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Cocky: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 60

by Ashlee Price

  She could hear the mean breathing loudly too. The room was hot now, and she was sure she was going to look like a mess. She slowly raised herself off of the table and looks at the brothers. They were both watching her. She smiled sexily at the both of them and started to laugh. Jeremy showed her to a bathroom and she got cleaned up. The three of them put themselves back together enough to go back to the party.

  Alexa left the hotel the next day feeling satisfied. She had finally landed the job of her dreams.


  Firefighter Seeks Wife

  Chapter 1

  Cal was getting to the stage in life where he was ready to settle down. He had just had his thirty fifth birthday and it got him thinking about what else he wanted out of life. He wanted a wife and kids like everyone else, but he didn’t have the time to look. The truth was that after working 60-70 hours a week as a firefighter, the only thing he had time for was sleeping and eating. Cal didn’t even have time to clean his house, having to hire a maid to come in a couple of times a week.

  He was beginning to think that he was always going to be alone, but then one of his buddies at work told him how he found his wife Ivanka. It was something that Cal has heard of, but he didn’t really think it happened in real life.

  “Thomas, I am glad it worked for you, but I just don’t like the idea of it.”


  “Because it is like buying a bride, isn’t it?”

  “Not at all. It’s pretty simple. They want to come here and they want to be American, we need wives.”

  “But you don’t even know them.”

  “I didn’t know Ivanka and it has worked out. We have been married for over five years now and I can honestly say that it was the single best thing that I ever did.”

  Cal tried not to judge him. He was overweight and though he had a

  heart of gold, he had never been very popular with the ladies. It made him think that he didn’t need to go to all of that trouble. Cal was a good looking man and whenever he did go out to the bar, he had no trouble bringing home a woman. But the time after, the trying to date and get in touch, finding dates where they are both free, just never really works out. There was only a few of them that he had really wanted to pursue something with.

  “I’m telling you Cal. You would find someone in no time. Good looking guy like yourself, they would be fighting to get over here for you.”

  “How long did it take you?”

  “Start to finish, we met and married within six months.

  Five of them was when she was here. You have to live together a while to see if you are compatible before you get married. You don’t have to of course, if she is willing, but I have heard some guys have bad experiences as well.”

  Thomas gave Cal the web address and told him some of the tips that he had found useful. Cal only half-listened, still convinced that he didn’t need that kind of thing. He wanted a wife, but not in that way. He didn’t want to have to buy his wife, he wanted love. Could someone that he just met, really love him? And could he love her? Cal wasn’t so sure.

  He did take the piece of paper with the web address and after fighting the urge, he finally got his phone out and started to check out the site. It was kind of like a dating website that he had tried before, but the stakes were a whole lot higher. Most of the girls were from out of country and all of them were beautiful to him. It was weird though, like choosing a woman from a catalogue. It just didn’t seem right. He put his phone away and went to bed. His mind on the idea of ordering a bride like his friend suggested. His dreams were filled with one actually coming to him through the mail.

  The next morning, he went back to the address and scrolled through some of the women that were looking for American men. Thomas had told him a little about it, that he had to put up a profile and a pic. Then he should just contact the women that he liked and go from there. He just didn’t get, how it was supposed to go from hey to let’s get married without ever meeting, touching. But he was desperate and lonely, so he made a profile and hoped for the best.

  With the start of winter closing in around the small town in North Carolina, there were more fires than usual with everyone pulling out old heaters. One family had almost killed themselves with a propane heater and by the end of the day, Cal felt like he had worked a week. It was always bad that time of year, but it seemed worse for some reason, like it was worse than it had ever been before.

  Thomas was driving the truck back to the base when he asked about the wife hunting. Cal eventually agreed that he had at least put a profile up, but was still not ready to go into more details. It was kind of embarrassing, but he had to admit that Thomas may be a lot of things, but he was happy. He got to go home to a wife and young baby, a home cooked meal. Cal wanted the same thing and he found himself a little jealous that he had nothing to go home to. He couldn’t even have a dog because he wasn’t home enough to feed it.

  When he got home that evening, to the silence and the television, he checked his mail from the site and was surprised to find a message. There was actually more than one, but there was only one that was in English.

  “Very handsome man. Why do you need a wife here?”

  There was nothing else, but a picture of a beautiful blonde beauty smiling back at him. He liked the directness of her, as well as the fact that she could actually at least speak enough to type it out. Cal sent her a message back. His was just as short and to the point. “Work too much as a firefighter. No time to find a wife.”

  His fingers hovered over the enter button for a while, debating if he should send or not. He finally did and expected to hear something the next day. He went to bed, with only a few hours before he had to get up and do it all over again.

  Right before he had nodded off completely, he heard his phone buzz and he opened it up to find a message from the woman, Ana. “I need husband, you need wife. Seems simple to me.”

  That was it. He just stared at the screen for several minutes. Then another message came through and he almost jumped with the notification sound. “You there? Call me.”


  She left a number and Cal just stared at it much as he had the text. He had wondered how it would happen so fast and apparently that was how.

  They talked for several hours and at the end of the conversation, she was planning a trip. It happened that quickly, but there was the question of would the conversation be enough and would it translate to when they actually met? Cal still wasn’t so sure, but he looked forward to something more. He looked forward to somehow ending up like Thomas, happily in love.

  She couldn’t make it till the next week and Cal was a bundle of nerves. He knew that they didn’t have to marry, but it was a lot of pressure. Ana was willing to go across the world to meet him, so there was definitely a little pressure. Cal kept the good news to himself, not just embarrassed in a way, but he didn’t want to jinx it either. There was always going to be someone that would have something to say about it, the slight judgment, but he didn’t want all the negativity to go into his head. He really enjoyed their conversation and he just wanted to focus on her.

  When the day finally arrived, he was almost vibrating with nerves. He had somehow wrangled the day off with Thomas’ help and after standing in front of the mirror for an hour, he drove to the airport in town and waited for Ana.

  Chapter 2

  Ana was as nervous as Cal. She was coming to a new country and though his pictures showed Cal as handsome and young, she had heard stories of women getting to America and who they thought they were going to meet, turned out to be someone else entirely. She had looked at his pictures several times, hoping that he was who he said he was.

  The plane touched down and Ana was a bundle of nerves. Her stomach tightened as she walked into the airport, hoping that Cal would be there waiting for her. When she caught his gaze, her heart thudded into her chest. It was him and he was more devastatingly handsome then she had thought. Why would someone like this, need
a mail-order bride? Her concern then was if he had some secret needs that others found hard. There had been a lot of those too.

  “Hello Cal.”

  “Hi, Ana. You are even more beautiful than your pictures.”

  She thanked him, her blue eyes finding it hard to hold his gaze. It was the way he looked at her, with hunger that she had never felt before. “I’m surprised as well. You are a very good looking man.”

  He was tall, dark and handsome. He offered to take her bags and she thanked him again. Everything just seemed too perfect. He was too perfect.

  “I’ve gotten the day off today, but I have to go in tomorrow, so I was hoping we could get you settled in today. I was hoping that I would have more time off, but it seems that it is impossible to get time off right now.”

  “I understand. You must work. You get some days off, yeah?”

  “Yes, usually one a week.”

  “That’s good. Will you let me work?”

  He shrugged, not even thinking about it. “If you want to. I make enough for the both of us, but I wouldn’t stop you if that is what you want to do.”

  Ana liked that answer. Not because she had any intentions of getting a job, but she liked that there was an option if she wanted to.

  They rode home the rest of the way in silence and Ana was in for more surprises when they got there. To her, it seemed like a mansion, but he assured her that it wasn’t. “Just typical around here. The fire station makes sure that all their employees live close, so I was given a good offer on this place because of the location.”

  She nodded, but it was getting better by the minute. It really was hit or miss with those kinds of things and Ana always heard the whispers that put the fear in all women that decided to find a man in another country. It seemed that she had hit the jackpot in a way. Cal was more than she ever could have imagined. He was handsome, kind, gentle. Those were qualities that usually didn’t go together.

  They got inside the house and she asked to use his phone to call her family.

  “You don’t have a cell phone?”

  She shook her head that she didn’t. Cal showed her where the phone was and went to bring her bags into her new room. Cal didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, so he thought that for the time being while they were getting to know each other, she should have her own room to go to instead of sharing a bed with him. As soon as he had seen her, he hardened in his pants, she was beautiful, but he knew he had to take his time or he may scare her away.

  He heard her talking quickly in Russian and though he had started to learn what he could, he still did not understand half of what she was saying. She came back into the living room after she was done and

  asked where her bags were.

  “I put them in your room, so you can get settled. Then we can do whatever you want, get something to eat, go see some sights, whatever you want.”

  “But this is your day off.”

  “Yes and I want you to be happy. Whatever you want to do.”

  Ana wasn’t prepared for such an offer and she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. It had gone so much different in her head. He showed her where her room was and she was a bit confused.

  “We will not share a room together?”

  “Maybe in time, but for now you don’t have to share with a stranger.”

  It was sweet in a way, but it raised Ana’s suspicions. What if he didn’t want her and wanted to send her back home? She shivered slightly, thinking about the problems that she had left behind, the dominating boyfriend that thought he owned her. She had left in the night for her new life, promising herself that it would work out. It had to.

  “You are not a stranger. You are to be my husband, right?”

  He nodded his head, his eyes unable to stop roaming over her. Cal liked the idea of calling such a gorgeous creature his wife. “Yes, but in time. We have 90 days to get married Ana, so there is no rush.”

  There was to her. She wanted to make sure that he married her so that she could stay there, no matter what happened. “The room is beautiful thank you, you have been so kind.”

  “No problem. There is a shower and bath in the bathroom that’s connected.”

  “Thank you. I think I will clean up first, if you don’t mind.”

  He didn’t and he walked out before his urges made him do something that he would regret. It had been so long and Ana was someone that a man could dream about. He went to his own room to settle his nerves and his ardor.

  Cal heard a light knock on the door and he walked into the bathroom, pulling his pants up as he went. “Just a second.”

  He came back out with just his jeans on. She was already in the room and her eyes took in his hard body. Ana noticed something else was hard, but he seemed embarrassed by it, so she didn’t say anything.

  “Can you help me with the shower? It’s really different than the ones we have at home.”

  Cal took in her body covered in a towel and groaned inwardly as he went to turn it on for her. He had expected many things, but not to feel like a randy school boy again. Did she even know what she was doing to him, he wondered to himself.

  He bent over and turned the hot on, asking her if she wanted it hot or warm.”

  “As hot as it goes.”

  Cal did as she asked and then excused himself back to his room so he could take care of his need that was driving him crazy.

  Chapter 3

  “Are you ready to go get something for lunch?”

  Ana had gotten out of the shower and her blonde hair was wet and curly. She looked different, fresh and a little younger than she had with all of her makeup on. He decided he liked her better like that, fresh faced.

  “I need to get ready.”

  “You look beautiful as you are.”

  She did not seem to believe him and she shook her head. “No makeup, hairs a mess, give me thirty minutes please.”

  “Of course Ana, but you don’t need those things. I think you look perfect as you are.”

  His sweet words made her rethink what she did. If he wanted her this way, then she would do what he wanted. She wanted him to want her and to marry her, so Cal could have whatever he wanted and no makeup didn’t seem that bad to her. Ana wore it because she had been taught to never leave the house without it. “If you like me this way, than that is fine. Where are we going?”

  “There is a Russian restaurant down the block, if you would like to go there.”

  She didn’t. “Why don’t we go to your favorite place first?”

  “I like Italian. Does some pasta sound good then?”

  She nodded that it did and grabbed her purse. He held the door open for her and Ana smiled up to him, wondering how she had gotten so lucky to meet him. Out of all the men that she had talked to on the internet, Cal was the only one she had considered. There had been a feeling go over her when she had seen his photo, like he was the one.

  Now she was sure that he was. How could he not be when he was so sweet to her?


  The lunch was long and the two talked about many things. One of Cal’s friend was there picking up an order to go. “Hey Thomas.”

  Thomas saw Ana and smiled. Cal introduced her and she shook the burly man’s hand. He invited them over for dinner that night, his wife Ivanka was cooking. Thomas thought that it would be nice for Ana to be around someone from their own country. He saw the way Cal was looking at her and he smiled to himself. If anyone deserved a good wife, it was Cal.

  Ana was happy to spend the day sightseeing and the couple were closer by the end of the day. They had shared a lot, Cal interested in knowing everything about her, though she did leave some of it out. She didn’t mention Vlad or why she really wanted to get away from him and her home. They got back later that evening and she insisted on getting ready before they went to Thomas’. Ana was a bit nervous to meet someone who was from her home country. She certainly did not want to look a mess as she did then, even if Cal liked her that way. Ana was convinced
by the first day that he would like her no matter what she wore or looked like. Cal was a rare man indeed, seemingly just happy to have someone around.

  He seemed lonely to her and she had to wonder to herself why a man like that was single. She was still waiting for the last shoe to drop, for some weird fetish to come to light. Ana tried to push it from her mind though, trying to enjoy the moment as it was, but it was hard not to wonder.

  Chapter 4

  Cal was ready long before Ana was. She took almost an hour, but by the time she came out, he about swallowed his tongue. “Oh my Ana. You are…”

  He couldn’t think of words that would properly say it. Her hair was down and blown out straight. Her makeup was light, but accentuated her fair features. The dress she wore was not too short, but hugged every one of her curves. Cal felt a surge of blood to his cock and he went back to ‘grab’ something from his room. It was going to be a long night and he had to convince his body to stop reacting like they were alone and she was already his wife. They were still in the trial stages and the last thing he needed to do was come on too strong, but she was not making it any easier on him.

  She smiled up at him sweetly when he came back out and he moved to kiss her before he really thought it through. Ana’s lips were soft and yielding as his moved down to hers. He heard her moan as his tongue pushed through her lips and the sound drove him a little mad. His body crushed her against him with a tight grip around her waist by one of his arms. Ana’s body molded to his, soft and inviting.

  Cal pulled away suddenly, apologizing. Ana didn’t know why he was sorry, but her lips were still warm from his kiss. The way he had grabbed her made her knees go weak, his strength apparent from his touch. He was like a gentle giant, with a controlled power that was just underneath the surface.

  “No need to apologize Cal. It was really nice.”

  She looked up at him with her crystal blue eyes, wanting more but not knowing how to ask. Her thoughts went to dinner and she almost suggested that they just go ahead and stay in, but no words would form in her mouth. Instead he took her hand gentle and steered her towards his truck. Again, he held the door open for her, the gentleman in him made her appreciate him more.


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