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Cocky: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 73

by Ashlee Price

  Waking up suddenly, I could still feel the throb of need that I had felt in that moment. But I was alone, in the small room in the attic of my aunt’s house. Damien was not there to save me and take me away from anything. He was gone and even though I had awoken from that dream more times than I cared to admit, it hurt the same every time. Every time I woke up alone, it was like losing him all over again. Over and over again I lost him and that morning I could feel that hot result of that unfulfilled need on my cheeks.

  Getting up, I tried to get myself together, but my hands still trembled from the memories and I could still feel the tingling sensation of him inside of me. I felt hollow again, utterly empty without him and knowing that his child grew larger inside of me was of no real comfort to me. I was going to be alone and without him and that hit me harder than my aunt’s constant jabs.

  I had to push him out of my mind or I was going to drive myself crazy. There was nothing that I could do really. He was gone and that was that. I wished for many things, but I had not wished and prayed for nothing as much as I had for Damien. To keep him safe in the war and to maybe one day bring him back to me. I knew it was a long shot, but I sent another wishful prayer up for him, that maybe one day we could be together again. I knew it was impossible to have him like I wanted, but I knew then that if I could have him in any way, it would be better than nothing at all.


  “I have been waiting for you for a while, Harriet. I was starting to wonder if you were going to get up at all. This is no time to be lazy child, there is so much that needs to be done. Don’t think that I am going to do everything around here while you lay about. I told your mother I would watch over you, but never did I say I would be your servant.”

  I sighed to myself and sat down at the table in front of a plate of cold potatoes and some kind of meat. She never splurged on anything that was too costly, so I knew that it was whatever the butcher had for little at the time. The smell of it was making me realize that I wasn’t so hungry anymore, but after more of her prodding, I managed to put down half of a small potato before I pushed the plate away.

  “What is it that we have to prepare for?” I still had no idea what she was talking about from before.

  “Why, for the baby of course. There are several families that we are going to meet with and I need you to look your best. No one will want your child if you look as you do now, dirty and your hair in disarray.”

  I looked down at my clothes and they were stained, but it was only because I only had two dresses there. When I was made to leave in the middle of the night, my things were already in the carriage waiting and I was not able to get anything else. When I mentioned that to her, she made a sound and then told me that I would have to go down to the shops and see if there was something that wouldn’t need too many alterations.

  “I doubt we will find anything as large as you are now.” She tsked and looked off for a time. “I don’t want them to see you like this, so we will have to find something. Go down there and see if there is anything suitable.”

  She handed me some money and I looked at it. She made mention that she wanted anything that was left over and I nodded that I would. What I was really thinking of though, was how much it was when added with my own. There was not much else I could do if she was already planning to sell my baby or give it away to strangers. There was no way that I was going to let that happen, so I knew that now was the time. If I was going to go, really going to leave, I had to do it now because after the baby was born was going to be too late. There was much apprehension in having a child without a doctor or something of the like around, no one to help me, but I knew that I didn’t have a choice.

  She was not going to let me keep my baby and I could never go home with him, so I had to leave.

  “I have to change my shoes and I will go right away Aunt Lea.”

  Looking at me suspiciously, I smiled back at her and she looked at me sharply. Toning down the look, I tried to keep my apprehension and excitement to myself. I didn’t know what would happen next, but I knew that almost anything had to be better than staying there and listening to her. My aunt had a way of breaking one’s spirit and mine had been broken enough. There was nothing more that I wanted to do then, but leave and never look back. My mind was a long way from the man that kept me company at night.

  Chapter 6 – Damien

  “Is Harriet here?”

  The older woman shook her head, the dark curls falling across her face with the movement.

  “I know that she is and I would like to see her.”

  She stood in front of the door and made it clear that I would not be passing. I didn’t understand why she insisted on being difficult and lying to me. I was told by several people in the village that Harriet was staying there with her aunt.

  “Harriet is here. Everyone in towns knows that she is here, so why won’t you move aside so I can see her.”

  “I don’t know who you think you are….”

  “You know exactly who I am and if I have to get someone to come in there and get her I will.”

  She blanched at the threat and then sighed. “She really isn’t here. I sent her this morning to get a dress and she hasn’t come back yet with my money.”

  “Are you sure she is okay?” I was less worried about her money and more worried about the woman carrying my child. With her so close to when the baby would be due, I knew that some women had complications. I couldn’t even think about what would happen if something happened to her. I knew that I would lose myself and the puckered face woman in front of me was what was standing in my way. I leveled a dark look at her and she flushed more from the intensity of it.

  “I think she is fine. She probably went and spent it on something frivolous. Who knows with her?”

  I could tell that I wasn’t going to get anything from her, but I wanted to make sure that she wasn’t lying. “Take me to her room.”

  The woman was going to say no, I could see her lips forming to the answer, but she must have seen in my eyes that that answer was not going to be taken. I was going to have her and there was nothing that anyone was going to do about it.

  She finally moved aside and directed me up a small flight of stairs that were hidden from my view at first. “She has been staying up here?”

  With a nod of the head, I could tell that Harriet had more than likely ran away from that woman. She was mean and malicious, which was clear from being around her for more than a few minutes. No one could miss the spirit of the woman that was around her for too long.

  The room was tiny and I couldn’t even stand up in it. I imagined Harriet in a place such as this and it made me angry that she had been tossed up there as if she were a servant. I knew that this was her aunt’s place, but it didn’t seem that she was cared for very well there.

  There were only a few things that I recognized as hers and one of them was a dress that had once been beautiful, I could still see her in it, but it was now soiled and stained. The more I saw, the angrier I became. It was not the sort of place for the woman I loved and I hoped that she had left. I knew then though, that I was going to find her and make sure that she never had to live like this again.

  About to leave, I stopped when I saw a piece of scrap paper with her writing on it. I would recognize it anywhere, still possessing several letters that she had written me. They had kept me going the long nights that I was fighting away from home. I picked up the small piece of paper and read it out loud. “Oliver Damien Cross.”

  I liked the name and I liked the fact that she felt like our child was a boy. I had this hope in my heart that it would be a boy, but I felt like all men had desire. If she felt the same way, I knew then more than ever that the feeling I had was true. She was going to have my son soon and I had to get to her.

  Walking back down the stairs I almost stopped to say something, but knew that it would just be a waste of breath on someone like her. She would not see what she had done as anything wrong, but I knew in m
y heart that she would pay for what she had done to Harriet. Just to treat her to such a place when there were obviously other empty rooms was bad enough.

  “If you find her, make sure she gets back here. We have people to meet or they are not going to take the baby.”

  I turned around and moved till I was right in front of her. “You are going to do no such thing. That is my baby and Harriet is going to be my wife. You will have nothing to do with either one of them again you old crone.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but I think the look in my eyes was enough for her to stop. I left finally and I was glad to see the back of the place. Just being around the woman had put me in a foul mood. I had to find my wife.

  I really liked the sound of that.


  “You were impossible to find.”

  She smiled at me and smiled down at the bundle in her hands. “Do you want to meet your son?”

  I was nervous to hold such a small creature, but the boy had my eyes and his mother’s smile. When he smiled up at me, I was in love twofold. There was nothing I could do but cradle him against me and look down at her.

  “How did you find me?”

  “I kept asking around and I followed a blacksmith’s wife home and got information from her. Then I met your aunt and you were gone. So there were only a couple of places you could have gone.”

  I was proud of my investigation skills, but I was too late.

  “What is the matter, Damien?”

  “I wanted to do this right, to ask you to marry me before…”

  “You were going to ask me to marry you?”

  “I am. Harriet, I need you in my life and I want you to be my wife. For us to be a family. You are all I have thought about since I left and I don’t ever want to be without you again. I love you, Harriet.”

  Her eyes started to well up as I came towards her. Kissing her, I asked her for an answer and she just smiled up at me. “How could it be anything but yes, Damien?”


  I watched her put the baby down in the small bassinet and watched her fuss over him for a few minutes before I called her to bed.

  “He is not the only one that needs some attention wife.”

  She smiled and I was taken aback by her beauty once again. When she smiled at me like that, it was hard to breathe sometimes. As she came towards the bed, her eyes had a glint in them that I hadn’t seen in a long time and my body started to respond before she had done anything.

  “Why are you not next to me?”

  “You are impatient.”

  “I have waited a long time, Harriet. I can no longer be patient.”

  “What is it that you want my husband?”

  I liked the sound of it and I pointed at her. “Me?”

  Shaking my head, I tried to reach for her, but she back stepped out of my reach. Growling I was about to get up when she shook her finger at me and told me to stay. My eyes watched her move a little closer, but still out of my reach and then move her hands up to the top of her dress. Pulling it down her arms, her body was slowly revealed for every curve that I had missed so much. Taking a deep breath, I tried to contain myself, but I hadn’t seen the perfection in full for such a long time. My mind went to the time when I had and I grew larger by the second.

  She noticed and moved to touch me there as she had once before. My eyes closed to the pleasure and I heard her giggle slightly. “Is that what you wanted?”

  Opening my eyes I nodded my head that it wasn’t and I had had enough of her teasing. Pulling her to me, she made an attempt to slow me down, but it was impossible with all of her body in view. She was thicker, her shape more womanly and I was beside myself with need.

  “Why are you rushing, Damien? We have all night.”

  I groaned with the idea of it, but I knew that I wasn’t going to last another minute if she continued to stand there as she was. Instead I pulled her over onto me and her legs straddled my thighs. Her eyes went to the hardness underneath her and she slipped down lower to open my pants and set my manhood free. Her eyes widened and then mine did as well as she leaned down to take me into her mouth.

  My member disappeared into her mouth and I finally couldn’t stand the sight any longer. Closing my eyes, it only made the sensation harder to deny and soon I had to stop her before I lost myself so quickly. I wanted it to last, but more than anything, I wanted inside of her.

  Pulling her back up to my waist, I lifted her up and eased her down onto my hardness. She gasped and I groaned as I filled her slowly. It had been so long since I had felt the perfection, every inch fully taken and squeezed from all sides by her slick, suffocating folds. She whimpered above me when I held her hips still. I needed a moment to adjust to the pure heaven that I experienced, still wanting to last as long as I could.

  She was impatient though, as she had been the first time and started to move, grinding me deeper with only the inch or two that she was able to manipulate inside of her. She was becoming frantic, wanting more and I could feel her wetness surrounding me. “Please, Damien, I need all of you.”

  I could no longer prolong the inevitable and instead of trying, I slammed her body the rest of the way down as my hips thrust upwards. Harriet screamed out my name as I felt the rush of fluid around me. It was too much to take and as I gripped her, I thrust upwards over and over again until I too was groaning her name in release. It was always so perfect with her.

  Harriet collapsed on my body and I moved the silken strands out of my face as she tried to catch her breath, my thickness still inside of her, pumping seed and being clenched with each lingering spasm of pleasure. It was a time before she started to sit up and I felt myself growing larger in her again. Harriet whimpered and I asked her if she wanted me to stop.

  “Never, Damien, please don’t ever stop.” A surge from beneath stopped her words and her bright eyes were gone behind her lids again, as I felt the inner cling of her sheath around me. Harriet was made for me and no matter what happened next, it didn’t matter if she was with me and our son was healthy. They were all that mattered to me now.


  My Stepbrother in Charge

  The limo reached the hotel and I got out, looking around at the bright lights, the people on the street, each going their own way, intent on their own purpose. Some looked happy, others, well, let’s just say not so much. Vegas is, as history has shown, a town where fortunes have been made and lost with the single sweep of a one-armed bandit or the roll of a dice. I was careful to make sure there were no creases in my cream pants suit. It was, after all, a long time since I had seen my estranged step-brother. The last time was seven years ago. I was a sophomore in college, home for the holidays. I remember having just got home, and had sneaked a look into the kitchen, hoping for some of Abby, the cooks’ famous pastries, when I heard Godfrey, my stepfather, screaming at Drew, calling him names, fag and a gay bastard being the most prevalent. That was the last time I had seen Drew, the thump of the front door as he left seeming to be the end of that particular conversation, if that is what it could be called. Although it was the last time I had seen him, we kept in touch over the years, sending each other the occasional email, you know, Christmas and birthdays and such.

  And then I had met Andy. Beautiful, wife-beating, fucked up Andy, who had seemed to be the perfect choice of husband material; tall, rich, handsome, intelligent, in short, everything a woman could ask for…almost. His low self-esteem coupled with his insecurities which he would take out me seemed to be the highlight of his life – taking it out on me, that is, not the self-esteem and insecurity issues. Well, it is two years later and a divorce is pending. Not all the money in the world is enough to make me stay with him. I’ve had one cracked rib and one blue eye too many, especially since my natural eye color is brown. Anyway, to make a long story short, after leaving Andy, I went back to stay with Mom and Godfrey, received an invite from Drew to come visit, and here I am, standing on the sidewalk, in Las Vegas, taking some
time off from work and looking forward to spending time in the desert with the stepbrother, the hotel magnate.

  I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, which was opened for me, and I was ushered in. There was no stopping at the concierge for me. Nope, I was ushered towards a private elevator, taken all the way up to the top floor, shown my bedroom, and left to my own devices, being told that Mr. Backstromb, that’s Drew and the stepdad’s surname, so by the way, and my mother’s as well, come to think of it, would be with me presently.

  I have to say it was a little bit of a let-down. I had dressed to the nines, even put on six inch heels, all in preparation of seeing my sexy step-brother, at least, that’s how I remember him, and the man was not even around. The anticipation had gotten me all hot and bothered, and truth be told, I was a little edgy. There was, however, one thing that tended to calm me down: sex. Luckily I had Fred with me; this being what I called my little fucking ridiculous electronic device, if you were wondering. Besides, Andy had been a terrible lay. Sex with Fred had always been much more satisfying, and he didn’t last five minutes, tops, and he didn’t only knew one position, missionary. Fred could fuck me any way I wanted. Hell, Fred lasted as long as I needed him to, and he satisfied me in all the ways I needed to be. Mostly. A little human contact and some dirty words would have been a nice addition, but they don’t get made that way. Just a thought to throw in here: this is my idea, and I am going to approach a company with it, so please, don’t go stealing it!

  Back to me and Fred. Seeing as I was a little hot under the collar round about this time, I decided to go do something about it. I got undressed and took a quick shower, took Fred out, lay on the bed, and set to work. And then, it happened. Let me explain. Fred was inside me, buzzing around merrily, working on my G-spot while my one hand was rubbing away at my clit, driving me towards a most successful conclusion. However, that is when the unthinkable happened. Just as my climax hit me, and let me add, I am vocal about it, my door burst open. There I lay, butt naked, my pussy exposed with Fred doing its thing inside me, my climax causing a squirt, and two startle-faced men were seeing the whole thing happen! I wished, at that moment, the earth would open and swallow me, literally! It was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me. Could you possibly imagine how mortified I was?


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