to breakfast the next morning. Star declined to come because she had spent the night at a party over at Belle Evans’ house. Star and Belle had become best friends since she moved to Ashland. Mace and Reece were in Lexy’s bathroom putting up a towel rack behind her door as Lexy fixed breakfast.

  Reece walked back into the kitchen and watched as Lexy stuck her head inside the stove checking her biscuits. She didn’t even know how beautiful she was. Her beautiful curly hair hung down her back. It looked like long springy corkscrews flowing over her head. She was a natural beauty. She was damaged, but he hoped they could help her with that by loving her and showing her they cared and would never leave her. Reece came closer as she turned around, putting the biscuits in a bowl. “How did you sleep?”

  Reece was impressed that she knew he was standing there watching her.

  “Just great. How about you?” Reece asked as he sat down at the bar watching as she put butter inside some of the biscuits.

  “Fine thanks. Are you hungry? I think I made enough to fill you two up,” Lexy whispered. Reece could tell that Lexy was nervous for some reason. He could see dark circles under her eyes, telling him that she wasn’t completely honest with him.

�� Reece said. Lexy looked up. “I had a wonderful night with you and my sister. I couldn’t be happier that you are my mate. But right now all I want to do is touch you.”

  Lexy felt the relief rush out of her. “Yes, please,” Lexy admitted softly. She needed the comfort of her mates. The nightmares were getting worse and Lexy was having difficulty sleeping. She was scared to go to sleep because she knew she would be dreaming of Cain.

  Reece got up and grabbed her arms, pulling her toward him. He placed his arms around her waist then hugged her to him, relaxing, as her body fit perfectly to him. Reece brought his mouth to hers and she opened for him, allowing him to explore with his tongue. Reece wanted to ravish Lexy again, but he felt Mace’s eyes on them. Before he let her go, Reece breathed in her scent of strawberries and caramel.

  “Ready for a good morning kiss from your other mate?” Reece asked as he pulled away from Lexy.

  Mace didn’t have to be asked twice. He was in front of Lexy before she had time to comprehend what was happening. Mace was more aggressive today than Reece. She could feel his need pushing against her stomach. He grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, kissing up and down her neck. Mace couldn’t help that he was a little rough with Lexy. The mating pull was more demanding and he was losing the battle with his wolf. She was everything to him now and he wanted all of her.

  Before they got completely out of control, Lexy pulled back from his arms.

  “Wow! Are you hungry?” asked Lexy. Mace smirked then raised his eyebrow up.

  “Just for you, sweetheart.” Lexy giggled then took Mace by the hand, pulling him toward the table.

  Mace and Reece had already discussed they would touch Lexy more and kiss her often until she couldn’t take it anymore. They knew the mating pull had to be effecting her, too.


  As Lexy sat in awe of her mates’ eating habits, her cell phone rang. She giggled as Mace tried to grab her before she could grasp her cell phone that was charging beside the stove.

  “Hello?” Lexy answered.

  “Lexy, it’s Felix, how are you, sweetheart? I heard the best news this morning. Congratulations, my dear.” Lexy smiled as Felix congratulated her on her mates, Mace and Reece. She always liked Felix. He was kind to her and he saved her from Cain. She would always be indebted to him for what he did for her. Lexy would explain to him later.

  “Thank you, Felix,” Lexy spoke then walked around the room listening to Felix.

  “I know you are probably busy this morning, but can you meet me at the hotel today? I spoke with Adrianna, clearing it with her. I wanted to see if you wanted to spend half your time teaching the young ones like before. It’s a paid position, too. Adrianna said she wouldn’t mind. What do you say?” Felix asked.

  Lexy loved helping the young kids with their magic. They were so innocent and she was good with the kids, too. They liked her as a teacher the last time she helped Felix.

  “Sure, Felix. I would love to. How about in thirty minutes?” Lexy looked over at her mates who were frowning. “You might want to make that in an hour, Felix.”

  “Sure, sweetheart. I remember what it was like when one found their mate. See you in an hour at the hotel.”

  “Okay, Felix, and thanks.” Lexy pushed the end button then looked up at her frowning mates.

  “Where do you think you are going, Lexy?” Lexy didn’t like the tone Mace was talking to her in.

  “That was Felix and he wants to talk to me about helping out with the teaching of the young ones. I did it before and loved it. Did we have plans?” Lexy waited to hear what Mace would say now.

  “Yes, well no, but we wanted to spend some time with you. Sharing you with Felix or anyone bothers me.”

  Lexy narrowed her eyes at Mace. “Mace, I’m not a child and you’re not going to treat me like one. I have a job and I’m going to meet Felix so you can just deal with it.”

  Lexy tried to walk away from Mace when Reece grabbed her, pulling her toward his chest. Reece whispered in her ear trying to calm her down. His little mate had a temper. He licked the bottom lobe of her ear calming her before he spoke. “Listen, baby, we’re not mad. We just are very possessive of you already and when you go somewhere, we are always going to worry about you and want to be with you. We know you have a job and it seems like you are also a teacher. Which is great by the way. You never seem to stop surprising us, but we still worry about you.”

  Lexy seemed to understand what Reece was saying, but she wasn’t going to do everything they wanted of her.

  “Okay, here is how this is going to work.” Reece looked at Mace and frowned at his demanding tone. Mace cleared his throat then looked at Lexy.

  “I’ve got to go to town so I can drop you off at the hotel then I can come back to get you and take you to lunch,” said Mace.

  “Are you sure you have to go into town?” Lexy asked as she narrowed her eyes at Mace. She didn’t want them to think they could start running her life by telling her where she could go or whom she could see.

  “Yeah, baby, I’ve got to go sign some checks for your dad and give him the authority to sign paychecks,” said Mace. Lexy grinned because her father would be happy that Mace trusted him enough to let him sign the paychecks. “Okay, that is fine today, but I want to have some independence and I want to drive my own car after today. I don’t want to feel like I’ve lost that. I can’t,” Lexy demanded.

  Mace and Reece could hear the desperation in her voice. It was never their intention to stop Lexy from having her independence. They only wanted her safe. Mace and Reece looked at each other because they knew her safety would need to be discussed later.


  “Okay, baby, just call me when you are ready.” Mace reached over and kissed Lexy passionately, finally allowing her to come up for air after he had parked the truck. Mace placed his nose in her hair, inhaling her scent. He knew she completed him and Reece. Her scent was a necessity to him now. He needed her scent on him and engrained in his memory.

  Lexy watched as Mace closed his eyes, as he smelled her. “You make me feel special,” Lexy whispered.

  Mace opened his eyes to Lexy staring at him. “You are special, baby. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You are so kind and generous to others. I could go on and on about you. But most of all, Lexy, you are here.” Mace pointed to his heart. Lexy grabbed Mace, squeezing him as she hugged him tightly. Mace hugged Lexy squeezing enough to let her know how she affected him.

  “Okay, call me when you are finished. I will just be up the street at the Pub.”

  “Okay, I will. Thanks.” Lexy knew the two Alpha wolves had the ability to break her heart, but she was already in headfirst and her heart was already having feelings for these two men. Lexy softly placed a kiss on Mace's lips then exited the truck.

  Mace watched as Lexy went into the hotel then pulled away slowly. Before he pulled off, Mace felt a tingling sensation go up his spine. Mace could feel the dark magic but couldn’t see it anywhere. He pulled off wondering if Selena was doing something or if someone else was nearby using it. When he got to the Pub, he needed to call Selena and let her know.

  Lexy walked up to Felix and hugged his neck. “You look happy, my dear. I couldn’t be happier for you.”

  Lexy grinned and blushed as Felix touched her collar looking for something. Lexy immediately reached up and touched her shoulder.

  “No marks?” Felix asked.

  “No not yet, Felix. This has been fast for me. I needed time, I just moved here and started over. They have been great about it. We are taking it slow and getting to know each other.” Felix smiled as Lexy explained why she hasn’t mated yet. “It was a surprise for me, too. I just hope that they don’t regret this.”

  Felix frowned shaking his head no at Lexy. “Lexy Redden, you stop that right now. You need to learn about wolves and their mates. They are not going to drop you like a red-hot potato. No, ma’am. They are in it for life as you are now. I have a book I would like for y
ou to read. It should help you with those doubting feelings,” Felix announced and he ushered her into living room. “Okay, now let’s get down to business.”

  Lexy pulled out her notebook and got ready to copy down everything that Felix would need her to do. They sat in the living room for an hour talking about the kids and how they missed her. Felix explained that he wanted to build a school here in Ashland for all paranormal kids and asked if she would be interested in being a teacher.

  “Oh, Felix, you don’t know how much I would love to do that. I’ve waited my whole life to give back and this is my chance, so yes, if you need me I’m definitely there,” Lexy admitted brightly.

  “Great. I was hoping you would say that. I have already spoken with Adrianna and Afton about it. I need to speak with Samson, too. This school would be open to all. Finally everyone can work together and learn together. It will be hard at first but with a little time and some great people on board, like yourself, we should be a success,” Felix explained as he looked down at his watch.

  “Oh, Lexy, I was supposed to meet with Afton in his office ten minutes ago so I need to go. Don’t need to make the old wolf mad at me. Okay, so you can get everything ready for your class with the kids next week. I’m looking for a place to start these classes so go ahead and prepare your schedule with Adrianna.” Felix hugged Lexy then left to go find Afton.

  Lexy was on such a high. She couldn’t believe how everything was going for her. She pulled her purse over her shoulder and walked out the front door. As Lexy got to the bottom step, she heard the faint voice say, “Lexy.” Lexy turned to see who was calling her name but didn’t see anyone there. She couldn’t stop the feeling of despair that came over her. Lexy tried to shrug it off. She knew the Pub was down the road and she wanted to walk and see some of the town. Then she heard it again, “Lexy, you’re mine.” Lexy stopped dead in her tracks, afraid to turn around.

  “No, it can’t be him. No, please it can’t be,” she chanted. Lexy never turned around as she took off running toward town. Her breath was ragged as she turned the corner, running into someone. The older man held his hand out to her.


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