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Mercenary Little Death Bringer

Page 16

by Banks, Catherine

  Kato bowed. “I would be honored, Lady Marin.”

  I walked to the water pitcher up by the chef and holding the pitcher as if it were a porcelain tea pot, filled a cup of water. Once filled, I brought it back to Kato and sat it down in front of and then I sat down on the bench beside Mother. I picked up a piece of meat and chewed on it slowly with my lips perfectly closed, like a lady would. “My compliments to the chef! This is exquisite,” I called out.

  “Now you’re creeping me out,” Macon said with a smile, but I could hear a bit of sincerity in his tone.

  “Why sir! I am a lady after all!” I exclaimed and then nudged Mother who laughed loudly.

  “Alright you’ve proven your point,” she said, “Eat your food. I’m going to excuse myself so I don’t have to witness your barbaric transformation.”

  I waited until she left and then plunged into my food. “This is so good!” I said happily around my mouthful of food.

  The talking resumed in the hall and I was able to eat in silence. Favian waited until I was done and then tilted his head towards the door to indicate that he wanted me to follow him out. “Who sent the ogres after us?” I asked before standing up.

  “That was supposed to be a failsafe for Lawrence. He told us that if he were to die they would come. I thought it was a bluff,” Favian said with a shrug.

  “Well it was a good thing we had Marin here,” Macon said, “You were superb.”

  “Thank you,” I said a little in shock since I had never received such high praise from Macon before.

  Favian stood up. “We should go get ready.”

  I stood up and followed him outside. He pulled me in the opposite direction of the dorms and led me around to the stables, which were completely empty. He opened Fire’s door and pushed me inside before bolting it closed behind us.

  “What?” I asked feeling nervous. “Why are we hiding? What are we going to do? Paint something? Run away?”

  He lunged forward and wrapped me in a tight hug, pressing his face against my head. “Stop trying to die on me,” he whispered.

  I stiffened in shock, having thought that we were going on some bit of fun and finding myself having to console him instead. I hugged him back after a moment and then patted his back. “I wasn’t dead, just sleeping.”

  “Yes, but you were asleep for three days. We were worried you wouldn’t wake up,” he said as he continued to hug me. He pulled back and met my eyes. “I almost lost it when I saw him choking you,” he whispered, “I wanted to gut him and torture him for days until he begged me to kill him.”

  I smiled and kissed his cheek. “That is the sweetest thing any male has ever said to me.”

  He stared at me a moment and then burst into a fit of laughter. He hugged me again and sighed. “You are my best friend and I refuse to allow you to get injured again. From now on I am never leaving your side.”

  “You can’t be beside me when I relieve myself,” I said jokingly though the thought of him standing beside me while I had to pee was a bit frightening.

  “Obviously I’m not going to go that overboard,” he said, “But I can’t see you hurt like that again.”

  “Well, then I’ll just have to be more careful.”

  “I’m serious, Marin, from now on we are going to act like real partners and stay by each other at all times. No more going off and playing the heroine. I will protect your life with mine if need be.”

  “Favian,” I whispered, “You know I won’t let you die for me.”

  He smiled and whispered, “You’ll just have to try and stop me.” He stared into my eyes a moment and then kissed me on the lips. His lips were warm and soft against mine and he tasted sweet. My body tingled in happiness and I felt like I was floating on a cloud. I had wanted this, even dreamed of it and now it was happening. He pulled back, kissed my cheek and said, “I’m going to go get ready. You should as well.”

  I watched him go with the taste of him still on my lips and confusing feelings heavy within me. What the hell had that been about? I felt giddy and nervous all at the same time. I sat down against the back of Fire’s stall and closed my eyes. I knew now what the feelings I had been experiencing recently were.

  I was in love with Favian. I loved my best friend. How could I have not figured out my feelings sooner? And how could I have allowed it to happen?

  I knew I loved him and I also knew it was pointless. Despite the kiss he’d given me, he was the Elven Prince and I was just a human girl. I was ninety percent sure that he did not love me and I had to believe that or I would become bitter and overly jealous when he chose an Elven mate. I did not need the little bit of hope that that kiss had given me.

  I clenched my fists and nodded my head. I would stay his best friend and partner and I would have to dismiss my love for him, pretend it didn’t exist. As much as it hurt and as much as it was going to pain me, I had to do it for us. If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be able to work as partners and I refused to let that happen. It stunk that I had just discerned my feelings only to be forced to ignore them, but life was never fair.

  I took a deep breath of Fire’s familiar scent and the scents of the horses and hay around us to steady myself and then stood up. Fire nickered to me so I patted her side as I walked out of her stall. I walked to my dorm, ignoring all of those around me to change and begin this new chapter of my life. Favian was right, I was growing up. I was turning into an adult and a woman. I also had a kick ass nickname!

  Mother helped me change and insisted I at least put my hair up in a pretty ponytail. I knew better than to argue with the Queen and let her have fun putting my hair up and even let her put a little makeup on my eyes and cheeks to hide the slight bruising still there.

  I headed to the outdoor training arena and took my place beside Favian in line for the ceremony to being. Favian looked at me and smiled. “Mother insisted, I take it?”

  I smiled back. “Yes.”

  “It looks nice.”

  “Thank you,” I said and ignored the butterflies in my stomach as I recalled our kiss.

  Hundreds had gathered around the arena for the ceremony and I kept my smile in place. I was finally graduating. I was the first girl to finish the Academy and I had earned my place. Part of me worried that Lawrence had been right about having Favian beside me, but I also knew that it didn’t matter since he would always be beside me.

  Macon stood on the stage that had been constructed in the center of the ring and raised his hands to get everyone’s attention. “We are gathered here today to usher in a new group of mercenaries and guards.” He started the procession and one by one people went up and had their arm branded. I stood patiently waiting, but I began to worry when I was the very last student left.

  Macon turned towards me and I could barely see him from the corner of my eye. “This was an incredibly challenging year and none had their values and talents tested more than our first female attendee and our first every female graduate, Marin,” he said and clapped. The crowd clapped with him and I stepped out of line and walked up the stage to stand by Macon. “You have proven without a doubt that you are as skilled as the men and I am pleased to graduate you from this Academy and usher you into the life as a mercenary.” He pushed up my sleeve and the blacksmith pressed a hot brand into my arm.

  I kept my face completely neutral and held in any visible signs of pain as they branded me. I would appear as stoic as the boys had and I would not give anyone a chance to belittle me.

  “You not only passed all of our tests, but you also killed two hundred and eighty ogres on your own yesterday. You are a true example of a mercenary and I know you will make this Academy proud, Little Death Bringer.”

  I smiled and then bowed. “Thank you, Sir.”

  I walked down off of the stage and every student in the Academy and every person attending started clapping a cheering. My infuriating female emotions started to take over, but I held the happy tears in and walked to Father who bandaged my arm and then cleared his thro
at. “We are all very proud of you and I believe now is the right time to give you these.”

  Kato stepped forward and held out two silver swords with ornate carvings on the pommels. “These were your father’s swords,” Kato said as he handed them to me.

  “My father’s?” I asked in shock.

  “Your real father’s,” Father answered, “The one whom you must find.”

  “What?” I asked in shock, “What are you saying?”

  “The humans that raised you were your family, the woman was indeed your mother who gave birth to you, but your true father was not the man who was killed by the ogres. You must find your father,” Father said.

  I looked at Favian. “Did you know?”

  He shook his head. “I’m as shocked as you right now.”

  “How do I find him?” I asked.

  “You will find clues along the way, but it will be a long road and dangerous.”

  Favian smiled. “That’s no problem since she already has a partner.”

  “Why all the secrecy? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked.

  “We couldn’t tell you sooner,” Father answered, “We wanted to, but we were forced to swear an oath that we wouldn’t reveal it until you started unlocking your powers. I want to tell you more, but your Father has forbidden us from divulging anything else. He wants to see if you can find him.”

  “Why can’t he just reveal himself?” I asked angrily. “It seems like a lot to do for a little reward.” What did I care about a man that had never shown his face to me?

  “Once you find him he will unlock your true powers and give you one gift. To be given such things is a great honor and only those very deserving will receive them. Some never discover who he is.”

  “How many other kids are there?” I asked in shock.

  “You are the first in quite a while,” Kato answered, “There are none currently alive.”

  I took the swords because Kato was still holding them out and was shocked at how light they were. I spun them around a few times and then attacked an invisible villain. “Thank you,” I said to Kato and Father.

  “We also have a new belt for you since yours only has one sheath and isn’t made properly for carrying two swords,” Father said as he unwrapped a belt made by the finest Elven workers.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said as I eyed the designs.

  “Why does she get all the gifts?” Favian teased.

  “Your gift is that you are relieved from Princely duties for the next three months so that you two can go start your conquests,” Mother said, “But in three months you must return.”

  I hugged Kato, Father and then hugged Mother. “Thank you for everything.”

  “Go Daughter of the Elves and protect the country with your sword,” Father said with a smile.

  I put my new belt and swords on and then slipped the daggers Favian had given me into the slots in the belt.

  “Marin and Favian, I have a job for you,” Macon said as he walked towards us.

  “Already?” I asked in shock.

  He smiled. “It’s a perfect job for you. There’s a town about fifty miles south of here that has a dark forest bordering it. Inside there are three ogres who are reportedly kidnapping and eating people.”

  “I told you ogres are evil,” I said to Favian.

  He rolled his eyes. “So our task is to find the ogres and kill them?”

  Macon nodded his head. “Yes, and do it quickly.”

  I turned and smiled at Favian. “Ready?”

  Favian smiled back. “I’ve been waiting on you.”

  I ran towards the stables and snatched up my tack, working on Fire as fast as I could. Favian was right beside me working on Ice, but I beat him to it and was mounted and riding out of the school with him trying to catch up. Life wasn’t going to be easy and I still had lots of questions about my past and myself, but for now I was the happiest girl on the planet. I was a full fledged mercenary, my best friend was at my side and we were off on our first official mission to kill the monsters I hated most in the world. Sure I was in love with my best friend and I couldn’t ever have his love in return, but we were partners and I had him by my side. And sure I had learned that my father wasn’t the human male I’d thought, but at this moment I had everything I wanted in life and I vowed to fight with every ounce of my strength to keep that the same in the coming years.

  I am female and I am a mercenary!


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