Bryce Evans

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Bryce Evans Page 18

by Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

  “Hold on their, miss. Are you okay?” the older man asked as Lexy bent down, putting her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breathe.

  “Yes, sir. Is there a cab station around here?” Lexy asked as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Yes, ma’am, we do, but I just saw Jerome go toward Miss Watkins’ house to pick her up for her weekly groceries. She’s a wee bit older than I am and she hates to drive so Jerome helps her out by taking her grocery shopping. You see, she has hit everything from parked cars to the side of the grocery store so the town got together and paid for her to be driven every week. They felt the need if they wanted to keep their buildings in tack. Is there something wrong? You looked like you were running for your life,” the older man asked as he stared at Lexy.

  “No, sir, everything is fine. I just need to get home,” Lexy said quietly.

  “You are the Redden girl, right. I met your parents and they are the sweetest people. Well, honey, I can take you home if you don’t mind riding with an old fart like me. I just live down the road from the Alpha and now you.” Lexy couldn’t help but smile at the old man.

  “I would be very grateful, sir.” Lexy walked over to an old red beat up pick-up truck and got in the passenger side. She couldn’t help but look around to see if she could see Cain. He was here in Ashland. He followed her and wanted her back. This can’t be happening. I won’t go calmly this time. You fucker.

  Lexy sat back in the seat shaking, thinking about what to do and how to protect herself. She didn’t want her parents involved. Cain would only hurt them. Their life had been changed along with Lexy’s and she didn’t want them involved this time. She knew the only way to deal with Cain was to get on his level and that meant using dark magic. Lexy knew her grandmother had left her the grimoire and it had plenty of stuff in there on how to fight with it.

  Jezzy Montel, her grandmother, was a white-haired witch and she looked every bit the part. People had been scared of her because she dabbled in the dark arts some. She wanted people to be scared of her so they would leave her alone. When she died, she left her grimoire to Lexy. She had read the whole book but didn’t want to mess with some of the spells, but today, Cain Holliday changed that for her. Today she had something to live for. She had two mates to protect from the tainted heart of Cain.

  “By the way, I’m Mr. Johnson.” Lexy was brought back from her thoughts as she listened to Mr. Johnson. “I run the feed and seed store. So if you need anything you come see me at the store. We need more young people like you in this town.”

  Lexy smiled at Mr. Johnson. “Thank you, sir. I love it here, too, and I would like to plant some plants out back so I will definitely be by to see you.”

  “Great.” Mr. Johnson sat in silence as he drove Lexy to her cottage. He could tell that something was bothering the little lady.


  Brandi drove up the long driveway, checking everything out as she passed. The trees and plants looked greener here. She must be a powerful witch like they said. She will have to do what Cain wants or he will put a hurting on her. Brandi snickered as she drove up to Adrianna’s house. Parking directly in front of the house, she got out of the car, and smoothed down her skirt before checking herself out in the reflection of her car. Brandi smiled, blew herself a kiss, and then turned around and walked up to the front door and knocked.

  The guards had watched her as she exited her car.

  Cade was already informed that a stranger was at the door. He answered the front door as Brandi turned and saw that it was a fine-looking man who answered. “Well hello there, sugar.” Cade’s eyebrow went up as Brandi planted her fake smile on her face.

  “Can I help you?” Cade quickly asked.

  Brandi snickered. “Why yes you can, sugar. I’m looking for Adrianna McDonald,” Brandi informed him as she stuck her chest out.

  Cade didn’t like the look of this woman. He tilted his head in the air and smelled her scent. She smelled off. Cade couldn’t put his finger on what she smelled like, but she didn’t smell good to him.

  “What do you need with Adrianna?” Cade said in a clipped tone. He immediately didn’t like this woman.

  “Well, sugar, that is my business,” Brandi sneered.

  Jacob came to the door standing behind Cade. He could tell the Alpha was getting pissed off now.

  “Well, sugar, if you have business with my mate, then it means that it’s my business, too,” Cade bristled. His voice was heavier and stronger, letting the witch feel his power.

  “Now, now, big boy. No need to blow a gasket, I have some paperwork to give her from Malcolm Holliday,” Brandi informed him.

  Cade immediately went on alert, scanning the front yard. All the guards around the house became alert with the tension that was coming off the Alpha.

  “My mate is not at home, so you can leave the papers with me,” Cade responded in his clipped tone. Brandi was either too stupid to get the Alpha’s tone or she just didn’t care.

  “Well, sugar, if you promise to give it to her then I will just leave it with you,” Brandi murmured.

  Cade didn’t even comment, he just stuck his hand out for the papers. Brandi reluctantly gave the papers to Cade then turned around to leave, but before she walked off the porch, she turned back around.

  “Now, sugar, I’ll be seeing you again real soon.”

  Cade just sneered at the woman as she winked at Jacob who was standing beside Cade. Jacob and Cade watched as the woman pranced across the yard to her car then got into her vehicle and left. After making sure she left the area Cade signaled one of the guards who got into a vehicle and went to follow the woman. Cade closed the door addressing Jacob. “Did you get her tag number?”

  “Yes, sir, Alpha. I’m on it.” Jacob knew what Cade wanted and he had no problem finding out who this woman was. She reeked of something strange and needed to be watched if she had anything to do with Malcolm Holliday.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lexy grabbed her purse and thanked Mr. Johnson for the ride. She bolted for the door when he started to back up in her driveway. She needed to feel secure and was anything but. Lexy knew what she needed to do now. To fight evil you need to know the magic they were using. Lexy learned everything her grandmother had written down in the grimoire. She knew the chapter she needed to go to in order to protect herself from Cain. Walking into her bedroom, she took the chain from around her neck with the key on it and bent down in front of a wooded chest. Lexy unlocked the chest, opening it up to another brown box that was big enough to put a book in. She went to her bed and opened the box taking the book out. Lexy hugged the book to her, allowing herself to feel the calmness that she needed to perform the rituals and spells. She knew she needed to be outside with nature in order to do the spells correctly. Nature would give her the strength she needed.

  Lexy sat in the grass inhaling the smells of the outdoors. She slowly opened the book and turned to the chapter that had the title: “Dark Magic.”

  Lexy slowly read the chapter, letting the information soak in, knowing that she would need this to help defeat Cain. She knew she would have to kill him this time because she would never feel safe if he remained alive. He would continue to torment her forever. Her mates and her family would never be safe with Cain Holliday running around. Lexy knew what she had to do and hoped that she could pull it off.

  Lexy laid the book down in the grass and took off her shoes and socks. Then relished in the feel of the grass, and connecting with the plants around her. Lexy closed her eyes, calling on nature as it grounded her to stay sane, and began chanting the spell over and over until she felt the power swirling around her. She called forth the magic to come into her so she could hunt down and kill Cain with it, her nose started bleeding as the dark magic greedily attached itself to her body. The trees cried out to Lexy telling her to stop. They wanted to help Lexy but she was in control of the magic. She stood trying to control the magic when lightning flashed all around her. The magic tried attacking
Lexy as if it had a mind of its own, hitting her repeatedly. The trees cried out in pain feeling the dark magic smothering Lexy, trying to take over her soul that was filled with light. Before Lexy could call the magic away, her body floated above the ground, paralyzed, as the dark magic wrapped around her then slammed her to the ground. Lexy’s eyes fluttered shut as the darkness took over. She laid on the ground unconscious as the dark magic surrounded her. The trees shook from the power of the dark magic that had encompassed itself inside of Lexy’s soul.


  Damen hung up the phone with Afton telling him that Cain Holliday had been seen with two other girls at his dad’s house. Declan looked over at Damen after he hung up the phone. “What did he say?”

  “He is calling an emergency meeting with everyone at the hotel. He doesn’t want this guy in his town. Shit, wait until Mace and Reece find out the guy that tortured and tried to rape their mate was in town,” said Damen.

  “What did you say? He raped her?” Declan was up on his feet now shaking with rage.

  “Calm down, brother. He tried but failed. Felix got to her in time before he could,” Damen replied.

  “How do you know all this?” Declan asked.

  “Her background check finally came in. I had to pull a lot of strings to find this out. I know one of Felix’s Protectors and well, I called in a favor for the information.”

  “They should have killed the son-of-a bitch for what he did to Lexy,” Declan sneered.

  Damen and Declan walked into Afton’s office feeling all the power in the room. Afton, Selena, Adrianna, Cade, and Samson sat in the office waiting for them to get there.

  “Okay, let’s get this started,” Afton commented. Everyone’s attention focused on Afton. Before the meeting could begin, Mace knocked on the door, Declan opened it to a smiling Alpha.

  Mace looked around at the somber looks of everyone in the room, not seeing Lexy. “Where is Lexy?”

  Afton knew that Lexy left an hour ago after Felix came to the meeting late from meeting with her.

  “Lexy left an hour ago after she met with Felix. I assumed she drove here,” Afton responded.

  Mace anxiously picked up his phone and dialed Lexy’s number. As they waited for Mace to get in touch with Lexy, Adrianna and Selena felt it. The slimy feeling of dark magic being used. Selena jumped up, looked out the window, looking for the source.

  “What was that?” Mace asked as he hung up the phone.

  “Someone is using dark magic and not just a little bit, but a huge amount has been conjured. Do you feel that?” Selena responded.

  “I can’t get in touch with Lexy. I can feel it, something is wrong with her,” Mace whispered then he ran out the door when Adrianna stopped him.

  “Mace, wait. You need to know what you are getting yourself into before you go in blind.”

  “What do you mean, Sissy? I’ve got to find her, she’s in trouble.”

  “Cain Holliday is in town. Damen and Declan just saw him coming out of his father’s house,” said Adrianna.

  “Who is Cain Holliday?” Mace demanded.

  “It’s the man your mate is terrified of,” Damen responded.

  “What the fuck? Why are you just now telling me, dammit?” Mace didn’t wait for an answer but ran out of the room and the hotel with Damen and Declan following.

  “Let’s go guys. I think it was Lexy using the dark magic. It’s coming from Mace’s house,” Selena stated.

  Damen ran and got in the truck with Mace. He knew he needed to be with his Alpha. Mace was going crazy. He could see the wild look in his eyes.

  Mace dialed Reece’s number. He knew he was working from home today until Lexy got back. “Reece, get over to Lexy’s house as quick as you can. I can’t find her, but I was just informed the man Lexy is scared of is in town,” Mace said into the phone. He couldn’t think properly, he needed to find his mate.

  “Tell me now, Damen. Who is Cain Holliday and what did he do to my mate?” asked Mace.

  Damen didn’t want to tell Mace but he needed to know this.


  Reece was in the backyard planting flowers when he got the call from Mace. Star was in the house making cupcakes with her friend, Belle Evans. Reece ran to the back door and told her that something was wrong with Lexy and for them to stay in the house and lock the door until he called her.

  “What’s wrong Reece?” Star asked.

  “It’s Lexy, something is wrong with Lexy,” Reece answered.

  “Don’t worry about us. Belle’s mom is coming to get us anyway. Go, Reece, don’t worry about me. Just go get Lexy.” Reece knew that Star was going to be okay and he knew that Belle’s mom would be there shortly. He ran out the back door, stripped down in the yard, and shifted into his wolf. He ran through the woods toward his mate’s house. He knew something was wrong with Lexy, but he let it pass thinking that Lexy was with Mace. Running through the woods, jumping over logs, he sprinted toward his mate.


  Mace pulled into his driveway, jumped out of the truck, and ran for the front door when he heard Reece howl from the backyard. Mace and Damen ran to the back of the house where he stopped in his tracks. Reece was holding Lexy’s limp body in his arms. She looked lifeless as he picked her up, talking to her, trying to get her to wake up. Mace dropped to his knees as he watched his lifeless mate in Reece’s arms. Declan ran up to Lexy checking for a pulse.

  “She has a pulse. It’s strong. Let’s get her inside.” Damen opened the back door so Reece could carry her in the house. Damen pulled the comforter down as Reece gently laid her on the bed then sat down beside her, holding her hand.

  Afton, Adrianna, Selena, Samson, and Cade came running in the front door.

  Selena walked up beside the bed, slowly, knowing that Reece would be in protection mode. “Reece, I need to get right here to see if I can help Lexy. Will you let me help your mate?” Reece was growling because Selena was standing beside his mate. Selena understood why he was growling. It was the way of the wolf. Mace came walking into the room with a book in his hand.

  “Where did you get that?” Adrianna asked.

  “It was laying in the yard beside Lexy,” said Mace.

  “Let me see the grimoire, Mace,” Selena asked.

  Mace gave the book to Selena who chanted some words nobody understood then she laid the book down watching as the book’s pages started flipping. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched as the book stopped. Selena picked the book up shaking her head.

  “She was using dark magic. It is a defensive spell. She must know he is here in town.” Mace went to the other side of the bed with a wet washcloth, wiping the blood off Lexy’s face.

  “Reece, will you let me help your mate?” Selena demanded.

  Reece reluctantly got up, allowing Selena to sit beside Lexy.

  “Mace, I need for everyone to get off the bed and you can’t hold her hand until I’m done with the spell. We must cleanse her soul of the dark magic.”

  Mace’s head jerked up. “Did you say dark magic? Why would Lexy be using dark magic?”

  “Because she knows he is back in town. He must have contacted her some way or she saw him. She was using dark magic to help her defeat Cain Holliday. I would think she was planning to kill him from the look of the spell,” Selena answered.

  “She didn’t think we could protect her? Did she?” Reece demanded.

  “Look, Reece, Lexy is scared and she panicked. You have to put yourself in her shoes. This man tortured her and tried to rape her before Felix saved her,” Samson explained. He didn’t want to go into any more details than that. He knew he had said too much when Reece gasped and started growling.

  Mace’s face started changing. His emotions were everywhere. His wolf was trying to break through. Adrianna held her hands up then chanted a very powerful calming spell that allowed Mace to push his wolf back. He needed answers now not blood.

  Reece slumped down into the chair away from everyone. He k
new he shouldn’t be upset with Lexy, but he couldn’t think straight. A mate should trust each other. She didn’t even tell them what had happened. He had to find out from someone else about his mate’s life.

  “Dark magic like this spell is very dangerous. Even an experienced witch would have a hard time using this spell. This type of magic is very powerful. Frankly, it shouldn’t be used at all. The magic wraps itself around you and then tortures you before it lets you use it. Her body is trying to fight it off, but we need to get it out of her fast,” Selena informed everyone.

  Selena held both of Lexy’s hands and closed her eyes. She started chanting the cleansing spell, but the dark magic held tight not wanting to leave Lexy’s body. Selena stopped chanting. “I need help with this one, Adrianna.”

  “Let’s take her outside so I can pull energy from the trees and nature,” Adrianna explained. Mace reached over and scooped Lexy up into his arms. Everyone in the room could feel the tension coming from Mace and Reece who were scared and mad at their mate.

  Mace slowly placed Lexy onto the ground then backed up as Selena dropped to her knees beside her. Adrianna took her shoes off and put her feet in the grass. Then she placed her hands on Selena as she started the chanting. A bright light glowed around Adrianna as she chanted. It was like the air stopped blowing then a gust of wind blew around the girls as they chanted the cleansing spell. The trees leaned toward Adrianna as she chanted.

  Mace could see the blackness that surrounded his mate. It tried to cling to her, but the bright light was too much for the dark magic as it fizzled away from her body. Lexy’s color returned to her cheeks as she gasped for air, regaining consciousness and opening her eyes for a brief moment then immediately passed out. Mace ran to her, but she was still, and couldn’t answer.

  “She can’t answer you, Mace. Her body has been fighting the dark magic and now needs to rest. Pick her up and bring her back in the house,” Selena explained. Mace did as he was asked, carried her into the bedroom, covered her with the blanket, then walked back out.


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