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Cocky: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 83

by Ashlee Price

  All of her friends started to arrive around 9 o’clock. It was just getting dark enough to start the fire. Natasha’s dad had piled a bunch of wood to start it, and then they had a whole other pile to keep it going. Once it was lit by Natasha's dad, the boys at the party took over. Sylvia didn’t know what it was about fire that boys liked so much, it’s like it was embedded in to their brains to play and poke at a fire.

  The party was a hit, most of the senior class showed up, as well as some of the younger grades. The fire was huge and the music was loud. Everyone was to bring their own alcohol and they definitely did. By midnight, everyone was feeling pretty good; including Sylvia. She and Natasha and her friends Katie and Sarah were all sitting around the fire talking to a group of boys. They were all pretty good friends.

  The girls were listening to the guys brag about how many girls they were going to pick up in the summer; Sylvia thought they were all a little cocky.

  “I bet you I can pick up more guys than you can girls.” She said to the boys.

  “You think so?” one boy asked sarcastically. His name was Kent, and Sylvia had had a pretty big crush on him for most of high school. He had blonde hair that he kept messy, and hazel coloured eyes. His sense of humour was what attracted her though. They were always flirty with each other, but neither had ever made a move to be with the other.

  “Tell you what,” she leaned in a little closer to him, “let’s make a little bet. Let’s see who can pick up the most people this summer.”

  “Hmm, that sounds interesting. What’s at stake?” He leaned in so that he was inches from her face.

  “If I win, I get to choose one girl for you to sleep with, and vice versa.”

  “So what you’re saying is, you could pick the most disgusting girl and I would have to get with her?” He looked a little worried.

  “Yep, that is exactly what I’m saying.” She laughed when he scrunched up his nose. “It shouldn’t be a problem for you though; I thought you were going to pick up all kinds of girls?”

  “Oh I am.” He said. “Okay, deal.” He stuck his hand out and she grabbed it and shook it. Their faces were still fairly close together and if all of her friends and all of his friends were sitting so close and listening, she would probably close the gap and kiss him. Instead, she smiled a sexy smile and leaned away from him.

  About an hour later, everyone started to clear out. Their rides were here, or they went to bed in the tents they set up. Natasha and Sylvia were standing by the front of the house and saying good bye to everyone. Kent walked up to them and gave Natasha a big hug, “good luck” she whispered in his ear.

  Then it was Sylvia’s turn for a big hug. “If I win, I’m choosing me.” Kent whispered to her so no one else would hear. Then he released her and got in the passenger side door of a black car that had pulled up.

  Sylvia stood shocked for a couple of minutes. It finally sunk in that if Kent won, he was going to choose himself for her to sleep with. This just gave the bet a whole new meaning. She really didn’t have to win, because all she wanted was to be with Kent. On the other hand, she could see herself actually being with Kent for a while. They got along great, they were always laughing and they clearly had charisma they couldn’t ignore any longer. If she was getting herself ready for a long term relationship, she might as well get her fill of one night stands while she could. See what was out there. Plus, if she won the bet she had awesome bragging rights. The outcome would be the same; she would choose herself for him if she won.

  So the bet began. Sylvia spent most of the summer lying around the beach with Natasha. There were plenty of cute boys there, and they were always up for hanging out. In the first month, she got with three different guys. That wasn’t as many as it could be, but it was more than her usual.

  She saw Kent about half way through the summer, he got a job and was working all the time, and they had to define some rules. They decided that each individual person of the opposite sex counted as one point, if they were the same sex they counted as two, and if there was more than one person, no matter the sexes, it counted as three. With a clear point system, it was easier to see who would win. They also decided that they had to have a friend meet the people or they didn’t count, otherwise they could cheat.

  By the end of the summer, Sylvia was at ten points. She had five points for five guys, two points for one girl, and three points for the threesome she ended up being in one crazy night. She was pretty proud of the points she had gotten, and she felt like she had experienced enough to be able to commit fully to Kent. She and Natasha spent the last couple of days of summer planning an end of summer party to be held at Natasha's house again.

  They were all super excited until Sylvia’s parents dropped a bomb on her.


  “Don’t you think going to a cottage for the long weekend would be fun?” Sylvia’s mother asked her at the breakfast table on the last Thursday morning of summer.

  “Sure, any other long weekend. I’m starting college on Tuesday and we’re supposed to be having an end of the summer party this weekend. I only start college once mom.” She whined to her mother. She really wanted to go to the party at Natasha’s; she had basically planned the whole thing. Most of the senior year was invited, and Sylvia knew that Kent was going. They were supposed to compare numbers and see who won the bet.

  “Well I’m sorry Sylvia, but this weekend means a lot to your father. He hasn’t seen Brian in years and now that he is home, he was kind enough to invite us to his cottage. We are going.”

  “Fine.” Sylvia huffed. She watched her mother walk out of the room, not really walk, more like waddle. It was hard to stay mad at a lady who was as pregnant as she was.

  Her mother and father had tried for several years after she was born to have another baby. They had her young, and always wanted another one. After years of fertility treatment and trying very hard, they had no luck conceiving. When they had finally given in and stopped the treatments, she got pregnant. Both of her parents were overjoyed, and she was too. She was very excited to finally have a little sibling. Her mother was due in three weeks.

  Sylvia got up from the table and headed to her room. She texted her friends on the way there to let them know she would not be present for the party. She was not happy about it, but she would live. She would see Kent on Monday when they got home. After all, her father hadn’t seen his friend in a long time. Brian was one of her dad’s best friends, his wife died ten years ago and he’d been in and out of the country ever since. Last time he was back Sylvia was eleven. She is seventeen now.

  Her father’s other best friend, Richard, is going to the cottage too. He lives just down the street from Sylvia and her parents. Sylvia babysits his five year old daughter, Sophie occasionally. She doesn’t mind, because Richard is a total babe. Sylvia has no idea why any woman would ever leave a man as good looking as he is. She was hoping to put him on her list, but no matter how much she flirted with him; he never made a move, probably because she was his best friend’s daughter.

  She reached her room and she closed the door behind her. It’s a beautiful day outside, and while it’s still summer break, she is going to take advantage of it. She searched through her drawer to find a bathing suit that she could sun bathe in. She finds a black bikini and puts it on. She walks over to the mirror and looks at her reflection.

  Sylvia is tall, taller than her mother; she got that from her father. She has natural light blonde hair, green eyes and she is covered in freckles. She has long legs, and lots of curves. Her curves don’t bother her though, she’s happy with them.

  She struts outside in her bikini and sets up a towel on the back lawn. She lies there enjoying the sun and a good book for the rest of the morning and in to the afternoon. Natasha joins her at one point, and they both lay quietly.

  Eventually she decides to get up and grab a drink for each of them from inside the house. On her way to the kitchen, the doorbell rings.

  “I got it!’ She ye
lls to her mother.

  Sylvia turns the door handle and pulls the door open wide. On the other side of the door is Richard, her father’s friend. He has Sophie with him.

  “Oh hey Rich, Dad’s not home, are you here to see mom?” she asks him.

  “Hi Sylvie, actually I'm here to see you.” He smiled at her.

  Sylvia’s breath caught in her throat for a minute, why would he be here to see her? Maybe her flirting worked!

  “I have a last minute meeting that I have to go to before we leave tomorrow. I was hoping you might be able to watch Sophie for a couple hours?”

  Oh, right of course. That’s why he would be here to see her, babysitting. “Yep that’s fine; she can play in the back yard with Natasha and I.” she smiled at Richard. He smiled back. Man he has a nice smile she thought to herself.

  Sylvia bent over to pick up Sophie’s bag that Richard had set on the ground to ring the doorbell. She made sure that she bent over nice and slow, so that he got a good view of her body. He didn’t seem to notice.

  He thanked her and left. Sophie, Natasha and Sylvia spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the back yard. Richard came and picked her up before dinner with a promise to see them tomorrow.

  That night, Sylvia and Natasha got dressed up and went for dinner with their other friends. If she couldn’t be at the party she at least wanted to see them before school. While they were at the restaurant, Sylvia noticed a man at the counter. He had just sat down. He had dark brown hair; it was a little long and messy. He had a scruffy beard, and it looked to her like his eyes were brown. He was tall and muscular, and he had a whole sleeve of tattoos. Sylvia found herself to be very attracted to him. He was probably much older than her, but she didn’t care. Maybe if she stayed, she could add another number to her score.

  Well screw it, she thought. She was going to do it. She looked at Natasha and pointed to him. Natasha nodded her head. Sylvia got up and walked towards him, she knew the people that were sitting at the table across from the bar. She made sure that he had a good view and then she slowly bent over the table and started to talk to the boys. Her double D breasts looked great in the shirt she had chosen and gave her the desired cleavage. She made sure he was looking and then stood straight up again and said good bye to the boys at the table. She walked around it, in his direction. She watched him as she slowly walked by, and she ran her fingers along the table top in front of him. She did not stop however; she went in to the ladies room instead. Teasing was something she loved to do.

  When she came back out, she saw that he was watching her. Her friends were just about ready to leave. She wasn’t going to go with them, but she walked them outside. When they were headed to the door, she turned back, met his eyes and gave him a little wink.

  Sylvia got out side and said good bye to her friends. Then she picked the only vehicle in the lot that didn’t look like it belonged to an old lady, and she leaned against it. Turned out she had picked the right car. About fifteen minutes later, the hottie from inside strolled out the door and right up to the car she was leaning against.

  “Want to go for a walk? I know a great spot.” She asked him innocently.

  He didn’t reply to her, he simply leaned over and opened the passenger side door for her to get in. He came around the other side and started up the car. Sylvia directed him where to go and a short while later they pulled on to a dead end road with a quarry at the end. This was the spot that most high school kids came to make out. She was hoping for a little more than that.

  She unbuckled herself and climbed out of the car.

  “Where are you going?” The guy asked from inside the car. His voice was deep and rough and it made Sylvia quiver.

  “Going for a walk, what do you think?” She was teasing him, and she knew he liked it.

  He got out of the car and followed her. She walked to the edge where she could look down in to the quarry, if it wasn’t dark outside. He joined her there, looking in the same direction as her. She turned toward him and took one finger and slid it down the front of his shirt. She could feel the hard muscles under the fabric. He shivered as her finger got closer to the top of his jeans. She stopped there and lightly traced a figure eight, right above the button of his jeans.

  He couldn’t contain himself any longer; he bent down and picked her up by the back of her legs. She wrapped them around his waist and her arms around his neck. He pulled her head down and kissed her; slowly at first and then the pace picked up. She opened her mouth slightly and his tongue shot in. He tasted so good. He started walking towards the car; slowly because he wasn’t paying attention to where he was stepping. They finally reached it and her back pressed against the passenger side door.

  Once he had her against the door, he held her there with his torso and his hands started to explore. The reached behind her and up her shirt as far as he could go. Then he travelled downwards and grabber her ass. He grabbed it so hard she broke the kiss and gasped. She looked at him for a minute and then kissed him even harder. He pulled away from the door slightly and pulled the handle. The door opened and she fell in to the front seat. Luckily, the car was older and the front seat was a bench style seat. As soon as her back was on the fabric, he started to pull her jeans off. He took them and her underwear all in one go. He pulled hers and his shirt off at the same time. Then he leaned down and kissed her some more. His hand ran down her chest, scooped in to her bra and squeezed her nipple. She moaned. His hand started to move south again, grazing over her stomach and in between her legs. He massaged for a minute, and then pushed a single finger inside of her. He broke the kiss and spoke.

  “You’re so tight; I want to be inside you.” His voice was even huskier than before and he was breathing hard.

  “Get inside me then.” Her voice was full of grovel too.

  Without another word, he stood up, spread her legs a little more, rolled a condom on and gently pushed inside of her. He was big, but Sylvia took all of him. When he was all the way in, he moaned quietly. Then he started to pump, very slow at first; getting used to her tightness. Then he picked up the tempo. She angled her body so that every pump hit just the right spot. Their breathing was both hard and she couldn’t help but moan every time he filled her up.

  She wanted to switch positions; it was her turn to be in control. “Sit down.” She told him.

  He pulled out of her and he did as he was told. Once he was sitting, she climbed on top of him. She lowered herself on to his erection and he filled her up again. She placed her hands on the back of the seat and started to move. She was in control of the pace and the movement and she moved just right so that he hit her right where she needed it. She took one hand off of the seat back and stuck two fingers in her mouth. He watched her suck on them and moaned as she pulled them out. She reached down and started to touch herself as she rode him.

  He must have liked it because he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. His hands were on her sides, moving with her rhythm. This is what her curves are so good for.

  Sylvia felt the beginning of an orgasm, so she moved her hips a little faster. Between the penetration and her fingers, she knew she was in for a good one. Finally she was pushed over the edge and she felt herself gripping on to him inside of her, and that pushed him over the edge too. They fell together and enjoyed the ride.

  When the waves of pleasure had finally stopped washing over her, Sylvia lifted off of him and replaced her clothes, he did the same. He drove her back to the restaurant, kissed her hard one last time and she got out of the car.

  She watched him drive away as she was calling her dad to come and pick her up.


  The next morning, Sylvia got up, packed her bags, and they all loaded in the car. Her, her mother and her father were following Richard to the cottage. He had been there a few times when Brian had been home over the years.

  It didn’t take too long to get there, about a half hour or so. They pulled in to a long driveway and parked in front of the giant cottage
. Sylvia was expecting a little shack, but what this was, was a mansion. It was two stories high, with a giant deck on the main floor and a balcony to match on the second. The whole house was made of wood, and the windows and doors all looked to be brand new. There was a trail that led down to a private beach where a kayak and a paddle boat sat. Sylvia got out of the car and started to explore. She walked down to the beach to take a look, then she came back up to the house and went around the back. That was where she found the hot tub.

  No matter how much she didn’t want to go to the cottage, she was glad she did. The hot tub made it worthwhile. She could not wait to change in to her bathing suit and take a long soak.

  By the time she was done looking around the back, she could hear that Brian must have joined everyone else in the front yard. She followed the path, and as she came around the house she saw the back of him.

  “Ah, there you are Sylvia. Do you remember Brian?” her father introduced her as she walked up.

  Brian turned around to greet her and they both stopped in their tracks. He was the guy from the restaurant. The one she had flirted with and winked at and rode in his car. She could feel her cheeks flare bright red. She knew she had to say something so her parents didn’t think something was up.

  “Um, no I do not. It’s nice to meet you Brian.” She looked at him and he was smiling.

  “It’s very nice to see you again Sylvia.” He smiled at her again, a very sexy smile, and then turned back to the conversation with her parents and Richard.

  He wanted her again. No way that he didn’t. It sucked that her parents were there though, how was she supposed to get close to him with her dad there? Maybe that would make it more fun, she thought to herself, tease him a little more.

  Brian led them all in to the house and she started to explore again. The kitchen was huge, all brand new stainless steel appliances and a huge dining table. The living room was big as well; there was a very comfortable looking sectional couch and a couple of big chairs. There was a huge TV, which looked like it had a couple of different game consoles hooked up.


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